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Scientists have made genetic modifications to cotton to increase its resistance to insect pests. According to farmers' report, the amount of insecticide needed per acre to control insect pests was only slightly lower for those who tried the modified seed than for those who did not. Therefore, since the modified seed costs more than ordinary seed without producing yields of higher market value, switching to the modified seed would be unlikely to benefit most cotton farmers economically.
Which of the following would it be most useful to know in order to evaluate the argument?

正确答案: D









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发表于 2004-7-7 01:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
I do not like B. It still does not gives you an amount that makes the benefit and cost comparable.

I pick E, which indicates that those farmers who used the modifiedseeds have special needs for pesticide based on the use of"exceptionally". And their needs could be different from most farmers.
发表于 2004-7-21 04:39:00 | 显示全部楼层


Your focus is on the economic benefit in the argument and mine is on the "most". Let me use both questions and compare:

If answe to B is yes, we still do not know the scale of cost difference. If you argue that a cent cheaper is enough to make it economically beneficial, the answer to B does not have to be "yes" because less pesticide is used anyway. So even if less expensive, it is still possible that the modified cotton will require pesticide that cost less.

If answer to E is yes, which means that these farmers use exceptional amount of pesticide, it indicates that these farmers are not among most farmers. Therefore, the argument does not hold no matter what.

发表于 2004-7-21 12:50:00 | 显示全部楼层

It is quite clear to me: if the experiment is done on a sample of farmers that are not representative of "most farmers", the conclusion that "most farmers" will have similar result will not hold.

For example: By switching to low carb diet, Tom does not lose much wieght. Therefore we conclude that "most people" will not lose weight on low carb diet. However, whether Tom has been consuming a "exceptionally" low carb diet will help evaluate the argumant. If yes, Tom is not among the "mist people" and his result is not typical. We cannot draw a conclusion on "most people" based on an experiment of unqiue person.

发表于 2004-7-23 22:51:00 | 显示全部楼层

Regarding your point 2, I think we need to know what "evaluate" means. If E is true, my evaluation of the argument is that the argument does not hold because the premises cannot lead to the conclusion. Do I need to know for sure whether it will benefit most farmers? I do not think so.

If you really want to know whether it will benefit, you cannot come to any conclusion with answer to B. Because you are evaluating the quantitative aspect of the argument, you have to show the exact comparison, more or less. As I said earlier, you cannot say more or less whether your answer to B is Yes or No.

My evaluation is whether the argument is correct. I am not obligated to show whether it will benefit most farmers. My focus is on assessing the argument, not coming to a conclusion.

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