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[读书的日子] 准版主moontory和majia20112011吵架的神贴~技术or直觉?

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发表于 2010-11-10 12:20:15 | 只看该作者
I am not arguing with anybody. I am just pointing out a fact and defend myself against any insult. Don't disregard PhD students as some PhD students have huge potential to become successful faculty members. I am not talking about myself but in general.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-10 12:35:31 | 只看该作者
你误会了, 我没有insult 任何人的意思。

I am not arguing with anybody. I am just pointing out a fact and defend myself against any insult. Don't disregard PhD students as some PhD students have huge potential to become successful faculty members. I am not talking about myself but in general.
-- by 会员 majia20112011 (2010/11/10 12:20:15)

发表于 2010-11-10 12:59:45 | 只看该作者
You must have taken me as somebody else

你误会了, 我没有insult 任何人的意思。

I am not arguing with anybody. I am just pointing out a fact and defend myself against any insult. Don't disregard PhD students as some PhD students have huge potential to become successful faculty members. I am not talking about myself but in general.
-- by 会员 majia20112011 (2010/11/10 12:20:15)

-- by 会员 cwwlys (2010/11/10 12:35:31)

发表于 2010-11-10 13:14:49 | 只看该作者
Ross这牛皮吹大了啊。。。 Asset pricing 里面open question满地都是啊。太难,做不出来而已。。。。。

是的,一个stephen ross 的学生 跟我说stephen ross 觉得asset pricing的theory已经让他们给做完了,后面的人不用再浪费时间做了。

It could also reflect the reality that it is hard to publish in asset pricing, espeically in theory
-- by 会员 fzxc613 (2010/11/10 10:51:26)

-- by 会员 kndx5 (2010/11/10 11:39:11)

发表于 2010-11-10 18:40:19 | 只看该作者
好多建模本来就没什么economic intuition,而且不是跟实际社会联系一下就叫有经济直觉了。做asset pricing的多,有一部分原因是由于一大批数学物理背景的人非要往金融上转 然后不自觉就把金融拉到另一个方向。
 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-10 20:41:06 | 只看该作者
呵呵, 也是。否则一堆人岂不是没饭碗了

Ross这牛皮吹大了啊。。。 Asset pricing 里面open question满地都是啊。太难,做不出来而已。。。。。

是的,一个stephen ross 的学生 跟我说stephen ross 觉得asset pricing的theory已经让他们给做完了,后面的人不用再浪费时间做了。

It could also reflect the reality that it is hard to publish in asset pricing, espeically in theory
-- by 会员 fzxc613 (2010/11/10 10:51:26)

-- by 会员 kndx5 (2010/11/10 11:39:11)

-- by 会员 金融 (2010/11/10 13:14:49)

 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-10 21:07:30 | 只看该作者
仁者见仁, 智者见智吧。存在其合理。

不知道你又怎么解释很多其他学科都要往数学上靠呢, 比如心理学,体育运动学 (我就认识搞这两个方向的PhD)?

在我看来, finance无非是相对比较有吸引力,好多人都在做, 包括一些数学物理背景的, 数学被用到了极致, 以至于超出了finance作为一个应用学科所能承受的。asset pricing 不能成为主流是因为剩下的问题大家都做不动了。corporate finance成为了主流是因为大家还要paper 去拼tenure.  但是谁也不能保证某个大牛某一天又从新将asset pricing 带回主流。只能说目前这个market还不需要这么高深的数学而已。 其实asset pricing 和corporate finance 也不是exclusive的。

好多建模本来就没什么economic intuition,而且不是跟实际社会联系一下就叫有经济直觉了。做asset pricing的多,有一部分原因是由于一大批数学物理背景的人非要往金融上转 然后不自觉就把金融拉到另一个方向。
-- by 会员 lianghao (2010/11/10 18:40:19)

发表于 2010-11-11 02:18:46 | 只看该作者
I donot understand why people usually mix physicists with mathematicians. Physicists usually need very strong physical intuition, rather than math, to solve problems. Maths to physicists is the same as it is to economists, a powerful tool, but only a tool. Think about the special relativity, the mathematical formula had been worked out by Lorentz. But the real breakthrough only came truth after Einstein's insight of the relativity of speed and other physicial arguments.  In this sense, a good physicist should be proud of her physical intuition, rather than her mathematical ability. It is a pitty that so many people think maths is the only thing  physicists are good at.
发表于 2010-11-11 07:58:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-11-11 12:41:20 | 只看该作者
Good point. And that belongs to corporate finance.
-- by 会员 lianghao (2010/11/11 7:58:33)

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