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[申请总结] 求决选校建议!SSE VS Bocconi VS McGill VS UCL (各国混申党)

发表于 2017-10-17 03:14:42 | 显示全部楼层
DawnRocket 发表于 2017-10-16 20:35
Hi Cheese. This is Dawn. I saw your reply on 川续’s post. And I also have some interest in EU biz ...

suggestions are always case by case.

in general, economics is not a good preparation for those who wanna to be risk & some other quant dept.
for most risk management, and quantitative related role, it will be a better idea to go to math/stat/OR department instead of something hosted only by the business school / finance department, not to mention the department of economics. 你自己查一查, 美國top 10的MFE有幾多個是只是business shcool的就明白的了. (沒記錯就只有UCB, UCLA). 而歐洲這個趨勢則更為明顯, 尤其歐陸.

If you have look into the program structure of UZH economics, you will find it to be a very good economics one (one of the best economic department in European continental, but a master with big class size like around 120), but without much elective in financial economics and econometric. That's not a good idea. (You may go with a minor in, e.g. statistics there, but this is far from enough).
If you have to go to a economics program, but prepare a career in finance, I think it is quite important to select a school with a good location (e.g. Zurich is excellent, but visa-wise is horrible - be prepared to go Germany for internship and work). It will be also a good idea to get into a program with decent faculty, concentrations in financial economics and econometric (for quant side, i mean the Q side, stochastic and applied maths are more important somehow - but it is really rare to have those people in economics department).  Decent programming is always assumed for this path so I will skip that.

(within Switzerland for example) the best program for risk & quant is definitly the ETH+UZH MS QF, and if you are limited to those in economics department, then HSG MiQEF comes first.

Q: is a economics a good preparation for a general finance career?
A: it really depends on the reputation and the network of the school, and then the location (and visa). program structure comes third as those financial modeling stuffs are easy and can be self-learnt.
发表于 2017-10-17 19:03:11 | 显示全部楼层
DawnRocket 发表于 2017-10-17 16:27
Thanks for your reply!

Actually my major is acccounting , so if I directly apply for some quant ...

1. EU卡對口主修比US/UK嚴格不少.

2. not much idea about master in stat. haven't consider that at all before. (for personal reason)But what do you mean by statistic related, besides a standard MS in Statistics?  Things like machines learning specilization in a CS master? a econometrics one? a business analytics / data science one?  a quantitative finance one?  Or ?????

3. Visa is a huge problems for some countries, e.g. US, UK, but not the case for quite many EU countries. The main concern there is their local language.

4. Only quite a few universities overseas are well regarded in HK (target school / good enough to go through campus hire / enough to pass visa barrier without personal relationship) . I guess it is around 20 in US, 5 or 6 for UK, 3 to 4 each for Canada and Australia,  and I tend to say 0 or 1 for EU one (e.g. HEC works well for a french firm)  for business school.

5. You have too easy statistics and too little stochastic,  and too few finance/ derivative in any typicall business analytics master program to make you competitive for most serious risk and quant related role when compared to those from a financial engineering concentration of a MSF,  not to mention those from a solid mathematical finance one.

P.S. the plan doesnt sounds a reasonable one concerning the location aspect.
发表于 2017-10-20 19:29:20 | 显示全部楼层
DawnRocket 发表于 2017-10-20 09:01
謝謝Cheese的回復!看了你的回復我感覺應該要全面放棄EU了哈哈。我想試試申請美國stat的研,可能還想試試 ...

1. 軟件對口是遠遠不夠的…內容才是key.....畢竟軟件這玩意可以自己補,但內容就難多了(the key point of MFE --> risk is not because of the programming they learnt; it is about the stochastic and statistical modeling of the financial marketing.
要是programming是key的話, 那該是找一堆CS的去幹了 - what is the case for quant developer.)

2. 又一個想留美的business student.....呵呵,唉,只能說good luck 了

P.S. 建議你看一看荷蘭的.

发表于 2017-10-23 17:51:21 | 显示全部楼层
DawnRocket 发表于 2017-10-23 10:35
目前打算去考FRM補短板,不知道是否可行。現在轉申stat有點難,因為還需要重新考GRE。其實最近也在考慮是 ...

1. GRE is a must for those who want to apply for MFE - else you will haved much less choice.
2. 建議同時考慮一些較flexible 的MSF, which allow you to select more course on the quant and risk side.
发表于 2017-10-24 22:06:08 | 显示全部楼层
DawnRocket 发表于 2017-10-24 10:41
比较flexible的美国项目Cheese有推荐吗感觉自己不大了解MSF的情况,只知道几个名校的名字 ...

美國target school當中有開MSF的就那麼一兩間...不用介紹了吧?

不是target的, 這得看location吧.......? well, 其實是更看這visa policy 會變多壞吧?
发表于 2017-10-27 08:39:54 | 显示全部楼层
DawnRocket 发表于 2017-10-27 07:35
也是,哎。。。。。。那是否罗村BrandyMSF这个档就比较难在美国找工作了啊? ...

1. 這個.......你找找版上的舊生問問分享便是了.......
畢竟有意義的不只是單一的故事, 而是當中的過程, 和整體的數據.

2. pre-Trump vs post-Trump的影響自行估算吧.
发表于 2018-12-16 21:46:41 | 显示全部楼层
pino2 发表于 2018-12-15 23:56
Data Science  ...

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