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[阅读小分队] 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—40系列】【40-17】文史哲

发表于 2014-8-24 08:54:09 | 显示全部楼层
T2 1:30
Focus on the policies but not thecharacters.
Firstly, you need to pick a field which youare interested with and learn as much you you can in this field.
T3 1:54
The next step is find out what part ofgovernment is responsible for your interesting field and understand how itfunctions.
Then you can go back to see the soap operaand decide on your own judgment who are the best candidate.
T4 1:27
Why there are so many languages in thisworld
the scientists are looking for thesimilarities in many languages to find out what determine how we chooselanguages
T5 1:57
Some similarities are not explicit.
how the scientists find out this languagechanges and how they find it.
T6 142
since many languages are not written down,scientist cannot make a consensus what's the predecessor of all the languages.
However, recently a new discovery conveysthat the the process of creating a language may not change much across themillennia.
T7 11:52
In P, there are more female and minorityemployees.
Since Google reveals its pattern ofemployees, activating other companies to do the same thing.
In tech companies, like Apple and Ebay,there are more black and Asia.
Maybe, because P is not tech company, sothere are fewer black and asia.
Actually, it is fewer female students intech majority leads to this phenomenon.
1.elementary school not offer the tech knowledgeand misguide many female students. company should recruit more femaleand minorities.
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