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AI068 请指点

发表于 2005-10-20 00:44:00 | 只看该作者

AI068 请指点

“Since the physical work environment affects employee productivity and morale, the employees themselves should have the right to decide how their workplace is designed”

Views differ greatly when it comes to the issue of whether employees themselves should have the right to decide how their workplace is designed since physical work environment affects employee productivity and morale. Some people believe that the right of designing the work environment should belong to employees, while others insist that the job of designing the work place should be given to people other than employees. Different people hold different views due to their distinct backgrounds and experience. But for my perspective, I will argue in favor of this statement that employees ought to have the right to design and to decorate their work environment. In the following discussion, I would like to present some reasons and examples to support my point of view.

First of all, employees are the people who really work and stay in that environment, which needs to be designed, and it is no doubt that they realize how to improve the environment most. Generally speaking, the goal of designing the work environment is to escalate the productivity, thereby increasing the company’s income. It is the employees that understand and have the most stringent opinions about the pros and cons of the work place. For example, workers would know what kind of designing can effectively meet with the supervisor. They would have the useful suggestion that how to save their time on unnecessary and unfriendly decoration and improve their productivity. What’s more, they would definitely know what kind of production line is the most efficient and effective. As a consequent, employees are the most suitable people to design the work place where they spend a lot of time to reach their goals.

Secondly, through the process of designing the work place, employees can become more creative and companionate. When people are assigned to design something important, they usually feel interesting and absolutely will spare no efforts to do the best. It is the designing process that arise employee’s creativity that may be unrevealed in the daily routines. As a result, more creative an employee are, the more the company will benefit. For instance, in this competitive business world, everything is changeable. That is, a company with more innovative, interesting, and appealing ideas will step more close to the final success. When the human resource in a company is creative and competitive, it is the company that benefits the most. Consequently, it is a great chance to uncover the employee’s creativity via the process of designing.

Considering the aforementioned reasons and examples, I would like to conclude that assigning the right of designing the work environment to employees is advantageous. There are two main reasons: first, the employees are the ones who know how to make the environment friendly and comfortable most. Hence, it is employees that can create a most effective and efficient work place. In addition, via this designing process, employees’ creativity can be discovered, and the greater creativity a company owns, the greater profits it can earns. As a result, I firmly believe that it is the employees’ right and obligation to design their work places.

发表于 2005-10-26 23:46:00 | 只看该作者
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