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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—36系列】【36-05】科技

发表于 2014-5-6 23:57:08 | 显示全部楼层

like human can mimic the singing of other people, birds can mimic as well to steal food
animal mimic another animal is not rare
the real talent is that it can do the warning calls of multiple species

the male narwhal’s tusk is actually a tooth
a dentist researched the tooth and found that narwhals can detect changes in water salinity using only their tusks

why Asian-Americans often get greater scores than their white peers? the answer is that Asian-American students work harder
however, there are still some problems in the abilities of Asian-American students

a devastating landslide happened in Afghan 2 May
the region is so vulnerable that there is a high possibility to have a landslide
the rainfall-induced landslide can kill many people in a single time
landslide can create more dangers such as the blocking lake

the landslide can be predicted and avoid
landslides often happen in poor area in Asia
the accident in Washington State 22 March do not show that developed countries are also at a high risk of landslide
the landslide is so fast that even the message is sent, people can not react fast

using the theories about magnets, scientist put a model on the voting patterns in US presidential elections
there are only two factors influence the result of the election
some counties could feel the effects of social pressures in counties on the other side of the nation

why some animals eat their young
an example of bear, when the bear was born, her mother ate her siblings
it sounds very shocking, but it is common to keepers, that is the natural history of carnivores
when the kid is weak or sick, carnivores will consume babies or abandon them
ensuring that the strongest offspring survive
motherhood has a learning curve and it does not come to all animals naturally the first time
keepers sometimes need to ensure the animals feed their kids in an appropriate way
if the species is endangered, keepers should keep the kids from their mother to ensure kids can live and then return them to their social groups
the challenge will be reintroducing the kids to other sloth bears
the population of cubs is growing
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