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楼主: 严龙伐虎
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[学校信息] 加拿大 Rotman 商学院 半年360°就读感受,希望能帮到正在犹豫中的各位

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发表于 2017-3-16 01:21:18 | 显示全部楼层
严龙伐虎 发表于 2017-3-16 00:32
如果你是想移民的话,不用担心,毕业后走EE 或者 ONIP都应该能够在你3年工签之内帮你拿到枫叶卡。工作的 ...

Doing my second coop now in a small accounting firm. The big problem is that compared to the small market in Canada, the big five MBA schools supply too many MBAs. Only in Toronto, Schulich, Rotman and Smith have almost 1000 MBAs each year. I did think to apply Rotman, but finally went to U of T in Mississauga for MMPA. One thing is true: employer cares more about Canadian experience and some wonderful candidates are overqualified for the entry level work.
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