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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障23系列】【23-16】经管_Fannie and Freddie

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发表于 2013-8-22 00:11:31 | 显示全部楼层

President Obama proposes to unleash the housing market in a recent speech. The problem is that there is not enough landing. Moreover, middle-class people have not enough credits to get loans to buy houses. However, if the housing market returns to ordinary level, the economic growth will be 2.5%. So some solutions should be taken to solve those problems. The most effective solution is to wind down FM&FM. White House provides some other proposals.

T2 1’38’’
This part briefly demonstrates Obama’s proposal to wind down FM&FM.

T3 1’50’’
The further demonstration of Obama’s proposal and different view towards this proposal

T4 2’02’’
Mr. Obama focuses on providing more affordable rental housing.

T5 1’52’’
The past and current condition of F&F
The government has got a lot of money from such companies.
n. 紧急救助;跳伞

T6 2’25’’
The large amount of money taken from F&F is economic disaster because the government does nothing with the money.
n. 僵局;极端严重的全面交通壅塞
vi. 交通阻塞
n. 意外之财;被风吹落的果子;意外的收获
Federal Reserve(美国)联邦储备系统

Obstacle 9’31’’
The definition of “capture”
Take the airline industry as an example to demonstrate the definition of “capture”.
Another famous example of “capture” is FM&FM.
Several criticisms towards FM&FM.
The government ignoredthe great risks exposed to taxpayers.
The author disagrees with the opinions held in certain book. (sorry…I forget what the opinion is )
Enormous blame must go to the commercial and investment bankers.

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