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[校友答疑] 2015 HKUST (香港科大) MBA申请咨询答疑

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发表于 2014-9-14 20:24:06 | 显示全部楼层
Phyllis369 发表于 2014-9-14 17:07
听说CUHK今年的奖学金项目比去年多了好几个, 想问HKUST 的金有多少?

Sorry to bother these thread

To all HKU , HKUST alum and students, to show our maturity, we do not need to answer CUHK students or 槍手 thread. We start to receive many posts from them. Immature behaviour of them.
发表于 2014-9-14 20:33:23 | 显示全部楼层
ssslllmmm 发表于 2014-9-3 20:08
8年经验,在一家知名跨国香港上市公司做过book keeping,company scretary,和credit controll。然后在另一 ...

CUHK students and 槍手:

Sorry to bother these thread

We start to receive many posts from you. May we request CUHK student and 槍手 not post questions at HKU and HKUST thread. Such a distrubing and immature behaviour.

You may continue promoting CUHK at CUHK thread. Do not come to HKU and HKUST thread. Thank you for cooperation. God blesses CUHK.
发表于 2014-10-11 10:00:03 | 显示全部楼层
Maylicn 发表于 2014-10-5 12:18
谢谢Digimondna 的分享

Are you referring this news by your cuhk alumni? Have you talk with 左丁山?

He points this news In newspapers. Say city will replace cuhk.  唔好俾港大科大越拋越遠,甚至俾城大追趕上來,成為香港梗頸四. A topic in Hong Kong between CUHK and City U.


好彩,沈校長願意續任,鄭主席出席十場諮詢會後,知道有壓倒性絕大多數意見支持沈校長連任,大家都放心啦。左丁山懶懶地,冇去到,不過晚上去完林旭華嘅娶媳酒會之後,就由喜來登酒店趕過去金鐘港麗酒店參加新亞校友阮德添嘅娶媳婚宴,席間有不少中大校友講起早上之校長連任諮詢會,佢哋透露,幾乎個個發言都支持沈校長連任,可見校長深得人心。但與此同時,多數校友主流意見係希望沈校長在未來幾年要多多注視大學排名,唔好俾港大科大越拋越遠,甚至俾城大追趕上來,成為香港梗頸四。今年年初發表嘅三個排名榜,即 FT MBA榜、QS各學科排名榜以及Times排名榜,中大都表現平平,毫無突出之處,特別係在FT MBA排名前100名不入,校方雖然解釋係技術問題,但據左丁山收到中環商界校友嘅反應,好似唔多收貨,個個口出怨言,幾乎係群情洶湧。唔好話排名唔緊要,優秀學生與優秀教授選擇大學,首先就係睇排名,商界僱主、大學僱主亦然。
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