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AIA013 请点评

发表于 2005-8-28 11:09:00 | 只看该作者

AIA013 请点评

A13. “Employers can best motivate employees not through raises and bonuses but rather by offering non-monetary highly-publicized awards for high performance (e.g., employee-of-the-month awards, special parking spaces, personal letters from management, etc.).”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

It is an issue of controversial that by which way should an employer motivates its employees. Different people with various backgrounds and experiences have difference perspectives. Some people hold that the employer should motivate its employees through raises and bonuses. However, others contend that employer can offer employees some non-monetary highly publicized awards for high performance. As far as I am concerned, I choose the opinion of the former group of people. The reasons are illustrated as follows.

First, monetary motivation such as raises and bonuses are the most realistic and direct ways. Different people have different desires. Most of the people in the society will take money as a more realistic way because it can buy anything while a reward may just be a reputation. For example, in our company, most of the employees with good performance, when asked to make a choice between monetary bonus and non-monetary awards, they chose the former one without hesitation. Because they think that they can use the money to buy something they want. But a reward is just a reputation with less value.

Second, monetary awards are easy to measure. In most of the business, the bonuses and raises are in positive proportion to the performance. For instance, I have a friend who works as a salesman. As per his advise, his company carefully calculates the bonus each year so that it can clearly reflect the sales performance of each salesman. Each salesman has a clear picture and number in mind of his own sales objective and makes every effort to achieve it. If all the people know that the rewards for their performance is the same non-monetary awards, no one will have motivation to proper the overall sales.

Admittedly, we cannot desire that some non-monetary awards such as publicized-awards and letter of management are sometimes valuable and helpful if the staffs want to have a job-hop or have a higher position in the community.

To sum, I support that raises and bonuses as monetary awards are more realistic and are more easily to calculate so that both a business and its employees can strictly follow it and take it as an efficient measure to proper the business.

发表于 2005-8-28 21:12:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用wendybao在2005-8-28 11:09:00的发言:

A13. “Employers can best motivate employees not through raises and bonuses but rather by offering non-monetary highly-publicized awards for high performance (e.g., employee-of-the-month awards, special parking spaces, personal letters from management, etc.).”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

It is an issue of controversial 这么说感觉很awkward 正确的用法好象应该是形容词加名词,或者是of加名词that by which way should an employer motivates its employees. Different people with various backgrounds and experiences have difference词性要注意哦 perspectives. Some people hold that the employer should motivate its employees through raises and bonuses. However, others contend that employer can offer employees some non-monetary highly publicized awards for high performance. As far as I am concerned, I choose the opinion of the former group of people. The reasons are illustrated as follows.呵呵以前说过了,wendy似乎注意改了,但是这次又忘了?As far as I am concerned,后面就不要再说I believe 或者I think这类的了,是一种不必要的重复。类似的也不要说In my opinion, I believe

First, monetary motivation such as raises and bonuses are the most realistic and direct ways. Different people have different desires. Most of the people in the society will take money as a more realistic way because it can buy anything 这个个人觉得说的有点绝对了while a reward may just be a reputation. For example, in our company, most of the employees with good performance, when asked to make a choice between monetary bonus and non-monetary awards, they 去掉chose the former one without hesitation. Because they think that they can use the money to buy something they want. But a reward is just a reputation with less value. 一段里面尽量不要重复使用一个词语甚至一篇文章里面都不要。例如这段的reputation用的就太多了。这个方面的练习可以参考精华区rhod斑斑的模版改造大法

Second, monetary awards are easy to measure. In most of the business, the bonuses and raises are in positive proportion to 这么说不大地道不如直接说proportionate to the performance. For instance, I have a friend who works as a salesman. As per his advise词性要注意哦应该是advice, his company carefully calculates the bonus each year so that it can clearly reflect the sales performance of each salesman. Each salesman has a clear picture and number in mind of his own sales objective and makes every effort to achieve it. If all the people know that the rewards for their performance is the same non-monetary awards, no one will have motivation to proper the overall sales.

Admittedly, we cannot desire是想说deny吧? that some non-monetary awards such as publicized-awards and letter of management are sometimes valuable and helpful if the staffs want to have a job-hop or have a higher position in the community.

To sum, I support that raises and bonuses as monetary awards are more realistic and are more easily to calculate so that both a business and its employees can strictly follow it and take it as an efficient measure to proper the business.


发表于 2005-8-29 22:13:00 | 只看该作者
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