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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障21系列】【21-11】经管

发表于 2013-7-23 13:07:50 | 显示全部楼层
Time1: 2:44 [374]
People lose trust with the financial industry especially after the economy crisis in 2008. And this passage also states the definiation of bitcoin and how it works in the platform of phone, computer.

speculation:n. 投机;推测
legitimate:adj. 合法的;正当的
tamper:vi. 篡改;干预
tamper with:篡改;贿赂
tabletn. 碑;药片

Time2: 2:01 [321]
The bitcoin works like TCP/IP protocle to transimit in the internet. The usage of bitcoin is growing and affects more and more people and areas.

egyptian:adj. 埃及的;埃及人的

Time3: 1:33 [226]
People are lossing trust to the tranditional economic institute and bitcoin is getting more and more robust, even though we know it will induce some bad factors as well. Unites States doesn't support bitcoin however the usage in other countries is growing.

derivative:n. [化学] 衍生物,派生物
seize:vt. 抓住;夺取
terrorism:n. 恐怖主义;恐怖行动
slow:adj. 慢的;减速的
shutter:n. 快门;百叶窗
tacitly:adv. 肃静地
geopolitical:adj. 地理政治学的
ramification:n. 衍生物;分枝
boggling:vi. 犹豫,退缩

Time4: 2:09 [357]
Definitely, the usage of bitcoin need regulation. But people should try to use it and we can expect promising outcome from it.

guardrail:n. 护栏;栏杆

Time5: [Warm up]: 0:43 [101]

Time5: 2:15 [361]
People should be more skeptical about putting coin in the Winklevoss ETF. People should consider the following risks:1)Bitcoin may be illegal 2) People do not have enough experience to manage bitcoin 3)build up the trust 4)the price is not stable

outlaw:n. 歹徒;罪犯
rower:n. 桨手
contradiction:n. 矛盾;否认;反驳
volatile:adj. [化学] 挥发性的;不稳定的
manipulate:vt. 操纵;操作

Obstacle: 5:33 [802]
perpetrator:n. 犯罪者
wiretap:n. 窃听;窃听装置
informant:n. 被调查者;告密者
prosecutor:n. 检察官;公诉人
overwhelmingly:adv. 压倒性地
shady:adj. 成荫的;阴暗的;名声不好的
nuance:n. 细微差别
tailor-made:adj. 特制的;裁缝制的

People in US hate the people who get advantage in cheating. The author claims that the 2008 economy crisis was induced by shady practices.
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