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[揽瓜阁逻辑小分队] day126

发表于 2023-2-15 10:31:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2023-2-15 11:06:47 | 显示全部楼层
Day 126
1.        视力障碍的人
People with a certain eye disorder are virtually unable to see in moderately bright light, which seems to them unbearably intense, since the cells of their retinas are overwhelmed by moderately bright light. These people do, however, show normal sensitivity to most components of dim light. Their retinal cells are also not excessively sensitive to red components of moderately bright light.
The information above best supports which of the following hypotheses about people with the disorder described, i they have no other serious visual problems?
A.In all moderately dim light in which people without the disorder can read large print, people with the disorder cannot read such print.
B.In an otherwise darkened concert hall, these people will see a dimly iluminated red exit sign more clearly than small dim white lights that mark the aisles.
C.These people typically see more acutely at night and in dim light than do most people who do not have the disorder.
D.Eyeglasses that are transparent to red components of light but filter out other components of light help these people see in moderately bright light.
E.These people perceive colors other than red in the same way as do most people who do not have the disorder.
-D dim light光中所有光波正常,moderately bright light时只有红光正常,所以滤掉其他会好些

2.        大雾和飞机
一个机场总是被大雾笼罩,arrival 的 delay 是 10%,departure 的 delay 是 20%,但是结论是这个机场到底是不是大雾 delay 是一个 myth,选 support
A. 有的时候有 frog,但是飞机照常起飞
B. 超过半数的飞机是往来于某个城市的,这个城市的延误率特别高
C. 着陆好像更 easy了
-支持“大雾导致延迟是个myth”,也就是说不一定是大雾导致。C明显无关;B感觉是他因,是这个城市导致机场延迟,而不是大雾导致。但是备选答案是A,不太明白。题干:机场总是被大雾笼罩,“总是”感觉概率至少20%以上,而延迟率只有10 20%左右,那就代表有些日子有frog飞机照常起飞了。所以我觉得A只是换了种方式描述题干啊,不理解。。。

3.        养猫还是狗
In United states-today,有1/3 的人家里至少有只猫,有1/3 的家里至少有只狗,但是统计数据表明有 half of united states families have neither dog nor cat, even any other pets. 问解释。
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