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发表于 2004-8-10 23:08:00 | 显示全部楼层


Questions 6-7

Rotelle: You are too old to address effectively the difficult issues facing the country, such as nuclear power, poverty, and pollution.

Sims: I don't want to make age an issue in this campaign. so i will not comment on your youth and inexperience.

6. Sims does which one of the following?

(A) demonstrates that Rotelle's claim is incorrect

(B) avoids mentioning the issue of age

(C) proposes a way to decide which issues are important.

(D) shows that Rotelle's statement is self-contradictory

(E) fails to respond directly to Rotelle's claim


7. Rotelle is committed to which one of the following?

(A) Many old people cannot effectively address the difficult issues facing the country.

(B) Those at least as old as Sims are the only people who cannot effectively address

the difficult issues facing the country.

(C) Some young people can effectively address the difficult issues facing the country.

(D) If anyone can effectively address the difficult issues facing the country, that

person must be younger than Sims.

(E) Addressing the difficult issues facing the country requires an understanding of

young people's points of view.


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