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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障20系列】【20-15】科技

发表于 2013-6-19 13:21:34 | 只看该作者
The spiraling shapes in sunflower appear regularly in clockwise or counterclockwise. The reason is associated with hormone release. Scientists can use this finding to speculate the trend of the sunflower.
The passage introduces a kind of fish which can become father after their death. Female fish tend to live longer and can use sperms to span more offspring.
If India and China could clean up diesel emission on ship and other vehicles, greenhouse effects will be greatly relieved.
Some measures taken by India and China to address pollution.
However different emissions have different functions, we should only remove the emission which will heat the planet.
The situation if we get rid of black carbon aerosol.
One advantage of removing black carbon aerosol is that its effects act immediately.
However, professor emphasized that we should assure the removed emission will heat the planet rather than cool the planet.
Apart from the previous finding, MIT team found that m cells travel faster because they experience less friction.
Introductions of the experiments they used to get the conclusion.
The application of the research.
Obstacle 5:23
Put forward the question:what can science learn from google?
An example of economists who did his study before Internet was invented.
Though having abundant information and data, we still need to understand how it works and there is still much work need to be done.
发表于 2013-6-19 14:30:43 | 只看该作者
Many plants, such as sunflowers, grow in F numbers. This is becasue of the auxin 植物生长素, which is a kind of hormone, in the plants.
The female P can store the sperm inside their body long for a long time. This made the male P to be father even after they had been dead for a long time.
2'20''(今天我咋这么慢= =)
If we selectivly reduce some air pollutions, it may help our planet to delay the suffer from some climate problems, for example, the greenhouse effect.
Polluation like black carbon has effects immediately.However, the CO2 stays for years.So to control the polluation carefully and selectively is necessary. Polluation like CO2 should be controlled.
Scientists found that the cancer cells travels faser in narrow spaces becasue they experience less friction in narrow spaces. This is the physical aspect of the cancer cell transition.
Computer technology was doubted that it cannot contribute more to science. However, now many science studies are based on the computer technology. In the article, the author talked about the biology study, with the help of computer science, developed faster.
发表于 2013-6-19 15:19:50 | 只看该作者

发表于 2013-6-19 15:51:55 | 只看该作者

发表于 2013-6-19 16:05:15 | 只看该作者
T1  1.01
T2  1.19
T3  1.55
T4  1.33
T5  2.04
T6  4.55 科技如今已经应用到了很懂传统学科中,像是生物物理化学啥的,然后就讲了在生物领域中,学生物的要学习计算机分析数据啥的,然后一个学电脑工程的又开始学生物,学习去建模啥啥的!
发表于 2013-6-19 16:07:43 | 只看该作者
1. 2'40'':193 words
the structure of sumflower's spiral is interesting. the number of clockwise and conutclockwise spiral is is consecutive F numbers.
2. 2'12'': 220 words
sperm of male can last longer than the male's life.
3. 3'00'': 349 words
different aerosal pollutants have different effects on the climate. if contries control aerosal pullutant, not only the climate will be better off, but also ous health will be improved.
4. 2'28'': 284 words
an advantage of control aerosal pollutants is that the controling effect is immediate. To control the aerosal pollutant, we need a package of regulation standard.
5. 3'47'': 379 words
the mit scientists have hound that the m cells not only are deformable than regulare cells but can move faster.
6. 8'02'': 841 words
1) introduction of use computer science in research
2) biology for computer scientists: an example of a computer scientists conduct research in biology
3) rewiring cells: an other example of MIT researcher, who is doing research in genetic field even without a banchor degree
发表于 2013-6-19 17:02:32 | 只看该作者
1. 1'09'' special and consecutive floret arrangement of sunflowers and its good to flower growth, F number phenomenon is widerly spread in nature.
2. 1'04'' male goppies could be father after death, thanks to female goppies' long storage of babies and this fact benefits both sex.
3. 2'28'' countries could reduce air pollution by cutting pollutant resources. Different pollutants have opposite impact on weather, some decreasing the earth temperature while some increasing. Howeve, the overall impact presents to be lowering the global temperature.
4. 1'21'' Black aerosenal? should be cut as soon as possible despite little improvement since the bad effects for human health is enourmous. Government should promote policies on pollutants that raise temperature as well.
5. 1'25'' Changing elements in physical process of tumor spreading is still a hard topic for biology researchers. Now MIT are working on this topic by measuring cell size and flowing velocity. They find that metalistic tumor cells are more deformable and travel faster than unmetalistic ones.
6. 3'26'' today computer tools are widely used in any area and researchers should learn from Google. Some biology researches may require experimental IT skills and undergraduates are not qualified.
发表于 2013-6-19 17:23:03 | 只看该作者
T1        00:01:23.64        00:01:23.64
The secret of sunflower can do math.
T2        00:02:14.69        00:02:14.69
Why guppy can have offspring after death.
T3        00:02:20.33        00:02:20.33
T4        00:01:38.64        00:01:38.64
Selectively Targeting Aerosol Pollutants Could Reduce Climate Change
T5        00:00:55.23        00:00:55.23
O   00:01:33.26        00:01:33.26
发表于 2013-6-19 18:04:40 | 只看该作者
好喜欢今天的障碍阅读。。我这才知道什么叫pi-shaped!!有种career goal逐渐清晰起来的赶脚。。
发表于 2013-6-19 20:07:24 | 只看该作者
(1:04) Scientists have found that the spiraling shapes in cauliflower, artichoke, and sunflower florets share Fibonacci numbers
(1:10) Male Trinidadian guppy can become a father long after death.
(1:35) Aerosol pollutants have 2 different effects – warming and cooling. If there is a way to control the warming aerosol, we can slow down the global warming process
(1:36) The countries at least should reduce the emissions from diesel to reduce the pollution
(1:51) MIT team found that cancer cells seem to traverse narrow channels more easily because they encounter less friction
(4:02) What can science learn from Google?
A living example of a computer science person entered the field of bioinformatics
More and more professors are welcoming students who doenst have background in biology to join bio department
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