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AI133 谢谢批改

发表于 2005-8-23 21:25:00 | 只看该作者

AI133 谢谢批改


133. “In any business or other organization, it is better to have managers with strong leadership skills than managers with expertise and work experience in a particular field.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


Should it is better, for any business or other organization, to have managers with strong leadership skills than managers with expertise and work experience in a particular field, such as certain materials suggest here? The problem seems to arouse controversy between different opinion groups. Whereas some may advocate that it is should be better for any business to have managers with strong expertise and work experience in a particular field than managers with leaderships skills, because in this way the manager could develop his skills fluently and guild others better. However, when recognizing that a more proper solution to the question can only be achieved by incorporating all relevant aspects I find no empirical evidence to wholly accept the author's position, which appears to be unconvincing in light of more persuasive assertion. So, I would like to support that it is better for the organization to use managers with strong leadership.

The most important reason, which I will substantiate my viewpoint in the following paragraphs, is that how we recognize the mission of the leader. One defining, which I totally agree, is that the leader is the people who, applying his brilliant leadership skills to every area of the company to the fullest extent, can discover and employ all of the qualified people, and then organize all of the available resource to make the interest of the company as big as possible. So, from this point of view, the manager, who possesses the smart leadership, is more qualified the skills that I list above. The organization should better to have managers with stronger leadership skills. However, this is not to say that the manager, with the expertise and work experience in a particular field is not satisfy the requirements I mentioned above, we just want to make his skills and work experience to be better use. Under this circumstance, we could have such manager to work in the particular department, taking full advantage of his potential skills that he is good at.

Another reason, which I believe to be equally important, is that, in common sense, everybody is expert in one field, thus he can concentrate on that field and make any effort to do the job well. Therefore, the people who are skilled in a particular field should be arranged in that field to make more achievements. If he were to be a leader, what he should do is how to guild people and how to organize the available resource, consequently, how can one imagine the leader do the study in a particular field the whole day, and also think about guiding the employee well. This is a case in our daily life. For example, if we have to write a long essay, but the other thing that we have to do is edit the passage of another people, in such situation, we could not concentrate ourselves on one thing, and the result will be not as good as we want to achieve.

Although, to oppose my view, some of my dissenter may contend that some leader in the company is the one who was a skilled expertise. Here we part company. To be honest, it is the case. However, we could not deny that such people would have to eventually leave that job and devote himself in the management field. Moreoverhe may be have to study how to be a good leader. So, why we use a manager with the strong leadership skills from the beginning?

In final analysis, because of the above-mentioned reasons, which probably interweave into an organic whole and become more compelling, we are safely arrived at that conclusion that the organization should have the manager with the well-built leadership skills.

发表于 2005-8-23 22:05:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用QingPan在2005-8-23 21:25:00的发言:


133. “In any business or other organization, it is better to have managers with strong leadership skills than managers with expertise and work experience in a particular field.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


Should it is better,

没有这么用的哦。一定要注意啊,第一段的第一个句子错了可是大忌。应该是Whether it is better

for any business or other organization, to have managers with strong leadership skills than managers with expertise and work experience in a particular field, such as certain materials suggest作为后置定语的不能是动词原形 here? The problem seems to arouse controversy between different opinion groups. Whereas some may advocate that it is should be better for any business to have managers with strong expertise and work experience in a particular field than managers with leaderships skills, because in this way the manager could develop his skills fluently and guild是想用guide吗? others better. However, when recognizing that a more proper solution to the question can only be achieved by incorporating all relevant aspects I find no empirical evidence to wholly accept the author's position, which appears to be unconvincing in light of more persuasive assertion. So, I would like to support that it is better for the organization to use managers with strong leadership.这个第一段实在是太长了。而且个人认为这个模版不是特别的地道不知道你是参考的别人的还是原创?建议压缩并参考更多的模版进行修改。

The most important reason, which I will substantiate my viewpoint in the following paragraphs, is that how we recognize the mission of the 还是冠词的问题这个地方我个人认为不应该用定冠词的leader.

这句话说的就比较awkward而且你没有使用连接词这在计算机批卷的时候就很吃亏。建议用in the first place 代替你那个巨长的定语从句

One defining, which I totally agree, is that the leader is the people who, applying his brilliant leadership 这个leadership已经有领导能力的意思了后面的skills就是多余了skills to every area of the company to the fullest extent, can discover and employ all of the qualified people, and then organize all of the available resource to make the interest of the company as big as possible. So, from this point of view, the manager, who possesses the smart leadership, is more qualified 这个地方缺成分啊应该还有一个to吧?the skills that I list above. The organization should better to have managers with stronger leadership skills. However, this is not to say that the manager, with the expertise and work experience in a particular field is 要用can不是系动词not satisfy the requirements I mentioned above, we just want to make his skills and work 要用working experience to be better use. Under this circumstance, we could have such manager to work in the particular department, taking full advantage of his potential skills that he is good at.

Another reason, which I believe to be equally important, is that, in common sense, everybody is expert in one field, thus he can concentrate on that field and make any effort to do the job well. Therefore, the people who are skilled in a particular field should be arranged in that field to make more achievements. If he were to be a leader, what he should do is how to guild people and how to organize the available resource, consequently, how can one imagine the leader do the study in a particular field the whole day, and also think about guiding the employee well. This is a case in our daily life. For example, if we have to write a long essay, but the other thing that we have to do is edit the passage of another people, in such situation, we could not concentrate ourselves on one thing, and the result will be not as good as we want to achieve.

Although, to oppose my view, some of my dissenter may contend that some leader in the company is the one who was a skilled expertise. Here we part company. To be honest, it is the case. However, we could not deny that such people would have to eventually leave that job and devote himself in the management field. Moreoverhe may be have to study how to be a good leader. So, why we use a manager with the strong leadership skills from the beginning?

In final analysis, because of the above-mentioned reasons, which probably interweave into an organic whole and become more compelling, we are safely arrived at that conclusion that the organization should have the manager with the well-built leadership skills.





 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-23 22:45:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-23 22:49:00 | 只看该作者


我还想问个问题就是, In the first place, ..这样的结构是说很普遍了吗,我想的换一种说法,那么若是计算机改,我是不是还是应该写in the first place 等

发表于 2005-8-23 22:58:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-8-24 11:33:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-24 22:55:00 | 只看该作者


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