
标题: 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—28系列】【28-18】经管 [打印本页]

作者: kimwang53    时间: 2013-12-6 22:04
标题: 【Native Speaker每日综合训练—28系列】【28-18】经管
Official Weibo:

Part I: Speaker
ESL Podcast 953 – Living With Insects and Spiders

[Rephrase 1]
[Dialog,18 min 55 sec]


Slow Dialog: 1:12
Explanations: 3:12
Fast Dialog: 14:31

Judith: Ahh! Get it off me!

Murad: It’s just a tiny spider. Don’t freak out.

Judith: I hate spiders. What is this place you’ve brought me to?

Murad: It’s one of the most beautiful spots in the world and we’ll be staying here tonight.

Judith: You mean we’ll be roughing it in this cabin? Is that a cockroach that just ran across the floor?

Murad: Maybe. In this place, you’ll see some of the most amazing things. It’s the next best thing to sleeping in the open.

Judith: Great. Can you close that window? There are flies and moths everywhere, and I think those were bees and wasps just outside the door.

Murad: They won’t bother you if you don’t bother them. Listen to that! We can fall asleep to the sound of crickets.

Judith: Ouch! I think I’ve just been bitten by a giant mosquito.

Murad: You’re imagining things. Look at those butterflies just outside the window. Don’t you think they’re beautiful?

Judith: Do you know what would look beautiful to me right now? A really big mosquito net!

Source: ESL

作者: kimwang53    时间: 2013-12-6 22:04
Part II: Speed
Article 1:
[Time 2]
President Barack Obama on Thursday eulogized former South African President Nelson Mandela as a man who "belongs to the ages."

"Today, he's gone home," Obama said from the White House briefing room.

Mandela died Thursday at the age of 95. He is survived by his wife, Graça Machel, six children, and 17 grandchildren.

Obama said he was one of the "countless millions" that drew inspirations from Mandela's life. Mandela, he said, was a man " who took history in his hands and bent the arc of the moral universe toward justice."

"Let us pause and give thanks for the fact that Nelson Mandela lived," Obama said.

"We will not likely see the likes of Nelson Mandela again. So it falls to us as best we can to forward the example that he set — to make decisions guided not by hate, but by love, to never discount the difference that one person can make, to strive for a future that is worthy of his sacrifice."

Here is Obama's full statement on Mandela's death:

"At his trial in 1964, Nelson Mandela closed his statement from the dock saying, “I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination.  I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities.  It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve.  But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.”

And Nelson Mandela lived for that ideal, and he made it real.  He achieved more than could be expected of any man.  Today, he has gone home.  And w e have lost one of the most influential, courageous, and profoundly good human beings that any of us will share time with on this Earth.  He no longer belongs to us -- he belongs to the ages.

Through his fierce dignity and unbending will to sacrifice his own freedom for the freedom of others, Madiba transformed South Africa -- and moved all of us.  His journey from a prisoner to a President embodied the promise that human beings -- and countries -- can change for the better.  His commitment to transfer power and reconcile with those who jailed him set an example that all humanity should aspire to, whether in the lives of nations or our own personal lives.  And the fact that he did it all with grace and good humor, and an ability to acknowledge his own imperfections, only makes the man that much more remarkable.  As he once said, “I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.”

[Time 3]
I am one of the countless millions who drew inspiration from Nelson Mandela's life.  My very first political action, the first thing I ever did that involved an issue or a policy or politics, was a protest against apartheid.  I studied his words and his writings.  The day that he was released from prison gave me a sense of what human beings can do when they’re guided by their hopes and not by their fears.  And like so many around the globe, I cannot fully imagine my own life without the example that Nelson Mandela set, and so long as I live I will do what I can to learn from him.

To Graça Machel and his family, Michelle and I extend our deepest sympathy and gratitude for sharing this extraordinary man with us.  His life’s work meant long days away from those who loved him the most.  And I only hope that the time spent with him these last few weeks brought peace and comfort to his family.

To the people of South Africa, we draw strength from the example of renewal, and reconciliation, and resilience that you made real.  A free South Africa at peace with itself -- that’s an example to the world, and that’s Madiba’s legacy to the nation he loved.

We will not likely see the likes of Nelson Mandela again.  So it falls to us as best we can to forward the example that he set:  to make decisions guided not by hate, but by love; to never discount the difference that one person can make; to strive for a future that is worthy of his sacrifice.

For now, let us pause and give thanks for the fact that Nelson Mandela lived -- a man who took history in his hands, and bent the arc of the moral universe toward justice.  May God Bless his memory and keep him in peace."

Source: yahoo finance;_ylt=AwrSyCWqkqFSOygA80qTmYlQ

Article 2:
Three Creativity Challenges from IDEO’s Leaders
[Time 4]
People often ask us how they can become more creative. Through our work at the global design and innovation firm IDEO and David’s work at Stanford University’s, we’ve helped thousands of executives and students develop breakthrough ideas and products, from Apple’s first computer mouse to next-generation surgical tools for Medtronic to fresh brand strategies for the North Face in China. This 2012 HBR article outlines some of the approaches we use, as does our new book, Creative Confidence:  Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All. One of our top recommendations? Practice being creative. The more you do it, the easier it gets.

Of course, exercising your mind can sometimes feel more daunting than exercising your muscles. So we’ve developed ten creativity challenges to jump-start your practice. Some you can do by yourself; some require a team. Some seem incredibly simple; others you might find more challenging. Three are presented below; we hope you’ll try at least one.


Mindmaps are a powerful way to overcome fear of the blank page, look for patterns, explore a subject, come up with truly innovative ideas, record their evolution so you can trace back in search of new insights, and communicate your thought processes to others. While lists help you capture the thoughts you already have, mindmaps help to generate wildly new ones. They are extremely versatile, and we use them all the time, not only at work but also at home, for example, to come up with dinner party ideas. (See illustration.)

TOOL: Mindmap

PARTICIPANTS: Usually a solo activity

TIME: 15–60 minutes

SUPPLIES: Paper (the bigger the better) and pen


On a large blank piece of paper, write your central topic or challenge in the middle of the paper and circle it.

Ask yourself, “What else can I add to the map that is related to this theme?” Write down ideas, branching out from the center, and don’t worry if they feel clichéd or obvious. That happens to everyone.

Use each connection to spur new ideas. If you think one of your ideas will lead to a whole new cluster, draw a quick rectangle or oval around it to emphasize that it’s a hub.

Keep going. As the map progresses, your mind will open up, and you’ll likely discover some wild, unpredictable, dissociative ideas .

You are done when the page fills or the ideas dwindle. If you’re feeling warmed up but not finished, try to reframe the central topic and do another mindmap to get a fresh perspective. If you feel you’ve done enough, think about which ideas you would like to move forward with.

[Time 5]

We learned this 30 Circles exercise from David’s mentor, Bob McKim. It’s a great warm-up and also highlights the balance between fluency (the speed and quantity of ideas) and flexibility (how different or divergent they are).

TOOL: 30 Circles

PARTICIPANTS: Solo or groups of any size

TIME: 3 minutes, plus discussion

SUPPLIES: Pen and a piece of paper (per person) with 30 blank circles on it of approximately the same size.


Give each participant one 30 Circles sheet of paper (see example) and something to draw with.
Ask them to turn as many of the blank circles as possible into recognizable objects in three minutes.
Compare results. Look for the quantity or fluency of ideas. Ask how many people filled in ten, 15, 20, or more circles? (Most people don’t finish.) Next, look for diversity or flexibility in ideas. Are the ideas derivative (a basketball, a baseball, a volleyball) or distinct (a planet, a cookie, a happy face)? If people were drawing their own circles, did anyone “break the rules” and combine two or more (a snowman or a traffic light)? Were the rules explicit, or just assumed?


You’ve gone into the field in search of knowledge, meeting people on their home turf, watching and listening intently. Now synthesize all that data by creating an “empathy map”.

TOOL: Empathy Map

PARTICIPANTS: Solo or groups of two to eight people

TIME: 30–90 minutes

SUPPLIES: Whiteboard or large flip chart, Post-its, and pens


On a whiteboard or a large flip chart, draw a four-quadrant map. Label the sections with “say,” “do,” “think,” and “feel,” respectively.
Write down each of your key observations from the field on one Post-it note and populate the “say” and “do” quadrants. Try color-coding, for example, using green Post-its for positive statements and actions, yellow for neutral, and pink or red for frustrations, confusion, or pain points.
When you run out of observations (or room) in those quandrants, begin to fill the “think and” and “feel” sections with Post-its, based on the body language, tone, and choice of words you observed. Use the same color coding.
Take a step back and look at the map as a whole. What insights or conclusions can you draw from what you’ve written down. What seems new or surprising? Are there contradictions or disconnects within or between quadrants? What unexpected patterns appear? What, if any, latent human needs emerge?

Source: hbr

Article 3:
Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden? Obama says won't choose between them for 2016
[Time 6]
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama says both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden would make outstanding presidents. And beyond that, he's staying out of the debate about who should succeed him in 2016.

That was the message Obama laid down in an interview on Thursday with MSNBC's "Hardball" program when host Chris Matthews asked him to compare and contrast the two.

"Not I chance am I doing that," he said.

"Both Hillary and Joe would make outstanding presidents and possess the qualities that are needed to be outstanding presidents," he said.

America's political world is a boil as to whether former Secretary of State Clinton will seek the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016. Similar questions are being asked about Biden, Obama's vice president.

Clinton, wife of former President Bill Clinton, leads most surveys of Democratic voters, and many analysts doubt Biden would seek the nomination if it put him up against Clinton.

But Clinton has steadfastly refused to say for sure whether she will run while making carefully selected appearances around the country and working on a book.

Even Bill Clinton, who works with his wife at the Clinton Global Initiative, is professing ignorance of her plans.

"No, I don't," he told Fusion television on Tuesday when asked if he knew about her 2016 plans.

"She's trying to finish her book. She's gotten several projects up and going with our foundation. And she believes and I believe that the four-year campaign mania is a big mistake," he said.

Obama said Clinton and Biden have "different strengths" but both would be outstanding.

Source: reuters

作者: kimwang53    时间: 2013-12-6 22:04
Part III: Obstacle
Article 4:
In the Murky World of Bitcoin, Fraud Is Quicker Than the Law
[Time 7]
The call went out on Twitter: “For insane profits come and join the pump.”

It was an invitation to a penny stock-style pump-and-dump scheme — only this one involved Bitcoin, the soaring, slightly scary virtual currency that has beckoned and bewildered people around the world.

While such bid ’em up, sell ’em off scams are shut down in the financial markets all the time, this one and other frauds involving digital money have gone unchecked. The reason, in no small part: Government authorities do not agree on which laws apply to Bitcoin — or even on what Bitcoin is.

The person behind the recent scheme, a trader known on Twitter as Fontas, said in a secure Internet chat that he operated with little fear of a crackdown.

For insane profits come and join the pump, there is no obligation to but it’s nice to be on the right side of a price movement

— Fontas (@fontase) 25 Nov 13

“For now, the lack of regulations allows everything to happen,” Fontas said in the chat, where he verified his control of the Twitter account, which has thousands of followers, but did not give his identity. He added that Bitcoin and its users would benefit when someone steps in to police this financial wild west, and would stop his schemes when they do.

Chinese authorities drew attention to the issue on Thursday when they announced that they were barring Chinese banks from making Bitcoin transactions. The same day, the Bank of France issued its own warning about the potential risks. The news sent the price of Bitcoin tumbling, but it quickly bounced back to near its all-time high of around $1,200.

Bitcoins are little more than computer code — created according to a set algorithm and traded between online wallets using virtual keys. Some people insist that virtual currencies could become a revolutionary new form of payment in the real world. Bank of America became the first major Wall Street bank to release research about Bitcoin on Thursday, noting that it could become “a major player in both e-commerce and money transfer.”

So far, though, Bitcoin has been driven up primarily by people who are betting it will rise and rise because there is a finite supply. The initial computer program established that only 21 million Bitcoins would ever be created.

Because there are no limits on who can buy Bitcoins, they have attracted investors of all stripes. The value of all the Bitcoins in existence is now more than $12 billion after a volatile surge increased the value by more than 1,000 percent over the last month.

But the excitement over this rapid ascent has obscured the fraud, hacking and outright theft that have become an increasingly regular part of the virtual currency world — even for the most sophisticated, legitimate players — and the lack of any visible response from law enforcement agencies.

This has allowed more than 30 episodes in which at least 1,000 Bitcoins — or $1 million at the current rate of exchange — were stolen or transferred illegally, according to a frequently updated list on the most popular online forum for Bitcoin. Of those cases, 10 involved losses of more than 10,000 Bitcoins, or $10 million at the current value. The authorities have only been publicly involved in one of these cases.

This week, the virtual currency world has been abuzz over a heist in which 96,000 Bitcoins — currently worth about $100 million — were said to be taken from an online marketplace known for selling illegal drugs.

Because of the murky nature of the virtual currency, thefts can be hard to verify. But the increasing stream of episodes underscores how quickly con artists can take advantage of new forms of investing and how slow the authorities can be in responding to emerging financial risks.

The association of state securities regulators put digital money on its list of the top 10 threats to investors for the first time this year. At a hearing last month, three federal agencies said they were carefully tracking virtual currencies for illicit activity.

But Judith M. Shaw, the top securities regulator in Maine, said that it was often hard to determine which authority should be cracking down on virtual currency fraud, or even what constitutes fraud in a market that some view as a giant bubble and others as the future of money.

“The jurisdiction has not been clearly established because it’s new uncharted territory,” Ms. Shaw said. “Everyone is just trying to figure out how this is all going to play out.”

The five Chinese agencies that released a notice on Thursday, including the People’s Bank of China, said that citizens of the country would still be allowed to buy and sell digital money, but it warned that participants “assume the risks themselves.”

Authorities in the United States have cracked down on the criminal use of virtual currencies in a few cases, but those have been isolated situations in which the coins have been used for illegal purposes in the real world, like money laundering and trade in illicit goods. The owner of the Silk Road, a website where drugs and weapons could be bought with Bitcoins, was arrested earlier this year.

But for crimes contained within the Bitcoin network — like thefts from apparently reputable online wallets where Bitcoins are stored — there has been almost no accountability.

The largest Bitcoin payment processor in Europe, BIPS, said last month that it was hacked and that it lost about $1 million worth of Bitcoins, including coins that were in the personal online wallets of customers. The company, which is still in business, said this week that it would be “unable to reimburse Bitcoins lost unless the stolen coins are retrieved.”

The company said that the Danish police were examining the case but added that the authorities could “not classify this as a theft due to the current nonregulation of Bitcoin.”

“There is absolutely no consumer protection in any sector of the Bitcoin economy,” said Sarah Meiklejohn, a graduate student at the University of California, San Diego, who researches the industry.

After writing a paper on Bitcoin transactions this year, Ms. Meiklejohn said she began receiving emails almost daily from victims of theft who asked her to help track down the perpetrators. Ms. Meiklejohn said that despite the long odds of success, she had generally offered to help, knowing that the victims had nowhere else to turn.

“I figure I can at least respond to them and provide some sense they are being heard,” Ms. Meiklejohn said.

Part of the problem is that regulators have not agreed on how to classify Bitcoin. The Securities and Exchange Commission has authority to regulate securities, like stocks, in the United States. This allowed the agency to punish a Bitcoin Ponzi scheme this year because the agreement between the swindler and the victims was considered a security. But so far, the agency has not determined whether Bitcoin itself can be categorized as a security, making it hard for it to crack down on trading fraud.

Chinese authorities said on Thursday that Bitcoin was a “virtual commodity that does not share the same legal status of a currency.” In the United States, that classification could put Bitcoin under the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. But that agency has not assumed responsibility. In the immediate future, the most likely source of enforcement may be the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s cybersecurity team.

“It’s becoming something of enough value that these agencies are going to wake up and want to find one of these thieves,” said Patrick Murck, the general counsel at the Bitcoin Foundation, a nonprofit group that promotes virtual currencies. “There is no way that anyone can think this is not a real thing that is not worth going after.”

Source:yahoo finance

作者: thenewme    时间: 2013-12-6 22:05
占住!!~~~ 耶  ~~~谢KIM
haha  楼下小伙伴我也看Kimi~这期他好乖巧
2+3 3'45
4+5 4'15
6 1'21


>government authorities do not agree on which laws apply to Bitcoin
>brief introduction of Bitcoin , its finite supply factor and its value
> Bitcoin's fraud -- hard to crack down
> no consumer protection
>disagree on how to classify Bitcoin

作者: 叶晴豆    时间: 2013-12-6 22:13
( ⊙o⊙ )哇楼上也太快了吧= =!支持Kim~一会儿去看Kimi~
周末在家也太倦怠了,鸡血啊啊啊啊 啊!!!
introduce Bitcoin---government authority disagree
lack of regulation
China, France--- bar; issued potential risk--- price of Bitcoin transaction fell but quickly bounced back
traded between online wallets using virtual keys---may become a big palyer
beneficial but has obscured the fraud--- stolen or transferred illegally---authority plan to reduce its potential risk---often hard---crimes almost no accountable---no consumer protection
problems: disagree on clarification
作者: olivia瓜瓜    时间: 2013-12-6 22:55

The man take the woman to a place with insects. The woman scared and want to leave,but the man tell her they will sleep this place tonight.
Different  insects:

tiny spider : arachnid
crockroach : large brown insects live in dirty place than in the clean place.
fly : small black insects
moth : fly insects, white green, brown color, attract to light
bees : yellow black strip, dangerous, sting you not bite you
wasp : yellow black strip, make nests
cracket: insect similat to the grasshopper, in the night or after sun was setting
vampire : often appear in the television

freak out: lose control the words or action  because of scary or angry
in the open : out side the home
get off : move across from someone's body


Time2: 2m38s
Obama ‘s statement after the nelson’s death show that the Nelson Mandela,who sacrify himself freedom to create a ideal society for human,  is belong to the age and he is go back home
Obama show that his many decision are guided by N’s words and writing and sends the regard to Nelson Mandela‘s family and whole South Africa.
Time4: 2m46s
Everyone want to know how to improve the creativity.
The first tip, depict a mind map, fill with ideas as many as possible.
Time5: 2m39s
Second: fill with tangible objects into 30 circles.
Third :  Fill the 4 quadrant: say ,do ,think feel with color ,observe the others human behavior. 这一个没太懂~~
Time6: 1m25s
When ask who will win in the 2016 election,obama said both of them have strength to be outstanding.

Obstacle: 6m25s
Bitcoin become popular,but who involved them are take the risks.
There have no law to regulate this kind of currency.
United states and china did not deem the bitcoin as the same as the real currency.
Actually ,a lot of theft and illegal goods transaction through bitcoin.
A graduate students launch the report,and many people write to her to track down the theft .  There is no way can anyone think this is not a real thing worth go after.  

作者: Dora7    时间: 2013-12-6 22:57


bitcoin the only pump-and-dump scheme stock style because no law apply to or lack of regulation
china and france central bank was stop bitcoin transactions
some people and wall street bank believe that bitcoin maybe play a more important role
B: virtual currency .no limits and attract many investors.high value 成交量大
china or american gov are unable to establishe jurisdiction about bitcoin beacuse it is new and they only give some warns
BIPS largest payment processor
problem:no regulation and no one can classify bitcoin
china:distinguish form currency


作者: 吐吐yeah    时间: 2013-12-6 23:00


Obstacle 8:54
main idea: Bitcoin
作者: 小鱼上树    时间: 2013-12-6 23:26
Moth-an insect related to the butterfly that flies mainly atnight and is attracted to lights. Some moths eat holes in cloth
Cricket-a small brown insect that can jump, and that makes arough sound by rubbing its wings together

2 449 2min24
3 317 1min18
I am one of the countless millions who drew inspiration fromNelson Mandela's life. let us pause and give thanks for the fact that NelsonMandela lived -- a man who took history in his hands, and bent the arc of themoral universe toward justice.
4 443 2min22
5 415 1min58
breakthrough ideas and products, Apple’s first computermouse to next-generation surgical tools for Medtronic to fresh brand strategiesfor the North Face in China. PUSH YOURSELF TO THINK DIVERGENTLY, JUMP-START ANIDEATION SESSION, LEARN FROM OBSERVING HUMAN BEHAVIOR
6 260 1min51

作者: sherlock1992    时间: 2013-12-7 00:13
freak out: lose control of your words and actions, usu. because ur very frightened or angry.


作者: 苏错    时间: 2013-12-7 00:14
谢谢kimwang~~没留神首页瞬间米有了 T T~~~

Conversation: Theywill be staying here tonight, but the women hate spider. The man told she notto freak out and they won’t bother you.
Mandala diedThursday and Obama express his heartfelt condolences to Mandala.
The whole world mourned the death of Mandalaand his great influence.
To be morecreative, creativity challenge advices can be followed.
Jump-start anideation session & learn from observing human behavior
Obama’s opinionabout Clinton and Biden
Obstacle: 7’28

作者: franciszfy    时间: 2013-12-7 04:40
Part 2  Speed

President Obama Made On Thursday A Statement To Former South Africa President Nelson Mandela For His Contribution On Reconciling Race Discrimination,Concluding That Mandela Belongs To The Ages,No Longer Belongs To Us

Obama Admitted That He Is One Of The Countless Millions Who Drew Inspiration From Nelson Mandela‘S Life And Showed  Deepest Sympathy And Gratitude,God Bless Mandela

03-14(Time 4&5)
IDEO And DAVID'S Work At Stanford University Helped Us To Develop Our Creativity,Listing Three Challenges To Let Us To Practice

introduced The Two Nominator Of President 2016,BIDEN And Clinton,Obama Is Staying Out Of The Debate Who Should Succeed Him In 2016,He Just Said They Two Have Different Strengths But Both Would Be Outstanding
作者: kimwang53    时间: 2013-12-7 07:00
小鱼上树 发表于 2013-12-6 23:26

哈哈 我以为某个人在睡觉so..

they'll be staying here tonight
close the window
she've been bitten by a giant mosquito
m net is really beautiful to her

draw a minmap. write ur topic in the center of the paper, and add the other ideas around, which related to the topic.
obama says both clinton and biden are outstanding.

作者: miyini    时间: 2013-12-7 13:15

2013-12-08 28-18
Speaker  a man and a woman staying in a cabin talking about their going to toughing or sleeping here.   Fly moth bee wasp  butterfly cricket
2  449  2’29  
3  317  1’28
4  443  2’55
5  415  2’27
6  260  1’28
7  1296  7’49

作者: 婷妃Starry    时间: 2013-12-7 14:18
[Time 2] 2’58 Mandela passed away on December 6 and earned respect all over the world. He is a warrior that fights for the equality among the world and has made the world a better place.
[Time 3] 2’04 Obama regards Nelson Mandela as his inspiration and role model. He conveyed his gratitude and concern to the Mandela’s family members.

[Time 4] 3’10 A firm called IDEO is helping people be creative. Those leaders recommend some challenges to practice to be innovative. The first challenge is to think divergently.

[Time 5] 3’20 The second challenge is to start an ideation session. The third challenge is to observe people’s behavior.

[Time 6] 1’23 Obama said that although Hilary and Joe have different strength, they can both be a good president. And Hilary is making cautious plan about the 2016 nomination.

[Time 7] 9’47 Bitcoin is now a heated virtual currency all over the world. Due to its finite amount, many people treat it as a real currency. But without the formal regulation and related laws, many people who invest Bitcoin may have risks in owning it. Whether the Bitcoin can have a bright future rather than a giant bubble largely depends on the classification of authority.

作者: TaoRs92    时间: 2013-12-7 15:49
Obama's statement on Mandela's death.
Practice more to get more creative.
Three practices:
1 think divergently
use a map,think more from the centre topic,spread your ideas,find unpredictable thoughts
2 ideation session
30 blank circles,find quantity and fluent of the results first,then find divergent and derivative results
3 obeserve human behavior
quadrants,different colors,observe people's behavior,find something new
Obama refused to point out who will succeed him in 2016 and become the president.
The contrast between Cliton and Biden.
Bill Cliton says he doesn't know his wife's plan in 2016.
Obama says both of them will become outstanding presidents.
The discussion on the regulation of Bitcoin.
The unregulation situation of Bitcoin now.Bitcoins were stolen.Couldn't find the thieves.
The difficulties to regulate Bitcoin:its murky factor,virtual currency.
The attitudes and actions of some countries:China:forbid Bitcoin transcation;US:try to prevent illegal transcations using Bitcoin;EU:unable to find the thieves who stole Bitcoin,difficult to regulate the currency
Another issue to regulate Bitcoin:haven't reached the agreement;how to regulate this currency;how to category this currency

作者: 395589266xudan    时间: 2013-12-7 18:22
T2 4:23 Obama admired Mandela and said M belongs to the ages.
T3 1:51
T4 4:11 Help people how create their creativity by some exercises of brains.
T5 3:29
T6 2:31 About the next U.S president in 2016
Obs 11:23
作者: ldssg    时间: 2013-12-7 20:43
3.52 Nelson Mandela died- president barrack obama eulogized him.
2.10 obama drew inspiration from Mandela- hope peace for m’s family- changes in south Africa-follow the good example-god bless m
4.04 how to become creative- do practices- recommend three challenges
   C1: push yourself to think more divergently- mindmap
3.27 jump-stars an ideation section- 30 circles.
Learn from observing human behaviors- sympathetic map
2.18 obama stayed out of the debate about whether Hillary Clinton or joe biden will succeed him to be president- Hillary refused to for sure the issue- bill colinton professed ignorance to this topic too.
9,36 bitcoint- what it is and which agency should assume responsibilities- make trade frauds difficult to crack down  

作者: limin501    时间: 2013-12-7 20:53
Time 2
President Obama took a statement about Mandela’s death: he belongs to the ages.
Time 3
He inspires a lot of people. They thanks for the fact that Nelson Mandela lived.
Time 4
Mindmap is one of the way that exercising your mind.
Time 5
Jump-start an ideation session and learn from observing human behavior are also exercising mind methods.
Time 6
Obama said that both Hillary and joe would make outstanding presidents and possess the qualities that are needed to be outstanding presidents.

作者: irenetopia    时间: 2013-12-7 22:33

A man and a woman in the outside
The man loves stay in outside, but the woman does not.
They are slept in a cabin, the woman hated spider and was worried about other insects
So she said “is there a cockroach across the floor?”
And the she said “the fly and the mosquito everywhere, so do the bee and wasps,close the window ”
The man said if she did not attack them, they would not attack you,let’s listen to the sounds of the insects.
Suddenly the woman said a mosquito stinged her
The man said that is only the woman’s imagination, and asked the woman to enjoy the nice night
But the woman said that was really a mosquito

The next dialogue
The speaker explained some insects’name
And said the mosquito just like the vampire, which often appears on the TV or movie, as the vampire, mosquito likes blood.

Mandela belongs to the ages
He has 6 children and 17 grandchildren
Obama said
Mandela is a human being who we never see one likes him again
He never discount a person’s ability or idea and made decision by love instead by hate
In 1941 he want to make the south Africa to be a country in which every one lives in humanity and has the equal opportunities, and he did it , even exceeded that he original expected.
Mandela said he was not a saint unless a saint is a person keeps trying.
Mandela’s memory will encourage the residents.

How to keep creative?
Three ways
Map: on a board ,use a pen write down in the center and write any thing about this theme you imaged around it, if you think one of them can make a new idea, draw a rectangle beside it
Circle discussionn a paper, draw 30 circle, you need a team. Give each one this paper, and use 1 minute, and look every one’s paper, look they drew what, and concerned everyone’s imagination together
Solo or with team.use some colors represent the emotion,and one express the emotion he chose, another one guess which he want to expressed, and last check the answer.

Cliton and Biden in2016
About their polity standing and have different strength


About billcoin
Billcoin in the world, someone use it to do something illegal, many banks face to a risk,and many countries find a solution, such as a law to control it?

作者: lolitagrace    时间: 2013-12-7 22:46
The woman freak out the sleeping conditions in the opening, and the man keeps comforting her. But the woman seems that is bitten by a giant mosquito, the man told her to image other things such as a butterfly outside window, otherwise, the woman said that the only thing she thinks is called beautiful is mosquito net.
2 3'07
The statements from Obama that give thankful to Mandela who contribute his whole life to the peace and people live in harmony. And Obama said that Mandela belongs to the ages.
Obama praised the Mandela is guided not by hate, but by love. And he mentioned that once his own experience is inspired by Mandela that a man can fight so long as he alive and he could.
How to solve the creative challenges by yourself?
The other advices for facing the creative challenges.
Obama evaluate the Clinton and Biden both are outstanding to be considered the president.
The bit coin has not been confined by regulation and laws. There is no regulation in any economy. Under that situation, it is hard to say safeguard the consumers' benefits once the theft occur in the market. The reason why some investors bet the bit coin  would rise, that is, they believe that bitcoin is finite supply. Until now, some agencies has warned the consumers have to assume their responsibilities if they are lost their properties.

作者: 疏离无罪    时间: 2013-12-7 23:42

Speaker:Have a campus and sleep in the open.Meet several kinds of insects and biten by a mosqutio.

President Obama eulogized Mandela as a man belongs to the ages.Mandela,from a prisoner to a president,fought against the white domination and fought for a democratic society.The entire statement of Obama concludes the contribution of Mandela.\

President Obama also got inspiration from Mandela's words and experience as other people do.What Mandela mean to his family and South Africa people.

Introduce three creativity challenges to jump-start your practice. Challenge 1:push yourself to think divergently

Challenge 2:jump-start an ideation session Challenge 3:learn from observing human behaviors.

Obama refused to support anyone of both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden in the 2016 president election and said that they are both outstanding.

Main Idea:the Bitcoin is facing theft and fraud,but there is no law to protect.
Government disagree on which law apply on bitcoins.Many is paying attention on this issue while more investors are forcusing on this currency.Then the article states several ideas of bitcoin from different nation and institute.
The value of Bitcoin was droven up bu people who bet it will raise.And the raising money lead to hackiing ,fraud and theft in bitcoin market at the same time.Bitcoin is also used in illeagal business.
Many banks and experts warned that vitual currency is in high risk.Many authourties do no admit digital money.
Recently,there is a big theft in a bitcoin company,but it can not be defined as theft by police because there is no law in this area.Many countires such as China think that virtual commodity that does not share the same legal status of a currency.
作者: lylyyu    时间: 2013-12-8 10:57
kimwang53 发表于 2013-12-6 22:04
Part III: ObstacleArticle 4:In the Murky World of Bitcoin, Fraud Is Quicker  ...

part 2
449 3:40
obama gives speech to memorial Mandela

part 03
310 3:07
obama's speech to Mandela from several perspects as to several people group

part 04
443 3:58
people are asked how to be more creative
practice make creative
how to practice example1

part 05
415 3:29
2 other way to practice

part 06
260 2:39
will Clinton and Baiton run for president in 2016?they are both qualify by the vew of Obama
several guess are made but even Clinton's husband are precessing ignorance of their plan

1296 12:37
Bitcoin 's security issue
作者: lilacrabbit    时间: 2013-12-8 21:58
掌管 6        00:07:17.25        00:17:31.79
掌管 5        00:01:50.18        00:10:14.54
掌管 4        00:02:17.42        00:08:24.36
掌管 3        00:02:27.20        00:06:06.93
掌管 2        00:01:19.59        00:03:39.73
掌管 1        00:02:20.14        00:02:20.14

作者: NativeStudy菌    时间: 2013-12-9 00:33
bloomtoto 发表于 2013-12-7 00:00

作者: WindyMM    时间: 2013-12-9 20:31
Spider: arachnid, animal with eight legs
Freak: lose control of the action
Rought: leave for a short of time
Cabin: just one room or small house in a park away from town, using for vacation
Cockroach: small little animal live in dirty or unclear place
In the open: outdoors
Fly: small typically black animals live with garbages and can be attracted by light
Bee: fly insects with black and yellow, some are dangerous when they sting people
Cricket: insect similar to grasshopper
Mosquito: small animals that can bite you for your blood
Butterfly: fly insects, usually with very colorful wings

TIME2: 03:05
Mandela died last Thursday and President Obama acclaimed him belong to ages and fight for other freedom all his life.

TIME3: 01:58
Obama learned his politic issues from Mandela and regarded him as the role model who changed his nation and even the world by his hopes.

TIME4: 03:28
Practice can improve creative thinking.
Some tips to practice:
Mindmap, writing down the topic or challenge and adding new branches related to the topic, can spur new ideas powerfully.

TIME5: 03:29
30 circles, giving a group of people 30 circles and a blank paper and communicating what they draw, can explicit different ideas from others.
Empathy Map, drawing four quadrants in flip charter with “say”, “do”, “think” and “feel”,  writing down insights on post-it and click into four quadrants, can show new perspectives.

TIME6: 01:59
Obama thinks Hillary and Joe are both able to succeed in 2016 selection because they have different strengths.

Paraphrase7: 08:52
Bitcoin has been raised rapidly as the most prevailing virtual currency and cause lots of issues.
Bitcoin is finite so the overwhelming pursuit makes it far more valued.
Although several banks in different countries think Bitcoin can be the online payment in real life, the customers need to take risks by themselves.
It is difficult to investigate the theft of Bitcoin because there is no obligation to classify the Bitcoin as formal exchange currency.
Governments cannot define the law of virtual currency right now because it can related to illicit activity more easily.
作者: 铁板神猴    时间: 2013-12-10 01:07


作者: olivia瓜瓜    时间: 2013-12-10 10:03
“I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.”这句话太精妙了.

The day that he was released from prison gave me a sense of what human beings can do when they’re guided by their hopes and not by their fears.

To make decisions guided not by hate, but by love; to never discount the difference that one person can make; to strive for a future that is worthy of his sacrifice.
作者: 铁板神猴    时间: 2013-12-10 17:38
olivia瓜瓜 发表于 2013-12-10 10:03
“I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.”这句话太精妙了.

T ...

太棒了!谢谢瓜瓜推荐,kim分享~ 很感动的句子。
作者: olivia瓜瓜    时间: 2013-12-11 11:10
铁板神猴 发表于 2013-12-10 17:38
太棒了!谢谢瓜瓜推荐,kim分享~ 很感动的句子。

作者: 铁板吗啡    时间: 2013-12-11 17:08
Time 2 2’08
Time 3 2’15
unless you think of a saint as a sinner whokeeps on trying.”
Let us pause
deepest sympathy and gratitude
profoundly good human beings
that you made real
that’s Madiba’s legacy to the nation heloved

Time 4 2’44
Time 5 1’38
1.      Introduction Part

People always (often)ask how to be creative.

People often ask us how they can be more creative.(用了比较级,更加贴切)

The example of HBS case of the creative solution for theenterprise in China

breakthrough ideas and products (用具体的话来描述而不是一直用抽象的creative solution
Then the author proposes some methods

The HBR article outlines some of theapproaches we use.(outline  approaches 而不是methods)

2.      The 3 methods for practices ofcreativity
1)      Mind map
2)      30 circle
3)      Observing others

Time 6 1’23
Clinton has steadfastly refused to say for sure
Certain; we havesteadfastly promoted the political structural reform

Obstacles 6’46
Bitcoins areuncharted while in a crazy investing state
it’s new uncharted territory.
词汇: the murky world of bitcoins
Murky: dark and difficult to see through; murky water
Attract investors of all stripes
Uncharted: a situation or activity that you have neverexperience or tried before.

作者: 88140968    时间: 2013-12-11 21:32
time 2:3'31.60
time 3:2'48.01
time 4:4'23.57
time 5:3'41.80
time 6:2'07.86

Since no law to regulate the ecosystem of Bitcoins,Bitcoins are forbiden in some countries such as China and France.
Bitcoins is finite and its price is rising recently, however, because Bitcoins is a virtual currency, it is very easy to be stolen.What's more ,no law to control the situation.
Bitcoins can be used to trade for illegal goods such as drugs.Police are very hard to identify the criminal.
According the examples of crimes in Bitcoins, the author at last suggests that the government should regulate the situation as soon as possible.
作者: lyrsilvia    时间: 2013-12-11 21:49
Time 2: 2'24
Time 3: 1'44
Time 4: 2'37
Time 5: 2'40
Time 6: 1'36
Obstacle: 7'12
作者: jinnuhong    时间: 2013-12-12 19:38
Time2  4:37
Barack Obama eulogized Nelson Mandela by saying:
To make decision guided not by hate but by love.
To strive for a future that is worthy of his sacrifice.

Time3  3:55
Nelson Mandela was guided by his hope rather than his fear.
He is extraordinary man.

Time4  5:23
There is one incredibly simply activity to create an innovative idea.

Time5  5:26
作者: pennyz    时间: 2013-12-13 22:04
the speech of Obama memorizing Nelson Mandela
his life story
the impact on Obama himself
the hope for the lasting spirit
the goodbey and best regards to Mandela
how to train your creativity
1 using the mindmap
2 30 circles
3 empathy map
the next president,Herry Cliton or Baden
the non regulation of the bitcoin cause some crime on this virtual currency
1using them to trading illegal comodities
some examples of the bitcoin fraud victim
no protection in the bitcoin market
the reaction of the different nations
china:do not prohibit the trading but warn the investors to assume the risks themselves
usa:sec is expected to regulate the market for bitcoin,but it fail to identify the essence of bitcoin

作者: Arielindo    时间: 2013-12-16 11:07
time2+3  4:03”
-President Obama made a speech about the death of Nelson Mandela that everyone has to remember what Mandela taught us. Obama also said that he felt sympathy to Mandela’s family.  

time 4+5  6:49
-describes the three methods to be more creative such as think divergency, start an ideation session and learn from observing human behavior. Each of the method includes time, supplies and instructions.

time 5+6 4:33
-introduces three methods of time management that write down  ideal schedule and image how to fulfill it.

time 6 1:53
-interviewed the opinion of Obama about  which canadians will he choose between Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. Obama said each of them has his on strength that should be outstanding presidents, but won’t choose them for the 2016 president election.

time 7 6:18
-introduces the background of new digital currency, Bitcoin. One of european company is the main user. Chinese people’s bank also stated to sell it. Unfortunately, several days ago hiker entred european company stole 1 million worth Bitcoin. Even it is convient, the security problems still need to improve.   

作者: neverbluelala    时间: 2013-12-22 16:15
Native Speaker 28-18


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