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[录取汇报] teaching school的好与坏?23 fall fin phd选择

发表于 2023-3-14 10:52:34 | 显示全部楼层
The above comments, pretty much focused on research, teaching, and job search while one is in a PhD program, are insightful and illuminating. To add to those from a pecuniary perspective, the starting compensations for entry-level APs at teaching schools are typically in the $100K to $120K range, while those at research schools are around $200K on average (significantly higher for Finance and Accounting, generally). Also, teaching schools provide far less faculty research support than do research schools.
Your descriptions of these schools suggest that they belong to Tier 4 or Tier 5 in our Placement Rankings. If so, a teaching school would almost be an assured destination. But do not foresee yourself 'Tang Ping' half a year before you embark on your program. If you aim high while staying 'low' and do exceedingly well, there is always the chance to get into a what we call 'balanced' school or even better. Outliers are far and few between. though.
By the way, it is interesting that the current buzzword 'Tang Ping' has sneaked its way into our forum. As I understand it, the term seems to imply a passive or monastic way of life as an antidote to societal pressures to work hard and get ahead.

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