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发表于 2008-6-25 03:21:00 | 显示全部楼层
What are the most important factors to a company's long-term succes? This is a very comprehensive question and might gets different answers from different people.  The author here asserts that a company's long-term succes is primarily dependent on the job satisfaction and the job security felt by the company's employees. My point of view is, the job satisfaction and the job security are both critical, but the  job security might be a double-edged sword .

First of all, I would like to point out the obvious linkage between the morale of employees and their feeling about  job satisfaction and the job security. If one company cannot provide its employees with basic satisfaction, the morale will be down to the bottom, which will cause the work efficiency get down with it and inevitablely bring down the competence of the company.  If one company cannot provide its employees with basic security, the following consequence will be that everyone is trying to find a backup gor themself, for instance, a new job. The more time spent on sending out resumes and preparing for job interviews, the less time spent on their work at hand.  And I can't see how a company can achive  long-term success under such circunstances.

Secondly, a company  long-term success rely on proper motivation of their employee. And we all know that the best motivation is the self motivation. Only when an employee feel satisfaction and security in his job, then he can see his bright future linked with the company's bright future. Then he can self- motivated and keeps creatings more profits for the company.

Third, a company cannot achive long-term success without bring in the new blood- new human rescoure into it. The most important thing for a company is valuable employee. However, without great reputation in job satisfaction and the job security, a best candidate would not be attracted to join the company. In that case the company can't  maintain a long run of success. Take google company for example, it's so famous for its active working envioment and the delicious food- provided to its employees for free. And what we saw happenning next? Thousands of best engeneering rushing to Google from companies like Microsoft, Yahoo . And that brings the golden age of Google.

Last but not the least , the job security is a complicate factor. If employees have too much of it to feel that they don't need to fear for dismiss at all, then the  job security might impair their work efficiency.  To avoild such results, a conmpany might consider provide "just enough"  job security.

In summary, I agree with the authur that a company's long-term succes is primarily dependent on the job satisfaction and the job security felt by the company's employees.  However, a little bit more comtrol of the level of the  job security might bring even better outcomes.

30分钟里写出的第一篇issue…… 好烂

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