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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障16系列】【16-09】文史哲

发表于 2013-3-24 16:01:56 | 显示全部楼层
Beyonce is a favorite superstar and appears in many important events. In addition she is also mother and genious singer. The author is her loyal fan since she is a destiny'child and thinks she should focus on her singing career but not those cases. But the author admits that Beyonce may has her own opinion.
Internet systems of TV station, banks and some insurance companies in South Korea were attacked by hackers. And the police has investigated much money to deal with it. Some people think the attack was from north korea but the north korea did not admit it and the police do not have any evidence.
e-cigarette is very good invention which is not only good for smokers but also for bystanders. but some people object it. But they have no good reasons
Mr.Xi has become the president of China and he will make his first trip to Moscow to show his attitude to the America. China and Russia has a lot of cooperations and also has some problems but they become closer and begin to negotiate.
Mr.Xi dreams of renaissance of China and the army claims to give him support. China and America has urgent problems to handle but they are in a sensitive relationship now. The foreign minister, Yand, is also a important charactor in the process.
House of Cards is very good series. It is very clever to be sold together but not one episode a week. Scandal is a even better series because it is more interesting.
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