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[信息分享] 2 PhD positions in Information Systems at University of Miami

发表于 2022-11-13 04:48:07 | 只看该作者
Tripleg 发表于 2022-11-12 07:09
The data I came up with are based on various sources -- personal experience and observations, publi ...

感觉你的观念停留在10年前,您是faculty吧,您的数据是您当年找工作时候的老黄历了。对于finance和accounting,现在的数据基本就是teaching 11~13, balanced 15~18, research 18+了。
发表于 2022-11-13 05:28:13 | 只看该作者
Konley 发表于 2022-11-12 07:58

美国学校一般保证9个月工资(这是base),ap至少前几年一般会保证summer support,相当于2个月,所以base加上2/9就是全年的salary。
发表于 2022-11-13 05:32:37 | 只看该作者
Tripleg 发表于 2022-11-12 09:37
I took a passing glance at the publicly available faculty salaries at Univ Colorado 2020-2021 FY. Th ...

我已经说了,这个数字是非常typical的,你要是实在闲的无聊可以查一下各大state school比如umn, wisc, maryland, florida这类学校的公开信息就会知道现在market的行情了。
发表于 2022-11-13 06:52:58 | 只看该作者
zzmypster 发表于 2022-11-13 05:32
我已经说了,这个数字是非常typical的,你要是实在闲的无聊可以查一下各大state school比如umn, wisc, ma ...

我说了,为了了解一下实情,我真地查了一些AP compensations,绝大部分在$200K以下,包括这儿的Florida,也查到了Wisconsin有数据,但不太好找 AP compensations,另外再查一下Minnesota和Maryland,估计不可能这三家AP compensations都能达到或超过 $200K.

对的,Coronavirus似乎一夜醒来,发现整体来说AP Compensations确实增加了,但大体来说比我说的$120K-160K增加数额在$20K左右,因为达到或超过$200K,毕竟是在少数Top School,就那大家都滚瓜烂熟的那几家,数量极其小。

再聊一下,多举几个例子吧 (这些都是代表性的价格增长象征)。和10年前相比,MacDonald Hamburgers的价格几乎增加了一倍(很少去那儿,但好像是这样),房租的话,10年前$200或多一些可以租个大房子,但现在同样的房子甚至$500也不够了。所以,AP Compensations忽然增加这些是可以理解的,但我预计在可想见的未来,不可能再有增加,而最大的可能是稳定或降低了。

再回到主题吧。对于上面达到或超过$200K的学校,虽然数目也就是那几家,能去做AP的属于极少数,但这个数字几乎是Teaching School的两倍了(当然是平均了),钱也许并不是最重要的考虑,但实在不能缺少,所以也再借此机会鼓励Applicants最尽大可能去Top School 读PhD。

发表于 2022-11-13 08:37:30 | 只看该作者
永远没多远 发表于 2022-11-13 04:48
感觉你的观念停留在10年前,您是faculty吧,您的数据是您当年找工作时候的老黄历了。对于finance和accoun ...

I beg to disagree regarding teaching/'balanced' school AP salaries, although I am not familiar with these. I personally do not make a distinction between these two as they are essentially the same even though the latter may suggest a slighly greater research leaning. These compensations generally fall within the $100K - $120K/$130K range on average for all concentrations -- those below the $100K threshold are not uncommon, and those hitting the $150K mark or above are rare and so are 'flying pig' cases.

By the way, in case you misunderstood my message, I was talking about price levels as they were ten years ago, NOT AP compensation figures dating back to that time. Be courtesous -- no offense intended.
发表于 2022-11-13 09:39:36 | 只看该作者
Tripleg 发表于 2022-11-13 06:52
我说了,为了了解一下实情,我真地查了一些AP compensations,绝大部分在$200K以下,包括这儿的Florida, ...

发表于 2022-11-13 21:23:16 | 只看该作者
zzmypster 发表于 2022-11-13 09:39

Thanks for the follow up and information. For Florida, I only glanced over the compensation data for Finance APs, assuming that they are paid higher -- if only slightly -- than their counterparts in other concentrations. I did not spot any of them capturing the $200K mark and so hastened to that conclusion on Florida.  
发表于 2022-11-14 04:48:12 | 只看该作者
Tripleg 发表于 2022-11-13 08:37
I beg to disagree regarding teaching/'balanced' school AP salaries, although I am not familiar with ...

老师您不信的话可以问问dep今年招AP给的薪酬水平范围。我学校faculty是2/2的,今年新招的,金融+会计的AP确实就是22W的mean,25w的是比较优秀的,至于18W以下的确实是没有。相比而言我校ECO的associate professor才13W,老师还在和我们抱怨。
发表于 2022-11-14 05:36:31 | 只看该作者
永远没多远 发表于 2022-11-14 04:48
老师我没有误解你,可是你得数据确实有点老了,最近这两年找工作的数据,我说的数字算是2个标准差的,至 ...

Thank you for the detailed information. These 'surreal' figures do exist, as emphasized earlier, but only at a limited number of top schools (it's rare for non-top schools to offer skyrocketing pays, and among the exceptions are Univ of Colorado and most probably your school); hence, they are not representative in a statistical sense. My own research has corroborated my assertion. Have you done yours? Also, the differential between Finance and Accounting and other concentrations typically ranges from several thousand dollars to $20K (or somewhat higher), and anything higher would be unexpected and thus unreasonable.

Glad you mentioned compensations for Economics faculty. You are right, they have long complained that their business counterparts are significantly overcompensated, calling for such unfairness to be addressed.
发表于 2022-11-14 06:13:05 | 只看该作者
永远没多远 发表于 2022-11-14 04:48
老师我没有误解你,可是你得数据确实有点老了,最近这两年找工作的数据,我说的数字算是2个标准差的,至 ...

我已经放弃跟他讨论了。不管你给出多少数据,他永远是坚持这些都是outlier。问他自己的数据吧,他又拿不出来。实在是讲不通。更不用说最近一两年很多学校已经给到300k+了。随便举个例子UCLA给finance ap已经给到320k+了。
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