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[揽瓜阁精读] 244.high land

发表于 2023-3-9 12:05:31 | 显示全部楼层
main idea: the highland was once forest and the reasons supported the view. several different interpretations.
p1.the view and three reasons
- all creatures are living in the forest
- one creature has been recovered along with the trunks tree and tree fruits 被发现
- pollen x is forest vegetation
p2. several different interpretations on the vegetation of m highland
-b: climate change in late q contributes to highland change
- d: response to the seasonal lack of rainfall
-r: response to the seasonal dry climate& wind ? 1.l&m can hold water;2.fog & can maintain the water balance

new words:
mosaic: 马赛克;拼凑而成的(这里理解成森林草原镶嵌)
fog drip: 雾滴水
dew condensation: 结霜
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