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发表于 2005-7-25 23:20:00 | 只看该作者


A12. The following appeared in a memo from a vice president of Mama Mia's, a chain of Italian restaurants:

“Officials of the movie industry report that over 70% of the movies released last year targeted a teenage audience. Furthermore, national sales data indicate that the favorite food of teenagers is pizza. Since a branch store of Good Times Movie Rental opened on Center Street six months ago, sales of takeout pizza at our restaurant next door have been higher than at any other restaurant in our chain. Because the rental of movies seems to stimulate pizza sales, the best way to increase our profits is to open new Mama Mia's restaurants next to or very near all of the Good Times Movie Rental stores.”

这题从属关系很乱啊,到底那个sales of takeout pizza at our restaurant next door 指谁呀,读得不大明白,不放心,请NN们给个翻译,偶好踏实

发表于 2005-7-26 01:09:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2005-7-26 12:15:00 | 只看该作者

“Officials of the movie industry report that over 70% of the movies released last year targeted a teenage audience.


Furthermore, national sales data indicate that the favorite food of teenagers is pizza.


Since a branch store of Good Times Movie Rental opened on Center Street six months ago, sales of takeout pizza at our restaurant next door have been higher than at any other restaurant in our chain.

由于Good Times Movie Rental 的一个分支六个月前在中央大街开业所以我们在它隔壁的那家分店的外卖就比其他分支卖的都好。

Because the rental of movies seems to stimulate pizza sales, the best way to increase our profits is to open new Mama Mia's restaurants next to or very near all of the Good Times Movie Rental stores.”


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