
标题: 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—37系列】【37-07】经管 Sex Industry [打印本页]

作者: TaoRs92    时间: 2014-5-30 20:09
标题: 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—37系列】【37-07】经管 Sex Industry
内容:TaoRs92  编辑:TaoRs92

Official Weibo:

Hi~这周为大家送上一个人民群众喜闻乐见的主题--Sex Industry(是我喜闻乐见。

prostitution 召妓/卖淫
trafficking 非法交易
freelance 自由职业者
escort 受雇陪同社交(尤指女性)

第二篇和第三篇是关于美国的Sex Industry。
Obstacle主要介绍日本的Sex&Love文化。岛国在这方面为它的国民也为我们(我 提供了很多乐趣呀~


Part I: Speaker

Al Vernacchio:
Sex needs a new metaphor. Here's one ...


[Rephrase 1, 8min 24sec]
作者: TaoRs92    时间: 2014-5-30 20:09
Part II: Speed

dongguan sex workers
China’s Sex Industry ‘Too Big to Fail’
By Lu Chen, Epoch Times | February 19, 2014

[Warm Up]

      China has launched a high-profile campaign against prostitution recently, with loud editorials in the state-run press and round-ups of hundreds of prostitutes who are humiliated in front of the cameras. No media organization in China is allowed to question the campaign, according to recent propaganda directives leaked online.

      The purpose of the thunderous crackdown is to show that Communist Party leaders are serious about attacking corruption—and prostitution is a great hotbed of corruption.

      Simultaneously, however, analysts are questioning whether the crackdown is really being conducted in earnest. Over the last few decades, prostitution has grown so much that it seems simply impractical to stamp out entirely. It’s a backbone industry of the country now.

[118 words]

[Time 2]

Target Dongguan

      The manufacturing city of Dongguan, in the south of China, was the first target of the arrests and propaganda. Official media congratulated the hardworking police who arrested nearly 1,000 prostitutes and clients in nearly 200 locations.

      This is only a fraction of the sex industry in Dongguan, however: the sex industry there is had an annual turnover of 50 billion yuan ($8.2 billion) last year, about a seventh of the city’s GDP, said a source familiar with the industry in an interview with Oriental Morning Post, a newspaper in Shanghai.

      Dongguan’s economic growth has been above the national average since the 1990s, when the sex industry there took off, the report said. Dongguan is also a manufacturing and assembly center, however.

      The source told the Oriental Morning Post that there are 250,000 prostitutes in Dongguan, embedded in places of business like saunas, leisure clubs, hair salons, massage parlors, and nice hotels. Hundreds of thousands more are in associated industries, like jewelry, cosmetics, and transportation.

National Prostitution

      Dongguan is perhaps an extreme example of what goes on across China.

      Although the sex industry is not considered in the National Bureau of Statistics reports, some researchers in and outside China have looked at the issue.

      Wu Hai, a hotel CEO in China, published an “Analysis of the China Sex Industry and Its Impact on Hotel Management” in 2012, which revealed some startling numbers.

      The report indicates that the total value of prostitution each year is nearly 500 billion yuan ($82 billion) per year, and that there are around five million sex workers. The price of sex transactions vary depend on the place, but the nationwide average is about 200 yuan ($33) per incident, the report says.

      The World Health Organization says that China had an estimated four to six million sex workers in 2008. The industry has expanded rapidly since 1990s.

[317 words]

[Time 3]

‘Too Big To Fail’

      He Qinglian, a Chinese economist now living in the United States, said that the sex industry makes a huge contribution to the Chinese economy.  

      In fact, it’s “too big to fail,” she wrote in a recent analysis for Voice of America’s Mandarin service.

      “If China’s economy cannot create new jobs for these grassroots people, an industry that’s connected to 5-7 million people’s careers, and 20-30 million people’s livelihoods (including family members that sex workers need to support) will tenaciously come back, even though some of the authorities want to crackdown on it.”

      Activists in China have called for decriminalizing the sex industry, in light of the recent crackdown and the entrenched nature of prostitution.

      He Qinglian said that decriminalizing it would lessen the threat of triads to sex workers, encourage them to undergo regular health exams, and possibly decrease the instances of group sex, often reported to be ordered up by corrupt Chinese officials.

‘Gray Zone’

      Rapid industrialization and modernization in China after the Cultural Revolution was the seed for the growth of the sex industry, according to Pan Suiming, president and professor at Institute of Sexuality Gender of Renmin University of China.

      The reforms in the late 1970s led large numbers of Chinese to join the sex trade, after they had lost their land in the countryside. The influx of prostitutes served a rapidly growing rich population, Pan write in his “History and the Sex Industry.”

      Official corruption has been another major stimulus to the growth of prostitution in China. Communist Party officials pay for their trysts with public funds, and sexual bribery is a constant in official transactions in China.

      Chinese law says that prostitution is illegal, but it is so rampant as to render the law mostly meaningless—except when the authorities wish to carry out a political campaign.

      “The sex industry in China has become a gray zone between the law and reality,” said Zhang Tianliang, an independent analyst of Chinese politics, in an interview.

      “On the one hand the Communist Party wants to whitewash itself by not legalizing the sex industry. On the other hand, all levels of Party officials indulge themselves at those places, making it difficult to ban.”

      Protection from officials and police is another reason why crackdowns are always short lived.

      “The crackdown on prostitution always punishes the prostitutes, who have no political connections or power,” Zhang said. “A lot of the fines from those crackdowns go into peoples’ pockets. And the sex trade in some places is controlled by people with political ties.”

[458 words]

Source:The Epoch Times

An escort slips into a high-heel shoe in Washington D.C.
Tiana Markova-Gold/Redux
New report details vast sex economy
03/18/14 04:57 PM
By Meredith Clark

[Warm Up]

      The illegal sex industry in eight U.S. cities brings in nearly $1 billion a year, according to a new study on sex trafficking and prostitution published Wednesday.

      The Urban Institute study, which was funded by a grant from the National Institute for justice to study human trafficking, examined underground markets for sex and child pornography in Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, Miami, San Diego, Seattle and Washington, D.C. The study is the first to take such an in-depth look at how the illicit industry functions.

      “Because it’s an underground economy, getting reliable information from individuals is very difficult,” Meredith Dank, a senior research associate at the Urban Institute told msnbc. While many earlier estimates on the size and structure of the underground commercial sex economy were based on anecdotal evidence from small samples of people within the sex industry, “what we tried to do was take a more scientific approach.”

[154 words]

[Time 4]

      The study found that factors like a lack of economic opportunities, community encouragement and exposure influenced both pimps and sex workers to enter the industry. And, while the study was focused more toward parts of the sex trade that involve coercion or manipulation, the researchers also interviewed 36 sex workers to get a sense of how the industry has changed for them and to study that side of the economy. “Those numbers are part of the estimate as well,” Dank says. “It wasn’t only focused on pimps and traffickers, but those who were more ‘freelance’ as well.”

      One of the findings that intrigued Dank was the fact that in six of the eight cities studied, the sex economy shrank from 2003 to 2007. The economic crash of 2008 didn’t spare the sex industry either; pimps and law enforcement officials describe special deals and dramatically lower prices in the wake of the crash. Looking at why those decreases happened and what implications expansion and contraction of the underground commercial sex trade might have now could be a fruitful line of future research, Dank says.

      Because the grant that funded the study wanted research on human trafficking and was commissioned by the Justice Department, the report paints an incomplete picture of the sex industry, according to some observers. “The Justice Department funded this study, so it seems official but is hardly impartial,” Melissa Gira Grant, author of Playing the Whore: The Work of Sex Work and a journalist who covers sex workers’ issues, told msnbc.

      Grant says she worries that the study could be used to further marginalize sex workers under the guise of fighting trafficking, an issue Dank admits is something advocates and law enforcement officials need to be conscious of. “One thing that we made sure not to do, was say we need more arrests, particularly around those who are engaging with the sex trade,” she told msnbc.

      “If we’re really focusing on trafficking, a lot of times sex workers and even some trafficking victims are being criminalized as a result. We do not say it’s the right way to go.”

[372 words]


Escort girls await customers at Berlin's exclusive Night Club Bel Ami on May 16, 2006 in Berlin, Germany.
(Andreas Rentz/Getty)
The Economics of Sex Work
Thursday, March 13, 2014

[Time 5]

      A landmark government study released earlier this week finds that the sex trade can be a very lucrative business.

      The report, commissioned by the Justice Department from the Urban Institute, compiled data from eight cities: Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, Miami, San Diego, Seattle and Washington, D.C. According to the report, the trade is most lucrative in Atlanta, where it rakes in $290 million annually—more than the underground drug and gun trades combined.

      The study also examined the sex trade in the internet age, where advertising sites like have radically changed the business. Robert Kolker, an editor at New York magazine, examined this issue in his book, "Lost Girls: An Unsolved American Mystery." Kolker began his research by exploring a string of prostitution murders on Long Island.

      He uncovered a range of economic issues that push many women into the sex trade, topics familiar to Melissa Gira Grant, author of "Playing the Whore: The Work of Sex Work."

      Gira Grant and Kolker discuss the challenges facing many women in the industry, and how the economics of sex work have changed since the birth of the internet.

      "I think [the sex trade] is fundamentally different—it's as different as the book industry has been over the last 10 years," says Kolker. "The internet has disrupted sex work, in my opinion, almost as substantially. There are a lot of people that aren't working walking the streets anymore, they aren't working with a pimp anymore, they aren't working with an escort service anymore, and they're just using the internet—BackPage or formerly Craigslist—to be solo practitioners or freelancers."

      Kolker says while this report sheds light on some aspects of human trafficking, he says this report ignores this substantial change in the sex trade.

      "Anyone new who might be getting into the business, if they're not being trafficked or coerced, they're probably doing it on their own," he says. "This study seems to focus more on pimps than the high-end escort services or the freelancers."

      Kolker says that the internet as a vehicle for casual sex work has grown since 2007 and believes that the report may have had an heavier emphasis on this if it were commissioned slightly later.

      "This study was commissioned in 2007 and in 2009, something like 30 different attorneys general got together and called Cairgslist the new Times Square," he says.

      Gira Grant says the report focuses more on pimps than on independent sex workers because the DOJ has been more concerned about sex trafficking. According to a 2012 report from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, trafficking for sexual exploitation is more common in Europe, Central Asia and the Americas, while trafficking for forced labor is more frequently detected in Africa and the Middle East, as well as in South and East Asia and the Pacific.

[475 words]

[Time 6]

      Additionally, the U.N. report shows that trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation accounts for 58 percent of all trafficking cases detected globally.

      "They didn't get to talk to the kind of people in the sex trade that work independently and who are unlikely to come in contact with law enforcement," says Gira Grant of the DOJ report. "They're getting a very skewed picture of the business that doesn't even itself fully represent how many more people are working on their own and how many more people are using the internet to take charge of their work."

      Gira Grant adds that the reason the sex trade has migrated online is because law enforcement have been and continue to aggressively police the streets.

      "That's something that's almost totally absent from the study," she says. "It's not surprising that the study can't report itself on how criminalization actually shapes the sex industry, how where the police are more apt to police shapes the sex industry, and in some ways the total failure of that."

      Additionally, Gira Grant says that the report from the DOJ recommends that police crackdowns increase and pursue other parts of the sex trade, a strategy she says misses the larger problem—she says aggressive policing has failed people and driven them to the internet, which can put them at greater risk.

      "There's a grey area in commercial sex work—people do it for a lot of different reasons," says Kolker, echoing Gira Grant. "The focus remains on trafficking, even though they can't quantify the problem. Even if they think there are fewer underage workers in it now, they don't seem interested in widening their lens and looking anything beyond the idea of coercion and trafficking."

      Since the start of the recession, Gira Grant says the business has changed a great deal.

      "Sex work has moved in doors, gentrified and privatized, and that's happened even more over the last few years," she says.

      Gira Grant says that in the years after the recession and up until today, more and more people who would never solicit a customer on the street may not have a problem using the internet to freelance as a sex worker as a way to get an additional source of revenue while facing steep economic pressure.

      "That's one of the most dramatic changes I've seen—somebody who might not ever intend to do this for a long time can put ad up and do a little bit of work here and there if they need to just make the difference between now and the end of the month to their rent," she says. "That's actually quite a different idea of what sex work looks than most people are used to—this is really something people can do occasionally or casually and it doesn't identify who they are, it doesn't make them a criminal and it doesn't make them a victim. It really is a way to earn an income in a really tough time."

[502 words]

Source:The Take Away

作者: TaoRs92    时间: 2014-5-30 20:09
Part III: Obstacle

Geisha culture--艺妓文化

Japan’s Love / Sex Industry
Posted on 23.02.2014 by Web Editor

[Paraphrase 7]

      The Japanese sex and love industry have dissected the concept of a relationship and have replaced each dismembered part, individually package and priced. Whether it’s sexual or emotional fulfilment you require, the industry provides it: from sleeping on a strangers lap; to dates with dressed up girls and sex with dolls. Sex and love are just another commodity, like the Panasonic in your sitting room or the Toyota on your driveway. Such activity plays a significant component of the economic structure of the third largest country in the world (measured by GDP); Japan’s ability to commodify even the most sacred parts of human life leaves no surprise to their success.

      Just another example of the cruel and inhumane nature of capitalism is it?… but the truth is that everyone is a winner! Japanese men and women can indulge in sex, companionship and even an innocent cuddle, the only thing left out is the commitment, which an increasing number of Japanese people believe to be just a hassle. Love and money have become inseparable and for many Japanese people love does not exist without money: if you haven’t got money, you fall in love for it; and if you do have it, then you buy pseudo love with it. Marriage and families are becoming an old tradition as more and more Japanese ally their duty to their work. This is becoming increasingly true of women who are more economically empowered; resulting in 50% of women aged 18-34 being single. No marriage means no babies hence Japan is becoming a “greying population”, having the steepest population decline in the world.

      Japan faces difficulties with prostitution, human trafficking and the black sex market. These industries are run by a particularly notorious group of individuals called the Yukuza, Japan’s bigger and better version of their American/Italian Mafia cousins. Partly as a result, Japanese laws against prostitution are half-hearted. Officially prostitution is forbidden, yet there are no set punishments; and since paying for sexual intercourse is, by law, prohibited, brothels have found loopholes by developing various industries for clients engaging on non-penetrative sex with prostitutes. These are provided in “fashion health”, “image clubs” (in which women wear uniforms such maid, nurse, policewoman and office worker) and SoapLand (where clients are massaged). There is a problem for Japan in that these industries are highly thriving, an established fashion health/image club brings in roughly 3 million dollars a year in revenue, is visited by 32, 5000 customers, is open 12 hours a day… there are 1,021 of these shops in Japan.

      However, prostitution is a global problem, not at all specific to Japan, what really sets Japan apart is their established sex and love industry that takes place in the public and legal sphere; not in dodgy back ally’s but in some of the busiest parts of town. This is quite ironic since the Japanese are a renoundley modest and private nation; it is seen as perverted to kiss your girlfriend in public yet perfectly acceptable to “sleep with” a stranger in the daylight hours in the middle of Tokyo’s business district of Akihabara.

      Despite Japan’s unreliable laws on prostitution, surely sleeping with a stranger is forbidden, or at least frowned upon wherever you go? Well Japan’s ‘Soineya’ takes “sleeping with” quite literally. Any paying customer can walk into Akihabara’s Cuddle Café, pick up a menu and order various types of services, including sleeping in a girl’s arms, a girl sleeping on your lap or even sleeping on a girl’s bottom. The first Cuddle Café was opened in September 2012 and is one of Japan’s most peculiar services; not in its explicit nature, but purely in the oddness of the experience. Here, men or women can replace the cold loneliness of single life with a warm hug from a stranger.

      Love hotels also cash in on the love/sex market, yet not in such a perverse manner as brothels. A hotel room can be taken out for a couple looking to “rest” for either two hours or the whole night. Since the beginning of the 19th Century – but more noticeably from the boom years of the 50s/60s – young couples, couples having an affair, and couples looking for a private space outside the crowded home have been able to walk into a Love Hotel on a whim, rarely approached by a member of staff. The novel idea is in the design, there are rooms designed to provide for every taste and fetish: from rooms equipped with a kinky array of sex objects to Star Wars themed rooms, they provide a space for the Japanese to spice up their sex life by officially marking the “hotel” as a place to “rest”. It is believed there are up to 30,000 Love Hotels across Japan, creating an industry that is worth four-trillion yen (nearly 24 billion pounds) a year, a statistic that makes it impossible to refute the role of love and sex in the economy. It has even been recognised as a recession-proof industry, explaining the surge of interest to cash in on it.

      There also exists services outside the bedroom and physical intimacy. There are over 200 Hostess Clubs in Japan where women are employed to accompany and entertain men at bars: the better the entertainer, the happier the customer; and the happier the customer, the more drinks bought. Again, the customer pays for his happiness but both man and industry win in this economic exchange. However, it is questionable how firmly these relationships exclude physical intimacy, the mama-san (who looks after the hostesses) ensures their safety but it is clear that how far the hostesses are willing to go for their commission is in their own hands. Hostesses, however, are not to be compared with prostitutes and are an integral part of mainstream Japanese life. Business deals are made and clients entertained at these bars and it is a place for hard-working Japanese men to blow off steam after work – and sleep off on their commute or in the office. The questionable nature of the legal industry does occasionally throw itself at us in headlines, such as a case in 2000 of a Japanese businessman killing British bar hostess Lucie Blackman and Australian hostess, Carita Ridgway; both of which had been lured into the precarious form of work, like many prostitutes that are lured in by the Yukuza.

      Hostess clubs are more reminiscent of the well-known traditional Geisha culture of Japan, commonly misconceived as prostitution; they are primarily female entertainers, where “entertainment” consists in the most part of dancing, music and games. When looking back on the traditional practice of the Geisha, is becomes apparent that Japanese men have historically not been constrained to being faithful to their wives, sexual delights are not a taboo and for such delights men have gone to courtesans rather than their wives; this was encouraged as “pleasure quarters” built in the 1600s allowed for prostitution to be classified and licensed within. The traditional sex/love industry of the Geisha culture has evolved into the peculiar modern practices such as Cuddle Cafes and modern capitalist industries appear to be increasingly cashing in on a traditional conception of love/sex as a commodity as opposed to a sacred practice.

[1255 words]

Source:Lippy NoGloss

作者: yigo    时间: 2014-5-30 20:12
今天抢到沙发了 好开森 好开森···

Sexualiaty and its metaphor
Sexual activity is widely associated with baseball metaphor
the language of baseball are accurate metaphor for sexualality
EG: score run and hit means XXOO
virgin or people with fewer expreience=less skillful on the ground

Here is the new model: Pizza--compare it to sexuality
baseball: when play baseball? in the right season
defense and offense

However, Pizza model are more accurate
when you want to eat pizza? hungruy, an internal desire
and you can decide when to eat it--not like the competing baseball game

How to eat pizza: first to talk-talk about what you want
if you've aten the pizza long, you just say how about the usual? these sentences can all be metaphors of sexual activity

baseball: not every time you can hit the bat, and baseball is quite specific
but pizza has various kinds, and are quiet different.

Pizza model for sexual education:
you can think desire and decide the behavior

t2-t3  【3‘’23】【3‘’25】
Anti-prostitution campaign in China--mainly for anti-corruption
but sex industy has become a backbone of the country
Dongguan: a severe crackdown in the city
sex city of China, the sex industy worth 50 billion RMB,1/7 of GDP, has 250000 sex workers.
National level:
a report about sex industry impact-the industry generates 500 billion RMB, has 5 million workers.

Too big to fail
sex industry contributes a lot to the economy
provide jobs for grassroots who have no chance to find jobs

Activites calling for decriminizing may leads to regulare health exam---(not possible in China)

Gray zone:
it started after 1970s, the cultural revolution
corruption is another stimulus of the industry

Why hard to dissipate it?
party officials and police protection

t4 【3‘’44】
US sex industy generates 1 billion USD.
a study of underground sex industry revealed some factors of people entering the industry.and interviewed 36 workers.

A finding: the industry shrinked in 6-8 cities from 2003-2007.
2008 economic recession didn't affect the industry, the price became cheaper

DoJ funded the study, mainly for human trafficking.

t5-t6 【3‘’39】 【2‘’56】
Sex business is lucrative
DoJ report: most lucrative in Atlanta-290 million USD

The business has shifted from streets to internet.
one reason: law enforcement has been strict on street

Obstacle:  【9‘’19】
Sex industry in Japan
1 diversified services in sex industry of Japan
Japanese indulge sex, so many single women leads to low brith rate, leading to the grey country

Sex business in Japan
intercourse is prohibited, so non-penetrated sex is thriving
eg: image club-generates 3million USD,3250000 visitors, 1021 clubs in Japan.

sex problem is global, there are many kinds of service
Cuddle offee
Love hotel: with different themes
Hostess club: women entertain men. but usually it associates with prositution.
Hostess club is reminiscent to Geisha culture.  

作者: 疏离无罪    时间: 2014-5-30 20:15

Speaker: In america,people used to use baseball as a sexual metrphor.The speaker bring a pizza model to replace the baseball as a new metrphor to sexual activity and sexual education.Then the spearker compared this two models and concluded that the pizza model is beter for sexual education.It teaches young people to be satisfied in relations.It gives them cammands and questions that to be answerd by themselves.Young people should decide by themselves to be satisfied.

Sex industry is extremely huge in Dongguan.And also it is big industry around the China.It associated many other kind of industries especially hotel.

The sex industry makes great contribution to China's economy.And now it is too big to fail.The reform and official cprruption stimulate the growth of sex industry.This industy becomes a grey zone between law and reality.Because of the corruption, it is hard to ban the sex industry in China.

The lack of economic opportunities, community encouragement and exposure influenced are main reasons that make sex workers to enter the industry.And this industry is also shranking becaused of 2008 financial crisis.

Study shows that sex trade is a lucrative business. And the internet change this industry a trafficking and sexual exploitation are really different.But the internet cover the reality.

By internet,pimps can control sex workers.So it is hard for police to define the crime.And now sex workers has moved in doors, gentrified and privatized.They can find customers online.And sex workers do sex trade for many reasons.Sometimes they just want to earn some incomes in really tought time.

Main Idea: Sex and love Industy in Japan.
Sex and love industry plays an important role in Japan's economy.And in Japan,everyone is a winner in this industry.To an increasing number of Japanese people,love and money have become inseparable and love does not exist without money.
Japan faces difficulties with prostitution, human trafficking and the black sex market. Altough sex industry is illegal,the law does not have punishment.And many brothels are built because of loopholes in the law,which make this industry thriving.
Although prostitution is a global problem,Japan's problems is that sex and love industry that takes place in the public and legal sphere.Cuddle Cafe,love hotels and Hostess Club are three main forms of brothels for prostitution.And it seems that Japan has this tradition called Geisha Culture.

作者: TaoRs92    时间: 2014-5-30 20:32
China's action towards prostitution.
Is it really possible to stamp out the industry entirely?Prostitution growed fast in recent years and become the backbone of China.
Dongguan's case.Devoted much to the city's GDP.Related to many parts and fields.
Prostitution is national.Many sex workers involved.
Sex industry devoted much to China's economy.Too big to fail.Prostitutes' jobs and the families they are supporting will be impacted.
Sex industry is a gray zone between law and reality.
1 cultural revolution lead to some people join into the sex industry
2 official corruption
Some are controlled by people with political ties--difficult to ban and short lived.
New study shows the illegal sex industry in eight America cities.
Difficult to study--underground industry.This study trys to find out scientific answers.
The reason why pimps join into sex industry.The study also involved freelance,not only pimps and traffickers.
Sex industry in America is shrinking,it was also influenced by 2008 financial crisis.This find will help future prediction and analysis.
Shortcomings of this study--official,incomplete,not impartial.
Advice--not more arrests and punishment.
The introduction of the report--in the internet background,the sex industry in eight America cities.
Two authors' opinions towards the report.Negtive.Shortcomings.
1 Internet changed sex industry a lot.Many no longer need to walk on the street,but use internet to work sex works.So there become more freelances and sex workers underground then before.
The report doesn't pay much attention to this change.It should have emphrased more on these independent sex workers.
2 the data that sex trade represents 58% in trafficking is not reliable.the study didn't take sex trades that are out of law enforcement(eg,online sex trades and independent sex workers)into consideration.
3 the study only focus on trafficking.this is a big problem of this study.
different people have different reasons to join in sex trades.they may not be a criminal or a victim.they may do it occasionally for some money(because after the recession,some of them may exprerience a tough economic time)
these are also sex trades,and should be considered into the report of sex industry.but these are not trafficking.
Sex and love industry in Japan--commodity.comoodify.
The overall introduction of sex and love perspectives in Japan--money first,money buy love,grey population.
1 prostitution and trafficking.Yukuza.stores related to sex and love industry.dovote much to Japan's economy.
what makes Japan's prostitution different from other countries(global)is that people can prostitute in big cities and busy streets(almost publicly)
2 love hotels culture in Japan.
3 Hostess Club culture in Japan.
Sex and love industry is highly developed in Japan and also related to its traditional culture.
作者: cherry6891    时间: 2014-5-30 20:37
zhanzuo ~~~~~~~~~~~

Introducethe sex and love industry in Japan—occupy big percentage in economy
People inJapan indulging in sex without commitment lead to marriage is only an oldtraditional.
Japan facesproblems with human trafficking and the black sex market. What ironic iskissing with girlfriend in public is unacceptable while sleeping with strangerin daytime is acceptable
There isservice in brothels and outside the bedroom  hostess clubs provides femaleentertainers
Time2 2’35’’
Chinalaunched a campaign against prostitution to break the hotbed of incorruption
Thiscampaign targeted dongguan where police arrested many prostitutions and clientsin 200 locations
One hotelCEO gave us a startling number that the value of prostitution is 82 billion
Time3 2’58’’
Governmentshould create more jobs for those who lose jobs during this campaign or they willcome back
After reformsin 1970 farms lost their land in the countryside , a large number of Chinese joinin sex industry.
Officialinterruption is a major stimulus to the growth of sex industry and all level ofparties indulge into it which make it hard to ban
Time4 3’00’’
A researchinto sex trade in big cities in US.
It ishard to examine the underground market of sex since reliable information ishard to get
A lackof economic opportunities, community encouragement lead sex worker into thisindustry
The scaleof sex industry shank during bad time for economy
Fightingtrafficking will marginalize sex workers

作者: hhd0530    时间: 2014-5-30 21:06
掌管 6        00:10:21.02        00:25:25.46
掌管 5        00:02:58.14        00:15:04.43
掌管 4        00:02:48.93        00:12:06.29
掌管 3        00:03:27.88        00:09:17.35
掌管 2        00:02:43.56        00:05:49.47
掌管 1        00:03:05.91        00:03:05.91
time 2
background: CHN attack the prostitution, which is an legal industry in USA
text: DG is the first place attacked
      there are other industries in DG
      DG earn much for prostitution
      DG's prostitution is just a fraction of CHN

time 3
prostitution contributes a lot for CHN econmy, so it's too big to fall
prostitution in CHN is a prey zone

time 4
background of the study
the study found that prostitution in 8 cities has been shrinking
future reseach; more traffick

time 5
study found sex trade was lucrative
influce to prostitution by internet

time 6
factors to push internet usage of sex trade

Sex and love in JP: commodity
Relationship between love and money
Difficulty to attack the prostitution: law of JP
Prostitution in JP: illegal but no punishment
New patterns of prostitution: public and legal
3 new patterns:
Cafe: buy sleeping
Love hotel: privides sex place
Hosts clue: make customers happy and customers pay, like traditional female entertainers
作者: 铁板神猴    时间: 2014-5-30 21:11
还好 首页拿下!!再也不惧了 ==+

Sexuality, baseball related to sexuality, metaphor

New model, pizza, internal desire, both satisfied not compete,
Not stay, proper rule,
Satisfied, healthy
Sexuality education, good comprehension


China’s Sex Industry ‘Too Big to Fail’

A high profile campaign to get rid of prostitution and media allowed to question it.
Some believe it’s hard to move the sex industry off.

Time 2
Dongguan is the target of arrests and propaganda and prostitution makes up a part of local GDP and economy.
Prostitution plays a role in national economy.

Time 3
Too big to fail, activists in China have called for decriminalizing the sex industry.
Gray zone between reality and law

New report details vast sex economy

Sex economy is huge in USA.

Time 4
The study focused on human trafficking and might be biased for it was funded by the Justice Department.
One of the findings intriguing Dank is the fact that sex industry shrank through years, even during the economical crash.
Do not marginalize sex workers and sometimes even the trafficking victims are being criminalized as a result.

The Economics of Sex Work

Time 5
According to a recent study, the sex trade could be a very lucrative business.
Challenge to sex workers and how internet change the sex industry.
The report, focusing on trafficking, ignores a substantial change in the sex industry.

Time 6
Prostitution online is arising because of more aggressive policing the streets.
The official department just cannot open their lens and looked into a different or even gentrified situation.


Japan’s Love / Sex Industry

The Japanese dissect every part of a romantic relationship or love into business.
Japanese now think marriage and relationship are just hassles.
Local strong business group behind the industry make the law half-hearted.
It’s weird for Japan that people are conservative but also open to paid sex.
Love hotels, outside bedroom or physical intimacy, historical issue

作者: 小蘑菇开始打怪    时间: 2014-5-30 22:02

baseball is a metaphor of sexual activity
a new model to describe sexual activity, pizza
inside desire… we not compete for that but take about what we want
if we use the pizza model, young people can have better understanding of sexuality

warm up:
the party are serious about attacking corruption — and prostitution is a great hotbed of corruption

the sex industry in dongguan is so big that it accounts almost a seventh of the city’s GDP
the sex industry is very big and is still expanding rapidly

if the government can not provide jobs for these sex workers, these people will go back as before
some reasons contribute to the development of sex industry
rapid industrialization and modernization
official corruption
protection from officials and police
it is a dilemma for the party to do with the sex industry

warm up:
it is difficult to get reliable information about the sex economy because it is an underground economy

the sex economy also shrank from 2003 to 2007
the economic crash of 2008 also has impact on the sex economy
if they focus on trafficking, a lot of times sex workers and even some trafficking victims are being criminalized as a result
it is not the right way to go

sex trade can be a very lucrative business
because of the intervention of internet, the sex trade goes through some changes
some sex workers can be a freelancer by using the internet
the research mainly focuses on pimps than independent sex workers

the research has some shortcomings because more sex workers choose to do the job online and the amount is expanding
however, this part of income is not counted in the total revenue
the sex trade has migrated online because law enforcement have been and continue to aggressively police the streets

sex industry plays a significant component of the economic structure of japan
the relationship between love and money
the notion which is now popular in Japanese women leads to a low marriage
the law and control of sex industry is blurred in japan
prostitution is a global problem but it is more public in japan
the different pattern of sleeping with a stranger
information about love hotel
the sex industry in japan has developed into a new stage

作者: hawk!!!    时间: 2014-5-30 22:20
先占座~~  然后去补今天的。。 = = 谢谢LZ了啦~~
speakeroing unhealthy sexual activities just like playing baseball, while doing healthyones like eating a pizza.
playbaseball season & game take your position and play your game
when youneed pizza internal desire share experience satisfied talk about what you want
differentways satisfied
score winlose
healthcomprehensive commutative
Sexindustry's GDP took a large part in the Tongguan's whole GDP, while the authority still launched anoperation  that is against sex-industry.
In thenational scale, sex industry also played an important part just like Dongguan'ssituation.
Chinesesex industry is "too big to fail", staying in a gray zone between thelaw and realities. Several reasons give rise to the phenomenon: first,unemployment among grassroots women; second, official corruption.
Thisarticle is about an report funded by the Department of Justice. The reportprovided us with the reasons why sex-worker going into the industry and changeof the industry size. Some  peopleworried about its side effects of the report, saying it may marginalize theworkers.
It talksabout the change in  the industry.Internet has substantially changed how the trader gets business.
Changesin the industry. internet was used more frequently ,and more people did it toearn some money for temporary usage.
Japanesesex and love industry.
agood variety of services; win-win business; seems violated the culture's tradition; yakuza involved

作者: wnj2611339    时间: 2014-5-30 22:22
----- Speaker
Baseball is used by Americans to think about and talk about sexual acativities,but this model has some problems that may lead to unhealthy sexual acativities.
Therefore, the author introduced a better model, the pizza model, and made the comparision between the baseball model and the pizza model to highlight that the pizza model could achive more satisfactory outcomes of sexual activities and better comprehension of sexual education.

[Time2] 1'58''
Sex industy has become the major force to boost the economy of Dongguan. Sex workers in China are engaged in various kind of jobs, and their numbers are increasing dramatically.
[Time3] 3'02''
China's politic officers, who always use public fund to have sex services, rather than the sex workers, who work to support their families, should be blamed for the fast growth of sex industry in China. Those officers' corruptions also makes it hard to totally crack down the industry.
[Time4] 2'41''
The research that study the function of the industry will benefit future research. The sex industry in six of the eight cities in U.S. suffered a recession from 2003 to 2008. Because the research on human trafficking was needed, Grant is afraid that such action, whose purpose was not for arrests, may lead to discrimination on those sex workers.
[Time5] 2'43''
With the development of internet, the sex industry has changed fundamentally.
DOJ report only focus less on independent sex workers, whose number has been increasing.
[Time6] 2'45''
DOJ report neglected online sex trade, which has been increasing with the growing pressure of law enforcement.
Gira Grant criticised that DOJ's recommendation of increasing police crackdown on sex industry did not realize a larger consequence of such crackdown, which is the boost of sex trade through internet.
DOJ focuses only on trafficking, while there are many reasons for people to do commercial sex work. And many people are intended to do for short-term.

----Obstacles 4'52''
Japan's sex and love industry gave a new concept of a relationship. Sex and love is a commodity for Japanese.
Both Japanese men and women can get what they want, including love and money from this industry, but a issue of decreased marriage incurred, which leads to a decline of population.
However, Japan does face problems of prostitution, human trafficking and the black sex market, and its sex and love industry take place in the public and legal sphere.
Japan's laws on prostitution are unreliable.
Japan's love hotels also provides love/sex services.
Services of various entertainment also exist, hostess club is such a example.

作者: LUCY小可    时间: 2014-5-30 22:54
Thank you!

speaker: Pitza is a better illustration of sexuality than baseball because it is more inclusive, stress more on people's own satisfaction, cooperation, etc.

warm up: 0'54
2: 2'10
3: 2'43
warm up: 1'19
4: 2'11
5: 4'15
6: 3'02

7: 8'42   Large love and sex industry in Japan;
   It is no wonder that Japanese can make the sacred parts of human being commodities.
           Services in Cudda Cafe---satisfy the cold lonliness of men and women.  Contrast to Japan's preserved culture.  
          weak laws in prostitution industry.
作者: Shellylh123    时间: 2014-5-30 22:56
warm up:    00'00'42
Chian has launched a high-profile campaign recently
prostitution is always related to corruption

time2 00'01'37
Dongguan was the target
the current situation about prostitution in Gongguan
sex industry accounted for 7% GDP in Dongduan
a report about sex industry
the price of the sex transaction has been increaseing gradually

time3    00'02'43
too big to fall:
sex industry contributes to China's economy
a lot of people work on it
grey zone:
the process (history) of entering into sex industry
it is backed up by officials to some extent
it is always related to officials or official corruption

warm up:    00'00'59
illegal      endergound sex industry     hard to collect reliable data

a study about sex industry
the sex trade shrank from 2006 to 2009
the study is kind of impartail
the study is not just focused on the traffickinig
time5    00'02'45
the report conducted in many countries
it is a lucrative industry
the change since internet came out
more sex trades and more trafficking

time6    00'03'00
internet has changed the way people do sex business
the reason why more and more people choose sex business through internet: it is not allowed on the streets
some people just want to earn some money to pay the rent or sth like that

time7    00'07'37
mean idea: sexual culture in Japan
sex industry constitutes a great deal in Japan's GDP
the booming indusrty has led to " grey population", which means there are more and more single people
the difficulties Japan faces
various sex shops
single people go there to get a sense of warmness
what the LOVE HOTEL is
history of HOSTESS CLUB

作者: kimwang53    时间: 2014-5-31 00:09
not just talk about sexual activities, also talk about baseball
when people talk something about baseball, it usually mean anything else about sexual activities.
pizza also have a relation with baseball and sexual activities.
pizza is a good model of sexual education.
作者: 南薰阁主    时间: 2014-5-31 02:40

Thespeaker is talking about a new way to consider the sexual activities. Heconsiders that the old model which regards sexual activities as baseball is outof time; Pizza is the new way people should think about sexual education, whichis to think about people's own desires, make decisions, to talk about withtheir partners, because there is no winner, no offender, and no defender inthis game.
Warm up
Chinesegovernment against prostitution because they are serious about attackingcorruption; prostitution is a great hotbed of corruption.
Time 2
Thispart talks about the situation of sex industry in Dong Guan, China.The sex industry created annual $8.2 billion last year. It affects GDP andhotel management in 2012.
Time 3
The sexindustry makes a huge contribution to the Chinese economy. But it is too big tofail. Although Chinese law says that prostitution is illegal, it has become agray zone between the law and the reality.
Time 4    2.24
Time 5     1.36
Sex industrybrought much economic income for GDP.
Time 6     1.12  
U.Nreports about the sex industry affect trades and business.
How sex Industryaffects Japanese GDP and culture.

作者: lilacrabbit    时间: 2014-5-31 05:33
掌管 8        00:10:02.17        00:31:00.10
掌管 7        00:04:02.09        00:20:57.93
掌管 6        00:04:33.20        00:16:55.84
掌管 5        00:03:00.67        00:12:22.64
掌管 4        00:01:26.15        00:09:21.96
掌管 3        00:03:53.46        00:07:55.81
掌管 2        00:02:49.00        00:04:02.34
掌管 1        00:01:13.34        00:01:13.34

作者: psychoarya    时间: 2014-5-31 08:42
[speaker]话说一看到今天话题一下就精神了= =
baseball is regarded as a metaphor of sex. But baseball is kind of unfair. People play baseball to win, and they paly against each other. But pizza is quite a different metaphor. Everyone has the chance of enjoying eating a pizza. Pizza represents a internal sense. They are hungry, so they eat a pizza. The same idea goes with sex. People get satisfaction from sex rather than competition. Like sharing a pizza, people can negotiate in the sex. There is no winning in pizza. People get to decide when they are satisfying. Under the pizza mode, people ask questions.

sex industry is a backbone of the country now. In order to attack corruption, the party is doing the utmost to crack down the prostitution industry. However, it seems impractical.
Chinese media praises the police in Dongguan for catching 1000 prostitutes and clients. The economic growth in Dongguan depends a lot on prostitution. The sex industry has a substantial influence on hotel business. There are over 500 to 600 million prostitutes in China in 2008. And the number grew rapidly in recent years.
Sex industry would not fail unless Chinese government can create enough jobs for the sex workers to let them raise their family. Moreover, politics is involved in sex industry. Sex in politics is a kind of corruption. With the support of politicians and police, sex industry would not easily fail.
sex trade in the U.S decreases from 2003 to 2007. However, economic recession did not influence sex industry a lot. the best way to solve the problem of sex industry is not to arrest as many prostitutes and pimps as possible.
Internet kind of changes sex industry. There are more freelancers doing their own business on the Internet. They don’t depend on pimps and services. Trafficking is more common in Asia.
the focus of sex industry is trafficking. A lot of people do their businesses online, and they can make a big difference on their tough life.

Japan’s sex industry is well developed. There are various kinds of sex and love services in Japan. And people feel normal to sleep with a stranger in daylight. Sex and love industry contribute a lot to the economy of Japan.

作者: 刚劲小职员    时间: 2014-5-31 08:46

掌管 7        00:07:08.46        00:20:38.20
掌管 6        00:02:49.51        00:13:29.74
掌管 5        00:03:01.27        00:10:40.22
掌管 4        00:02:03.18        00:07:38.94
掌管 3        00:00:57.88        00:05:35.75
掌管 2        00:03:02.87        00:04:37.87
掌管 1        00:01:35.00        00:01:35.00

作者: yinghua9122    时间: 2014-5-31 08:55
the anthor is talking about the sexal education. Nowadays, most people use baseball as a metaphor to sexal activity. But it's not  suitable choice. The abthor gives us another goods, Pizza, to play this role. Comparing with baseball, Pizza make people think more about inside feelings, commucations and self satisifaction.

TIme2 3'51
Dongguan is a extreme example of Chinese sexal industry. Now it has become the target of prostitution thunderous crachdown.

Time3 3'09
Sexal industry contributes a lot to Chinese economy, even though there is no exactly numbers or reports. Too many people make live with it, so it seems impossible to kill it if there is no good way to solve the employment problem of these pros workers.  And what's more, sexal industry is the grey zone between law and reality, many officiers are involved in this industry, so crackdown seems to be short life.

TIme4 3'52
in the six states where porn industy is illegal the researcher do a suvery about sexal industry. From 2003 to 2007, the sexal economy shrank seriously. And sexal industry plays a inmortant role in National economy.

Time5 4'03
A report released that sex trade is a very lucrative business. Internet has radically changed the business.

TIme6 4'07
Trafficking(非法交易) for the purpose of sexal exploitation accouts for 58% of all trafficking cases.  Additionally, police crackdowns increase and pursue other parts of the sex trade, such as Internet.

Obstacle 10'30
1. sex activity has become a commodity just like your cars or camera. For Japan, sex industry is a vital source of GDP.
2. Japan's law doesn't allow prostitution to be legal, but it also not claim to punish this behavior.
3. many different prostitution places and forms.

作者: viennall    时间: 2014-5-31 08:55
00'56 China has launched a campaign against prostitution to attack corruption. But it is impractical to stamp out the prostitution which is a backbone industry of the country.
01'55 Dongguan is targeted for prostutition campaion. The sex industry has expanded over the last few years in China.
02'14 The prostitution industry in China makes a huge contribution to the Chineses economy and is hard to attack. The prostitution industry is in the gray zone of law and reality.
00'55 The report about the illegal sex industry on sex trafficking and prostitution has difficulty in getting reliable information from individuals.
02'21 The pimps and sex workers who enter the industry was influenced by lack of economic oppotunities, community encouragement and exposure. The sex economy shrank in the economy crash. The report is an incomplete picture of the industry.
02'29 The sex trade is a very lucrative business. The report ignored the change in sex trade arised from the Internet. The report focused more pimps than independent sex workers.
02'25 The sex trade has migrated to the Internet because law enforcement have been and continue to aggressively  police the street. The report is wrong to recommend that the police crackdowns increase, which can driven the people in the industry to Internet at greater risk.


Main idea: The introduction of Japan sex and love industry.
The Japan sex and love industry is a success to commodify the most sacred parts of human.
Japan faces difficulties with prostitution, sex trafficking and the black sex market.
Prositution is a global problem.
Though sleeping with stranger is forbiddedn, there exists love hotels which cash in the sex market and services outside the bedroom and physical intimacy like bars.

作者: pennyz    时间: 2014-5-31 09:27
new way to think about sexual activities and sexual activities education
pizza model compare to baseball more is more diverse and ask for our own needs.
it will lead to healthier sexual activity.
take up 1/7 dongguan gdp!!!quiet shocking
the contradiction of the concept of sex and love in jp
the different kinds of sex love industry in jp
cuddle cafe/love hotel/bars
the relations between sex&love industry today and geisha culture.

作者: 旧未来    时间: 2014-5-31 09:46
1 A 03:14
2 A 03:42
3 A 04:30
4 A 04:12
5 A 04:08
6 A 10:52

1.Although, the government attacked seriously at the prostitution which is the hotbed of corruption, the sex industry is too strong to fail down, and show some stastics about this industry in Dongguan and all country.

2.The sex industry occupy so much in the economy and employment,and it's too big to fall. Besides the reason of reform in china, sex industry is so booming just because of the prostitution which is contrasted by the spirit of the law.

3.The context of the study funded by gaint,the some weakness of the study,and the worries about the way they plan to implemente.

4.Internet has changed the sex industry,the solo practitioners appeare rather than the organizaiton from the pimps. However, partly because of the publish time limited, the report focus more on pimps and less on freelancers.

5.The report ignores that the due to the punish of the police, the sex industry moves to the internet, and some people are more inclined to do this things just because of the tough time during some period.

6.Like sex industry many other counturies, sex industry in Japan belong to Yukuza in various service. The different part is that Japan various kinds of service, the passage introduce 4 kinds.
作者: miss.mel    时间: 2014-5-31 10:41
Lap 7        00:08:26.92        00:23:02.74
Lap 6        00:02:42.18        00:14:35.82
Lap 5        00:03:19.86        00:11:53.63
Lap 4        00:02:58.86        00:08:33.77
Lap 3        00:02:11.91        00:05:34.91
Lap 2        00:02:27.39        00:03:22.99
Lap 1        00:00:55.59        00:00:55.59

Japanese sex&love industry dissected concept of a relationship and have replaced each dismembered part, individually packed and priced.
It separates love , sex and commitment. Therefore ,the population of Japan dropped sharply.
Japan faces difficulties with prostitution, so the developed various industries.
The most special part of Japanese prostitution industry is that it can take place in public and legal sphere.
For example, cuddle cafe, love hotel and other services ouside the bedroom.
Hostess club.
作者: 宝贝的幸福    时间: 2014-5-31 11:04
The speaker made a comparason about whether the sexual activities is like baseball or pizza.
There is a rule in the play of baseball, and it is exclusive. But everyone can enjoy the pizza.
There is exact time for the baseball play, but there is no requirements about the time to eat pizza.
The baseball play is a win-game, but there is no competition when eating pizza.
As a result, the sexual activities are more like pizza.
Though the campaign against the sexual industry is on the way, the crackdown is not that easy.
The sextual industry play an important role to entice the growth of GDP in Dongguan, even in other place in China. The condition is different from place to place. There is a report that describe the scale of the sexual industry.
The sexual industry is so big that it guarantee jobs for thousands of people. Two reasons lead to the development of this industry. One is theindustry revolution. The other is the official corruption.
The sexual industry makes contribution to the economy in the United States.And the data collected is not that accurate since it is illegal and researchers can only get a little amount of data.
Many factors like economic opportunities, community encouragement and exposure make some sex workers enter the industry. The industry is not influenced by economic fluctuate. And the sex workers said that there should be fewer sex arrests for them.
The sexual industry is properous in many places around the world. Different people may have different purpose to enter the industry, just like the workers in Africa and those in the U.S. And this paragraph makes the Internet into consideration for the change of the industry.
The Internet has changed the way how sex industry works. Differnet from the origion that the sex workers are just on the street, today, it is more private and it is moved indoors. This change made it more convinient to make money from the work.
作者: NativeStudy菌    时间: 2014-5-31 11:06
疏离无罪 发表于 2014-5-30 20:15

Dear Su,
Nice to see you again! Don't forget to finish reading the passage in 3 days~
Wish you a nice day!
作者: alan112211    时间: 2014-5-31 11:06
In Japan, people believed that without money, you cannot have love. As women are empowered, more and more women choose to be single and as a result, Japan experiences serious aging problem.

Y runs many bussiness offering prosititution. Although the prosititution is not allowed but there is no punishment for illgeal prosititution. There are places such as fashion health and image clubs offering special service.

Prosititution is a global problem but what set Japan different is that in Japan prosititution can be take place public and legal.

There is a new designed businesss which can offer menu like sleeping on a girls leg and sleep on a  girl's arm. Also, there are love hotel and bars.

作者: NativeStudy菌    时间: 2014-5-31 11:07
hhd0530 发表于 2014-5-30 21:06

Hey, Hhd0530~
Glad to see you in the first page again~ And I hope you won't forget to finish reading the passage in time~
And wish you a happy day!
作者: NativeStudy菌    时间: 2014-5-31 11:24
铁板神猴 发表于 2014-5-30 21:11
还好 首页拿下!!再也不惧了 ==+

Dear "Monkey King"~
Haven't seen you here for a long time, can't wait to see your summary of the passage.
Wish you a colorful weekend.
作者: NativeStudy菌    时间: 2014-5-31 11:25
小蘑菇开始打怪 发表于 2014-5-30 22:02

Dear Little Mushroom~
So glad to see you here again, hope you still remember to have this passage done in 3 days~
Wish you a nice weekend~
作者: 饼干小熊    时间: 2014-5-31 11:26
Lap 7        00:08:25.71        00:22:25.42
Lap 6        00:02:39.13        00:13:59.70
Lap 5        00:01:25.88        00:11:20.57
Lap 4        00:02:57.31        00:09:54.69
Lap 3        00:02:33.13        00:06:57.37
Lap 2        00:02:32.57        00:04:24.24
Lap 1        00:01:51.66        00:01:51.66

Dongguan is the 1st target for China's government anti-coruption goal. But it related to many other industry.
The sex industry is too big to fail, it connect to severl millions of people so its better to take some action to support it.

introduce a report vast sex economy

a landmark study examined how internet change sex indsutry

there is a big change since the birth of internet

introduce the Japanese love/sex industry and its a morden style of traditional Geisha culture of Japan
作者: 小蘑菇开始打怪    时间: 2014-5-31 11:29
主页菌 发表于 2014-5-31 11:25
Dear Little Mushroom~
So glad to see you here again, hope you still remember to have this passage  ...

作者: 铁板神猴    时间: 2014-5-31 12:16
主页菌 发表于 2014-5-31 11:24
Dear "Monkey King"~
Haven't seen you here for a long time, can't wait to see your summary of the p ...

Hi Junjun~ I'll complete whatever you told me to do. try something new next time haha~
作者: pengruoyu0812    时间: 2014-5-31 12:37
Dongguan is the first target of arrests and propaganda.
Dongguan's economic growth has been above the national average because of the sex industry.
Dongguan is just a extrame example of what gose on across China.

sex industry makes a huge contribution to the Chinese economy.
reason: reforms/official corruption
crackdowns are always short lived because if the protection from officials and police.

a study was conducted to examine underground markets for sex and child pornography, but it's difficult to get information.
the sex industry shrank due to the economic crisis
this study seems official but hardly impartial.
the observers said: no more arrests

the sex industry changed a lot since the birth of internet
K says the report, which was conducted by Jus D ignore this change in the sec trade.

the report doesn't cover the people working on their own and ues the Internet.
law enforcement have been more aggresive, and made more people work by Internet and at risk.
the GG said that someones considered the sex trade not a crime but a way to gain money in really tough time.

sex industry in japan contribute a lot to its GDP
Japanese men are more engaged in their work, making fewer marriage and fewer babies.
Sex industry in Japan is different from that in other coutries, it takes place in the public, and it is totally acceptable that you sleep with a tranger.
then the author indroduced some kinds of industries of sex trade in Japan.
cuddle cafe
love hotels
hostess club: Geisha culture
作者: Yvonne52585    时间: 2014-5-31 13:30
warm up and time 2    2:15
Sex industry serves a lot for our GDP and develops rapidly.
Chinese government has taken measures to clean the sex industry.

time 3  2:18
The Communist Party wants to whitewash itself by not legalizing the sex industry.
On the other hand, all levels of Party officials indulge themselves at those places, making it difficult to ban  .

Crackdowns are always short lived because the crackdown on prostitution always punishes the prostitutes, who have no political connections or power.

warm up  0:30
Researchs want to show the structure and siza of the sex industry.

time 4     2:17
guise 伪装
Researchers want to research every factor around the sex industry.
Just guising a traffick is not enough, they need more arrests who engaged in the sex industry to know more about it.

time 5     2:07
Internet made the sex industry more individual.

time 6     2:38
Sex industry moving indoor  made it develop more faster.

obstackle   6:49
作者: samalagorn    时间: 2014-5-31 13:48
Time2 :01:32
Time3 :02:22
Time4 :02:08
Time5 :02:48
Time6 :02:56

Obstacle: 07:58
Sex industry in Japan has made significant contribution to Japan's economic.
Prostitution is forbidden offically in Japan,but the authority just allow the service.
Love hotel and hostess club are both important part of the sex industry in Japan.
作者: Shuwey    时间: 2014-5-31 14:59

Obstacle: 9'20
The passage introduces sex/love as a commodity in Japanese culture/sex industry and many different types of services/forms in which they are offered, including Cuddle Cafes, Love hotels, hostess clubs, ect. The passage focuses mainly on explaining why these services exist, in frame of Japanese cultures.
作者: 醒醒Shine    时间: 2014-5-31 15:50
[speaker] 囧。。来晚了视频连接损毁了已经打不开了
1-Facts: dongguan,a  7th of GDP
2-Nationnal one: 82 billion per year
3-Opinion: too big to fail
4-Reason: industrialization and modernization; official corruption;gray zone
propaganda 宣传鼓动
backbone 脊柱,志气
rampant 猖獗
indulge 放纵,纵容
1-study:  factors (lack of economic opportunites, community encouragement, exposure influenced), freelance
2-finding: sex economy shrank
3-bad effect: the study could be used to further marginalize sex workers
illicit industry 违法行业
1- study: sex trade, lucrative business
2- omit1:  ignore Internet change, just focus on pimps not independent sex workers
3- reason: law enforcement, aggressively police the streets
4-omit2 : aggressive policing failed people and drove them to the internet
escort 护送者
1-Fact: Japan sex and love industry, commodity.
2-Result: half women  single
3- Difficulty: black sex market, by Yukuza
4- Speciality: sex and love industry in the public and legal sphere
5- Example: cuddle cafe; love hotels;clubs and bars; hostess clubs。
reminiscent 怀旧的
hassle 麻烦,激烈而持久的辩论
dissect 解剖,切开
作者: Terry95    时间: 2014-5-31 16:25
哈哈,speaker选得太有意思了,这种new idea跟物理化学上的一些发现一样有创造力。顶楼主一下
作者: 行者无疆945    时间: 2014-5-31 16:26
Warm up 1:00
China has started a campagin against prostitution.
The purpose of the crackdown is to show the Party leaders' serious attitude to corruption.
The prostitution has become too big to stamp out entirely.

Time 2 2:28
Target Dongguan
The target city Dongguan:
How much sex industry means to Dongguan and where do much prostitutes get involved in.
National Prostitution
The research of the national prostitution,including the total value of the prostitution, the average price per incident and the growing speed of the number of the sex workers.

Time 3 3:03
Too big to fail
The sex industry in China is too big to fall. Millions of sex workers need it to make a live and they also need the money from it to raise tens of millions of their families.
So only if the government will find a career for these people, or the authorities can never crackdown it.
Some Activists now call for the decriminalizing the sex industy to have a better management.
Gray zone
The sex industry started from the reforms in the late 1970s, after the cultural revolution.
The prostitutes mostly serve the rich people.
The official corruption is also another major stimulus to the growth of prostitution in China.
Although in the Chinese law prostitution is illegal, unless the authorities want to carry out a political campaign, at most time the law is meaningless.
The sex industy is very hard to get crackdowm because a lot of officials are get involved in it.
Even during the capaign, the prostitutes that get punished are mostly the people without political connections or power.

Warm up 0:55
The Urban Institute study underground sex market for sex in six cities.
Because of its undergound, it is very hard to gather the information.
The researchers don't want to analyze the sex market based on some small samples.
They want to try a more scientific approach.

Time4 2:35
The research also studied the side of the economy.
But some observers find this study is hardly impartial.
G said the study may lead to the marginalition of the sex workers.

Time 5 3:04
A study exam the sex trade in eight cities.
The study showed the total value of the sex trade annually and also eaxmine the sex trade in the Internet age.
K examined the study in his book.
K agrees that sex trade is fundamentally different recently.
1 K says that the report sheds light on some aspects of human trafficking——people doing on her own.
2 The study kind of exaggerate the influence that the Internet have on sex trade.
The judgement of the report by GG

Time 6 3:30
GG said tge report can never reaveal how many people work on their own and use the Internet.
GG said the sex trade migrated online is because of the law enforcement.
Since the recession, the sex trade changed a lot.
moved in door——on the Internet——do occasionally or casually

Obstacle 9:45

作者: 铁板神猴    时间: 2014-5-31 16:26
作者: limin501    时间: 2014-5-31 16:49
Speed 1
The speaker said that when we talk about sexual. People always connect with baseball, because two things are so similarity that they have some progress. But it is not true for several differences have been presents that pizza may be more likely than baseball in the progressing of sexual.

Speed 2  2’16’’
China began to campaign against prostitution recently. Dongguan is the first city that was aimed by officer and is also a manufacturing and assembly center. Sex industry had an annual turnover of 50 billion yuan last year

Speed 3 3’42’’
There are two important reasons for why the sex industry too big to fail. One is that several grassroots people lost their land in the countryside in the late 1970s. the other is that official corruption that is the major stimulus to the growth of prostitution in china.

Time 4 2’27’’
American institution take a study about the sex industry. They found that the sex industry shrank from 2003 to 2007. The economic crash of 2008 didn’t spare the sex industry either. They are not focus on the trafficking and pumps.

Time 5

A landmark government study released earlier this week finds that the sex trade can be a very lucrative business, especially in Atlanta. Kolker said that internet is more convenient for the sex work so that they don’t need to bindle with pumps and trafficking and they don’t need to working walking the streets anymore. They can find the customer from internet. This is the huge change for the sex trade in recent years.

Time 6  4’
The policeman has filed people and driven them to the internet, which can put them at greater risk.

Nowadays , the single women in Japan increasingly ,causing Japan is becoming a graying population.
Prostitution is a global problem but in Japan it is weird that they set their established sex and love industry that takes place in the public and legal sphere.
When looking back on the traditional practice of the geisha ,the Japanese men have historically not been constrained to being faithful to their wives .

作者: xiaoleirao    时间: 2014-5-31 17:13

Nowadays, men and women in Japan can indulge in sex. More women go to work and become financially independent. And more women choose to be single, as a result, fewer babies are borned in Japan and Japanese are aging.
Japan faces difficulties with prostitution. Japan laws banned prostitution, but the industry is run by Yukuza, and they have developed many kinds of prostitution to avoid laws. And the industry is thriving and making contributions to the domestic economics.
Although the law probits Japanese from sleeping with strangers, many services smartly avoide violating the law.
The love hotel is thriving and contributes to the prostitution industry.
There are another kinds of serviccs such as the bar entertainment, Cuddle cafes.  
作者: fywqrah    时间: 2014-5-31 17:30
The metaphor of sexual activity to baseball is problematic and can not result in healthy sex education. From three aspects the author compare the baseball model to his new model, pizza. 1. Triger. Baseball: can not choose when, play against each other. Pizza: internal desire hunger, can be shared. 2, During the process.Baseball: rules, exclusive. Pizza: million kinds. 3. Outcome. Baseball: goal, winner and loser. Pizza: no winning but satisfaction. Pizza is a right model in healthy sex education which teach young people to control and gain satisfication.(听懂了好多术语啊,感觉好不纯洁了)
T2: 2:18
Thousands of prostitudes were arrested in Dongguan. The sexual industry had been expanding for years and contribute a lot to the city's GDP.
The sex industry in China is too big to fail, with so many people involved in it. If people in this industry can not find proper jobs, they might come back soon after the crackdown being finished. Activists called for decriminalizing the sexual industry. It will increase health protection and decrease possibility of corruption.
The reason for such a large scale of sex industry. 1,History reasons: Roforms in 70s resulted in job losses of people from countryside.2.Corruption and sexual bribery. The Communist Party wants to whitewash itself without legalizing prostitution. And it is hard to competely stop, making the sex industry a grey zone. 3.Protection from some government officials. Prostitudes punished by law is who does not have political connections.
T4: 3:46
Many factors are encouraging people entering the sex industry. Freelancers are also worth concerning. The sex industry has been shrinking since 2003. The Justice Department funded for a research on trafficking. But many sex workers could be criminized by the activities arresting trafficking criminals.
T5: 3:25
Sex industry is quite lucrative in the cities being researched. The industry has also changed since the internet age.
T6: 2:57
A large persentage of trafficking is for sexual purpose. But the researchers can not know how many people are working throuh internet. And they can not figure out wheather the criminalization shapes the sex industry. Commercial sex work is a grey area and aggressive policing has actually driven people to internet. The pressure of economic recession also have influence on sex industry.
obstacle 7:19
Japan has a prosperous sex and love industry. Everyone in Japan can actually benefit from it, with more people abandoning their traditional life and focusing on economy condition.
Japan's sex industry is holding by a group called Yukuza. And there are lots of loopholes on its legal restriction. So the sex industry is thriving and making millions of money.
Prostitution is a gobal problem, but Japan is an exception. Sex trade is common and open in Japan and is considered a normal service.
Sex hotels provide various sexual services and are claimed to be places to rest. Clubs and bars outside the hotel are also places where prostitution happens. Bars can gain revenue and men can relax, although killings can happen sometimes. However,Japanese husbands are historically unfaithfull to their wives.
作者: ZNUFE_2011    时间: 2014-5-31 21:09
Time 2: 1'46''
Time 3: 2'53''
Time 4: 2'29''
Time 5: 2'52''
Time 6: 2'55''

作者: yaomincui    时间: 2014-5-31 22:10
time1 prostitution is banned by Communist Party in China, but it cannot be entirely out of market.
time2 The prostitution industry is very famous in Dongguan and contributes for the economic growth of Dongguan.
time3 He Qinlian said that the prostitution contributes to the economic growth of China. Some people said that the prostitution should be decriminalizing.
time4 A specialist said that the prostitution is a "grey zone"between the reality and the law. There are two reasons account for the prostitution industry. First, the industrial revolution results in a lot of labor force in the countryside lose their jobs.Second, official corruption may be another reason.
time5 The sex trade involved a lot of other transactions such as drag and guns. The sex trafficking is detected in a lot of districts.
time6 the sex trade develop to the internet field because it can be done casually.
In Japan, the sex industry is very developed and the people in Japan thinks that the money is inseparable from love, which can contribute to the decline of population in Japan.
Prostition also contributes to the economic growth of Japan.
There are a lot of means for people to enjoy the service such as the hotel, the bar and so on. Sleeping with a stranger is different from kissing your girlfriend.
Prostitution is not a problem only in Japan.
Club for women is not a place of prostitution but only an entertainment place.

作者: Terry95    时间: 2014-5-31 22:36
point:introduce a new metaphor of sex,pizza.
headline is problematic to be the metaphor of sex
compares the implication on sex brought by the concept of baseball with the implication on sex brought by the concept of pizza. pizza can make people satisfied and share feeling with each other while baseball means competitive and opposing to people
we should re-metaphorize the concept of sex from baseball into pizza in the sex education.

time 2: 1.26
point:China has launched a high-profile campaign against prostitution to treat the problem of corruption,but is this campaign worthwhile?
headline list:1.a high profile campaign against prostitution in China
the reason of such campaign is to eradicate corruption
the campaign raises some concerns because sex industry has an profound impact on China’s economy.
time 3: 2:40
Point:an overview of sex industry in Dongguan and China
headline industry contributes to a large proportion of GDP in Dongguan
Dongguan has not only sex industry but also some other industries such as manufacture
There are many other industries correlated with sex industry such as jewelry and hotel.
A brief view of sex industry in China:number of prostitutes and amount of GDP.
time 4: 4:06
point:Sex industry is too big to crackdown
sex industry contributes a tidy proportion of GDP
government has to find jobs for those people involved in sex industry before banning them
government should legalize the sex activities in order to protect prostitutes and prevent official corruption
point:sex is in the gray zone
1.industrialization and corruption boosted the development of sex industry
2.the reason to ban sex:some officials try to whitewash themselves by banning sex’s hard to ban sex because it has an gargantuan impact on GDP and many official are involved in sex activities
Time 5: 1:22
point: a new study trying to report about the functions of illicit activities
headline list:
the turnover of prostitution in 8 cities in US is 1 billion dollars last year
the function of illicit activities
a more detailed and accurate study needed about the functions of illicit activities

Time 6: 3:49
point:the study should not only focus on trafficking
headline list:1.the factors encouraged people into sex industry
sex economy shrank during the recession
we should not only focus on trafficking
Time 7:4:00
point:sex industry is very lucrative,and interenet changed the sex industry.
Headline industry is very lucrative
interenet changed the sex industry
the study focuses on trafficking rather on the impact the interenet has on sex industry

Time 8:4:11
Point:report fails to focus on the change brought by internet on sex industry,and this industry becomes more lucrative.
headline lists: 1.the report fails to take into account the impact of internet on sex industry
report only focuses on pimps
prostitution transacted on internet is very lucrative.
Point:The Japanese sex industry contributes a lot to the country’s economy,provides many services for customers,and is linked with the country’s culture.
Headline list:1.Japanese sex industry contributes a gargantuan amount of GDP to the country. is prohibited but uncontrolled.
3.It provides all kind of services.
4.The attitude toward to the sex industry industry is linked with the country’s culture
作者: jesoncao    时间: 2014-5-31 22:40
Speaker: In the western culture, people always use metaphor such as to compare sexual activity to the baseball game. That way is not so good and we should correct that misunderstanding and improve our country's sexual education. As we all know, baseball is a competition and there are both winner and loser in one game. Thus, always we are not satisfied in our sexual activity but compete with each other, which is not a healthy sexual relationship. We should change the identification of sexual activity from baseball to pizza , so that we can focus more on the topics such as ' Are we satisfied ?' , ' Are you still hungry?' , 'Do you want eat more pizzas?' and others. In additon, unlike baseball, pizza which compare to the sexual activity has millions of kinds, so people can be more satisfied with their sexual experiences than think of the sexual activity as a boring matter.

Time 2: 2:20
China ha:s launched a big compaign against prostitution. The purport of the compaign is to attack the corruption and prostitution which is a great factor of corruption. Prostitution industry in Dong Guan played an important role in Dong Guan' GDP.
Time 3: 2:10
Prostitution industry contributes a lot to China's economy. A lot of people who ever were engaged in prostitution will lose job and the result will greatly influence their families' likelihood. Two factors of the development of prostitution industry: rapid industrialization and modernizaton and official corruption. Some experts indicate that we should discriminalize prostitution and encourage them to undergo health wxams and not to take part in group sex. Prostitution is a gray area between reality and the law.
Time 4: 2:00
A study about the sex industry at 8 cities in US. in 6 of 8 cities, sex economy shrank.
Time 5: 2:20
A study found that sex trade can be very lucrative . The study alse emphalized the importance of the internet in the sex industry and how it changed sex trade. Although some reports didn't find the imortance of internet .
Time 6: 2:20
The report ignored the change in the sex trade and it couldn't fully qualify the problem. Change: Sex worekers nolonger need to walk on the street, solicit a customer and get along with pimps but only to use the internet and work on their own,
Obstacle: 7:00
Swx and love industry plays a greatly important role in Japanese economy and even it is thought as a rcession-proof industry. Although the government outlaws the prostitution, there are no set punishments. Different private and non-penetrative sex services are offered even in the crowded streets in Tokyo. There are a lot of love hotels in Japan. Japanese man and woman are both indulge in the sex and money. A lot of married man also enjoy sex services.
作者: hztbb    时间: 2014-5-31 22:49
Time 2 1:31
Dongguan has been targeted by China government to get rid of prostitution. Sex industry contributes to 1/7 of Dongguan's total GDP and exists in various places.
Sex industry has developped rapidly nationwide in China, according to studies both inside and outside the country.

Time 3 2:16
An economist believed the sex industry in China is too big to crack because millions of people live on this industry. She also calls for decriminalizing of prostitution because it will benefit the industry and the workers.
A professor contribute the growth of sex indusctry to the rapid industrialization and official corruption. Although prostitution is illegal in China, it is actually in a gray zone because offcials and police always have interest connection with it, making the crackdown shortlive.

Time 4 1:53
A study is conducted on the trafficking of prostitution. Some people worried that sex workers may get negatively effect under the guising of fighting trafficking.

Time 5 2:27
Reports show that sex industry is the most lucrative industry. Internet has changed this industry. Many sex workers thru internet by their own. The study focuses more on pimps than sex escorting.

Time 6 2:26
One reason for sex trade to move online is the aggressive police on street. Under economic pressure, sex workers can simply put an ad on Internet and complete the trade privately.

Obstacle 8:05
作者: crystal9291    时间: 2014-5-31 22:50
time2 1:58
Many prostitutes in Dongguan were arrested. The location and charge of prostitution vary from place to place, revealing the national prostitution situation.
time3 3:04
The prostitution industry is too big to fail. The sector contributes to the economy, and if the industry is called off, many sex workers will lose their jobs.
The causes of prostitution industry:
1 rapid industrialization and modernization.
2 official corruption
---it's difficult to ban prostitution since most political officials get addicted with the industry.
time4 2:10
The scientists focus on the cause and influence of sex industry.
The decrease of sex industry and the expansion of underground commercial sex may indicate the value of this business.
We need more arrests.
time5 2:18
Sex trade can be a lucrative business according to the statistics. However, sex trade nowadays has been challenged by the internet, since people could have casual sex by the connection among internet instead of prostitution.
time6 3:10
More people are using the internet to process sex trade, and the law enforcement of this situation is absent. Increasing police driven people to the internet and it may intrigue more risky problems. The internet provides people with more convenient accesses to do commercial sex work.
作者: locece    时间: 2014-5-31 22:59
Time2: 1'06''  
Time3: 1'40''
Time4: 1'17''
Time5: 1'50''
Time6: 1'46''

Obstacle: 5'07''
The sex industry contributes a lot to the Japan economy. Many business in this industry is run by the notorious group Yukuza, meanwhile the Japanese laws against the prostitution is weak. In Japan, there are many different type of sex business, including love hotels, cuddle cafe and hostess clubs. The hostess club has its roots on the Japanese traditional Geisha culture.
作者: hemodata    时间: 2014-5-31 23:28
作者: cici129    时间: 2014-5-31 23:30
作者: Talitha    时间: 2014-6-1 00:17
Polices caught 1000 prostitute in Dongyuan, southern part of China. The Chinese government aimed to break down the corruption system. Sex industry is the hotbed of the corruption. However, the revenue created by sex industry is huge. At national level, a CEO of a hotel said there are 4-6 millions of sex workers.

if government does not create new jobs for the the 5-7 millions sex workers, they will return to sex industry eventually after crackdown. the reasons for the rapid grow of sex industry. 1: modernization and growth of economic cause people to lose jobs in farm. 2: political corruption stimulas the growth of sex industry as well. Sex trade is illegal in China. However, it became a grey zone where it is banned but hard to ban in reality.

scientists would like to collect more datas on sex industry to estimate its size. However, it is a underground industry. Hence, people give information may not be very accurate.

In the past ten years, internet has changed sex industry as dramatic as it changes book industry. People look for sex workers do not need to go through pimps. They can easily go craglists and directly contact sex workers. Craglists is almost a time square.

The reasons why sex workers migrate to internet. stricter law enforcement and convenient of the internet contribute the growth of sex workers in internet. During tough economic, people may just want to increase some income to pay the rent and so on. sex industry has changed to a kind of lifestyle, a way of earning income during tough financial time.

Love and money are not separable in Japan. Hence, more and more women want to work and stay single. sex industry in Japan is illegal but with no punishment. Different forms of sex industry such as cuddle cafe, love hotel and hostess at bars.
作者: lhpunk    时间: 2014-6-1 00:23
saying sex and baseball are similar in language description in America
offering a new model based on pizza and comparing it with baseball model
proving pizza model is better than baseball model for sexual activity

Warm Up: 45"
China has launched a campain against prostitution to attack corruption, but this industry has already been too big to fail
Time2: 1'35"
Prostitution weighs much not only in Dongguan's GDP but also China's GDP, since there are millions of sex workers in the country, whose number are rapidly grow
Time3: 2'10"
Since prostitution is too big to fail, some activists have called for decriminalizing the sex industry, which has been a gray zone in China
Warm Up: 48"
A new study on illegal sex industry is based on unreliable information
Time4: 2'06"
The methods and findings of the study
Time5: 3'00"
The report ignores some substantial change in sex trade
Time6: 2'45"
Sex industry is transfering from street to internet

Time: 7'30"
Japan has a huge sex and love industry
Sex and love industry partly results in population decline
Sex and loave industry is in grey zone, in which it is between legal and illegal
Introduction to sleeping with a stranger, love hotel and hostess club
作者: planetandlucas    时间: 2014-6-1 03:43
Time 2: The government begin to destroy sex industry beginning from Dongguan, and  from Dongguan's example,the furthermore the article introduces
the situation of China's prostitution. (2:13)

Time 3:  A economist claims that sex industry makes a huge contribution to the Chinese economy in reality and is too big to fall since many prositutes need to make
a living and support their family. (2:46)

Time 4: The article uses one study to introduce the situation of prostitution in America. (2:25)

Time 5:  The article introduces that Internet has been a key factor on the development of sex industry. (3:01)

Time 6: The article continues to introduce trafficking of sex, and among these illegal deal, sexual exploitation has taken up 58% of all trafficking cases. Moreover,
the article introuduces the reason why Internet sex trade has become popular in sex industry. (3:16)

Obstacle: Paragraphes introduces the situation of Japanese sex industry. Japanese sex industry has become a important part of this country's economic.  Sex trade is illegal in Japan, but there is no serious law to control
these sex trade. Next, the article introduces Japan's sexeal culture and sexual service programs in detal, and Japanese's viewpoints about these sex trade. (7:23)
作者: NativeStudy菌    时间: 2014-6-1 08:53
小蘑菇开始打怪 发表于 2014-5-31 11:29

Haha, see, it works well
作者: NativeStudy菌    时间: 2014-6-1 08:54
铁板神猴 发表于 2014-5-31 12:16
Hi Junjun~ I'll complete whatever you told me to do. try something new next time haha~

I'll try HARD~

作者: 铁板神猴    时间: 2014-6-1 09:06
主页菌 发表于 2014-6-1 08:54
I'll try HARD~

big hug~!!!
作者: vivianpdn    时间: 2014-6-1 11:44
[time 1]

comparison between the sexual relationship and sexual education.
sexual relationship analogy to baseball and pizza
baseball:beat to win,more aggressive
pizza:satisfied,cooperation,internal intent

the author concludes that our sexual relationship should be like pizza:satisfied,internall intent,and cooperation.its what
we call the sexual education.

[time 2] 2'21

recently China has arrested hundreds of prostitutions and sexual workers targeted in dongguan.
the current condition of sexual industry in China was reflected through a fraction of dongguan.

[time 3] 2'47

sexual industry contribute much to the China's economy.
reasons for the stimulation of prostitute and the reasons why sexual industry is too big to fail: the official corruption
and the political ties.

[time 4] 3’23

the reasons for the sexual workers entering this industry : a lack of economic opportunities,community encouragement and
we need a more efficient way to arrest sexual workers.

[time 5] 3'22

a new finding ahout sexual trafficking.

[time 6] 3'50

the dramatic change --sexual workers are not like this industry for a long time,they are just pushed by the living pressure.

[time 7] 7'09

sexual industry culture in Japan.
作者: TaoRs92    时间: 2014-6-1 21:19
Hey!!!Happy Children's Day!!!!
作者: TaoRs92    时间: 2014-6-1 21:23
Terry95 发表于 2014-5-31 16:25
哈哈,speaker选得太有意思了,这种new idea跟物理化学上的一些发现一样有创造力。顶楼主一下 ...

谢谢我也觉得这次的TED很棒~!话说选speaker的时候还看到一个专门研究penis的但没这个应景,也不好意思选上来但是也很有趣!!如果有兴趣可以看看。What we didn’t know about penis anatomy。
作者: TaoRs92    时间: 2014-6-1 21:25
fywqrah 发表于 2014-5-31 17:30
The metaphor of sexual activity to baseball is problematic and ca ...

作者: TaoRs92    时间: 2014-6-1 21:27
hemodata 发表于 2014-5-31 23:28

作者: TaoRs92    时间: 2014-6-1 21:29
小蘑菇开始打怪 发表于 2014-5-30 22:02

作者: 云游    时间: 2014-6-1 22:59
TIME 1: 1‘15’‘ Dongguan has been targeted, for its largest volume of prostitutes.
TIME 2: 1’59‘’ The sex industry is a kind of grey zone where crackdown is not easy, mainly due to governmental protection.
TIME 3: 1'45'' Futher study into the scale and origin of sex industry.
TIME 4: 2'01
TIME 5: 2'12''
作者: lemonperb    时间: 2014-6-2 08:30
TaoRs92 发表于 2014-6-1 21:23
谢谢我也觉得这次的TED很棒~!话说选speaker的时候还看到一个专门研究penis的但没这个应景,也不好意思选 ...

哈哈 去看啦!有意思哈哈
作者: 小蘑菇开始打怪    时间: 2014-6-2 10:17
TaoRs92 发表于 2014-6-1 21:29

作者: Terry95    时间: 2014-6-2 11:42
TaoRs92 发表于 2014-6-1 21:23
谢谢我也觉得这次的TED很棒~!话说选speaker的时候还看到一个专门研究penis的但没这个应景,也不好意思选 ...

作者: ffffionabear    时间: 2014-6-2 23:10
----------------------感谢卤煮么么哒!!mua! (*╯3╰)~~进击的阅读小分队 !!------------------------这主题简直太喜闻乐见了~~给你32个赞~~!!!!
[speaker](来一发pizza……o((≧▽≦o) 太好笑了!! )
We always use baseball as the metaphor of sex,but it indicates competition,emphasizing rules and external purpose,especially winner and loser.It's time to use a new metaphor---pizza.When it comes to pizza,it always indicate internal desire,we'd like to talk about our preference and do  negotiation with our partner.There are millions of different topic pizzas,different choice of it do not decrease our experience,but increase the chance,that's what a healthy sex education should be.
The Communist party showed its determination to crackdown the corruption.And as the hotbed of corruption,prostitution became the first to be attacked.But it's odd to pay so much strength on crackdown prostitution which is almost a backbone industry in China now.
DongGuan is the first target in the arrest list.Sex industry was blooming in DongGuan,including vivid types of sex services.A recent report indicated,sex industry's total value is nearly 500 billion yuan per year,and the price of sex transaction is about 200 yuan nationwide.
The sex industry is too big to fail,for Chinese economy is so dependent on it which can offer job vacancy and consumption stimulation. What's more,the government officals' ambiguous attitude make the sex industry a gray zone----on one hand,the communist party want to crackdown the prostitution completely,on the other hand,the government is immersed in it.
Accordings to a new study on sex trafficking,the illegal sex industry brings huge income to the US cities.
Six of eight cities in the research shows a shrink in sex expenditure from 2003 to 2007.However,influenced by the Justice Department which is funding the research,the result is far more completed,and it's the last thing we should do to blame the sex workers and trafficking victims.
The report found that the sex trafficing is lucrative.But it focus more on pimps and trafficing workers on the street than independent workers and freelancers.what's more,it also ignore the effect of internet----so many sex worker just use pornographic website to earn money.
Nowadays,sex trades are becoming more private,more gentrified and are totally migrating to internet,which indicate higher risk and harder to observe.The policy to crackdown the sex trade is a failure in some way,the government should take those sex workers' purpose or secret sorrow into consideration.
Japanese sex and love industry have dissected the relationship into several parts,packaging different parts and sell it in different types of product by using the legal loophole.Although it's illegal to sleep with strangers or prostitution,it has "image clubs" and "fashion health" instead,in there you can ask for several different level of contact with a certain server.What's more,if you want to have sex,here is love hotel covered all the country,and it also has numberous hostess clubs that can be a entertainment for men.

作者: wensd1111    时间: 2014-6-3 17:07
1 A 00:43
2 A 01:39
3 A 02:23
4 A 00:55
5 A 02:17
6 A 02:54
7 A 02:39
8 A 06:43
the sex and love industry in japan. all kind fo sex service is provided to the public. though the industry is illegal, but the economic power beat the law. the love in japan is rare, no money, no love, money buy any love you need. the special kind of service, which is a global problem.from the hotel,to cafe, and other forms.
作者: zhaokai09    时间: 2014-6-3 19:48
Time2 2:36
Main idea: Guang Dong is the target of compainy against prostitution, an overview information of the sex industry in Guangdong.

Time3 03:13
main Idea:analysis of the deep causes of sex industry in china.

Time5 03:40
Main point: sex trade is very lucrative business, and internet change the way in which sex works engage in trade, which leads human sex trafficking.

作者: zxppx    时间: 2014-6-3 22:52
The first target is Dongguan, in the south of China. The police officers arrested a large number of prostitutes and found out a slew of occasions involved in sex trade. However, this finding is just the tip of the iceberg. According to some reports thus far, the sex trade has accounted for seventh of the GDP in China, showing its significant role in the economy and far-ranging development all over the country. What's more, it is said that the prostitution plays an important role for hotels, bringing numerous income to the industry.
Nevertheless, some people think the crackdown on prostitution may not achieve its desirable result, taking into account that so many sex workers need to make money to support their family and that the sex industry makes a huge contribution to the economy. Moreover, even though the country is serious about the issue, many officials don't devote themselves to the order. In fact, it is the prostitutes who are punished, while some officials and police get benefits from it. These authorities can protect sex workers by obtaining sex service freely and protection money
According to a certain study, the sex industry make $1 billion to eight cities in the United States. This study is conducted by a institute whose aim is to do research about prostituition and child pronography. Researchers find out that even in 2008 when the global economy was struk deeply, the sex industry still developed without difficulty. Besides, this study is also supported by the officials. One thing that government should not do is to arrest many sex workers, because they are actually the victims.
In terms of a recent report, sex industry seems to be a luxury business in 8 cities in the U.S. Atlanta enjoys the sex trade most, which contributes a lot to the city's economy, even larger than the amount of money that drugs and guns combine. Considering the huge interest brought by sex, many women want to engage in the business. What's more, it is the internet that makes a big change in sex business. In the past, prostitutes mainly depended on contacting with clients face to face, while more people can use the internet to make a deal with strangers freely now. Some people are forced to be sex workers, especially because of human trafficking.
Some researchers, like GG, criticize the report by pointing out that it actually ignores some very important part of the issue. For example, the report focus more on the pimps than the changes brought by internet. Besides, the internet really make more sex workers work directly in some private places, such as the clients' houses. The kind of action may strengthen human trafficking. Last but not least, during the economic crisis or some difficult time, some people may want to have sex with clients occasionally by the use of internet, in order to make some money to pay their rent.  
In Japan, love/sex industry thrives so well that it not only entertains women and men, but also encourages people to earn money for the sake of love. Even though government criticize the sex industry officially, you can still have fun with sex workers in the most thriving district in Tokyo. Moreover, there are various forms of sex service, which can bring clients wonderful enjoyment. There is a kind of hotel that provides service for couples or lovers to have sex outside. Last but not least, a large number of clubs also provide entertainment to their clients with some women.

作者: cyndichiang    时间: 2014-6-4 07:24
Time2 1'58''
China has launched a high-profile campaign against prostitution recently
Prostitution industry is common across China, dongguan is an extreme example.

Time3 1'56''
Sex industry makes a contribution to China's economy. Grassroot people find no job so that they join the industry.
Prostitution industry is in the grey zone between the law and reality.
Protection from political and officials is another reason why crackdowns are always short lived

Time4 3'29''
A new report about sex industry,but in an incomplete image:
The study wanted research on human trafficking and was commissioned by the Justice Department
Some critics said it is not a good way.

Time5 1'59''
Sex industry is lucrative.
The study examined the Internet influence
K thinks that the internet impact conventional sex industry and that there are more independent sex workers
G said that the report is more concerned with trafficking than on the  independent sex workers

Time6 1'58''
The  aggressive law enforcement and the grey area causes  the sex industry immigrate to the internet
After recession, sex industry became more indoors and privatized
Sex workers become victims rather than criminals

Obstacle: 5'14''
Japan's sex industry
In Japan,love and money have become inseparable . More and more woman become economic empowered so that the marriage rate in Japan has decreased
Japan's sex law failed to control the prostitution industry and sex industry is still thriving
In Japan, different sleeping patterns: love hotel, hostees and so on
Traditional sex/love industry has evolved in to a new stage
作者: 某葵    时间: 2014-6-5 10:00
[118 words] 0'58
[317 words] 2'01
[458 words] 2'30
[154 words] 1'13
[372 words] 2'21
[475 words] 3'02
[503 words] 3'03
作者: PSY-ELSA    时间: 2014-6-5 12:47
[TIME 2] 0:40 + 1:56
[TIME 3] 2:42
[TIME 4] 0:44 + 2:54
[TIME 5] 2:56
[TIME 6] 3:11
作者: 画画2013    时间: 2014-6-5 20:18
American use baseball to describe Sex.
The author thinks Amecian should change the metaphor to a new one-- Pizza.
1. people in baseball game  cannot choose what they like, but people can choose which kind of pizza they like.
2. Pizza more care about favor.
3. Pizza are more suitable for people to talk.
Time2 2'01
The sexual work has became the major economy of Dongguan.
And in China, the sex industry has also became the major economy and there are also many sexual workers in China.
Time3 3'10
He Qinglian said that Chinese government needs to creat the jobs of those people who used to be sexual workers, or they will come back in the end.
The sex industry has became the grey zone in China, because the Communist Party wants to whitewash itself, but officals also wants to deluge into it at the same time.
Time4 2'11
The study of the sex industry was funded by The justice Department, but Grant worries that it will marginalize sex workers under the guise of fighting trafficking.
Time5 2'15
the background of the study.
Time6 2'26
The reason why sex workers use internet to pursue customers is that the law pressure.
The sex industry becomes a grey zone because of many reasons.
Obstacle 7'22
dismembered 肢解
fulfilment 实现
hassle 找麻烦
brothels 妓院
whim 幻想
fetish 恋物
Main idea: The strange phenomenon of Japan's Love industry.
The sex industry has became a global problem, but it was legal in Japan, which is strange.
The true occasion of the sex industry in Japan, and the industry promote the economy of Japan.

作者: 西瓜哈哈    时间: 2014-6-5 20:26

作者: jolenewjy    时间: 2014-6-6 06:53
China organized a thunderous crackdown for the prostitution industry and no media can question this recent act. It was designed to attack the corruption within the community party. But it also rise questions over if this act will really done in a earnest way.
Dongguan was one of the primary targets in this cleaning act. Sex industry played a very important role in dongguan’s economic development. It is also a very important driver in other business industry such as hotel, jewelry and cosmetics.
Economist post against the cleaning act and think the industry is too big to fail since there are so large of a population related to the sex industry. People propose to legalize the sex trading. Other people think it is a whitewash activity held by the party since sex bribery is a constant in the party. People who have the political power are more likely to protect than destroy.
A research will be conducted to examine the underground industry in the US.
The research has found that the sex industry shrank compare to the 2003-2007 periods as the economic crisis happened in 2008. The weak of cash also reflected in the industry. Trafficking need to be addressed without criminalizing the victim and the prostitute that were forced.
One research is done to investigate sec industry. Explained who did the survey and said that independent prostitutes are increasing. The research, however, focus more on the pimp than prostitutes themselves.
The reason why internet sex trade is more popular is because the harsh and intense checkup on the street. However, this put the prostitutes at a higher risk. Also, the idea of trading sec to get through a tough time come up also as a reason why people use internet for sex trading.  
Sex industry in Japan is very developed. Everyone is a winner in this industry. Love and money are equally important and address in Japan. Talked about regulation restrict the development of the industry and make the industry going to other course based on the loopholes in the law. Talked briefly about Geisha culture.

作者: TINGYI-2014    时间: 2014-6-9 23:56
1‘04 The party try to take some action to the pre..industory because it is the warmbed of curruption
2'47 dongguan has developed a large industory on the p industory.
2’32 the industory has become a gray zoom with many complex connection
3'19 a study of 8 states in the US
2'58 some girls have move the business book prestures to the internate
2'31 the G point out that the report omits some points
8'44 introduce different kind of the P industry in Japen. Such as the club, rest hotel room. P in Japen is not legilel, but the businessmen have find different way to sruggle  out.
作者: jasminchen84    时间: 2014-6-11 11:14
Time 2 2:03 During the campaign against prostitution, Dongguan as the city of the arrests and progaganda has around 1/7 GDP from Sex industry, Sex industry there boomed since 1990s.
Time 3 2:30 Point of an economist is that sex industry in China is too large to fail, additionally people lack of lands during the culture refrom, official corruption lead to the influs of sex industry. Officials indulging themselves at those places, only prostitutes got punished make it hard to ban.
Time 4 2:10 A study of sex industry in USA, indicates that factors of prostitutes, chang of industry.
Time5 2:40 Internet changed sex industry, sex workers tend to work solo or as freelancer, which wan't included in the study.
Time6 2:42 missing part of the study---online sex business. People can do sex work occosionally , it becomes an income in a realy tough time.
Obstacle 8:19
1. Love and sex is just a commodity in Jan.
2. Japanses law agains prostitution are half hearted
3. Types ofsex industry: Love hotel, Cuddle cafe, and hostess club.
作者: jzhuang08    时间: 2014-6-11 14:02
speaker: pizza is the right way to think about sexual activity instead of the baseball.

Time 2 3'03
China is launched a high-profile campain against sex industry, in order to attack corruption.
dongwan is a presentive city where sex industry produce a seventh of dongwan`s GDP. there are hundreds of women are arrested in the recent government`s campain against sex industry. Moreover, sex brings huge economic profits to hotel .

Time 3 3'45
sex industry is too big to fall. there are lots of people`s livehood depend on sex industry. there is a gray zone between law and reality. the prostitution is illegal in China, while the official corruption stimulates the sex industy.

Time 4 3'46
illegal sex industry in 7cities are attacked, which brings $1 billion last year. Sincc this is an underground economy, there are no more evidence to look into depth of sex industry. A secientific study is made. several factors are found.

time 5 2'45
the challenges that women faced in sex  industry and the internet change the way in sex trafficking.

Time 6 3'00
the political crakdown push the change in sex trafficking. more women use internet to do the trade and thus push this trafficking into gray area. And sometimes, postitution is just a way for some women to pass the hard time.

time 7 9'00
the sex and love industry in japan is commodized. there are around 5000 love hotel in Japan. the postitution is illegal in Jpan but no punishment is set for it. the way Japan toward Postitution is special. Since huge percent of Japanese, the marriage rate is very low.
作者: 87060695    时间: 2014-6-14 12:59
if you talk to sb today about sex in US, it is the same as talking about baseball. The speaker said that at the beginning. He makes two metaphors and compare sex to baseball and pizza. However, he contracts these two model then and suggests the "pizza model " is more compatible, because that means satisfied and healthy. While the baseball is more competitive.

warm up 掌管 1        00:01:02.27        00:01:02.27
掌管 1        00:01:37.88        00:01:37.88
掌管 1        00:01:08.73        00:01:08.73
掌管 2        00:04:10.99        00:04:10.99
warm up 掌管 1        00:01:05.68        00:01:05.68
掌管 2        00:03:53.52        00:04:59.20

掌管 1        00:12:26.10        00:12:26.10
Sex industry has been an important part of the Japanese economy.
There are many advantages of sex industry, every one is winner.
But Japanese love industry have met several difficults like black sex market.
And it is ironic that Japan is a modest and private society that even kiss your gf in public is not proper yet sleep with strangers is acceptable.
There are many kinds of sex business in Japan, like love hotels,Cuddle Cafe and Hostess Club
And Japan also has sex industry culture as Geisha culture
作者: Christina54    时间: 2016-10-7 08:49
Oct 6 37-07
作者: 435842759    时间: 2017-1-27 08:49
warm up 1min18s [118words]

t2 2min35s [317words]
The economy of sex industry is a big part of the general economy in some city in China, like Dongguan.

t3 3min57s [458words]
Sex industry is the great zone between the law and reality  and is too big to crackdown totally because of the protection from some government officials and great unemployment in the grass-root people.

warm up 57s [154words]
The economy of sex industry also is a great part in the economy in U.S. And because the economy in prostitution is underground, it is hard to investigate and study this field clearly.

t4 9min51s [372words]
The study funded by the government describe the situation of the sex industry impractical and not real.

t5 6min07s [475words]
The sex industry is lucrative and the appearance of internet disrupt this industry and the study funded by the government focused more on pimps than the individual sex workers and sex trafficker stuffs.

t6 4min09s [502words]
The internet and challenges faced by the sex workers changed the sex industry a lot - more and more sex workers use the internet to attain customs, which increase risk for the sex workers but reduce the rate of being arrested by the police.

obstacle 13min19s [1255words]

作者: LaDuDu    时间: 2017-1-27 18:13
warm up 1'10
China's editorial report the P

Time 2  2'09
DongGuan is the target, polices arrest a lot of P and consumers
A CEO's report reveals that the huge scale of the industry in China

Time 3  2'53"
China's sexual industry is to huge to fall because gov need to resolve 5b people's work and 20b people's life.
After Cultural Evelution, the sexual industry growing fast

warm up 59"
A scientific way will be used to estimate the scale of P in some states

Time 4  2'28"
The report leads some questions

Time 5  3'02"
Internet is the fuel of the prompt of the sexual industry
The situation in Euroup and Asia

Time 6  3'32"
Enforcemant in the streent is still harsh but the platform has moved to internet
There is not evil or something bad, it is just a way to earning money in such a tough time

Obstacle  8'46"
Japanese sexual industry is different because the sites are in the centre of the country
Intro of the ancient P in Japan
作者: Victoria是学霸    时间: 2017-1-29 08:55
T2 1:17
T3 2:33
T4 3:29
T5 1:36
T6 3:18
T7 3:59
T8 3:37
作者: 435842759    时间: 2017-1-30 08:03
warm up 59s [118words]

t2 1min46s [317words]

t3 3min38s [458words]

warm up 1min10s [154words]

t4 3min20s [372words]

t5 3min53s [475words]

t6 4min09s [502words]
obstacle 13min35s [1255words]
作者: agneshsu    时间: 2017-1-30 22:41
warm up 01:05

stamp out

T2  02:08
The general situation of sexual industry in Dongguan and across China.
Sexual industry made a part of the GDP in Dongguan.

T3 03:18
too big to fail
grey zone: sexual industry develop quickly after the cultural revolution. Official corruption stimulate this business.  the local official and police protect this business.

T4 02:55

T5 04:06
作者: 咸鱼总不咸    时间: 2017-2-3 21:50
T2 1'56
T3 2'34
T4 2'56
T5 3'23
T6 2'48

作者: Christina54    时间: 2017-2-7 08:54
WARM UP:00'45'' 118 words
T2:01'40'' 317 words
T3:02'03'' 458 words
WARM UP:00'55'' 154 words
T4:01'57'' 372 words
T5:02'07'' 475 words
T6:02'45'' 502 words
作者: Annasurlaroute    时间: 2017-5-23 23:56

作者: Marjory000    时间: 2017-5-25 23:49
5.25   37-07
Warm up   1:27.94
T2   2:10.28
T3   5:41.07
Warm up   1:43.39
T4   3:41.34
T5   5:32.97
T6   4:46.31

作者: betternotknow    时间: 2017-5-27 08:59
warm up 1'10
Time 2  2'09
Time 3  3'03"
warm up 59"
Time 4  2'18"
Time 5  4'02"
Time 6  3'12"
Obstacle  9'36"

作者: JimmyCruz    时间: 2017-9-16 20:54
T2 3:10 (435)
T3 3:20 (458)
Recently, a crackdown took place thunderously leaded by communist party. According to communist party member, the major issue to tackle at present is corruption, and prostitution might be a great hotbed for corruption.
However, the sexual trade market, through all these years growth, has become too huge to stamp out immediately. Actually, it has become a backbone industry of China.
Dongguan, contributing some 50 billion yuan because of sexual industry alone, is always above the average national GDP. Dongguan has around 250000 prostitutes, embedded in saunas, hair salons or nice hotels.
Though dongguan might be an extreme case for china, a hotel CEO published an article to analyze how prostitution impact hotel industry. In the article, prostitution contributed some 500 billion yuan per year for GDP and an incident averagely costs 200 yuan.
Some analysts argue that since the industry is too big to fail, why not entrenched the nature of prostitution and discriminalize the industry? By doing so, prostitution employees could at least do body check regularly, thus avoid contagious disease or group sex.
In fact, it’s reform and opening up that boosts sexual market. An influx of people leaving their hometown tried to find a job in big cities ended up participating sexual trade, which is highly paid off. This market is facing a dilemma that on one hand, the officials want to whitewash their hand by eliminating this industry. On the other hand, it’s the officials and police that intervene with elimination process because they are involved or indulged in those sexual trades.

作者: JimmyCruz    时间: 2017-9-16 22:41
According to a research done in 8 states of US, sex trade might have been a lucrative business. In atlanta, where sex trade took up the biggest ratio of total turnover, sex trade created 290 million annually—more than underground drug and gun trades combined.
However, the study dives deep into the trafficking problems in sex trade, it ignores some changes essential behind sex trade. UN report shows that sexual exploitation trafficking accounts for 58% of trafficking cases detected globally.
The picture drew by the report is too partial since the report cannot discover those who are far from violating rules or are in contact with law enforcement. But these freelancers might accounts for a huge percentage of modern era prostitution participants.
Sex trade has moved in doors, gentrified and privatized. It has become a common thing that unawared by your families and your friends, while easily change your financial situation at the end of a month. Someone who would never intend to do these would put up an ads and do a little work there. The internet might disrupted the whole sex industry by making it invisible than ever before.

作者: linlin000    时间: 2017-9-17 12:30
T2 01:53
T3 02:29
T4 02:25
T5 02:37
T6 02:48

作者: GPSGWJ    时间: 2017-9-17 16:48
作者: JimmyCruz    时间: 2017-9-17 17:41
Obstacles 8:50 (1220)
回忆:日本的色情行业举世瞩目,文章讨论了日本色情行业几个场景,比如cuddle café,比如love hotel比如hostess bar。
Sex industry in Japan is thriving. Relation is dissected and each part is individually packaged and priced. The ability to commodify the most sacred parts of human life leaves no surprise to Japan’s success.
Love and money become inseparate in most of the japanese mind. If you do have money, you buy pseudo love with it. If you do not have money, you fall in love with it. The commitment of love, however, has turned to be a hassle. Over 50% women in Japan is single, which makes Japan population undergoes a steepest decline.
Sex industry is related to trafficking, prostitutioni and black sex market. Most of the place for sex industry are in control of yakusa, the stronger cousin of mafia. Partly as a result, the forbidden of sex industry in Japan is half-hearted, no punishment is set for violation. Since officially, prostitution is forbiddened, brothels found other loopholes by developing various industries, such as image club or soapland. These industries are highly thriving, with over 1021 shops, 325000 workers and 24 billion dollar turnover annually.
Cuddle café, in which anyone could walk in, pick up a menu, order various of services such as sleep in a girl’s arm, or even sleep on the bottom of the girl. Here, men or women can replace the cold loneliness of single life with a warm hug from a stranger.
Since the beginning of the 19th Century – but more noticeably from the boom years of the 50s/60s – young couples, couples having an affair, and couples looking for a private space outside the crowded home have been able to walk into a Love Hotel on a whim, rarely approached by a member of staff. The novel idea is in the design, there are rooms designed to provide for every taste and fetish: from rooms equipped with a kinky array of sex objects to Star Wars themed rooms, they provide a space for the Japanese to spice up their sex life by officially marking the “hotel” as a place to “rest”. It is believed there are up to 30,000 Love Hotels across Japan, creating an industry that is worth four-trillion yen (nearly 24 billion pounds) a year, a statistic that makes it impossible to refute the role of love and sex in the economy. It has even been recognised as a recession-proof industry, explaining the surge of interest to cash in on it.

作者: Apraura    时间: 2017-10-24 12:18
1.        (2’41’’) The impressive crackdown to Dongguan sexual industry represents the firm attitude of Communist Party to corruption. But other voice is emerging, wondering the influence of China’s economic growth brought by this practice.
2.        (2’58’’) Economists point out that sex industry has a deep, expanded root in China, which can be barely eliminated. Furthermore, while the Communist Party is illegalizing the prostitution, the members of political sphere are obsessed by these wonderlands.
3.        (2’48’’) The burgeoning of sex industry is promoted by the lack of occupation opportunities and positive support. Trafficking and prostitution have connections. But the implicative punishment of illegal trafficking results in the marginalization of prostitution is doubtful.
4.        (2’33’’) Among various industries, sex industry is unique and lucrative. As the era changes, the way of prostitution also evolved. Government places more attention on prostitution trafficking because it involves gun and drug transaction.
5.        (2’19’’) Sex industry is moving from substantial to the internet trade, from outdoor to indoor and from public to private. These changes cater to the increasing police force and diminish the danger of occasional prostitution.
(6’26’’) As well as other countries, Japan illegalize sex industry, but in a more casual way. Same as other nations’ sex industry, Japan’s love and sex business accounts for a great deal of GDP growth. But what different than other countries is that Japan has a more various and bold sex industry. In Japan, marriage is an old tradition, and people tend to focus on their jobs rather than emotional life. This condition offers a hotbed for sex and love industry, and it even evolved to a modern industry.

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