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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障24系列】【24-03】经管 Yahoo!

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发表于 2013-9-15 01:22:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-9-15 10:43:53 | 只看该作者
2. (1:25)
Yahoo announced to by Tumblr, using its 1/5 of cash positions. In order not to destroy Tumblr’s image, Yahoo says that Tumblr will be operated independently. Analysts doubt its ability to make revenue.

3. (1:12)
Analysts believe that Yahoo paid a huge premium on the deal and wonder how much revenue that Tumblr can generate for Yahoo. Yahoo’s CFO, KG, claims that it can generate revenue by 2014, but he didn’t give any specific numbers.

4. (0:59)
The image issue along with other issues is raised after the deal.

5. (1:46)
There are some benefits that Yahoo can get from the deal. Tumblr can improve Yahoo’s image, and give it some competitive advantages.

6. (0:57)
Just like Google acquired YouTube and leave YouTube as it is, Yahoo will let Tumblr operate independently as a separate business.

7. (4:02)
There are concerns that if Yahoo will put Ad. on Tumblr. The 2 choices to deal with declining institutions are exit and go elsewhere. One of the most issues that analyst worried about is whether Tumblrs’ customers will stay. Tumblr is a user-generated business and loyalty is the most important thing to keep the business run. Yahoo is facing the challenge of maintaining the customers.
发表于 2013-9-16 22:27:19 | 只看该作者
1. 2:25 yahoo aquired t company to attract more young consumers to revise its media revenue.
2. 2:20 yahoo paid a big deal, 10 times than its revenue. Others are questioning about it
3. 1:08  yahoo will help to restrict the adult content on t. The young CEP, krap is not interested
4. 2:20 explain what yahoo needs from t company AND what will t company give yahoo
5. 2:15 why negetive sounds about t company:yahoo cannot change too much, they should benefit each other in their ways
acquired companies often failed.

6. 7:30 talking about one's stategy, and analyze how should yahoo cooperate with T- to change itself? or to end the marriage
.However, yahoo's sucess will depend on the aquisition.
发表于 2013-9-19 12:10:11 | 只看该作者
02:26 [134WPM]Yahoo announced to buy the famous company Tumblr for about 1 billion dollars, almost one fifth its cash pool. This transaction reveals the ambition of Mayer,Yahoo's CEO, to pull the company from a long term decline in business. Since the Tumblr has millions of blog and attracts great number of young people, Yahoo expect this merge may help it to dig a hold in the social midea field which is long considered to be the weakness of Yahoo.

02:27 [133WPM] The analysts questioned on how this transaction help to increase Yahoo's revenue since the AD income of Tumblr is relatively small. Althogh Yahoo's can put ad on Tumblr's website but may have the risk of losing visitors and generate little revenue.

1:37 [122WPM] One problem of the Tumblr is that this website is once flooded with pornograpic content, although now the percentage of such content fall to 5 percent, but the  influence remains. Yahoo said it can use some technology to prevent the disclosure of the sensitive content to certain group of visitors. Yahoo plan to put ad on the dashborad of the Tumblr, and Karp, the CEO will respond for this operation. Karp seem to be more interesting in the control of Tumblr before than in the money.

2:20[155WPM] Researchers believe this buy enable Yahoo to have more audience and relevance to coolness, if it can keep Tumblr a cool company after the acquistion. Also, Yahoo can benefit from the free user-created content.

02:31[130WPM] Can such transaction help Yahoo? Maybe yes maybe no. Yahoo may benefit from the increasing young audience brought by Tumblr, but how to make money is a quetions.Although the acquisition of Youtube seems to help Google a lot, but most of the buys are of nonsense.

6:31[140WPM]  Voices and rumors spread after the acquisition and reflect the risk behind the benefit. Some think that Yahoo buy Tumblr to be cool, however ,this is not the whole stroy.The most important point is the loyalty that user have to the Tumblr.Users may leave Tumblr and make the cool nonsense.Others think that Yahoo may learn something useful from Tumblr.
发表于 2013-9-21 09:22:17 | 只看该作者

1.35'Article 2: Yahoo spent a lot to buy Tumblr, a famous website for youth, and aiming to increase its audience by 50 percent.
1.45' Time 3 Yahoo paid a big bet for Tumblr, is it going to increase its revenue successfully? Still doubts casted on that. While, the fact is yahoo's share in the stock market rise up sharply since Mayer became CEO.
1.13' Time 4 Mayer claimed to reform the content of Tumblr which is used to be fulfilled by adult contents. Yahoo is planning to ramp up advertising with more news.
2.02' Time 5 Is yahoo able to keep the coolness, which is a big advantage of Tumblr previously and will Tumblr fits Yahoo's strategy? The answer is not that positive, as yahoo has to sustain Tumblr's imagine strength and win in the competitive market with other rivals such as Facebook and Google.
1.38' Time 6 It is still dubious to believe that Mayer's proposal will make a success. And suggestion has been made for Yahoo to keep the content of Tumblr and let it develop alone, the experience learnt from
Googel which bought Youtube. Plus, surely the time one merger works, many other companies had failure. With the new CEO Mayer,Yahoo has announced to purchase an rapid increasing social network blogging Tumblr for 1.1 billion, it might be a great opportunity for Yahoo to increase its busineess since there is no better way, while it also might be a big risk as billions is a quite big number of the acquisition.

4.13' Obstacle It might be better to leave Tumblr alone and keep its coolness, while, Yahoo acclaimed that loyalty would be a strategy at this stage since no similar platform as Tumblr in the market for the users, which means those users have few choices to escape. Yahoo learnt the experience from Googel which have only half control on its business in China and finally took the business back, thus Yahoo will guide Tumblr, revamp and transform it, rather than mere being the investo. However, the majority in the public still hope Yahoo could leave Tumblr alone and offer Tumblr CEO more chance to run the business, even get engaged in internal issues of Yahoo, and it is believed that the success of Yahoo will depend on its will to make a change.
发表于 2013-9-29 11:44:05 | 只看该作者
t2 yahoo's acquisition of tumblr is seen as a long-term investment to fit into its turnaround strategy
t3 the discussion of how to boost t's revenue
t4 t's adult content issue
t5 what y hope to get from the acquisition of t
t6 some difficulties that y will meet
ob: y->buy t->buy consumer's loyalty
    in an organization where entry is easy,exit may also ge easy
    importance of the growth of customer
    the bigger step too place after the acquirer had shown itself willing and ready to reform itself
发表于 2013-10-1 10:47:00 | 只看该作者
02'59 Yahoo mergered T company with a large amount of captial and works the company independly. However,
        some people think it is harmful program for yahoo because of  the overpaying and less profit in
        a short term. Yahoo believes the aquisition will increase their customers.
02'55 The M&A case is a exceptive case for yahoo.In the competitive enviroment, the M&A is what yahoo have to
        do. However, the case has boost up the share price of yahoo.
01'54  Mayer gave the explanination about that the reputation of T company may effect Yahoo. Finnaly, the article
        introduce the genius founder of T.
02'57 T will help yahoo to expend customer in demographic, especially in yong generation.
        T satisfy the development of Yahoo in mobile field.
2'03  the merger like this doesn't work. The best way for yahoo is to leave the T works alone.
发表于 2014-7-17 09:16:30 | 只看该作者
1 A 02:11
2 A 02:18
3 A 01:09
4 A 02:28
5 A 02:03
6 A 08:06
发表于 2016-10-5 08:56:08 | 只看该作者
Time 2  00:01:37
Time 3  00:02:29
Time 4  00:02:12
Time 5  00:02:19
Time 6  00:02:34
Paraphrase 7  00:07:13
发表于 2016-10-6 22:32:29 | 只看该作者
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