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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障17系列】【17-05】科技

发表于 2013-4-10 15:54:51 | 只看该作者
except for the fingerprints and DNA, everyone has his unique breathprint, which differs among individuals, a machine is made to directly the components of one's breath and shows the result on the screen.

NASA is going to have 2 programmes on exploring the space- TESS and NICER, TESS will focus on finding the planets which have the comparable size with earth and will make further study on them

Male genitalia differ from any other animals, and was fuelled by the preferences of women.women may judge men from their penis sizes and heights

If the size of the penis goes to extreme, it seems that it will not be liked by women, women prefer those slightly above-average sizes.
there is a peak of attractiveness beyond which the women's rating will decline. some scientists suggest that further study will be needed and may include women from other countries and cultures

turbulence may affect the flights, the concentration of CO2 may double in 2050s. To dodge strong turbulence, the pliots may make the flight paths longer and thhus the fuel consuption and carbon dioxide increase, which leads to more turbulence, making a viscious circle.

the most widely use renewable resources in the Eruope is woods. When the woods are considered renewable, its usage soared, but the theory that it is low in carboon seems bizzare. Wood is easily used and is widely accepted in power companies
with the increasing demands, the prices of the woods are soaring, hurting pulp and paper companies
woods release CO2 twice       
发表于 2013-4-10 16:34:33 | 只看该作者
1:18 Breathprints are found to identify people, this new technique could be applied in preventing conveying drugs and diseases.
1:45 Program T and N will is on plan by NASA. T is to collect information of diferent planet; N is to receive the ray emitted by neutrons.Both have important meanings.
1:29 It's not the size of penis alone decides the sexual attraction of male.
2:06 The result of the research show a U-curve of all 9 traits of male preferred by female. it is true that women like men with larger penis but the preference is limited, and debates of the research accuracy still exist.
1:39 The climate change will turbo the earth boosting. The effort will be apparent in the 2050s.
Wood is the most used method for energy.
Comparing to electricity, wood has lots of benefits.
Wood in EU can't meet the demand, they have to import wood from canada and america southern.
Wood is cheap, however, the price of wood surged these years.
Carbon neutrality is not as easy as prevously thought, so EU won't apply less-carbon policies.
发表于 2013-4-10 16:41:05 | 只看该作者
7'35 Wood is one of the most important renewable energy source in EU in order to reduce the carbon emission, and then there are several examples about coal-fired power plant in EU to demostrate. The price of wood rise up due to its subsititues of fuel, and then effect some other industries.
发表于 2013-4-10 18:17:51 | 只看该作者
第一天 加油!
发表于 2013-4-10 19:37:30 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-4-10 20:18:12 | 只看该作者
using wood is the future of European renewable energy. many energy providers plan to take participate in this industry,but the the rising of international wood price makes the energy providers must compete with the furniture producer and paper factories. in addition, if authority want to reduce the emission, the cost of provide energy will increase. it is hard to balance the emission and the cost.
发表于 2013-4-10 20:54:01 | 只看该作者
A new study found that Breathpritnts is a new way to differentiate persons\
Two missions are selected to explore the space.
Penis size is important to women.
A study shows that women would prefer middle size of penis. But there are limitations needed to be studied further.
A study shows that strength and frequency of atmospheric turbulence affecting transatlantic flights will increase.To avoid strong turbulence, the flight paths will become longer, the fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emission will increase, may causing more turbulence.
Source of renewable energy of Europe is wood. Wood consumption accounts for about half of the renewable consumption.
In electricity sector, wood has various advantages.
Target: get 20% of its energy from renewable energy by 2020. But it’s difficult to reach the target by solar wind or something else.
Method: scramble to meet the 2020 target is creating new energy.
       carbon-trading firm could get much money.
       EU are sourcing the Earth from wood. EU can’t produce not enough timber to meet extra demand,so it starts importation.
Result: Prices are getting through the roof-->put pressure on firms that use wood as an input.
Extra information:Wood produces carbon twice over----power station & supply chain
发表于 2013-4-10 21:22:06 | 只看该作者
time1 : 01'12'' breath can also be the signal as fingerprint to distingush someone from others. A kind of device is set to test the difference of each other's breath and the result shows that the indivisual's breath can really be particular. As a result, the future cancer test sample can take this method to simplify the process
time2: 01'42''  NASA will launch two programs. one is for ... the other is for... And the two programs will get the fund respectively
time3: 01'28''  penis szie does matter to woman. scientist wonder why. one approach thinks that the size of the penis is consistent with the height, but another approach suggests that women does not care about the size of penis. The research shows that the height, the penis size and ...are the critical standard of men's attractess
time4: 02'11''  bigger penis does not mean more attractiveness. There is certain limit of penis for woman. Some scientists said that this conclusion still need to be verified among the women from other countries. Woman prefers men with larger penis because larger penis indicates strong prductiveness.
time5:  01'42'' The density of industry air decides the frequency of the air turbulence of airplane
obstacle: 06''32''
The most wildly used engrgy is wood
==>list the status of wood energy in europe
==>Without wood energy, the engegy systerm of each country can not sustain
==> Wood business incurs more consumption of wood, so a method of producing wood should be found
发表于 2013-4-10 22:35:33 | 只看该作者
the breathprint can identify us from the other and the technique will come into use in the clinical treatment
TESS and NICER will put into use and find the plant in the same size of earth in the future
the researcher found pins have influerence in women about the sexual preference
women prefer larger pins but with a limit,beyond which the preference decline
the global warming cause more voilent turblance,inducing the longer airline.air travel will in turn cause more serious global warming
the most popular renewable fuel in EU is wood
according to a research,biomass combustion can reduce the carbon emission
but use timber as fuel will rise the fuel price and put pressure to other industrhy
acctually the biomass is not efficient since the carbon balance is regained in the long run but we need to see the effect immediately.
so EU take the inefficient method
发表于 2013-4-10 23:36:37 | 只看该作者
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