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[读书的日子] 答关于finance journals 排名及一些publication的情况

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发表于 2011-3-20 09:41:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Top 3 journals 是公认的。他们的acceptance rate is very low. JAQA也绝对是第四。再往下略有不准确。基本上是对于corporate finance journals 来说:Journal of Financial Intermediation (JFI), Review of Finance (RoF), Journal of Corporate Finance (JCF), Financial Management FM), and Journal of Banking and Finance (JBF)属于一个档次(其中JCF, JFI and RoF在上升,FM and JBF在下降)。 JFR 要更低一个层次。现在新出了一个review of corporate finance studies (RCFS) 努力要做成A journal但是还不太清楚。估计先要争取beat JFQA,再向A journals 迈进。

至于你说的那个AP, 看起来还是不错(so far so good)但是你要看他的pipeline如果那两个JFQA是他最好的paper 了,他其他paper 都在B level journal under review, 那他在top 80 schoolstenure的机会很低。If he is learning by doing and his other papers are shooting for A journals or R&R at A journals, 那么他就很有希望而且算是做的相当不错的。

top 50-80 schools tenure, 至少一到两篇solid A publication 是必须的。即使有3-4JFQA而没有一篇solid A publication, getting tenure is very unlikely. 再好一点的学校,会要求3-4A. 比如要求4 A publications的学校,If the person has 3 solid As (JF, JFE, or RFS) and 2 JFQAs, then he may get it. In other words, two JFQAs roughly count as an A publication conditional on you are on the margin and have other A publications.However, for example, the person has 8 JFQAs without any single A publication, it is very unlikely that he would get tenure in any top 50 schools.

A publication, when you go up for tenure, people will look at if it is a single authored or co-authored paper. Co-authored papers will be discounted in some top schools. 很多top 学校要求至少有一篇single-authored A publication for a successful tenure case. 即使是co-authored papers, it matters if it is coauthored with peer colleagues/phd students or it is co-authored with seniors/advisors/big names. 如果是前者,discount 会很小,如果是后者,discount会很大。如果是an A publication coauthored with 2-3 other people and one or two of them are big names or seniors, 那么就会被discount dramatically. 原因很简单, people will say this guy is simply an RA. If the person has all A-publications coauthored with big names/seniors, then his chance of getting tenure in top 30 schools would be quite slim (or zero chance for top 10 schools). 英年早逝的某一位学术前辈,刚出道几年就有9A, 但还会为很多 A publication都是和seniors/big names合写而倍受困扰。Some senior colleagues told me that “We want to hear your voice!”

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发表于 2011-3-20 09:49:38 | 只看该作者
多谢lz!very informative.
顺便问问econ journal在finance里头大概是个啥地位?是不是top5>=A,field top=A- or B?
发表于 2011-3-20 09:56:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-3-20 10:21:10 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-20 10:49:45 | 只看该作者
AER, JPE, QJE, Econometrica当然是A啦。而且会更被看中和尊敬。RES稍差一些, 但也算A。其他filed top journals, 基本上只有accounting top journals (JAE, JAR, and TAR)会被finance profession respected and considered as A journals when an AP goes up for tenure. 其他的 filed top journals 就要打很多折扣了。比如management science是非常top 的journal, 但是我知道很多学校的finance professors 觉得management is soft science and 颇为鄙视MS。所以每个学校政策不同, 没有统一的观点。再比如,如果一个人在journal of law and economics 发了paper, even though JLE is a top field journal, i do not think it is counted as an A journal in finance.

多谢lz!very informative.
顺便问问econ journal在finance里头大概是个啥地位?是不是top5>=A,field top=A- or B?
-- by 会员 zzmypster (2011/3/20 9:49:38)

发表于 2011-3-20 11:05:54 | 只看该作者
journal of Financial Market 也算b+吧
发表于 2011-3-20 11:43:34 | 只看该作者
very nice post!!!

btw, what is the requirement for tenure promotion in top 10 school? Do you think ppl like Joshua Rauh can get tenured at uchicago if he stayed there for another 2 or 3 years?
 楼主| 发表于 2011-3-20 11:53:09 | 只看该作者
for top 10 schools, a number of A pubs is a minimum requirement, but no guarantee. 非常难讲他们会tenure 什么人, kick out 什么人. 他们基本上会claim they want their APs to do research with large impact in the prfession before they get tenured. 但是什么是large impact research, 非常主观. 无数牛人被top school kicked out. For example, the current RFS executive editor 当年被columbia 开了。WFA past president and RFS past editor wayne ferson没有办法在芝加哥tenure even he had 10+ A publications. 最近的一个例子是martin cremers of yale. he has 10+ As 但是他没有tenure. 所以top school tenure case 很难讲。。。

very nice post!!!

btw, what is the requirement for tenure promotion in top 10 school? Do you think ppl like Joshua Rauh can get tenured at uchicago if he stayed there for another 2 or 3 years?
-- by 会员 kndx5 (2011/3/20 11:43:34)

发表于 2011-3-20 12:16:04 | 只看该作者
那看来即使是amir sufi那样的说不好在chicago也拿不到tenure了

那你说neng wang呢,在columbia 拿到full prof的时候一共也没几篇solid A,是因为paper的质量比较高?

for top 10 schools, a number of A pubs is a minimum requirement, but no guarantee. 非常难讲他们会tenure 什么人, kick out 什么人. 他们基本上会claim they want their APs to do research with large impact in the prfession before they get tenured. 但是什么是large impact research, 非常主观. 无数牛人被top school kicked out. For example, the current RFS executive editor 当年被columbia 开了。WFA past president and RFS past editor wayne ferson没有办法在芝加哥tenure even he had 10+ A publications. 最近的一个例子是martin cremers of yale. he has 10+ As 但是他没有tenure. 所以top school tenure case 很难讲。。。

very nice post!!!

btw, what is the requirement for tenure promotion in top 10 school? Do you think ppl like Joshua Rauh can get tenured at uchicago if he stayed there for another 2 or 3 years?
-- by 会员 kndx5 (2011/3/20 11:43:34)

-- by 会员 xiaotian24 (2011/3/20 11:53:09)

发表于 2011-3-20 12:45:24 | 只看该作者


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