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[你问我答] 求助:逻辑10套里面的两道逻辑题

发表于 2012-10-6 11:53:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
8.Each of two particular inspection systems that are based
on different principles would detect all product flaws but
would also erroneously reject three percent of flawless
.Assuming there is no overlap between the
products erroneously rejected by the two systems and
also no interference between the systems if both operate,
using both systems and rejecting only those products
found flawed by both would be a way of avoiding all
erroneous rejections.

Which of the following most precisely characterizes the
reasoning in the argument?
(A)The reasoning is conclusive, that is, the conclusion
cannot be false if the statements offered in its
support are true.
(B)The reasoning is strong but not conclusive, if the
statements offered in support of the conclusion are
true, they provide good grounds for that conclu-
sion, though it is possible that additional infor-
mation might weaken the argument.
(C)The reasoning is weak; the statements offered in
support of the conclusion, though relevant to it,
by themselves provide at best inadequate grounds for the conclusion.
(D)The reasoning is flawed in that the conclusion is no
more than a paraphrase of one of the pieces of
evidence offered in its support.
(E)The reasoning is flawed in that the argument treats
evidence that a factor is necessary to bring about
an event as if it were evidence that the factor is
sufficient to bring about that event.

题目中, “reject three percent of flawless products”按我的理解来说指的是“将3%好的产品判断为坏的”,但是,对照答案来看(正确答案为A),似乎题目想要表达的是“有3%坏的产品检查不出来”。这个应该怎样解释呢?

10. Census data for Prenland show that unmarried
Prenlandic men in their thirties outnumber unmarried
Prenlandic women in that age group by about ten to
One. Most of these men do wish to marry. Clearly,
however, unless many of them marry women who
are not Prenlandic, all but a minority will remain

The argument makes which of the following assump-
(A) Emigration from Preland is more common
among women than among men.
(B) A greater proportion of Prelandic women
in their thirties than of Prenlandic men of the
same age would prefer to remain unmarried.
(C) It is unlikely that many of these unmarried
Prenlandic men will marry women more than
a few years older than themselves.
(D) Prenland has a high rate of divorce.
(E) Most of the unmarried Prenlandic men are
unwilling to marry women who are not

unless many of them marry women who are not Prenlandic, all but a minority will remain unmarried.”我一开始理解有误,all but 是“除了,几乎”的意思。而上面整句话的意思是“除非他们大部分人娶P以外的女人,否则很多人将会继续单身".

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发表于 2012-10-8 21:43:14 | 只看该作者
后面那道是C啊,文章里提到了这个男女比例是in that age group,所以是在一个年龄组的,这个年龄组里男的比女的多很多,但是别的组怎么样就不知道了,所以还有可能就是除了跟不是P族的女人结婚就是和不是同一个年龄组的女的结婚,所以C是对的
发表于 2012-10-8 21:39:11 | 只看该作者
我觉得第一题的reject three percent of flawless products就是会把好产品诊断成坏产品的意思,文章里说,两台机器搞错的好产品是不会一样的:there is no overlap between the
products erroneously rejected by the two systems ,所以两台一起用,只reject那些被两台都诊断为劣质品的就可以避免误判
发表于 2012-10-6 22:25:24 | 只看该作者
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