
标题: 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障25系列】【25-06】经管 [打印本页]

作者: kimwang53    时间: 2013-9-21 08:57
标题: 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障25系列】【25-06】经管
Official Weibo:
Part I: Speaker

Article 1:

House Nears Vote To Fund Government, Defund Obamacare

[Rephrase 1]
[Dialog, 4 min 17 sec]

Source: NPR

Part II: Speed

Article 2:
Home Depot to tap health insurance exchanges for part-timers

[Time 2]
(Reuters) - Home Depot Inc is shifting medical coverage for part-time workers to new public marketplace exchanges ahead of new benefits requirements under the U.S. Affordable Care Act, a spokesman said on Thursday.

The world's largest home improvement retail chain announced its move shortly after a similar announcement from Trader Joe's Co, a popular privately held grocery chain.

Home Depot's change would affect roughly 20,000 part-time workers who previously had chosen the limited liability medical plan the company offered, spokesman Stephen Holmes said.

After December 31, companies can no longer offer those plans under the health law, also known as Obamacare.

"We're going to shift them over to the public exchanges, where there are more options," Holmes said.

The public exchanges being set up under the law will allow individuals to buy government-subsidized healthcare based on income. Enrollment begins on October 1.

Until now, many restaurants and retailers offered workers limited liability plans that often provided less than $5,000 in coverage.

Home Depot's plans for part-time workers provided coverage of up to $20,000 depending on the plan and were administered by Aetna Inc.

Experts have said exchanges would provide more comprehensive coverage that may not cost more because government tax credits will help some workers offset premiums.

Some employers are opting to offer coverage through private health insurance changes.

Walgreen Co, the largest U.S. drugstore, and more than a dozen other large employers have said they would offer their employee insurance for 2014 through the Aon Hewitt Corporate Health Exchange

Home Depot employs about 340,000 people and will continue to offer healthcare benefits to full-time employees, who will be paying more for that coverage next year due to higher healthcare costs, Holmes said.

Article 3:
Global stocks' Fed-inspired rally fizzles out
[Time 3]
LONDON (AP) -- The rally in global stock markets fizzled out on Friday, two days after the U.S. Federal Reserve buoyed sentiment by keeping its monetary stimulus program in place.

Many traders had expected the Fed to start scaling back its asset purchase program, instituted in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis to help keep the U.S. economy afloat. The program was used to increase the flow of money available for loans to push down interest rates and spur growth.

The low interest rate environment proved a boon for stock markets, where investors fled with their money in search of higher returns.

That is a key reason why stock markets rejoiced when the Fed left its "quantitative easing" program untouched earlier this week — even though the Fed is maintaining the program because the U.S. economic recovery is weak.

By Friday, however, that enthusiasm had worn off.

Britain's FTSE 100 was down marginally at 6,623.52 while Germany's DAX edged up 0.1 percent to 8,702.64. France's CAC-40 was almost 0.1 percent higher at 4,208.87.

Wall Street was expected to dip on the open, with Dow Jones industrial futures down 0.2 percent at 15,570. S & P 500 futures were down almost 0.1 percent to 1,716.75.

Trading throughout Asia was muted Friday, largely due to public holidays. Markets in Hong Kong, mainland China, Taiwan, South Korea and Malaysia were closed.

[Time 4]
In Japan, the Nikkei 225 index gave up early gains to close 0.2 percent lower at 14,742.42. Australia's S & P/ASX 200 fell 0.4 percent to 5,276.70. Benchmarks in Indonesia, New Zealand, Thailand, the Philippines and Singapore fell. India's benchmark Sensex dropped 2.2 percent to 20,203.96 after the country's central bank unexpectedly raised interest rates in a bid to lower inflation.

Now that the Fed has spoken, investors will likely begin turning their focus to Washington and the political fighting between the White House and Congress over the approaching debt ceiling. It must be raised by Oct. 1 to avoid a government shutdown. Failure to do so could lead to the first-ever national default in U.S. history.

Market volatility will increase as the deadline approaches, said Evan Lucas of IG in Melbourne, Australia.

"This is the next key thing," Lucas said. "A lot of people are looking for a reason to sell."

Benchmark oil for October delivery was down 33 cents to $106.06 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract fell $1.68 to close at $106.39 a barrel on Thursday.

In currencies, the euro was up 0.1 percent to $1.3546, while the dollar was down 0.1 percent at 99.34 yen.

Article 4:
The Right Innovation Mindset Can Take You from Idea to Impact

[Time 5]
Thomas Edison said it over a century ago: “Genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration.” Unfortunately, when companies launch innovation initiatives, they tend to devote most of their time, energy and attention to that initial 1% – the thrilling hunt for the breakthrough idea. The real innovation challenge, however, lies beyond the idea, in a long, hard journey from idea to impact. Innovative companies sustain a track record of success by creating the right “climate” for employees to cultivate the innovation mindset — to think different, act different, and achieve extraordinary success.

Think Different


Not every idea is worth pursuing. The first step is to narrow down the ideas to worthwhile opportunities. Have a process to evaluate whether it is the right opportunity by asking: Do we want to pursue this–does it align with our purpose? Can we execute it–does it align with our core competencies? If it takes off in the best possible way, will the benefits be worth it? Are the risks such that the damage won’t be irrecoverable if things go wrong?

Dare to seize the opportunities that meet these criteria. Create mechanisms to seed fund and resource the right opportunities. Have a portfolio view of the opportunities, and ensure that there is a balance of opportunities that span current, adjacent and new space. Recognize that seizing the opportunity is but a tiny first step – like a little plant has sprouted. You have to nurture it patiently until it grows into a big tree with deep roots and a thick trunk.

“And” Thinking

The next challenge is to strike the right balance between getting the most out of these opportunities AND keeping your performance engine humming. What are the best structures to create so you neither disturb the rhythm of the performance engine nor drop the ball on opportunities? Many organizations embark on large-scale change management efforts to “make” their organizations more innovative; most fail. Our guiding principle is quite the opposite: Do no harm. The challenge is not just to make innovation happen, but to do so while simultaneously excelling in ongoing operations. Butter before Jam. Cake before icing. But butter AND jam. Cake AND icing. If the performance engine is humming along, it’s best not to impose an innovation challenge if it would disturb that rhythm. We would opt for minimal change on that front, and creating dedicated innovation teams that work in partnership with shared staff. Rather than major surgery, aim for precision surgery or micro surgery.

[Time 6]
Act Different


Create a climate where resourcefulness is encouraged and rewarded. Pass down organizational stories, highlighting the obstacles that employees powered through to get results, through successive generations of leaders.

Achieve Extraordinary Success


Create a climate in which employees can focus on outcomes instead of getting caught in the activity trap. Create separate planning processes for innovation efforts that are big enough to require dedicated teams. Unlike the performance engine–where the planning process is focused on financial, customer, and market share performance–the innovation planning process needs to focus on learning, viewing innovation as a disciplined experiment. What gets measured gets done. In companies that consciously cultivate a climate of innovation, innovation is not about no accountability, but a different kind of accountability. Construct just enough structure to make sure you’re making progress in the right direction, and no more.

If a flight going from Dallas to New York were a degree off, it would end up in the sea instead. Most flights, in fact, are more than a degree off 95% of the time. Most flights, though, land where they are supposed to. How do they do it? One key reason: the pilot has a “rough” flight plan and engages in dynamic course correction.

This same notion of a “rough” plan coupled with dynamic course correction is what we recommend in innovation efforts. If the performance engine has monthly planning meetings, the innovation side should have weekly “course correction” meetings. If the performance engine is on a weekly rhythm, the innovation side has to step it up a notch and get on a daily course correction cycle.

Expand the Pie

When the business model has stabilized, have systems in place to encourage employees to “expand the pie” by developing new revenue streams, increasing reach, or converting non-consumers into consumers. For example, Apple expanded its pie by creating the App Store, where individuals and small development shops could stand on Apple’s shoulders and reach a market they never could otherwise. In turn, Apple’s reach increased because their customers got access to a much larger pool of software. They expanded the pie for themselves, their partners, and their customers.

Innovation execution is neither innovation nor execution but its own strange beast. When tamed, however, it can be a source of enormous strength, lasting differentiation, and sustained success.

Source: HBR

Part III: Obstacle
Please Stop Complaining About How Busy You Are

[Time 7]
We’re all just so “busy” these days. “Slammed” in fact. “Buried.” Desperately “trying to keep our heads above water.” While these common responses to “How are you?” seem like they’re lifted from the Worst Case Scenario Handbook, there seems to be a constant exchange, even a a one-upping, of just how much we have on our plates when we communicate about our work.

My favorite “busy” humble-brag was that of a potential client who apologized for lack of communication due to a “week-long fire drill.” What does that even mean? Does this mean there were fake fires, but not real ones, all week? Does calling it a “drill” mean that everything is okay? Is your business in flames? Should I call someone?

Then there was the date I had with a fellow who was so busy “crashing on deadlines” that he asked me to “just make a reservation somewhere” for him. I was floored.

So much of this is about out-doing each other. To say that “I’m busier than you are” means I’m more important, or that my time is more valuable, or that I am “winning” at some never-finished rat race to Inbox Zero. (Inbox Zero is another absurd contest to tackle at another time.) What you’re trying to say with these responses is: I’m busier, more in-demand, more successful.

Here’s the thing: it’s harming how we communicate, connect, and interact. Everyone is busy, in different sorts of ways. Maybe you have lots of clients, or are starting a new business, or are taking care of a newborn. The point is this: with limited time and unlimited demands on that time, it’s easy to fill your plate with activities constantly. But this doesn’t mean that you should.

To assume that being “busy” (at this point it has totally lost its meaning) is cool, or brag-worthy, or tweetable, is ridiculous. By lobbing these brags, endlessly puffing our shoulders about how “up to my neck” we are, we’re missing out on important connections with family and friends, as well as personal time. In addition to having entire conversations about how busy we are, we fail to share feelings with friends and family, ask about important matters, and realize that the “busy” is something that can be put on hold for a little while.

I am not trying to belittle anyone’s work-load in the slightest. But in using it as a one-upping mechanism, we’re failing to connect in a very substantial way. And we’re making the problem worse: When everyone around us is “slammed,” it’s easy to feel guilty if we’re not slaving away on a never-ending treadmill of toil. By trying to compete about it, we’re only adding to that pool of water everyone seems to be constantly “treading” in. And all this complaining is having serious effects on our mental health.

And yet we continue to use long hours as a sort of macho badge of honor.

We need to work smart, not (just) hard.

Just because you clocked 15 hours at your office, with likely dry eyeballs and a complete lack of focus, doesn’t mean you’ve accomplished things in a smart way. Many people have written or spoken about this. Typically, you have 90-120 minutes before you devolve into internet fodder or social media. If you’re putting in 15 straight hours at your desk, without breaks, how good is your output? How much time are you wasting?

The distinction between working hard versus smart has hit me as an entrepreneur. In high school and college I was always that girl who read all the assigned reading (and no, I was not giving you my study guide). I created outlines, outlines of outlines, and then flashcards. One of my greatest lessons as a businessperson has been to throw out that skill set. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t be diligent or that you should half-heartedly execute, but rather, that it’s crucial to know what you have to do as opposed to everything you could do. It’s about being strategic.

For once, I’d like to hear someone brag about their excellent time management skills, rather than complain about how much they can’t get done. Maybe we could learn something from each other.

In fact, I’ll start — here are three tactics I’ve been using to work smarter:

Constrain the time. The more I constrain my time, the more focused and productive I feel, and the less I waste time on low-priority work. If you can only afford to spend 45 minutes on a certain project, then only spend 45 minutes on it — and move on, even if it isn’t perfect.

Use a scheduler. If you’re really up to your neck, it’s very easy to find a scheduler, virtual or otherwise, to help put things on your calendar. Sometimes it’s a matter of freeing up that time used for coordinating plans to actually doing them. Zirtual is a great answer to this. As is the DIY scheduler Doodle.

Cut the fat. Once I cut out superfluous meetings that were not: fun, productive, leading to new business, or really had something wonderful in it for me professional or otherwise, that plate emptied a little bit. (Here’s a tool for figuring out what to cut.)

Yes, we all have some strange need to out-misery each other. Acknowledging that is a first step. But next time you speak to a friend and want to lament about how busy you are, ask yourself why. Try steering the conversation away from a complain-off. With some practice you might find yourself actually feeling less “buried” (or at least feeling less of a need to say it all the time).

And maybe that’s something worth bragging about.

Source: HBR

作者: Mint静默    时间: 2013-9-21 09:02

The Democrats control the Senate. However, the Republicans protest the Obamacare.
Senate will take the fund of Obamacare away and send it back to the House.
It is not necessary to shut down the government in order to the implementation of the Obamacare.
The shutdown of Obamacare goes shame on the president and the Democrat.
Americans do not want to see the shutdown of government.
T2 2’05’’
Home Depot Inc is shifting medical coverage for part-time workers to new public marketplace exchanges.
T3 1’31’’
The rally in global stock markets fizzled out on Friday.
Rejoice [rɪ'dʒɒɪs]
vi. 高兴;庆祝
vt. 使高兴
T4 1’06’’
Signs that global stocks' Fed-inspired rally fizzles out
T5 2’39’’
Idea into impact
Think differently
-Narrow down the choices
-Strike for the balance between the routine performance of energy machine and the outcome of opportunities.
T6 2’36’’
Act differently
-Make a “rough” plan. The innovation side should have weekly “course correction” meetings.
-Expand the pie for different stakeholders

作者: pennyz    时间: 2013-9-21 09:15
obamacare will change the way temporary workers have the healthcare the past, the temporary workers only have partial
covering from their employers,but now they can have their insurance from the goverment according to their revenues
the stock market throughout the world is dismal,although the low interest rate drive investors into the stock market.
the worldwide stock market see a decline,because the us government face the crisis of national default.
the company is making a environment to creat inspiration in the company.first they find the innovative idea to develop with certain
critira.secondly,they will only manage some minor changes in the innovation process without disturbance.
act innovation
with rough direction and correction course
expand the pie by letting our shareholders into our project

we keep saying we are busy,but actuaully it do harm to symbols us to others that we are more important and successful.
but the facts are not always the same.we can avoid this habbit in 3 different ways:constrain time ,make a schedule,and cut minor things

作者: 小鱼上树    时间: 2013-9-21 09:30
1 The republicans has been trying to repeal obamacare manytimes but never succeeded. Now they are threatening that if the congress doesn’tagree, there will be a government shutdown. Sounds serious. But the Congressmay not buy it because this has been seen several times.
2 283 1min43
Home Depot are shifting healthcare from obamacare to otherhealth insurance to offer more options and cut the expense. It is not thecompany try to do this.
3 228 1min19
-The rally in global stock markets fizzled out on Friday,two days after the U.S. Federal Reserve buoyed sentiment by keeping itsmonetary stimulus program in place.
4 204 54s
5 416 2 min04
-think different, act different, and achieve extraordinarysuccess.
-Rather than major surgery, aim for precision surgery ormicro surgery.
6 389 1 min56
7 947 4 min23
When someone asks you how are you, I am busy is really not aperfect way to answer. That’s just means I am busier and more important thanyou are. We need to work smart not just hard. Several tips to work smart.

作者: lxskyfly    时间: 2013-9-21 09:33
Thanks Kim!
TIME2  2'11
Home Depot plans to cease healthy care for part-time employees, letting them under public mktplace based on income
TIME3  1'34
global stock mkt finally was drained out in enthusiasim based on federal support.
TIME4  1'04
as global stock mkt keeps downsizing, US possibly face its first-ever default in fed. investors are focusing on fed's actions.
TIME5  2'41
Think different- 1) narrow down opportunities and dare to seize one. 2) perfrom in your ideas and keep thinking at the same time
TIME6  3'18
think different- devoted yourself chock full of resourcefulness.
achieve- 1) help your team focus on outcomes and approve bit of deviation;2) share the pie with your team members and let them gain profits
OVEALL  act different, think different, and then get ready to achieve ordinary success in innovation.

作者: ttlovej    时间: 2013-9-21 09:43

TIME 2  1'38
Home deport offer a new medical plan coverage for  part-time workers.
TIME 3  1'55
The dismal stock market  on Friday broke the monetary stimulus program by the U.S Federal Reserve.
TIME 4  1'08
Investors now focus on the political fighting between the White House and Congress which might lead a national default.And it will be a key for investors to sell their stocks.
TIME 5  3'03
Companies always devote their all time to the 1% inspiration.The passage told that we should catch the opportunities and keep thinking for conquering the real innovation challenge.   
TIME 6  2'58
A rough plan and a dynamic course correction  can cultivate a climate of innovation.After stabilized a model , people should expand the pie.

作者: jokerking    时间: 2013-9-21 10:03
终于有首页了!!    怒码之!!!
昨天有点事   赶紧补作业啊~~
speed:   1:1.40m    2:1.22m     3:59s     4:2.38    5:2.29       感觉4.5的题材相当好啊,有点作文素材的感觉~
obstacle:5.09    越障的内容太优秀了!   我也是天天跟同学抱怨学英语有多苦。。。   其实都是自己没努力,每天浪费了大把的时间。。。
作者: kimwang53    时间: 2013-9-21 10:10

作者: irvan    时间: 2013-9-21 11:23

Stop complaining and do some changes to work smarter.
作者: 疏离无罪    时间: 2013-9-21 11:30
Many compamies have to change health insurance for part-timers because of the Obamacare.
Although some companies have to pay more health insurance for their workers,some companies can pay less because part of the health insurance will be paid by the government.

Stock markert was down two days after the FED announced that it would keep its monetary stimulus program in place.

The reason may be the political fighting between the White House and Congress for the debt ceiling.Many investors want to sell their stocks.

Many innovative companies wan to creat some new idea.
Not every idea is worth pursuing.It should have a opportunity.
Think this idea carefully and maker sure that this idea will not harm other process.

Creat good climate for innovation.
Forcus on the process not the outcome in the innovation group.
Make new revenue steam and make the markert bigger.

Nowadays people always say that they are busy in many kind of ways.To them,being busy is a kind way to show succuss.
But being busy harms communication and conversation with people and family members.And complainment may affect mental helath.
To sovlve this,People should work smart rather than work hard.People should have a good time schedule and make sure what they have to do and what they just could do.
The author gives out three adverses to work smart.

作者: sherlock1992    时间: 2013-9-21 12:04

First, the author describes a phenomenal-because of high-stress environment and heavy work load, people tend to complain about their busy situation. Then, she lists some usual and special expressions people used to express their feelings. Later, she advances her point that people should not do this any more owing to its negative influence to our mental health. Subsequently, she give us three tactics to deal with this problem: constraining the time, using a scheduler, and cutting the fat. Finally, the author anticipates that we could handle these technics to ease the stress feelings.
作者: 竹迹    时间: 2013-9-21 12:09
Time 2      1:20.06
HD is shifting medical coverage for part-time workers.
Time 3      1:14.77
The global stock market is still weak even some efforts like low interest are made.
Time 4      0:44.12
The other key thing to keep stock market safe is to raise the approaching debt ceiling in order to keep the US government out of default.
Time 5      1:58.87
How to cultivate innovation?
Think different: Narrow down the ideas to worthwhile opportunities and seize the opportunities that meet these criteria.
                     And then strike the right balance between getting the most out of these opportunities and keeping your performance engine humming.
Time 6      1:57.65
Act different: Create climate of resourcefulness.
                   Create climate that workers focus on outcomes and require dedicated teams.
                   When the business has stabilized, try to expand.
Time 7      4:37.22
A lot of people now are complaining that how busy they are. But the author think it's not a goo phenomenon because instead of sharing feelings and communicating better, people fail to have good connection with their family and friends as well as their personal time. Besides, the author holds the idea that being busy means less. He says that it is better to work smart than work hard by using his own example. Also, he gives three advice to work smart: constrain the time, use a scheduler and cut the fat.
作者: 青苔    时间: 2013-9-21 12:42
The heath care for parttime workers will be changed.        2`30
The bubble of stock fizzled out. All main stock exchange figures drop down.        1`30
The stock was looking at the issue of the White House dispute. Euro increased while US dropped. The increase in interest rate was also lead to drop in stock market.        1`30
Make the innovition into impact. Think what u can do to change. Make the change do no harm to the normal rythem.        3`07
The innovition should have the right path by monthly meeting and related courses. Also, it need find way to expand the pie.        3`18
Don't complain too much about how busy you are. You should find we to manage your time. Do the most important things first. Make yourself a calender. Eat the fat.        5`08

作者: lytymay    时间: 2013-9-21 13:02
嗯 占。。。。。。。。。
作者: 饼干小熊    时间: 2013-9-21 13:06
Lap 7        00:04:46.46        00:16:59.46
Lap 6        00:02:34.22        00:12:12.99
Lap 5        00:03:52.32        00:09:38.77
Lap 4        00:03:01.51        00:05:46.44
Lap 3        00:00:00.38        00:02:44.93
Lap 2        00:01:00.77        00:02:44.55
Lap 1        00:01:43.77        00:01:43.77

作者: nancyren    时间: 2013-9-21 14:42
TIME 2  2`15
TIME3   1`52
TIME4   1`33
TIME5   2`46
TIME6   2`36
TIME7   5'50

作者: m1a2i3l    时间: 2013-9-21 14:50
From Novice
Part I
main idea: an act which is vote against president Obama's some policy.
Part II
Time 2:0:02:01.93 a shift of medical coverage for par-time workers to new public marketplace.
Time 3:0:01:42.37 global stock peformance on Friday (more details about the Britain stock market)
Time 4:0:01:14.41 stock market performance of different countries including Japan, Aus, India (interest rate ++, stock market performance --) something should be done before Oct.1 to avoid a US government shutdown.
Time 5:0:02:18.63 It takes a lot of time and energy for a company to bring an innovation to impact. 2 suggestions for it. 1.pursue the right innovation opportunity. Use a lof of criteria to filter the real opportunity. 2.balance the most innovation opportunity with _____.
Time 6:0:02:28.27: let the employees focus on the outcome. Try to separate the big process. It's good to make innovation process, and it will be better to have a 'rough' innovation plan. The next suggestion: try to expand the pie.(use app store for example) try to make more customer familiar with the company's innovation outcome.
Part III
Time 7:0:04:37:13: phenomenon: lots of people are complaining that they are busy today. Actually they are not. 2 suggestions for them. One is focus on your output not how much hours you spent in the office. the other is try to use a scheduler if you are really busy.
作者: zxppx    时间: 2013-9-21 15:41
谢谢Kim! 今天的文章很有趣,让我对obamacare也产生了兴趣!
Under the Obamacare, Home D will change its medical care funds from part-time workers to others.
Share market in the Untied States last Friday showed that the expectation of the native economy was down, with the program in 2008 to tackle the financial crisis.
In the Japan, share market also faced some downturn, as well as the market of Australia. People pay attention to the battle between White House and Congress whether America will cut its debt or face the first default. At the same time, benchmark oil price and the dollar falls, while the euro grows.
Edison told that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% diligence. However, presently we always put more energy and resources to the 1 percent inspiration. The first thing is to find idea, which should meet many criterias to narrow down the scope and work. Secondly, rather than change a lot to carry out the idea, we just change as little as possible.
Act differently. We aim at creating a beneficial environment to our employees to help them find out innovative ideas to deal with challenges and communicate with them efficiently and frequently. What's more, the author cites the example of Apple. It not only create more jobs, but also let people more accessible to softwares.
We can always hear some people complain that they are so busy that they have no time to do something else. In fact, it is likely that people want to put more things in the time plate, even though the plate is limited. On the other hand, when we say we are busier than others, maybe we just think our time is more precious or we are more successful. However, while we enjoy the busy life, we may lose some valuable things, such as family and friends. The author emphasizes that we need to assign our time smart, rather than waste unnecessary time. Here are three tips to help us manage our time more efficiently. First of all, constrain time. If we could finish a report in 45 miniutes, we don't exceed 45 miniutes. Second, make a scheduler. It will help us assign our time orderly. Last but not least, cut the fat, meaning that we should cancel some unimportant activities.

作者: 云游    时间: 2013-9-21 16:27
Time 1: 1’58’’ Home depot Inc. shifts its policies to part time employers. (囧,看不大明白)
Time 2:1’07’’ Global market went done because of the Fed’s new monetary policy.
Time 3: 1’00’’ Though most global market are underperformance, there will be, however, a bouncing back as the deadline approaches.
Time 4: 1’58’’ Right innovation mindsets are not about idea at all--they require companies to narrow to the right opportunities and balance the operation.
Time 5: 2’28’’ Other three actions to take: resourcefulness encouraged; Outcomes oriented; Expand pies.
Time 6: 5’36’’ Stop complaining about being busy, and instead focus more on your time strategy!

作者: lyrsilvia    时间: 2013-9-21 16:41
Republican took the House, 2011 to repeal defund Obamacare
Obama Care, each time die; final try, highest stake; defund the affordable care ract
10 days to get this thing down
democrat: will not link
the senate will send the spending bill to the House
the blame for the shut down: president & democrats
Obamacare to harm people
congress is blamed for the government shut down
Obama: wait until the next weekend

Time 2: 1'49
HDI will shift its medical coverage for part-time workers because the hig cost
some companies has simulated too
the current medical insurance about part-time workers
the ordinary workers' insurance will not change.
Time 3: 1'32
the Fed's decision that keep its monetary stimulus program
low interest rate help stock market booming
the enthusiasm worn off, not very good performance of stocks in different market
Time 4: 1'13
the performance of stocks in Asia market, many declined
Fed said investors are focusing on the 1st Oct fighting between House and Congress about debt ceiling
market will continue volatile
Time 5: 2'40
how to generate innovative in companies
Opportunities: think before doing; seize the opportunity
Thinking: not disturb the ongoing operations; do no harm
Time 6: 2'43
Atmosphere: create innovation atmosphere
Outcomes: focus on outcomes, allow dynamic progress change
Expand Pie: expand business pie. Apple as an example to create appstore
Obstacle: 6'23
people are too frequently saying they are busy, sometime it means there are more important things or person waiting for them. it is harming the relationship between people
complain about how busy you are is not good. however, working hard does not mean working smart. try to manage your time: three methods: restrains time, use a scheduler, and cut the fat
作者: kimwang53    时间: 2013-9-21 16:56
zxppx 发表于 2013-9-21 15:41
谢谢Kim! 今天的文章很有趣,让我对obamacare也产生了兴趣!
Under the Obamacare, Home D will ch ...

作者: kimwang53    时间: 2013-9-21 16:58
小鱼上树 发表于 2013-9-21 09:30
2 1min43
3 1 min19

上树姐那么凶干嘛。。  这么凶没朋友==+
作者: haiyanrosa    时间: 2013-9-21 17:53
the content of health insurance exchanges for  pat times
the effect of this regulation
作者: Cri倩    时间: 2013-9-21 18:05
1'02“ introduce the changes brought by the new law about healthcare insurance, with the example of home depot inc
57" how global stock markets perform two days after the u.s. federal's new program
50" the expected outcome of the federal's program
1'50" companies spend more to seek innovation and the passage gives two methods to think different
2'  the article gives some methods to teach how to act different
3'10" keeping saying that we are busy is harmful to us
        it is a symbol that busy people are more important and successful
       the author believes it is better to spend time with family and friends and on personal stuff
        gives three advices to work smart
作者: hyhy7    时间: 2013-9-21 18:56
5‘46’‘947w learn to work smarter, not just harder。。
作者: 0412501    时间: 2013-9-21 19:08
Home Depot will change medical care to affordable coverage for its 20,000 part-time employee, because of increased medical cost.

Britain’s stock market was down because of the loose monetary policy of U.S. Asian markets are down to, partially because of the holidays.

International stock markets are down. Fuel prices are up. Euro is up and U.S. dollar is down. U.S market will be more voltage because of the fighting of shutdown of debt.

Large companies create atmosphere to inspire employees to achieve innovation. Companies encourage employees to come up more ideas, pursue worthwhile ideas, and keep the ideas working enduringly.

Three aspects that large companies inspire their employees to cultivate

Keep being busy is bad for our social relationship. People need to efficiently manage time. Several ways are suggested: set time limits for tasks, use calendar to plan, and get rid of less important tasks.

作者: winnie加油!    时间: 2013-9-21 19:29
作者: diane7    时间: 2013-9-21 19:33
作者: billylau    时间: 2013-9-21 22:07
2 2"12
Hoome Depot is planing to change its insurance policy according to the new public policy.

3 1"45
the stock market changes sharply by Friday.That enthusiasm had worn off.

4 1"15
continuing to describe the sharp change in the market with several reasonable reasons.

5,6 2"57 3"00
through specific descriptions, the passage shows us some tips about how can we have the right innovation mindset.

7 5"59
the passage give us some advice that how can we steer the former way that is less efficiency to a new way that we can manage our time more wiser.
作者: angel880319    时间: 2013-9-21 22:13
Time2 02'07
HD company started to shift the insurance of part time to exchanges. This will affect 20,000 part time workers. The part time insurance covers about $ 5,000 a year, whereas the exchanges covers $20,000.
Time3 01'46
The rally in the stock markets fizzled out two days after the Us continued its quantitative monetary policy.
Time4 01'56
The index of stock markets in Japan, Thailand, India and many other countries dropped at the same time. The White House and the Congress are approaching the debt ceiling. If there is no proper and timely scheme, US will default it's debt for the first time. The benchmark, the price of oil per barrel, also decreased. In currencies, the euro becomes stronger and dollar weaker.
Time5 02'39
Thomas Edison said a genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. But many co. devote a lot of money and time to explore the 1%. To achieve this, the first thing is to seize the opportunities. And think differently.
Time6 02'51
Act differently- Resourcefulness. An innovative co encourages the resourcefulness.
Outcomes. Reduce the reporting line. Construct a proper environment for innovation. There is also accountability in innovative co and a rough plan.
Expand a pie. Expand pies only only for you, but also for your customers and partners like Apple co.
Time7 5'23"
Stop complaining that you are so busy and almost buried. When you complain to others, it seems that you are more important that others and you need more time. And complaint can also harm your health and decrease the efficiency of communication. What is more is that you spend less time with your family and friends. We should improve the productivity and make full use of time rather than complain. Three strategies: constrain your time, make a schedule, and cut a fat.
作者: chasedream1122    时间: 2013-9-21 22:35

Do not complain about how busy you are! Use ur time wisely and efficiently! Work smart rather than work hard!
作者: 淡淡罗    时间: 2013-9-21 22:50
2:283  1'56
3:226  1'20
4:204  1'02
5:416  2'42
6:389  2'12
7:947  5'05
作者: guoxinyuan520    时间: 2013-9-21 22:58
1'23  part-time job employees will receive better health insurance.

1'00  The globel stock market fizzles out.

0'55   Many country face bad situation. America face a serious condition.

2'03  choosing the opportunity and thinking

2'00  In the part of act difference, focus on the outcomes and expand the pie.

作者: chibomen    时间: 2013-9-21 23:50
Part-time worker won't be provided insurance by employee, their insurance will be shifted to another insurance plan according to goverment's health low.
The stock market has been affacted after The Feb buoyed sentiment by keeping its  monetary stimulus program in place.

作者: 晓野的野    时间: 2013-9-22 00:45
掌管 2        00:01:12.84        00:02:54.83
掌管 1        00:01:41.99        00:01:41.99

呜...... 今天只看了两篇
作者: 小鱼上树    时间: 2013-9-22 00:58
kimwang53 发表于 2013-9-21 16:58
上树姐那么凶干嘛。。  这么凶没朋友==+

作者: 张茹ava    时间: 2013-9-22 06:19
02.59 several companies provides healthcare insurance to part-timers
02.30 the enthusiasm for stock markets rejoicing wore off
01.38 the falling of different indexes and the focus turned to the U.S.
05.30 consider whether the innovation idea is worthwhile, and balance between getting the most out of the
opportunities and keeping performance engine humming(精力旺盛)
04.54 focus on the resourcefulness, outcomes ,and expand the branches
07.52 The passage tells us the phenomenon in which scores of people complain about how busy they are,
and to tackle these, the author proposes that 3 strategies to work smarter rather than harder.

作者: kimwang53    时间: 2013-9-22 06:41
小鱼上树 发表于 2013-9-22 00:58

can't imagine~~
作者: 旧未来    时间: 2013-9-22 08:15
1  02:04
Home Depot Inc will shift his medical coverage for part-timers to public exchange,under the new Care Act,which allows them own more ability to chose the exchange

2  01:30
U.S. Federal Reserve failed on the program to stiumltus economy and the global stocks market were falling.

3  01:19
The slightly falling in the worldwide stocks market, and the U.S face the debt ceiling.

4  03:08
How to make the right innovation
1.Evaluate the opportuinites: whether the innovation match some criteria.
2. Thinking:do not hurt other ongoing program

5  03:04

6  05:49
Complaining busy to some extent means that you want to show how successful and improtant you are. Actually, it does not make it, far more often, it is just because the flaw in your plan of time management, which always result it some serious effect on our mental health.
Then, there are some tips:
Constrain the time.
Use a scheduler
Cut the fat.

作者: CatherineH    时间: 2013-9-22 11:06
The Senate will possibly defund the obama care.
People from different parties hold various opinions.

1 1min55
Home Depot intented to change the insurance policy for part-time employees from private insurance to obamacare.
Part-time workers now receive limited health care policy.

2 1min21
Stock market hope the government can withstraw a policy to keep interest rate low to stimulate the stock price.
But stock market are down.

3 1min06
The benchmark of market over the world are falling down.
The market will sell stock until the government shut down.

4 2min30
Many company devote too much to the 1% inspiration.
But companies should think different.
They should know which kind of opportunity is worth pursuing.
They should also know how to achieve the opportunity while operation normally.

5 2min47
companies should act differently. They should focus on the outcome, the innovation, not the accountability.
Companies should expand the market and create more revenue resources.

Obstacle 3min38
Some people say IAMBUSY acutually they mean more successful.
Everyone is busy in different ways.
Being busy can do harm to people.
Need work smart not just work hard.
Making a schedule, cancel something not neccessary, and do something in a scheduled time can help reduce busy time.
作者: 艾筱豆    时间: 2013-9-22 11:12
Sanate and American people have different opinions about the Obama care. The bills about the care died for many times. American people do not want the government to be shut down.

The old Obama care which the workers can choose the limited liability medical plan will be replaced by the public exchanges which the part-time workers can buy the government subsidized healthcare.
Fed is a program which increase the money available for loans to push down interests, the low interest attract the investors
Because of the holiday, many Asia countries have been closed
Because the political fighting between the White House and the congress
And the volatility of the market, people want to sell
Thinking different and nurture the thinking
And then thinking
Balance the opportunities and the engine humming. Aim for small change or surgery not major one
Should focus on the outcome not the activity trap and should have a daily correction circle just as the pilot has an plan
Expand the pie, which means encourage the employee to develop new revenue stream, just as apple do
People always brag about how busy they are, but the thing is maybe they are not effective and strategic about their work.
People should consider the ways mentioned to improve such as: limit the time and then you will become more productive
Use a scheduler and cut down fat, which means things that are not necessary

作者: 断章    时间: 2013-9-22 14:04
T7        00:03:57.53
we are too "busy" to think about communicating with friends and famiiy. it's harmful. how to do time management and work smart instead of only hard.
T6        00:02:06.29       
T5        00:02:25.29       
how to create an environment that is better for innovation.
T4        00:01:09.78       
T3        00:01:34.76       
about goble stock market
T2        00:01:46.56       
home depot is shifting medical coverage for part-time workers to public exchanges and they can gain more comprehensive coverage and do not pay more. some workers gain coverage through private health insurance changes. full-time workers have to pay more for health care.
作者: Doris800    时间: 2013-9-22 14:48
2 01:56 Home Depot changes its policy of medical coverage for part-timer workers. The workers will benefit a lot from that.
3 01:25 The rally in global stock markets fizzled out on Friday.
4 01:08 More information about different markets and forcasting of the future.
5 02:55 Important issues about innovation for innovative company: the criterias of opportunities that are worthy to seize; do no harm to the ongoing porformance.
6 02:16 Encourage and reward resourcefulness, focus on learning and expand the pie in the end.

People like to talk about how busy are they to prove that they are important and successful. But we should stop do that.
We should do things smart, not just diligent and organize our own time in a better way.
Three advices to work smater.

喜歡今天的內容~Thanks Kim!~
作者: 铁板神猴    时间: 2013-9-22 18:15
against, mid dec,

10 days, obamacare, S D

dead wastetime,


avoid, not good idea. do not want. congress blame.

next weekend.


作者: 啦啦噜啦啦    时间: 2013-9-23 09:27
【1:50】H is going to change medical coverage for part-time workers from limited liability to new public marketplace exchanges.
【1:20】The policy U.S publish hoping to encourage the stock market doesn't get an passive effect.
【1:22】The performance of the Asia market wasn't good. The conflict between the hite house and the congress makes the market vulnerable.
【2:25】Companies take too much to get great ideas but not enough to grow it from an idea to an impact. Therefore, the author explain how to change it. First, pick up worthwhile ideas. Second, think hard to change it into an impact.
【2:36】Third, resourcefullness will be encouraged. Forth, encourage cemployees to focus on outcomes. The last one is expanding the pie.
When people meet, they turn to compaint how busy they are. The author claims that this is a bad thing because it seems that you are saying youare more important than the other. Also, it harms people' connection with family and friend. Therefore, it is important to work smart than work hard. There are three ways: constrain your time; do a sheduler and cut the fat. By doing these, people will find they complaint less and thay are not that much buried.
作者: sherryv    时间: 2013-9-23 09:44
Time2 283w 2’41
Stock market experienced fluctuation because of America’s monetary policy.
08 assets purchase – money available for loans increase – interest rates decrease – growth; for investors: low interest rates = boon stock market
Time4 204w 1’33
Benchmark in several countries reached low points.
Time5 416w 3’33
Innovative companies: narrow down the scope; innovate while keep on operating
Time6 389w 2’53

Obstacle 947w 6’14
【Just because you clocked 15 hours at your office, with likely dry eyeballs and a complete lack of focus, doesn’t mean you’ve accomplished things in a smart way.】
People complain about how busy they are, but working in a smart way is more important than working hard. To get things done better, constrain time, use scheduler and cut out superfluous meetings.

作者: kaye523    时间: 2013-9-23 12:15
t2 2'44
t3 1'41
t4 1'24
t5 3'30
t6 3'18
obstacle 6‘28
作者: chinochino    时间: 2013-9-23 14:45
Time 2  1:21
Home Depot is shifting medical coverage for part-time workers to new public marketplace exchanges in which there are more healthcare options for the part-time workers. This change is under the Obamacare.

Time 3  1:05
The global stock market failed to rally, even though the interest rate in US remains low. The performance of stock markets in different locations are listed as evidences.

Time 4    45'

The market in Asia fell. There is a political debate about the debt ceiling.

Time 5    2:04
Having great ideas is the start of innovation. Having ideas which impact is more important. This article is about the right mindset to achieve the innovation success.

Time 6 1:40'
About how to act differently

Obstacle: 3:50'

Being busy makes people feel buried and have less time to communicate with family and friends, and fulfill other important things.  The author claims that we need some strategies to better manage the time and squeeze the working hours : by working smart and using a scheduler.
作者: fnlucky    时间: 2013-9-23 16:54
2min Home dopt is shifting medical coverage for the part-time workers to new public changes. Public changes allow individuals to buy government-subsidized insurance and reduce the cost of healthcare insurance in the company which attribute to the government tax credit.
2min10  Fed had ever rescued the economical crisis, but this time, the Fed still maintained, the crisis couldn’t recover.
1min30  the market situation declined and investors turned their focus to political struggle in order to avoid government shutdown
2min the innovative companies lies in thinking different, act different and then get successed. Thinking different need to choose the worthwhile opportunities and then maintain the balance between the worthwhile opportunies and keep your performance engine humming.
2min10 different act depended on resourcefulness and outcomes. When the business model stabilized, it encouraged to expand the pie.
6min  to stop complaining about how busy you are, you need to work smarter and enhance working effeiciency. There are some tips. First of all, constrain the time,  second, list the schedules.

作者: gyb192483    时间: 2013-9-23 21:01
TIME2:01'34'' Home Depot Inc  is shifting the medical insurance of the part time employee to public health exchange
TIME3: 01'13'' the rally of the stock market frizzled out after the US reserve announced the stimulus. The global stock markerts experienced a decrease when the market reopen. The China stock market does not because of the public holiday
TIME4: 01'04'' Japan, Indonisia and other Asia stock markets also saw a decrease.  The white house and the congress should work out a solution in order not to loose contral of the market.  The value of the Euro and Dollar also reduces
TIME5: 02'16'' How to lauch the creative mind. 1 ) Identify the target of the creative thought 2) think while maintaining the ordinary operation
TIME6: 02'01'' 3) Create a creative climate 4) focus on the outcome 5) extend the pie

Obstacle: 04'57''
Main idea: stop complaing that you are busy
Attitude: active
==> people always complain that they are busy
==> because they are busy, people can not share time with families and friends
==> while work hard is not enough, work smart is also needed
==>  three ways to work smart
  ==> constrain the time
  ==> have a scheduler
  ==> loose weight. Cut the surplus meetings
==> Stop complaining to your friends

作者: kiki567    时间: 2013-9-24 00:45
2. 1:44
Home Depot shift on medical insurance for part time workers to public market exchange. currently some companies cover part time workers less than $5000 medical coverage. exchange will provide part time workers more medical coverage but not increase the cost.

3. 1:14
stock market fizzles out, two days after US federal announced monetary stimulus program.

4. 0:56
stock went down in many Asia countries. fight over debt ceiling. Oil price droped.

5. 2:11
innovation is a long process, hard to make ideas work.
Select the idea that align with conpany's goal. Seed fund.
Keep the balance, do not harm the existing business.

6. 2.18
focus on outcome. have rough direction and dynamic course changes.
when established, try to expand the pie.

7. 05:02
people like to complain that they are busy and don't have enough time. To be "busy" means they are important.
This hurts the communication with our friends and families. If everyone is busy, it makes one feel guilty if he/she is not busy.
But working a long time does not mean working smart. For the long time spent before the table, only small portion is effective working time.
Spend only limited time on one task, even though it may not be perfect.
Use the scheduler, cancle the non important things.
作者: 750750    时间: 2013-9-24 09:45

作者针对这个问题给出建议:不是应该work hard 应该 work smart。这样做的方法有:1、限制时间2、做好日程安排3、削减不必要的事情
作者: 铁板吗啡    时间: 2013-9-24 16:32

作者: TaoRs92    时间: 2013-9-24 21:03

The change of the law.Benefit workers.
Obamacare can provides workers(especailly part-time workers)more coverage and more insurance.
The example of Home Depots.
Many employers will make this change in 2014.
America use QE to improve the economy of USA after financial crisis in 2008.This led to stock investors fled their money in and asked for higher return.
Now Fed tried to abandon QE.Investors got kind of panic.Now Fed decided to leave QE away for some other days.Investors were rejoiced.However,the passion went and prices of stocks declined these days.
People are watching the conflict between the government and the congress,to see whether America will approach the debt celing and have the first default in its history.
The result is the key and will influence the actions of investors.
(volatility 波动性)
Innovation companies always concentrate on idea(that 1% in Edeson's word)But the most important thing is to make idea to impact.
Think different:
opportunity:there can be lots of ideas.But people should find the opportunities realted to those ideas that will fit the criteria and purposes of the company.Choose them from the whole ideas and make innovation.
And thinking:
How to deal with the balance?Cool and heat at the same time.Don't disturb the rhyme while makes the micro surgeon.
Act different:
Resourcefulness:make the atmosphere of innovation resourceful
Outcoms:have dynamic plans,have directions and move towards the directions
Expand the pie:make non-customers new customers.The example and Apple and its App store.Let others join in and expand the innovation at the same time
People like to say they are busy these days.
This lead to some problems:less communication and less time to spend with families and friends;like to show they are more successful and more important;bad for one's health
The author asked people to work more smart,more strategetic,rather than more hard.(how's the output,effciency,waste time or not?)
Three tips to work more efficient:
1 constrain the time(give yourself a solid time and move on even if it is not perfect)
2 use a scheduler
3 cut the fat(cut those that are meaningless)
The point is this: with limited time and unlimited demands on that time, it’s easy to fill your plate with activities constantly. But this doesn’t mean that you should.

作者: 鸢尾yuanwei    时间: 2013-9-25 18:38
thx kim~~~


作者: leglars    时间: 2013-9-26 20:41
time2    2.30

3           2.04
4           1.33

5           3.56
6           4.00

obstacle     6.14
main idea:  comparing throwing ourselves into numerous massions with major hours of everyday, we should learn how to be a good time manager to smart our work.
atitude: exhortation
==>   introduce article idea by a common phenomenon in life
==>   refute this bad tag and analyze how dim-witted to keep the habbit
==>   we should be smart to handle our time
==>   two tips can contribute to change this bad tag

作者: geyh163    时间: 2013-9-27 21:09
exchange on insurance coverage to part-time workers.
stock market became less enthusianstic after Fed announced keeping the program.
stock markets on other nations also drop.
how to think different(oppotunity&think)
how to act different to make the innovation success.
Main idea:always complaining how busy we are is ridiculous.
we should work smart rather than work just hard.
attitude: negative
structure: the phenomenon that people always complain they are busy and regard busy as success----such connect way is radiculous and its harmings---we should work smart rather than work hard---3 ways to work smart
作者: silkagelx    时间: 2013-9-28 09:03
The author suggests that we don't need to complain about how busy we are.Since sometimes busy does not means productivity. We seems to be busy,but we may possibiliy waste much of the time to spend on the social tools.So don't say "I'm very busy", just manage the time.The author then provide three stategies to manage our time.1.constrain the time2.use a shedule3.cut the fat
home Depot INC announces that it would shift the medical coverage for part-time job workers.And some compant says that it is good to part-timers.
the rally of the stock market seems to be failed.
The political fighing between the White House and Congress over the apporaching debt ceiling cause the worldwide attention.
作者: cherry6891    时间: 2013-9-28 09:42

TIME2 2:26
Homo changes the part time worker insurance to marketplace exchange and at the same time full time worker paid more money to cover higher healthcare cost
TIME3 1:40
The ally in global stock markets fizzled out
TIME4 1:26
The stock market of Japan New Zealand and ect all fell. All people want to find a reason to sell
TIME5 3:12
How to think of innovative idea---narrow ur idea and to find out the one with biggest opportunity
                     ----to balance of making the most of opportunity and good performance
TIME6 2:22
Adjust the aim often and expand the pie of business
Obstacle 5:41 : stop saying i am busy and schedule our time--make time limitation to a task;use a schedule
作者: f0070515    时间: 2013-10-2 11:01
time1 1:24
Home Depot Inc is shifting medical coverage for part-time workers to new public marketplace exchanges
time2 1:04
The rally in global stock markets fizzled out on Friday
time3 0:47
benchmarks in japan, australia and several countries in southeast asia fell
time4 2:06
Think Different Opportunities “And” Thinking
time5 2:08
Act Different: Resourcefulness Outcomes and Expand the Pie
Obstacle 4:17
busy harming how we communicate, connect, and interact
We need to work smart, not (just) hard
how to work smarter:
Constrain the time
Use a scheduler
Cut the fat

作者: 344531519    时间: 2013-10-2 12:06
1'45 [162WPM] Home Depot announce to switch the medical insurance plan of the part time emplyee under the Obamacare. Many other companies also proceed such transfer and the influence is stated in the article.

1'10 [193WPM] The stock market is looking forward the stimulating policy from the FED, but FED does not give out positive response and sends the market going down further.

1'07 [182WPM] The stock index of the major economies went downward.

2'40 [156WPM] How we manage to innovate? How to keep the balance between innovation and performance engine? The paragraph gives some ideas.

3'01 [129WPM] It is very important to set a right direction for the employees to innovate and have a system to encourage eomployees to expand the pie after the business model is stablized.

5'08 [185WPM]
Main idea: The pheonomena,influence and solution of the busy people.
Author's attitude : Negative
1. People usually talk about how busy they are when meeting their friends or families.
2. Questioned the mean of being busy and pointed out its potential negative influence.
3. Give some practical suggestion and solution for people to get rid of the situation.
作者: 454362537    时间: 2013-10-5 13:49
-Home Depot is shifting medical coverage for part-time workers to new public marketplace exchanges.
-The part-time workers will get more medical coverage from $5,000 to $20,000.
-The rally in global stock markets fizzled out .
-The points of some stocks market after the enthusiasm of investors had worn off.
- The fighting between the White House and Congress over the approaching debt ceiling must be raised to avoid a government shutdown.
-Market volatility will increase as the deadline approaches.
-The real innovation challenge lies beyond in a long, hard journey from idea to impact.
-To narrow down the ideas to worthwhile opportunities.
-To strike the right balance between getting the most out of opportunities and keeping your performance engine humming.
-Create a climate where resourcefulness is encouraged and rewarded.
-Create a climate in which employees can focus on outcomes instead of getting caught in the activity trap.
-Have systems in place to encourage employees to “expand the pie” by developing new revenue streams, increasing reach, or converting non-consumers into consumers.
Main idea: Talked about why we always say’We are busy’.
Author's attitude : Negative
-People always talk about how busy they are when meeting their friends or families.
-Make some analysis of that situation.
-Give some practical suggestion and solution.
作者: AresMa    时间: 2013-10-18 19:46
Speaker: Republicans want the Senate(controled by democrats) approve the bill of Obamacare, and indicate that this is the vital shot to implement Obamacare.
         However, the Senate, after voting this bill down lots of times. still determines to reject it.
         If this bill still cannot be approved, the government will face the shut down and this does harm to the public.So, the government must consider it thoroughly.

Time 1 2'05" Home Depot plans to change the traditional health care by using health exchanges.
             This limited liability will cover less than 5000$ for each part-time employee.
             Full-time workers' health care in Home Depot will not change.

Time 2 1'48" Stock traders wish the Fed rate will be lower(maitaining QE3 policy) so that there will be a boom in stock market.
             However, the downside among European countries makes the US market drop a little, while stock market in Asia is muted due to holiday.

Time 3 1'13" Every investor is focusing on the fight between the house and the congress, which might change the global economy.
             Not only stock market but also oil and currencies market are affected.

Time 4 3'20" Some qualities that innovative companies must possess.
             Oppotunities: Companies must eveluate the object and predict its profitability, then they can pursue this chance.
             Think differently: Small innovative changes are needed instead of major surgery, which might hurt the atmosphere of the workplace.

Time 5 2'49" Create atmosphere that welcome resourcefulness.
             Outcomes: Team leaders should change to focus on the process of innovation instead of some economic goals.
                       Using an example about flight to indicate that people need to form a

Obstacle 5'52" Main idea: stop complaining about how busy you r
               Attitude: positive
               (1) the everyday thing that people complain to each other about their busy work: they usually compare with others, thinking that i'm buisier than u so i'm more valuable.
               (2) this hurts the communication with co-workers and families
               (3) It may shows that complaining to others indicates u r not very smart.(example about writers)
               (4) some strategies about how to keep away from busy life.

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