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发表于 2005-7-14 15:20:00 | 只看该作者


Social learning in animals is said to occur when direct or indirect social interaction

facilitates the acquisition of a novel behavior. It usually takes the form of an 
experienced animal (the demonstrator) performing a behavior such that the naïve 
animal (the observer) subsequently expresses the same behavior sooner, or more 
completely, than it would have otherwise. One example of social learning is the acquisition
 of preferences for novel foods. Some experiments have suggested that among mammals, 
social learning facilitates the identification of beneficial food items, but that among birds, 
social learning helps animals avoid toxic substances. For example, one study showed 
that when red-wing blackbirds observed others consuming a colored food (30) or a 
food in a distinctly marked container and then becoming ill, they subsequently avoided 
food associated with that color (35) or container. Another experiment showed that house 
sparrows consumed less red food after they observed others eating (40) red food that was 
treated so as to be noxious.  Studies on non-avian species have not produced similar results, 
leading researchers to speculate that avian social learning may be fundamentally different from 
that of mammals.But Sherwin's recent (50) experiments with domestic hens do not support the 
notion that avian social learning necessarily facilitates aversion to novel (55) foods that are noxious
 or toxic. Even when demonstrator hens reacted with obvious disgust to a specific food, via 
vigorous head (60) shaking and bill wiping, there was no evidence that observers subsequently 
avoided eating that food. Sherwin's research team speculated that ecological or social constraints 
during the evolution of this species might have resulted in there being little benefit from the social 
learning of atability, for instance, selective pressures for this mode of learning would be reduced
 if the birds rarely encountered noxious or toxic food or rarely interacted after eating such food, 
or if the consequences of ingestion were minimal. (80) In a related experiment the same researchers 
showed that if observer hens watched demonstrator hens react favorably to food of a particular color,
 then observer hens ate more food of that color than they ate of food of other colors. These results 
confirmed that avian species can develop preferences for palatable food through social learning.

28-3: The primary purpose of the passage is to discuss the

A: techniques used in certain experiments on social learning in birds

B: reasons for the differences between social learning in birds and in mammals

C: question of how social learning manifests itself in birds

D: basis for a widespread belief about a difference in behavior between birds and mammals

E: possible reasons why birds may or may not learn from each other in a particular way

28-4: missing

28-5: According to the passage, which of the following is true of the experiments on domestic hens conducted by Sherwin’s research team?

A: Only a small number of observer hens appeared to learn to avoid food that was demonstrated by other hens to be noxious.

B: Observer hens ingested food preferentially only after numerous instances of witnessing demonstrator hens preferentially ingest that type of food.

C: Observer hens appeared unable to recognize when demonstrator hens found a particular food especially palatable.

D: Observer hens appeared unable to recognize when demonstrator hens found a particular food especially palatable.

E: Demonstrator hens altered their behavior less obviously in response to noxious foods than in response to highly palatable foods.

28-6: It can be inferred that the author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding the results of the recent experiments conducted by Sherwin’s research team?

A: The experiments demonstrate that social learning in avian species facilitates the identification of noxious or toxic foods.

B: The experiments suggest that social learning has made avian species less adept than nonavian species at learning to prefer beneficial foods and avoid noxious and toxic foods.

C: The experiments undermine the notion that most avian species have evolved in environments where there is little benefit to the social learning of unpalatability.

D: The experiments suggest that the acquisition of food preferences in avian species is largely unaffected by social learning.

E: The experiments show that social learning in avian species can promote the preferential consumption of beneficial foods but do not support the claim that social learning in avian species promotes the avoidance of noxious or toxic foods.


我的是E, E,  E  
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-15 12:50:03编辑过]
发表于 2005-7-15 11:33:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-15 12:47:00 | 只看该作者
没有少啊,我又把他编辑了一次,之前用word 粘过来,太长了显示不了,现在是全文了,从左到右顺着下来看就行了
 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-15 12:51:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2005-7-15 19:22:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-7-16 17:00:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2005-7-16 23:03:00 | 只看该作者

Social learning in animals is said to occur when direct or indirect social interaction

facilitates the acquisition of a novel behavior. 


It usually takes the form of an 

experienced animal (the demonstrator) performing a behavior such that the naïve 

animal (the observer) subsequently expresses the same behavior sooner, or more 

completely, than it would have otherwise. 


One example of social learning is the acquisition

 of preferences for novel foods. 


Some experiments have suggested that among mammals, 

social learning facilitates the identification of beneficial food items, but that among birds, 

social learning helps animals avoid toxic substances. 


For example, one study showed 

that when red-wing blackbirds observed others consuming a colored food (30) or a 

food in a distinctly marked container and then becoming ill, they subsequently avoided 

food associated with that color (35) or container. 


Another experiment showed that house 

sparrows consumed less red food after they observed others eating (40) red food that was 

treated so as to be noxious. 


 Studies on non-avian species have not produced similar results, 

leading researchers to speculate that avian social learning may be fundamentally different from 

that of mammals.


But Sherwin's recent (50) experiments with domestic hens do not support the 

notion that avian social learning necessarily facilitates aversion to novel (55) foods that are noxious or toxic. 


Even when demonstrator hens reacted with obvious disgust to a specific food, via 

vigorous head (60) shaking and bill wiping, there was no evidence that observers subsequently 

avoided eating that food. 


Sherwin's research team speculated that ecological or social constraints 

during the evolution of this species might have resulted in there being little benefit from the social

learning of atability, for instance, selective pressures for this mode of learning would be reduced

 if the birds rarely encountered noxious or toxic food or rarely interacted after eating such food, 

or if the consequences of ingestion were minimal. 


(80) In a related experiment the same researchers 

showed that if observer hens watched demonstrator hens react favorably to food of a particular color, then observer hens ate more food of that color than they ate of food of other colors. 


These results confirmed that avian species can develop preferences for 

palatable food through social learning.


28-3: The primary purpose of the passage is to discuss the

A: techniques used in certain experiments on social learning in birds          细节

B: reasons for the differences between social learning in birds and in mammals            无或细节

C: question of how social learning manifests itself in birds            非重点

D: basis for a widespread belief about a difference in behavior between birds and mammals。不仅仅指出其理论基础,还有反例来反驳该说法。

E: possible reasons why birds may or may not learn from each other in a particular way 有此内容

28-4: missing

28-5: According to the passage, which of the following is true of the experiments on domestic hens conducted by Sherwin’s research team?

A: Only a small number of observer hens appeared to learn to avoid food that was demonstrated by other hens to be noxious. 无

B: Observer hens ingested food preferentially only after numerous instances of witnessing demonstrator hens preferentially ingest that type of food. 无

C: Observer hens appeared unable to recognize when demonstrator hens found a particular food especially palatable. 反

D: Observer hens appeared unable to recognize when demonstrator hens found a particular food especially palatable.

E: Demonstrator hens altered their behavior less obviously in response to noxious foods than in response to highly palatable foods. 正确。

28-6: It can be inferred that the author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements regarding the results of the recent experiments conducted by Sherwin’s research team?

A: The experiments demonstrate that social learning in avian species facilitates the identification of noxious or toxic foods.作者指出了反例

B: The experiments suggest that social learning has made avian species less adept than nonavian species at learning to prefer beneficial foods and avoid noxious and toxic foods.作者没有此意

C: The experiments undermine the notion that most avian species have evolved in environments where there is little benefit to the social learning of unpalatability.无此意。

D: The experiments suggest that the acquisition of food preferences in avian species is largely unaffected by social learning.无

E: The experiments show that social learning in avian species can promote the preferential consumption of beneficial foods but do not support the claim that social learning in avian species promotes the avoidance of noxious or toxic foods.同意。


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-16 23:08:08编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-16 23:14:00 | 只看该作者
谢谢NNS的帮忙,顺便问一下楼上的racksun NN 考试时的阅读的难度如何?? 最近在做阅读总结,好像还是没有什么底啊!!
发表于 2005-7-17 00:59:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-7-17 23:20:00 | 只看该作者
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