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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障17系列】【17-05】科技

发表于 2013-4-10 15:54:51 | 显示全部楼层
except for the fingerprints and DNA, everyone has his unique breathprint, which differs among individuals, a machine is made to directly the components of one's breath and shows the result on the screen.

NASA is going to have 2 programmes on exploring the space- TESS and NICER, TESS will focus on finding the planets which have the comparable size with earth and will make further study on them

Male genitalia differ from any other animals, and was fuelled by the preferences of women.women may judge men from their penis sizes and heights

If the size of the penis goes to extreme, it seems that it will not be liked by women, women prefer those slightly above-average sizes.
there is a peak of attractiveness beyond which the women's rating will decline. some scientists suggest that further study will be needed and may include women from other countries and cultures

turbulence may affect the flights, the concentration of CO2 may double in 2050s. To dodge strong turbulence, the pliots may make the flight paths longer and thhus the fuel consuption and carbon dioxide increase, which leads to more turbulence, making a viscious circle.

the most widely use renewable resources in the Eruope is woods. When the woods are considered renewable, its usage soared, but the theory that it is low in carboon seems bizzare. Wood is easily used and is widely accepted in power companies
with the increasing demands, the prices of the woods are soaring, hurting pulp and paper companies
woods release CO2 twice       
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