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问Gmatprep 107

发表于 2007-2-20 09:16:00 | 显示全部楼层

问Gmatprep 107

107. The United States will be affected by whether Taiwan develops a closer relationship with mainland China or preserves the status quo, since the island nation is the United States’ seventh-largest trading partner.

A. The United States will be affected by whether Taiwan develops a closer relationship with mainland China or preserves the status quo

B. Whether or not Taiwan develops a closer relationship with mainland China or preserves the status quo affecting the United States

C. Whether or not Taiwan develops a closer relationship with mainland China or the status quo is preserved, it will affect the United States

D. It affects the United States whether Taiwan will develop a closer relationship with mainland China or preserves the status quo

E. It affects the United States whether or not Taiwan will develop a closer relationship with mainland China or preserve the status quo

答案选a,我选的d,但解释说D的whether ...or 不平行,是指时态不平行吗? A用被动不好啊。


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