
标题: 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—34系列】【34-16】文史哲 [打印本页]

作者: 枣糕兔    时间: 2014-4-6 00:28
标题: 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—34系列】【34-16】文史哲
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Part I: Speaker

The curly fry conundrum:
Why social media “likes” say more than you might think

[Rephrase 1]
[Dialog: 09'55]

Transcript: [attach]141483[/attach]

Source: TED talk

作者: 枣糕兔    时间: 2014-4-6 00:28
Part II: Speed

If Brendan Eich’s employment should be protected, shouldn’t everyone’s?
Photo-illustration by Juliana Jimenez Jaramillo. Photo courtesy Darcy Padilla/Mozilla Foundation

Why Are Conservatives Only Interested in Defending Mozilla’s Brendan Eich?
Jamelle Bouie

[Time 2]
The Internet is currently worked up over the resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich, who left the company on Thursday following controversy over his support for Proposition 8 in 2008. As my colleague Will Oremus explains, Eich had given $1,000 to the anti-gay marriage campaign, which sparked a minor controversy when it surfaced in 2012, but didn’t affect his standing at the company, where he served as chief technical officer. After he was named CEO, however, this changed, and he was forced out by a combination of internal unrest and public condemnation.

Defenders of the outcome say that it’s a question of public morality; opposition to same-sex marriage is the same as opposition to interracial marriage, and that both are unacceptable opinions for people leading public companies. Critics, on the other hand, see Eich’s forced resignation as a chilling attack on free speech. Writing on his website, Andrew Sullivan calls it a “hounding” and wonders, “Will [Eich] now be forced to walk through the streets in shame?”

National Review takes its outrage even further: “The nation’s full-time gay-rights professionals simply will not rest until a homogeneous and stultifying monoculture is settled upon the land, and if that means deploying a ridiculous lynch mob to pronounce anathema upon a California technology executive for private views acted on in his private life, then so be it.”
[238 words]

[Time 3]
Eich is just the highest profile victim of a status quo that threatens countless workers.

Comparing Eich’s critics to a “lynch mob” is a bit much, especially given the actual violence gay people have faced for exercising their rights. Beyond that, it’s hard not to see some irony in these complaints, given National Review’s support of “religious freedom” laws in states like Arizona and Tennessee, and its broad view that the free market is sufficient to punish anti-gay businesses and business owners. The Mozilla situation seems emblematic of what conservatives want when it comes to the relationship between business, public opinion, and public sanction.

But let’s grant that Sullivan and the National Review are right. That Eich’s forced resignation is an attack on speech, and that this is an ugly bout of bullying against someone who hasn’t expressed his views in the context of his job. If that’s true, then Eich is just the highest profile victim of a status quo that threatens countless workers.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act might protect workers from discrimination on the basis of their race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin, but almost everything else is fair game for private employers who want to get rid of workers. Not only can you be fired for your political views—for sporting the wrong bumper sticker on your car, for instance—or for being “sexually irresistible” to your boss, but in most states (29, to be precise), you can be fired for your sexual orientation or gender identification, no questions asked.
[280 words]

[Time 4]
Overall, the large majority of Americans have at-will employment, which means that—outside of protected classes such as race or religion—they can be fired for any reason at all. For someone like Eich, this isn’t a huge deal: He will survive his brush with joblessness. The same can’t be said for millions of low-income workers who face termination lest they give their bosses their complete obedience.

For a taste of what this looks like, and if you’ve never worked a retail job, you should read former Politico reporter Joseph Williams on his time in a sporting goods store. For a pittance of a paycheck, he consented to constant searches, unpaid labor, and borderline wage theft. It’s a precarious existence, made worse by the fact that saying the wrong thing at the wrong time—either on the job or off it—could result in you losing your job, with no recourse.

And of course, employment discrimination against LGBT Americans is a real and ongoing problem. According to a 2011 report from the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank, at least 15 percent of gay Americans have faced discrimination and harassment at the workplace on the basis of their orientation, and at least 8 percent report being passed over for a job or fired. A whopping 90 percent of transgender individuals report some sort of harassment on the job. It’s doesn’t minimize Eich’s situation (if you’re opposed to his resignation) to note that gay people are far more likely to face discrimination than opponents of same-sex marriage.
[278 words]

Source: Slate

Could Brad Pitt be the key to encouraging men to stand up against rape?
Photo by Joe Klamar/AFP/Getty Images

A Movie About Steubenville From a Male Perspective Is a Great Idea
Amanda Marcotte

[Time 5]
Plan B, Brad Pitt's production company that recently financed 12 Years a Slave, grabbed headlines this week with the news that it had purchased the film rights to the Rolling Stone article, "Anonymous Vs. Steubenville." Written by David Kushner, the piece chronicles the efforts of online activists, flying under the name Anonymous, to get justice for a high school rape victim in Steubenville, Ohio. The protagonists of the article are a bunch of young white men who were touched by this girl's suffering and angered by what they deemed a town cover-up of the crime, and set out to make things right.

You can see the appeal of this story from a Hollywood perspective: Young men go up against a football town to rescue a female rape victim. But Tara Culp-Ressler at ThinkProgress is not happy about the male-centric nature of the story and thinks it is typical of Hollywood's inability to do social justice stories any justice:
In a culture where rape survivors’ voices are often ignored, and women’s stories about their own lived experiences of sexual violence and oppression are constantly brought into question, it’s discouraging to envision a movie about one of the most famous rape cases in the country that places a “white knight” at the center. Although it’s likely not the intention of Plan B Entertainment, that framing choice ends up further obscuring the real women who are victimized by sexual assault.
[246 words]

[Time 6]
Usually, I would agree. Hollywood has a tendency to tell the stories of oppressed people not from their own points of view, but from the point of view of a privileged outsider who comes to the rescue. (The Help and Schindler's List come to mind.) That's why 12 Years a Slave was so essential—because it made an enslaved man the protagonist of a story about slavery, something that should seem like the obvious thing to do but is often not. And the Steubenville movie may end up being more of the same. But I'd like to withhold judgment until it comes out for this major reason: Rape is one of those issues where we desperately need white knights.

Rape is traditionally considered a "women's issue," but really it's more of a men's issue. Men commit nearly all rapes, even rapes of other men and boys. The phrase "rape culture" that feminists kick around describes, above all else, the way that sexual predators move about freely because other men don't stand up to them (or, in some cases, actively support them, as we see in the newest reports about the latest charges against Jameis Winston's teammates). Women can oppose rape until we're blue in the face, but as long as rapists can look at other men and see indifference or active support, they're going to remain emboldened.

Look, women can rescue themselves through political activism on nearly all feminist issues. Women got themselves the vote. But when it comes to sexual assault, we need more men to say, at the very least, "Dude, that is messed up." If this movie ends up showing young men a new model for masculinity, one where you stand up for a woman's right to safety instead of wallow in a "bros before hos" mentality, then I will consider it a win.
[308 words]

Source: Slate

作者: 枣糕兔    时间: 2014-4-6 00:28
Part III: Obstacle

Michael Peña portrays farmworker turned activist Cesar Chavez in a new biopic.
(Photo: © Copyright Pantelion Films 2013)

What the New Cesar Chavez Film Gets Wrong About the Labor Activist
——Despite the good intentions, the biopic misleads and distorts his role in the farm workers movement
Matt Garcia  |  April 2, 2014

Matt Garcia is the director of the School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies at Arizona State University. His most recent book, From the Jaws of Victory: The Triumph and Tragedy of Cesar Chavez and the Farm Worker Movement (University of California Press), won the Philip Taft Award for the Best Book in Labor History, 2013. He wrote this for Zocalo Public Square.

[Paraphrase 7]
Most great men have one. Malcolm X has one. Gandhi has one. Mandela got one last year. And now, Cesar Chavez has his.

The biographical film or “biopic”—like Cesar Chavez, which came out this past weekend—lends itself to the creation of legends. In the case of Chavez, the legend is complicated by the fact that his story did not exactly lead to the liberation of the people he represented. Great strides were made during the heyday of the farm workers movement—namely the first contracts for farm workers and a California law that recognized their right to unionize. But field workers today suffer indignities familiar to those who worked in rural California prior to Chavez starting a union in 1962.

These facts are not the concern of Diego Luna, the Mexican niño prodigio turned director of the new film. In a recent appearance at UCLA, Luna told his audience, "We have to send a message to the [film] industry that our stories have to be represented. And with the depth and the complexity they deserve."

Fair enough. As a Mexican American and a historian, I too long for dignified cinematic portrayals of Latinos—if for no other reason than to impart histories to my students that convey the struggles for equality our people have initiated. College professors can only show John Sayles’ terrific 1996 film Lone Star, about a Texas border town, so many times. 2011’s A Better Life, about an undocumented gardener in Los Angeles, is a welcome but all too rare addition to the genre.
Farm workers cheering in the new film about the life of Cesar Chavez. (Photo: © Copyright Pantelion Films 2013)

My yearnings, however, should not come at the expense of historical accuracy, as they do in Cesar Chavez. Having recently published a book on the United Farm Workers and Chavez, I could easily get very particular about the details. (Pointing out, for example, that Luna situates the 1973 picket-line murder of farm worker Juan de la Cruz prior to 1970.)

But in the new film, Luna’s omissions and alterations are really historical subversions and go well beyond the poetic license we should permit filmmakers. His interpretation, I suspect, is a product of his unsophisticated handling of U.S. identity politics. He rejects the multiethnic community that made up the farm workers movement in favor of a simplistic notion that Mexicans did all the work. Creating a hero comes at the expense of depicting an entire social movement.

The Filipino American National Historical Society has rightly come out against the film’s misrepresentation of labor leader Larry Itliong, and the erasure of others such as Philip Vera Cruz and Pete Velasco. They’ve also questioned Luna’s failure to acknowledge the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee--an organization made up largely of Filipinos--which initiated the 1965 grape strike. The strike functions as a turning point for the union’s formation in the film.

Similarly, any mention of white volunteers and organizers beyond Fred Ross, Cesar’s mentor, and Jerry Cohen, the talented leader of the UFW legal team, is absent. Several white ministers and students played a critical role in launching and sustaining the movement, including Reverend Jim Drake, who came up with the winning strategy of the boycott, not Chavez. As the film lumbers toward the epic signing of the first contracts in 1970, Luna’s most egregious distortion of history comes when he shows Chavez boarding a ship to London. In the film, the labor leader walks the wharf on the Thames River, lobbies dockworkers not to unload grapes, and appeals to consumers not to buy the fruit. Although this work actually happened, it was a young Jewish American volunteer, Elaine Elinson, who almost singlehandedly convinced the British and Scandinavian unions to keep the grapes out of Europe.

The film even fails to represent accurately the supporting cast of Mexican American activists in Cesar’s orbit. Gilbert Padilla, played by Yancey Arias, and Dolores Huerta, played by Rosario Dawson, come off as nothing more than a yes-man and yes-woman to Chavez when, in fact, they were distinguished organizers in their own right and effective innovators of new strategies, including the boycott. Only Helen Chavez, Cesar’s wife, is presented as a character with her own mind and story, a tribute to America Ferrera’s standout performance.
Leader of the Migrant Workers Union, Cesar Chavez speaking in 1970. (Photo: National Archives/Cornelius Keyes)

But the film probably does the greatest disservice to Cesar Chavez himself. The director opts out of the 1970s altogether, a period in which Chavez struggled with personal and professional demons, lost interest in organizing farm workers, and became invested in creating a community rather than solidifying gains made in the previous decade. Such a storyline would have done little to burnish his credentials as a civil and labor rights leader, but it would have made for a more dramatic and compelling film. More importantly, it would have made for a much more accurate portrait of the depth and complexity of the real man.These omissions reflect the limitations of the genre and the hero-making project of this film in particular. With rare exception, biopics elide complexity and avoid overt criticism of their subjects. This is why the most extraordinary and entertaining renditions of historical figures have often come via fictionalized characters, whether it be Orson Welles’ Charles Foster Kane based on William Randolph Hearst (Citizen Kane), Roman Polanski’s Noah Cross based on William Mulholland (Chinatown), or P. T. Anderson’s Daniel Plainview based on Edward Doheny (There Will Be Blood).

In fairness to Luna, Chavez was delivered to him with decades of historical baggage, thanks to hagiography and political stamps of approval from Robert Kennedy, Jerry Brown, and most recently, Barack Obama. Although new histories are now being written, including Miriam Pawel’s impressive biography, The Crusades of Cesar Chavez, it will take time for the public’s perception of the hero to catch up with the all-too-human Chavez. Sadly, Luna’s film does almost nothing to assist this move toward a new understanding of Cesar Chavez’s life and the successes and failures of the movement he led.
[1020 words]

Source: Smithsonian

作者: 疏离无罪    时间: 2014-4-6 00:30

Speaker: Web now is becoming an interacting place,especially after the emerge of social medial.Some companies can predict many aspects of people according to their social media,purchase data and behavior data.Users can not control their own data and don't know how to use them.But this does not mean that companies can use them without permission.Policies and laws should be set to protect comsumers.Although social medias say that users can control their own data.Their revenue model in which social medias make money by sharing data proves that they're lying.Users should be informed when their data are used.

The CEO of Mozilla was resigned this week because he gave money to the anti-gay marriage campaign.The defenders and critics both have their own idea on him.

Eich is just the highest profile victim of a status quo that threatens countless workers.Workers should not be fired for their political view or sexual view.But the truth is that this kind of thing always happen.

Majority of americans can be fired for any reason outside of the protected classes.Employment discrimination on LGBT is a real and ongoing problem in US.

A film company recently purchased a film right of an article about a famous real woman rape stroy.But the film plans to make from a male perspective,which is criticized by some people.

This action is common in Hollywood.But this perpective may be meaningful to some extent.Rape is always seen as women's issue.Actually man should also be involved.A white knight can be helpful in rape crimines.

This film is about the farm workers movement.Telling about the backgroud of the film.The film get wrong and failed in many aspects,but it does the greatest disservice to Cesar Chavez himself.

作者: 小蘑菇开始打怪    时间: 2014-4-6 00:33

people share things on the social network,Facebook is the biggest place
people do not know how social network work to make people communicate with each other
we are looking for some behavior that other people is doing now and follow them, so we post our thing on the internet
what kind of things you like can tell what kind of people you are
if you are smart, you will be friends with smart people, if you are young, you will make friends with young people
you can access to the data and control, people are the consumer of the product of Facebook
the work of the woman in the video is to help people better use the social network and if all people choose to hind their likes or things,no one or third part can access to the data

E has ever supported the anti-gay marriage campaign, after his resignation from the company,some conservation arose about him

even through some legislation has come up to protect the rights of some group of people, they still face some discrimination with no reason
E thought he is the highest profile victim of a status quo that threatens countless workers

there are still large part of people face discrimination on their workplace because of their orientation

plan B is a movie about the story of women raped
the movie may be made in the stand view of a outsider man,which may not be suitable for the taste of hollywood

rape is a man issue in fact, if the movie could tell the story in the man view and tell men what thing is good, the movie is a huge success

the new movie tells the story about farm workers movement
teacher who teach history tells his students that the movie film industry made is not so good and maybe a little misleading
some background information about the farm movement
the film can not help people get good understanding of the success or the failure of the farm movement the film depicts

作者: xiaofan0205    时间: 2014-4-6 00:36

Internet become a much more interactive place, so scientists can use the data to build models that can predict all sorts of hidden attributes and they might go forward to move some control back into the hands of users.

Time2: 1'35"
Time3: 1'40"
Time4: 1'42"
Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich left the company on Thursday following controversy over his support for Proposition 8 in 2008.
But Eich is just the highest profile victim of a status quo that threatens countless workers.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act might protect workers from discrimination on the basis of their race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin, but almost everything else is fair game for private employers who want to get rid of workers.
And of course, employment discrimination against LGBT Americans is a real and ongoing problem.

Time5: 1'39"
Time6: 1'59"
Anonymous Vs. Steubenville is a movie about a bunch of young white men to get justice for a high school rape victim in Steubenville.
Hollywood has a tendency to tell the stories of oppressed people not from their own points of view, but from the point of view of a privileged outsider who comes to the rescue. But Rape is one of those issues where we desperately need white knights.

作者: MAGGIEHE1993    时间: 2014-4-6 04:55
Speaker: The web has changed and became a more interactive place. The representative of social media, Facebook has 1.2
         billion users every month. The speaker is a scientist who can use the data provided on the social media to
         predict little patterns of behavior. The patterns or informations of people predicted include gender, religion
         and so on. Then the speaker uses the example of curly fries to illustrate why the predictions are possible. One
         of the famous theories is that people tend to be with people that are like them. But the goal of the speaker is
         not to make benefit of customers' data but to give them more control over their personal data.

time2: 1min 35"
       Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich was forced to resign because he had given $1,000 to the anti-gay marriage campaign.
time3: 1min 41"
       Eich is just the highest profile victim of a status quo that threatens countless workers.
time4: 1min 47"
       Gay people are far more likely to face discrimination than opponents of same-sex marriage.
time5: 1min 35"
time6: 1min 55"

Obstacle: 8min 09"
       The biographical film of Cesar Chavez, which came out this past weekend, lends itself to the creation of legends.
       The legend is complicated by the fact that his story did not exactly lead to the liberation of the people he represented.

作者: 菜农人民    时间: 2014-4-6 09:02
Time2 2:03
Time3 2:48
Time4 2:40
Time5 2:33
Time6 2:55
Obstacle 7:11没读懂····

作者: pennyz    时间: 2014-4-6 09:22

作者: cherry6891    时间: 2014-4-6 09:32
Obstacle : 7:10
Time2 1;45
CEO b resigned because the controversy over his support anti-gay marriage campaign
Time3 1;30
B is a victim of a status quo that bully against someone who hasn’t expressed his views in the context of his job
Time4 1;30
--A large majority Americans were fired for any reason which makes low-income workers complete obey their boss
--still employment discrimination against LGBT Americans is ongoing problem
Time5  1;40
--Tara is unhappy about male-centric movie which is a typical of hollywood’s inability to do social justice and ignore the survivor’s voice
--time6 1:32
--movie should show the stand up for a woman;s right rather than show masculinity

作者: mozhiwanjia    时间: 2014-4-6 11:09
枣糕兔 发表于 2014-4-6 00:28
Part III: Obstacle

Michael Peña portrays farmworker turned activist Cesar Chavez in a  ...

掌管 5        00:08:59.50        00:21:13.79
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作者: slave918    时间: 2014-4-6 11:20
TIME2 2:31
E resigned from his company when he became a CEO because he bolsters anti-gay campaign.
defenders contend company leader be constrained by public morality while, critics argue that free speech is be contaminated.
time3 2:38
E is a victim of countless workers.
time4 2:23
opponents of same-sex marriage face less discrimination than gay.
time5 2:34
Plan B's new movie is not properly take the issue about rape.
time6 2:31
Hollywood movies tend to tell stories from outsiders' view, while 12 Years a Slave do not.
Rape is a men issue.
obstacle 9:50
L make a CC's biographical film. CC didn't exactly liberate people. in fact, live condition doesn't change much since the stride.
Why L make CC a hero by distorting history. the film misrepresent leaders and facts.
However, the film deteriorate CC's portrait for 2 reasons.
the film doesn't help people understand CC.

作者: Christina54    时间: 2014-4-6 11:53
The speaker mentioned the social media today become more interactive and people like putting their personal data on it. She illustrated the example of Facebook. It's kind of risky for users to share information on social media since other people can also get access to data thus they can predict the media users' traits, attributes and a patten of behavior. So it's not always beneficial to users because the media users do not have control over how data being used. To sum up, each data function should control back to media users to protect their rights.
CEO BE's forced resignation was caused by his donation to the anti-gay marriage campaign. He received a lot of critics from the public.
The author discussed the views of being fired for political views; also the author regarded Eich the highest profile victim of status quo that threatens countless workers and discussed the relationship among business, public opinion and public sanction.
low-income workers, gay Americans and transgender individuals are more likely to suffer employment discrimination,like facing harassment at the workplace.
The author introduced the main plot of a Hollywood movie- young men go up against a football town to rescue a female rape victim. The author suggests that the perspective should be focus on the social justice.
Rape is one of the women issues, but it's more of a men's issue. It is crucial to engage men's perspective to against sexual assault.
The film has some flaws, such as failing to represent accurately the supporting cast of Mexican American activists in orbit.
With rare exception, biopics elide complexity and avoid overt criticism of their subjects.
作者: 饼干小熊    时间: 2014-4-6 11:59
T2 1'39 Mozilla CEO BE left the company. He supports anti-gay marriage and it should not be a right positon which A CEO stands for.
T3 1'31 E is just a victim and in modern world.
T4 1'40 Discrimination against LGBT americans is still ongoing problem.
T5 1'13 BP's production company plan to invest a new movie which the story is about a high school rap victim.
T6 1'47 How the story of the movie can win.
T7 2’15 About a film...我又酱油了...
作者: 晓野的野    时间: 2014-4-6 15:15
掌管 4        00:01:31.88        00:05:56.30
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作者: Gryphon998    时间: 2014-4-6 15:47
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掌管 1        00:02:37.65        00:02:37.65


作者: ieveline    时间: 2014-4-6 16:07

At first, web contents were created by professions, now are created by normal persons.
We shoud do thing to get the controls back
An example of losting control--Target figure out a girl got pregenated before her parents by analysis data about here.
All the predictions are based on non-obvious information we revealed.
another example predict intelligence from seems irrelevent informaiton.
The reason is people contact with people similar to themselves.
So one thing can relfect the atrribute of a group of people.
Science should imprve the way people interat online. not predict their behaviors.

Mozilla CEO BZ left company.
He gave 1k dollars to anti-gay marriage campaign.
Opposition to same-sex marriage is the same as opposition to interracial marriage.
But someone also see his forced  resgination as an offence of free speeck.
Eich is just an example of victim of a status quo.
Act protects workers from discrimnation.
Gay american face more discriminaiton and harassment at the workplace,fired.
A film would focus on a story about rape, but is male-centric, gets criticism.
Women's stories are constantly ignored.
Rape is considered a women's issue, but really more of a men's issue.
Women can rescue themselves through political activism on nearly all feminist issues, but men should stand up for woman's right to safty.
The film should present a legend of Chavez, who leaded to get done the first contracts for farm workers and a California law that recongize farmers right to unionzie.
But the film failed to present accuracy of history.
The director rejects multiethnic community that made up farm workers movement but presents a notion that Mexicans did all the work.
This file does almost nothing to understand of Cersar Chavez's life and the success and failures of the movement he led.

作者: tian767    时间: 2014-4-6 19:39
Ppl like to post their information online and share them with others. Science can help us analysis those data, then detective wht behind. Also, a person has right to keep his privacy data.

T2 2:30
The CEO of Mozilla, BE supported the anti-gay marriage campaign. So the defenders of the outcome question him no longer to lead a public company.

T3 1:43
Workers should be protected on their race, religion, sex and ect. However, in most states, someone lose his job for the sexual orientation or gender identification.

The discrimination to gay ppl in US more than same-sex marriage, so they could not do something as BE did. They had to worry about how to feed their mouth.

T5 2:00
Brad Pitt’s production company begin to purchase a new film which based on the rolling stone article” A VS S” : young man rescue a female rape victim. But Tara C. didn’t like the social justice from a male-view.

T6 1:34
The writer argue that movie is diff from the social lives. It need something usually wouldn’t happen. And the rape is also a man’s issue. The audience should learn to think about the woman’s right, not the masculinity of a young man.

O 5:22
The writer studies Mexico history and found that a CC film ignored wht CC did.

作者: TaoRs92    时间: 2014-4-6 19:57

Eich is agianst gay rights.He left the company because of condemnation from public.
Several opinions towards his attitude:
defenders--public morality.unacceptable attitudes as a person leading public company.
critics--attack on free speech.he has the right to speak out his idea.
Eich is just a victim of a status quo--this threatens many workers.
There are many reasons for a worker to be fired.But when related to gender orientation,you may be fired without any reason and explanation.
For some people,like Eich,losing job doesn't mean a huge thing,they can find a new one easier and quicker.
But for most people,they give their boss complete obedience to aviod being fired.But they still can be fired because of a small thing and a small reason.
Discrimination towards LGBT is existing.
The story--men appear in the centre of the case related to rape to women.
Critics--only Hollywood's normal pattern--not bring real justice towards real cases--not focuse on those women victim,but emphasize men roles.
Hollywood's pattern--tell a story about oppressed people,not from their own views,but from the views of those people who rescue them.
But the author think the movie may success.Because when we face rape or something like this,women really need "white knight" or men to stand out and rescue them.
We should emphasize male role in such themes(sexual assaults).Men should stand out because women can not face this problem by their own.
If the movie did this,then the author considers it a success.
The introduction of the biographic film and the main chracter--C.
He is a leader who lead an important movement before.But his achievements and actions were complicated and not easy to descript.
The movie:
1 some scenes and facts in the film are not very convincing.
2 other characters are not descripted very well.many of them don't have their own stories in the film,they are only Yes-people and don't have their own ideas and characteristics.
3 the image of C the film is buiding is not very good.the film would have made a more complex and real men,but it failed.
作者: daisyjin    时间: 2014-4-6 22:10
2. 1:27
It deals with the leave of the mozilla CEO brendan Eich. As disussed in the article, he once donated money to anti-gay marriage association, an event that revoke the dissentful of many people. What's more, the discloser brought by internet and certain group people push him to leave the company.
3. 1:38
Eich is just the hight profile victim of a status quo that threatens countless workers.
Worker's interests are protected by law, including race, color...However, you will probably be fired in most countries if you refer to the sexual orientation or gender identification.
4. 1:41
If you want make a speech, we much now more about this field. And in the comment, you may probably say sth out of limitation of mortal.
In the reality, different proportion people are fired due to the different beyond words they said.
5. 1:48
Recently, brad pitt invests a movie about rape from a male perspective. However, a person is not happy about the plot and thinks that hollywood's inability to do such social activity: it's a good view of the film and also a breakthrough of bringing such topic to the screen.
6. 1:48
The author object to the argument that is offered to critic the film. We need to describe rape from the victim's direction rather than white knight's. Also, rage is not only women issue, but also about man, which is more important. Women now have their right to wote for themselves. Now they need is the support from men, a plot that have been introduced in the film.

the biographical film like cesar chavez always go far more than what the truth is. While many people are arguing for the involve of equlity and other item, the film are rarely refer to such item. For example, a 2011 film farm workers describes a great plot of an undocumented gardener without identifying the genre.
What's more, the film distort what the orignal is. Although there is a explanation that the film need to coordinate with the all degree in the society and doing such things is understandable, the director always change some important information about the truth and the practice raises the discontent of the relevant people.
The change is doing the most influence to Cesar Chavez.
作者: hemodata    时间: 2014-4-6 23:14
speaker: The speaker is a scientist in data mining and she shares us her opinion about internet data protection.   As  internet has evolved during the past decades, especially social networking sites, people shares massive amount of personal information on the net.  But they don't realized that these information can be analysed by others and used to predict their behaviors, even things seems to be irrelevant.  As the analysis result may not always benefit people, the speaker believe this is a problem to solve. She suggests two ways. The first is to legislate laws and the second is to changes internet rules. In other words, she believes that  users have the right to know how their data would be used and the right to decide how much information they want to keep privacy.
作者: 铁板神猴    时间: 2014-4-6 23:25

作者: chenyu2436    时间: 2014-4-7 02:35
time 2 1'20
lynch mob:愤怒的暴民
p1: Brendan Eich give $1000 for anti gay marriage cause internal untest and public condemnation
P2:defenders viewpoint--public morality
P3:national review--ridiculous

Time 3 1'30
bout of bullying: 一轮的欺凌
auhor consider the wording of the critics and defenders a little bit much. and it seems that  The Mozilla situation seems emblematic of what conservatives want when it comes to the relationship between business, public opinion, and public sanction, because in almost all states, people can be fired by holding different political views or gender identification.

Time 4 1'25
LGBT: 同性恋
for most American people saying the wrong thing at the wrong time could lose job. and lot people who are lgbt or transgender face more for job fire and harassment.

Time 5 1'27 & Time 6 1'45
white knight: 白衣骑士,救星
bros before hos:兄弟如手足,女人如衣服
The author gives some critic for some rescue concepts of the some movies showed in the Hollywood culture. Espiecaaly the concept with the 12 years of a slave which illustrates that men save a girl from rapes. Author believes that women should have the same masculinity as man to stand up for their own instead wallow in a "bros before hos" mentality.

Time 7 5'36
The author states what the new cesar chavez film gets wrong about the labor activist. simple he creates the hero imagines of the Mexicans who attended the boycott and omits the white and american people who also contributes to this activity and it  even fails to represent accurately the supporting cast of Mexican American activists in Cesar’s orbit. These omissions reflect the limitations of the genre and the hero-making project of this film in particular. and this omission is also why so many entertaining renditions are often fiction. good thing is new histories are now being written although it will take some time to swift the concept already rooted in public's mind.
作者: NativeStudy菌    时间: 2014-4-7 10:24
MAGGIEHE1993 发表于 2014-4-6 04:55

It's so nice to see you in the front page, and it requires you to have your passage memorized within 3 days, otherwise, your message in the front seat will be replaced by others who have done the work.
Have a nice day!
作者: NativeStudy菌    时间: 2014-4-7 10:26
菜农人民 发表于 2014-4-6 09:02

Dear Cainongrenming~
So glad to see you again in the front page. I know you are clear about the rule, so please write down your memorization ASAP~
Have a good day!
作者: NativeStudy菌    时间: 2014-4-7 10:29
pennyz 发表于 2014-4-6 09:22

Hey! Pennyz~
Nice to see you in the front seat! Don't forget to write down your memorization within 3 days~
Wish you a wonderful day!
作者: MAGGIEHE1993    时间: 2014-4-7 10:32
主页菌 发表于 2014-4-7 10:24
It's so nice to see you in the front page, and it requires you to have your passage ...

Thank you for reminding me~~ I'll finish it ASAP~~
作者: simonleo    时间: 2014-4-7 11:17
昨天一天在外没做作业今天一上发现欠了三次了居然。。。 今天一天慢慢补齐。。。

Through sharing information on the web, users's attributes can be predicted by scientists.
An example of pregnant woman to show what scientists could predict by analysing users action.
An example of people like curly fries to show how it functions that scientists to get a user's attributes.
Users privates are in danger and two solutions.

Time 2 2:34
Resignation of M's CEO BE is opposed because of his sponsor to the anti-gay marriage campaign.

Time 3 2:45
E is just the highest profile victim of status quo that threatens countless workers.

Time 4 2:51
Job discrimination would hurts millions of low-income workers interest.

Time 5 2:44
Plan B ready to move AvS into the screen in a Hollywood perspective, TC is not happy about the male-centric nature of the story and thinks it is typical of Hollywood's inability to do social justice stories any justice.

Time 6 2:36
The author's attitude about the movie.
Rape is traditionally considered a "women's issue".we need more men to stand out and condemn it. If the movie shows young man a new model for masculinity, then the author will think it is successful.

Obstacle 9:04
The biopic Cesar Chavez fails to depict a real historial event and fails to represent accurately the supporting cast of Mexican American activists.
But the film probably does the greatest disservice to Cesar Chavez himself.
Sadly, Luna’s film does almost nothing to assist the move toward a new understanding of Cesar Chavez’s life and the successes and failures of the movement he led.

作者: olivia瓜瓜    时间: 2014-4-7 12:00
Time 2: 1m18s
Because of his opposition the same-sex marriage, erich are forced to resign the CEO position of Mozilla.

Time 3: 1m1e 3s  
The eich event is emblematic the conversative of the relationship between business and private opinion and public sanction.
Rich is the high profile victim of the countless workers, who can be got rid of works by employers only because their private views.

status quo 现状
lynch mob 凌迟暴民
emblematic of  象征性的   

Time 4: 1m13s
Employee discrimination is an ongoing problem in American.
Gays or transgender people are more likely to encounter the discrimination than those opponents of same gender marriage.

Time 5:1m06s  
Protagonist 主演
An anonymous article about how white male stand up to help the female in rape.  

Time 6: 1m11s
The rape is not only the woman’s issue, but also the man’s issue.
Man should stand out.  

作者: 云游    时间: 2014-4-7 13:31
来补补作业!CURLY FRY Conundrum!
Speaker: By using social media, scientist is able to predicate certain traits of its users, basing on some seemingly irrelevant data. Say, we can tell people are more intelligent if they have more preference for curly fry. The speaker may have the right to use all those data she possessed at this moment to run her own business, but she choose not to do that. That's because, as she claimed herself, the priority of a scientist is to improve on-user's way of interacting but not gaining profit for himself/herself.
Time 1:1'13'' Supporting homosexual marriage as a public leader of a high-tech company,Brendan Eich got fired from his position.
Time 2:1'16'' Brendan Eich is the highest profile that ever get fired. For employers, it is still extenuating for race, color, religion or citizenship difference among there employees, but it's almost impossible for employers to tolerate the gender identity problem.
Time 3:1'23'' Gay people are facing harassment and discrimination in the U.S., and for those living under poverty, showing their gender preference will cause them more economic difficulty.
Time 4:1'14'' A new movie is directed in a hollywood style, potraying young man rescuing rape females. This genre, however, instigated the aversion from Tara, who holds anti-male-centric attitude.
Time 5:1'43'' Even though women can stand out for themselves in most cases, men should play more role in sexual assult issues. Because it is men who committed most rape crimes, and women can't protect themselves in most cases.
Obstacle: 6'21''
作者: ROLEDAD    时间: 2014-4-7 15:31
the talker first takes the examples of a high school student who was pregnant and people like curly fry conundrum showing more intelligence to claims that social media tells us more than you might think. the reason for this is because the process of broadcast the information will show your information, tastes, and many other things. therefore, the talker hold the opinion that the inference should not be developed in the media and  we should return the control of information to its rightful owners.

Time2: 1'41''
Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich's behavior that leaving the company 1000dollars to the anti-marriage campaign raised defense of his staffs and a combination of public condemnation, which was

Time3: 1'48''
Because the Mozilla situation seems emblematic of what conservatives want , then Eich is just the highest profile victim of a status quo that threatens countless workers.

Time4: 1'46''
although employment discrimination against gay is not the only reason, Eich’s situation still will not be minimized .

Time5: 1'45''
the movie "plan b" shows a hollywood prospective about the male-centric nature, which was criticized by Tara Culp-Ressler for its inability to do social justice stories any justice

Time6: 1'50''
As a matter of fact, rape is more of a men's issue because as long as rapists can look at other men and see indifference or active support, they're going to remain emboldened.
So is the movie, that If this movie ends up showing young men a new model for masculinity, one where you stand up for a woman's right to safety instead of wallow in a "bros before hos" mentality, then the movie will be successful.

Although the film won the Philip Taft Award, it still has many wrong about the labor activist.
FIRST, The biographical film about Cesar Chavez during the heyday of the farm workers movement actually does;t describe the field workers' today suffering of indignities.
SECOND, the film also misrepresents the labor leader Larry Itliong, and the erasure of others such as Philip Vera Cruz and Pete Velasco
THIRD, the film even fails to represent accurately the supporting cast of Mexican American activists in Cesar’s orbit.
In fairness to Luna, Chavez was delivered to him with decades of historical baggage, but,  sadly, Luna’s film does almost nothing to assist this move toward a new understanding of Cesar Chavez’s life and the successes and failures of the movement he led.

lynch mob 动用私刑的暴民;愤怒的群众;
anathema 令人极其讨厌的事或人;被诅咒的人或物
an ugly bout of bullying 一个欺负丑陋的比赛;

作者: ROLEDAD    时间: 2014-4-7 15:36
作者: yinghua9122    时间: 2014-4-7 15:41
Time 2
Mozilla's CEO has stepped down because of his support for anti-gay marriage. This thing causing the debate in the public.

Time 3
Eich is just the highest profile victim of a status quo that threatens countless workers. you can be fired for your sexual orientation or gender identification, no questions asked.

Time 4
workers are in the disadvantaged groups, if they are fired just because of their sexal orientation, they will face survivial problem. And statistics has shows that most gay are facing discrimination.

Time 5
A film company wants to make a film, editing a real famous woman rape story from a male perspective. But public seems not happy about this action.

Time 6
Ripe problem. In the long time,  we always think that rape is a woman's problem. but actually man should also be invovoed.

作者: 盘腿大王    时间: 2014-4-7 16:52
Web now is becoming an interacting place,especially after the emerge of social medial.
The data on the net is useful.
Eich had given $1000 to the anti-gay marriage campaign,so he lefy his company and forced by a internal unrest and public condemnation.
The defenders and national review hold their own opinion.

Eich is just the highest profile victim of a status quo that threatens countless workers.
Actully,in most states,you can be fired for your sexual orientation or gender identification,no questions asked.

Many low-income workors face termination,especially the employment who are gay.
And of course, employment discrimination against LGBT Americans is a real and ongoing problem.

Brad Pitt's shoot a film about the high school rape victim in Steubenville.The story from a male-centri, so some people are not happy to that.

Rape is traditionally considered a "women's issue," but really it's more of a men's issue.
If this movie makse the man stand up for a woman's right to safety instead of wallow in a "bros before hos" mentality,the film is meaningful.

Chavez’s film did not exactly lead to the liberation of the people he represented.He omissions and alterations many fact and makes a historical subversions.
But the film probably does the greatest disservice to Cesar Chavez himself.

作者: raesiki    时间: 2014-4-7 20:42

Time 1:
The speech begins with the change of the internet from its beginning to early 2000s. With the development social media and social networks, there are such increasingly numbers of personal data that could be used to analyze and predict the behaviour pattern among people.
Then, the speaker gave a example of a picture of curly fries to illustrate how information even unrealted to the content could be the clue to reveal what kind of user he or she is.
Finally, the speaker showed her concern about the privacy of the personal data online and how could the data be used properly.

Time 2 - 2'19
Eich is under great pressure because he supports anti-gay marriage case.

Time 3 - 1'54
In reality, it is possible that many companies fire staff because of political views.

Time 4 - 1'55
This part reemphazised that the employment of LGBT Americans would be a ongoing problem.

Time 5 - 2'26
The company of BP intend to invest a movie which tells a story of rape victim from a perspective of man. Although whether Hollywood movie could justify the socail justice unremains unknow, this movie would let more voices from women be heard in public.

Time 6 - 1'56
Although the movie may go into the traditional style, which is descrbing a issue from the opposite view to generate new meanings, it is worthy anticipating.

Time 7 - 6'20
This article mainly criticized a biographical movie of CC. Although it may be representative for South American people and the topic of Labour activitists, there are numerous ommisions of the historical features that make this movie far from excellent.
作者: 菜农人民    时间: 2014-4-8 07:40
主页菌 发表于 2014-4-7 10:26
Dear Cainongrenming~
So glad to see you again in the front page. I know you are clear about the ru ...

作者: NativeStudy菌    时间: 2014-4-8 16:25
菜农人民 发表于 2014-4-8 07:40

my pleasure~~~
作者: 小草莓之梦    时间: 2014-4-8 22:18
Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich was forced to leave his company because of his support for Proposition 8 in 2008.
Eich is just the highest profile victim of a status quo that threatens countless workers.
The large majority of Americans can be fired for any reason at all.The same can’t be said for millions of low-income workers.
Brad Pitt's production company that recently financed a movie concerned with female rape survivors grabbed headlines this week.
The author agrees that Hollywood has a tendency to tell the stories of oppressed people not from their own points of view, but from the point of view of a privileged outsider who comes to the rescue.
作者: jokerking    时间: 2014-4-9 08:06
spk :   by computing the data of people interact with internet, scientist can predict the advantages and disadvantages of users, and then, if they want, they can post these informations on the internet so to influence users' life.(pregnent/employment)  user can not controll their data and dont know how it used, speaker think scientists should let people know the risk of sharing informantion and then prevent the abuse of users' data.
spd :   1.26   BE resigned from Mozilla because the staff cant bear their leader support the anti-LGBT. defenders think it is a moral question which cannot be violated, critics says we must ensure people's free speech.
        1.44   Eich is just the highest profile victim of a status quo that threatens countless workers.
        1.32   E's situation not suited to low-income level, say wrong thing at the wrong time will make you fired with no recourse. discrimination of LGBT in employment is a real and ongoing problem.
        1.35   BP's company want to catch a movie about rape victim. but critics think this movie is male-centric and show the inability to justice.
        1.50  but writer think when we speak about rape we do need a man knight to justice. because the rape is really the men's issue, we need young male to know sexual assult is incorrect and so to prevent this situation happen.
ob   :  5.36
作者: triway    时间: 2014-4-9 16:41

Obstacle 5'22''
An histroy teacher told his students the misleading of the film towards the farm .The legend was not ture or as well as it represented.


Time2 2'05
The CEO Brendan Eich  made his company in a controversy because of his attitude against the gay mariages. The defenders of the this outcome ragard the opposition of gay mariage is like the opposition of interiacial mariage, and the public, the Internet put this man into a very embarrassing situation. National review make his outrager even further and announced that he monoculture won't  still existe until the personal subjective point of view do not influence the public.

Time3 1'30
It's a litte exaggravate to say that Eich's point of view is lynch mob, why we considered his words so grave is that we think that he is the profile victime who terrifies contless workers and to warn the others who didn't annonce their personal points of views to public.

Time4 1'20
Saying wrong thing at the wrong time can cause you to lose your job without recourse, Eich being surviving the joblessness is an example to the others. But the gay Americans are still facing the huge problems such as discrimination in thier work which are more grave and serious than the obstruction of gay mariage.

Time 1'22
Plan B, the film production company of Brad Pitt now, is shotting a film about the victim rape from perspective male, it tells a story about how a group of men touched by the sufferings of a victime rape,which is a new point of view, but opponents said that this kind of film would weaken the profile of the women's miseras in this society where they are always ignored.

Time4 2'00'
But the writer's personal point of view is that, this kind of Holleywood film which describes the opressed people is often told by the priviliged outsiders, such as the list of S, and so on. But rape is just the kind of thing that should be taken seriously by the men, women could fight against the rape until the face turn blue, but men, becsause of the rape culture and thier male feature, they even support rape--such kind of phenomenon. So he hopes that this film could really put an emphasis on the men's fonction in fighting against the rape and influence the men's values towards the rape.
作者: cyndichiang    时间: 2014-4-14 07:40
Time2 1'52''
Former CEO BE supports anti-gay marriage campaign and he was blamed by critics from society.

Time3 2'02''
E is the highest victim of state quo that threatens countless workers because he didn't express his view in the context of his job.
And a comparasion  between current and the past situation shows that E is the highest victim

Time4 2'03''
Majority American employees can be fired for any reasons.Employment discrimination against LGBT is an ongoing problem

Time5 2'05''
T disagree with the Hollywood- style perspective about the woman rape cases because H' film stands at  male-centric views and it cannot reflect the true social problem.

Time6 1'39''
The author thought 12 Slaves is an essential movie that differs from usual Hollywood-style movies.
The author thinks that movies about the rape should stand for woman and end up masculinity-style about woman's issue.

Obstacle: 6'02''
New CC firm distort and misinterpret the true history
First, the author introduced the background about the biopic and the director L
Then, the author oppose the CC and points that L omitted many important information and distort the subject's influence.
Many critics have shown their disagreements about the film because L purposely exaggerate the achievement of CC.
Moreover, the subject CC himself was harmed by this film.
In sum, L fails to show a new understanding of CC’s life and the successes and failures of the movement he led.

作者: huwanyue123    时间: 2014-4-20 15:54

People nowadays tend to share their life in the social life more and more. However, majority of them have a bad control of such data. The speaker suggests that some companies who want to increase the revenue can use such kind of data.

E was registered from his company because of his support of proposition 8, which is an anti-gay marriage proposal. Though E’s behavior has no influence on company’s benefit, people who support the registration said public celebrities should concern more about their behaviors. But critics argued it is against the “free talk”
E is the highest profile victim to the status quo because of a different political attitude. People thought his attitude would affect countless workers in the conception of discrimination.
Unlike E, ordinary people may stay jobless if he said the wrong words or had a wrong attitude toward controversial problems. Most of them choose to hide what they thought.
a story talked about a man moved by a woman and set to make out the things right. The story is then made into movie.
Such kind of movie is not liked be Hollywood.
The point of view of the storyteller is different from Hollywood to this movie.
Rape is traditionally considered a "women's issue," but really it's more of a men's issue.

今天又放假 补清明作业~
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