
标题: 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障25系列】【25-01】文史哲_The Mayflower [打印本页]

作者: jay871750293    时间: 2013-9-16 00:15
标题: 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障25系列】【25-01】文史哲_The Mayflower
Official Weibo

Sorry, dudes, today's delay of journey back from Zhoushan causes this midnight post...

As we are on a new journey to the 25th series, today, let's begin another journey which took place several hundreds years ago--- the Mayflower Voyage. I happened to find a website, starting with the domain of "
www.mayflowerhistory.blablabla ", that is a specific web for mayflower and has already garnered plenty useful information, and therefore, I am sure that you will learn much more about the source of this ship, the whole process concerning the mayflower voyage: from the very beginning to one year after the arrival, the significance of this voyage and the sacrifice made in the voyage.

OK, here is the construction of this assignment:
Speaker: unrelated to the topic and belonging to business
Speed: several aspects of the Mayflower
Obstacle: the mian introduction of the Mayflower voyage
Extension: two existing letters from one passenger on the Mayflower
Hence, I strongly recommend to read the Obstacle first and by the way, I admit that the Obstacle is somewhat simple and straightforward.

Final jibber jabber: one key word notated for you before your reading--- [
pilgrim] a religious person who travels a long way to a holy place

OK, mates, let's start our journey and find your own answers~
Good luck~

Part 1 Speaker
Asking permission & polite requests
[dialog: 6:04]

transcript: [attach]128556[/attach]
Mp3: [attach]128557[/attach]
Source: BBC

Part 2 Speed


Article 1(Check the title later)
The history of ship Mayflower

Master Christopher Jones and several business partners purchased the ship Mayflower about 1607.  It's origins prior to that remain uncertain.  Its first documented voyage of record was to Trondheim, Norway, in 1609.  Andrew Pawling hired the ship to take a cargo of London goods to Norway, sell them off, and buy Norway goods (lumber, tar, fish) to return back to England.  Unfortunately on the return voyage, the Mayflower encountered a severe North Sea storm and the master and crew were forced to toss most of Pawlings goods overboard to lighten the ship.

The home of Master Christopher Jones in Harwich, co. Essex, England.
Following that, Christopher Jones seems to have stuck with safer trading routes.  The Mayflower made numerous trips primarily to Bordeaux, France, returning to London with cargoes of French wine, Cognac, vinegar, and salt.  The Mayflower could freight about 180 tons of cargo.  The Mayflower also made occasional voyages to other ports, including once to Malaga, Spain, and twice to Hamburg, Germany.

Upon returning from a voyage to Bordeaux, France, in May 1620, the Mayflower and master Christopher Jones were hired to take the Pilgrims to Northern Virginia.  This was the first recorded trans-Atlantic voyage for both ship and master, though Christopher Jones had several crewmembers, including pilot and master's mates John Clarke and Robert Coppin, who had been to the New World before.

The Mayflower was supposed to accompany another ship, the Speedwell, to America, but the Speedwell proved too leaky for the voyage so the Mayflower proceeded alone.  Departing on 6 September 1620, the ship was at sea for 66 days, arriving November 9.  The ship and crew overwintered with the Pilgrims and depart back for England on 5 April 1621, arriving back to England on May 6.

Christopher Jones took the ship out for a few more trading runs, but he died a couple years later in March 1621/2.  The ship was appraised for probate purposes in May 1624, and was referred to as being "in ruins."  It was only valued at 128 pounds sterling, and was almost certainly broken up and sold off as scrap.
[words: 351]

Source:Mayflower History


Article2 (Check the title later)
The Mayflower’s voyage

The Mayflower was hired in London, and sailed from London to Southampton in July 1620 to begin loading food and supplies for the voyage--much of which was purchased at Southampton.  The Pilgrims were mostly still living in the city of Leiden, in the Netherlands.  They hired a ship called the Speedwell to take them from Delfshaven, the Netherlands, to Southampton, England, to meet up with the Mayflower.  The two ships planned to sail together to Northern Virginia.  The Speedwelldeparted Delfthaven on July 22, and arrived at Southampton, where they found the Mayflower waiting for them.  The Speedwell had been leaking on her voyage from the Netherlands to England, though, so they spent the next week patching her up.

On August 5, the two ships finally set sail for America.  But the Speedwell began leaking again, so they pulled into the town of Dartmouth for repairs, arriving there about August 12.  The Speedwell was patched up again, and the two ships again set sail for America about August 21.  After the two ships had sailed about 300 miles out to sea, the Speedwell again began to leak.  Frustrated with the enormous amount of time lost, and their inability to fix the Speedwell so that it could be sea-worthy, they returned to Plymouth, England, and made the decision to leave the Speedwell behind.  The Mayflower would go to America alone.  The cargo on the Speedwell was transferred over to the Mayflower; some of the passengers were so tired and disappointed with all the problems that they quit and went home.  Others crammed themselves onto the already very crowded Mayflower.

Finally, on September 6, the Mayflower departed from Plymouth, England, and headed for America.  By the time the Pilgrims had left England, they had already been living onboard the ships for nearly a month and a half.  The voyage itself across the Atlantic Ocean took 66 days, from their departure on September 6, until Cape Cod was sighted on 9 November 1620.  The first half of the voyage went fairly smoothly, the only major problem was sea-sickness.  But by October, they began encountering a number of Atlantic storms that made the voyage treacherous.  Several times, the wind was so strong they had to just drift where the weather took them, it was not safe to use the ship's sails.  The Pilgrims intended to land in Northern Virginia, which at the time included the region as far north as the Hudson River in the modern State of New York.  The Hudson River, in fact, was their originally intended destination.  They had received good reports on this region while in the Netherlands.  All things considered, the Mayflower was almost right on target, missing the Hudson River by just a few degrees.
[words: 457]

[The rest]
As the Mayflower approached land, the crew spotted Cape Cod just as the sun rose on November 9.  The Pilgrims decided to head south, to the mouth of the Hudson River in New York, where they intended to make their plantation.  However, as the Mayflower headed south, it encountered some very rough seas, and nearly shipwrecked.  The Pilgrims then decided, rather than risk another attempt to go south, they would just stay and explore Cape Cod.  They turned back north, rounded the tip, and anchored in what is now Provincetown Harbor.  The Pilgrims would spend the next month and a half exploring Cape Cod, trying to decide where they would build their plantation.  On December 25, 1620, they had finally decided upon Plymouth, and began construction of their first buildings.
[words: 130]

Source:Mayflower History




Article3 (Check the title later)
Inside the Mayflower: cross-section

[Warm up]
This is where the crew's meals were cooked, and where the crew's food and supplies were stored.

Poop House
Nothing to do with a bathroom, the poop house was the living quarters for the ship's master, Christopher Jones, and some of the higher ranking crew, perhaps Master's Mates' John Clarke and Robert Coppin.

This was the general sleeping quarters for the Mayflower's twenty or thirty crewmembers.  The crew slept in shifts, so not everyone was sleeping in the room at the same time.

Steerage Room
This is where the ship's pilot (John Clark, primarily) steered the Mayflower.  Steering was done by a stick called a whip-staff that was moved back and forth to move the tiller, which in turn moved the rudder.

Gun Room
This is where the powder, shot, and other supplies were stored for the ship's guns and cannons.

Gun Deck
The gun deck is where the cannon were located.  On merchant ships, this deck was also used to hold additional cargo.  On the Mayflower, it is where the majority of the passengers lived.  They built their own makeshift cabins within this area.

Capstan and Windlass
These were large apparatus used to lift and lower heavy cargo between the ship's decks.
[words: 205]

Cargo Hold
This is where the Pilgrims stored their cargo of food, drink, tools, and supplies.
The gun deck, sometimes referred to by the Pilgrims as the "tween deck" or the area "betwixt the decks", is where the Pilgrims lived for most of hte voyage.  Occasionally they ventured to the upper deck, especially during calmer weather when they would be less likely to get in the way of the seamen and there was less danger of being swept overboard.  The gun deck had about four gun ports on either side of the ship for cannon.  Even though the Mayflower was a merchant ship, it needed to be able to defend itself from pirates and ships from countries hostile to England.  The ship also had to be prepared for possible conscription--the King or Queen had authority to turn merchant ships into military vessels during a time of war.  The height of the ceiling of the gun deck was only about five and a half feet, so tall people could not have stood up straight.

During the voyage, the 102 Mayflower passengers lived primarily on the gun deck.  The length of the deck from stem to stern was about 80 feet, of which about 12 feet at the back belonged to the gun room and was off-limits to the passengers.  The width at the widest part was about 24 feet.  This means the living space for all 102 people was only about 58 feet by 24 feet!  Various hatches provided access to the cargo hold below.  The windlass and capstan, used to haul heavy items between the decks, also took up floorspace, as did the main mast in the middle, and the sprit sail mast in the front.  On top of that, the Pilgrims stored on this deck a 30-foot shallop (a small single-sail boat) that they would reassemble upon arrival and use for exploration and future trade.  Families would have built themselves small little "cabins", simple wood dividers nailed together, to provide a very small amount of privacy.  They lived in this small space for the 66-day voyage, and then many of them lived there another four to six months as they explored for a place to live, and later worked to build houses on shore, in the middle of a snowy and wet New England winter.
[words: 387]


Article4 (Check the title later)
Women on the Mayflower

Governor William Bradford reported that the Pilgrims were worried that the "weak bodies of women" would not be able to withstand the rigors of a trans-Atlantic voyage and the construction of a colony.  Prior to the Mayflower, very few English women had made the voyage across the ocean. Sir Walter Raleigh's Roanoke colony arrived in Virginia in 1587, and amongst those 120 colonists there were 17 women: a baby girl, Virginia Dare, was born after arrival. When re-supply ships came from England, they could not relocate the people. The colony had mysteriously disappeared, and was never seen again. The Jamestown Colony was founded in 1607, but relatively few women had yet made the voyage and taken up residence there.

The Pilgrim husband, as head of the household, had an important and difficult decision to make. Building a colony would be hard on a woman's "weaker body."  It might be safer and more healthy to leave her behind, and have her come later once the houses were built, and the general safety and successfulness of the colony were better established. But that could be several years. Could he live several years without his wife? How strong was his wife anyway, could she really handle it? Was it right to put your wife's life in danger in this manner?

Francis Cooke, Thomas Rogers, Samuel Fuller and Richard Warren felt it was better if their wives Hester, Alice, Bridget and Elizabeth stayed behind, and came over later. Degory Priest also left behind his wife Sarah, despite the fact Sarah's brother Isaac Allerton came on the Mayflower with his pregnant wife and three young children. But most husbands, 18 in total, decided their wives should come with them. Was it the right decision?

As the Mayflower left England for America, there were 18 adult women on-board. Three of them, Elizabeth Hopkins, Susanna White, and Mary Allerton, were actually in their last trimester of a pregnancy. All the adult women on the Mayflower were married, there were no single women--although there were a few teenage girls nearing marriageable age.
[words: 345]

While no women would die during the Mayflower's voyage, life after arrival proved extremely difficult. In fact, 78% of the women would die the first winter, a far higher percentage than for men or children. Dorothy Bradford was the first woman to die, and the only woman who died in the month of December. While many of the men, including her husband, were out exploring on Cape Cod, she accidentally fell off the Mayflower into the bitter cold waters of Provincetown Harbor. Most of the women's death dates were not recorded, but we do know that Rose Standish died on January 29, Mary Allerton died on February 25, and Elizabeth Winslow died on March 24. Most of the women died in February and March.

The extremely high mortality rate among women is probably explainable by the fact the men were out in the fresh air, felling trees, building structures and drinking fresh New England water; while the women were confined to the damp, filthy and crowded quarters offered by the Mayflower, where disease would have spread much more quickly. The two-month voyage was long enough; the women, however, remained living on the ship for an additional four months while the men built storehouses and living quarters on shore. Many of the sick were no doubt cared for on-board the ship by the women, increasing their exposure to colds and pneumonias. William Mullins died on February 21, apparently on-board the Mayflower since his will was witnessed by the ship's captain and ship's surgeon. His wife Alice and son Joseph had not yet died, but it wasn't too long before they did, orphaning their teenage daughter Priscilla in the New World.

Only five women survived the first winter. One of the five survivors, Mrs. Katherine Carver, died in May of a "broken heart," her husband John having died of sunstroke a month earlier. Weak bodies or not, by the time of the famous "Thanksgiving," there were only four women left to care for the Colony's fifty surviving men and children. The four women were Eleanor Billington, Elizabeth Hopkins, Mary Brewster, and Susanna (White) Winslow. Susanna Winslow was the widow of William White who died the first winter; she remarried to Edward Winslow, whose wife Elizabeth had also died the first winter.

Incidentally, all the wives who had been left behind were still living. Four of them came on the ship Anne in 1623, had additional children, and raised their families at Plymouth.
[words: 410]

Source: Mayflower History

Part 3 Obstacle


Article5 (Check the title later)
The Mayflower


Pilgrims Before the Mayflower

In 1608, a congregation of disgruntled English Protestants from the village of Scrooby, Nottinghamshire, left England and moved to Leyden, a town in Holland. These “Separatists” did not want to pledge allegiance to the Church of England, which they believed was nearly as corrupt and idolatrous as the Catholic Church it had replaced, any longer. (They were not the same as the Puritans, who had many of the same objections to the English church but wanted to reform it from within.) The Separatists hoped that in Holland, they would be free to worship as they liked

In fact, the Separatists (they called themselves “Saints”) did find religious freedom in Holland, but they also found a secular life that was more difficult to navigate than they’d anticipated. For one thing, Dutch craft guilds excluded the migrants, so they were relegated to menial, low-paying jobs. Even worse was Holland’s easygoing, cosmopolitan atmosphere, which proved alarmingly seductive to some of the Saints’ children. (These young people were “drawn away,” Separatist leader William Bradford wrote, “by evill [sic] example into extravagance and dangerous courses.”) For the strict, devout Separatists, this was the last straw. They decided to move again, this time to a place without government interference or worldly distraction: the “New World” across the Atlantic Ocean.

The Mayflower
First, the Separatists returned to London to get organized. A prominent merchant agreed to advance the money for their journey. The Virginia Company gave them permission to establish a settlement, or “plantation,” on the East Coast between 38 and 41 degrees north latitude (roughly between the Chesapeake Bay and the mouth of the Hudson River). And the King of England gave them permission to leave the Church of England, “provided they carried themselves peaceably.”

In August 1620, a group of about 40 Saints joined a much larger group of (comparatively) secular colonists–“Strangers,” to the Saints–and set sail from England on two merchant ships: the Mayflower and the Speedwell. The Speedwell began to leak almost immediately, however, and the ships headed back to port. The travelers squeezed themselves and their belongings onto the Mayflower and set sail once again.

Because of the delay caused by the leaky Speedwell, the Mayflower had to cross the Atlantic at the height of storm season. As a result, the journey was horribly unpleasant. Many of the passengers were so seasick they could scarcely get up, and the waves were so rough that one “Stranger” was swept overboard and drowned. (It was “the just hand of God upon him,” Bradford wrote later, for the young sailor had been “a proud and very profane yonge man.”)

The Mayflower Compact
After two miserable months at sea, the ship finally reached the New World. There, the Mayflower’s passengers found an abandoned Indian village and not much else. They also found that they were in the wrong place: Cape Cod was located at 42 degrees north latitude, well north of the Virginia Company’s territory. Technically, the Mayflower colonists had no right to be there at all. In order to establish themselves as a legitimate colony (“Plymouth,” named after the English port from which they had departed) under these dubious circumstances, 41 of the Saints and Strangers drafted and signed a document they called the Mayflower Compact. This Compact promised to create a “civil Body Politick” governed by elected officials and “just and equal laws.” It also swore allegiance to the English king.

Plymouth Colony and the First Thanksgiving
The colonists spent the first winter, which only 53 passengers and half the crew survived, living onboard the Mayflower. (The Mayflower sailed back to England in April 1621.) Once they moved ashore, the colonists faced even more challenges. During their first winter in America, more than half of the Plymouth colonists died from malnutrition, disease and exposure to the harsh New England weather. In fact, without the help of the area’s native people, it is likely that none of the colonists would have survived. An English-speaking Pawtuxet named Samoset helped the colonists form an alliance with the local Wampanoags, who taught them how to hunt local animals, gather shellfish and grow corn, beans and squash. At the end of the next summer, the Plymouth colonists celebrated their first successful harvest with a three-day festival of thanksgiving. We still commemorate this feast today.

Eventually, the Plymouth colonists were absorbed into the Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony. Still, the Mayflower Saints and their descendants remained convinced that they alone had been specially chosen by God to act as a beacon for Christians around the world. “As one small candle may light a thousand,” Bradford wrote, “so the light here kindled hath shone to many, yea in some sort to our whole nation.”
[words: 788]
Source: History

Part 4 Extension

Article6 (Check the title later)
LetterⅠ from Mayflower


  Dearest Aunt Constance,
    You wondered what life in a ship would be like. I can now tell you, I would trade my bed for yours in the beat of a heart! I sleep on a damp bed in a tiny cabin with mother and father. We are all packed in like so much cargo below deck. We do not know many of the other passengers, yet we live nearly on top of each other. Few of us have ever been aboard a ship, and there is much seasickness. The stench is most awful! I welcome the times when we are allowed to go on deck to empty our chamber pots and breathe the fresh air.   

    When the weather is fair, the days are much the same. We pray as we rise in the morning and before and after we take our meals. For food we commonly have pease or bean pottage, cheese and ship’s biscuit. For drink, we have beer. We have some water but they say it will soon go bad. Did I tell you that I have a friend? Her name is Mary and I am so grateful for her. Mary and I play games, tell riddles, sing or just speak to each other. It is often too dark to even read. There are few other lasses on the ship since most families left their daughters behind until our town is built. The sailors will sometimes allow us on deck, but they are a hard lot and frighten me somewhat. Master Goodman brought his two dogs—a mastiff and a spaniel—and we chase them as they chase the mousers that chase the rats. Have I made mention of the rats? They are almost as great in size as the mousers! May the Lord help us when the weather is not fair. Father told me that sailors usually seek safe harbor in the autumn and now I know why. The storms are fearsome! They roll and toss our poor ship which creaks and moans as though it will break apart. My arms and legs are bruised from being thrown about and having things fall on me.

     In one storm, a young man was thrown into the sea, but by God’s good will he caught hold of a line that was dragging in the water and was saved. Just a fortnight ago came the worst storm yet. Aunt Constance, I thought we would all surely drown and become food for the fishes. The ship’s upper works were leaking and of a sudden there was a great snap! Master Carver told us that one of the ship’s main beams had cracked. Many of the crew wanted to turn back, but after much consultation, t’was decided that we would continue . The carpenters and sailors mended the beam and caulked the leaks. Thus we put our faith in God and we press on. I do not think that I can stand such a fright again. I pray that we reach the New World soon.
[Words: 507]

Source: Scholastic

Article7 (Check the title later)
LetterⅡ from Mayflower


Dearest Aunt Constance,
I was so grateful to arrive in the New World, but I am now beginning to wish that we had never left home. I know that father had a hard life in England because he was punished for following his conscience and worshipping in the Separatist Church, but I wonder if it could have been as hard as this.

We arrived here just as winter did. It is bitter cold and snow is almost always upon the ground, but God has blessed us with a place to start our new town. There is a fair brook running under a high hill that Father says will offer us protection from our enemies. The men have begun building houses on land, but we must remain on the ship until they are nearer to being finished. I never thought I would still be aboard the ship for so long after we arrived! I suppose it is safer on the ship. I know not what to think of the naturals of this place that are called Indians. The first time some of our men encountered them, there was a fight though by God’s blessing no one was injured. We are on our guard now.

Master Goodman—the one with the dogs—has become quite ill. He was out cutting thatch with Peter Brown when his dogs chased a great deer deep into the forest. They chased after them and were soon lost, and had to pass the night in the wilderness. When they found their way back the next afternoon, Master Goodman had to have his shoes cut off his feet as they were so swollen with the cold. Many of our party have already died, among them Mary’s mother and father. I cannot think how lost I would be in this strange and frightful place without mother and father. I pray that they will not succumb to scurvy and other diseases.

I mean not to be so grim, but I fear that things could get far worse. We are near to scraping the bottoms of the barrels of rice, peas, and biscuit, and the men have had little fortune in hunting. I am worried, though I know that with God’s help we will survive this dark winter.

  Your loving niece,
[Words: 381]

作者: LUCY小可    时间: 2013-9-16 00:22
Thank you Jay!!!

The podcast begins with the discussion about which one is better between open plant office and private office. And people who invloved in discussion talked about AC conflict which refers to today's topic---how to request politely. For example, use "would you like to..." " would you mind not..." " Could I ....." to express suggestion and request.

作者: sherryv    时间: 2013-9-16 01:51

Obstacle 788w 5’36
-         For religious reasons, a group of English Protestants moved to Holland,only to find it was more difficult than they had imagined to live a life. Sothey gathered resources and head for the New Land.
-         Unpleased trip and harsh condition on the New Land makes only a few protestantssurvived.
Time 2 351w 没计上时,囧
Describe the history ofthe Mayflower chronologically.
The ship was for tradesin Europe at the first place, transferring goods among European countries. Thenit was hired to send the Pilgrims to the New Land. After the long trip, theship was in use for a couple years and identified as damaged after the masterdied.
Time 3 457w 2’28
Because of leakingproblem, Speedwell gave up sailing to the New Land, leaving the Mayflower aloneon the travel load. The Mayflower failed to land on its target destination.
Time 4 387w 2’06
Introduce the structureof the Mayflower, specifically where the Pilgrims lived. They slept in the gundeck, where weapons like guns and cannons were placed, for the ship could be inmilitary use. The space for the passengers are extremely limited.
Time 5 345w 1’48
Most of the Pilgrimshusbands took their wives on the voyage, although whether “their weak bodies”could stand the long trip was worrying.
Time 6 410w 2’07
Most of the women on theMayflower did not survive the first winter, mainly because they were forced tostay in the crowded cabin of the ship where disease could spread quickly.

作者: lxskyfly    时间: 2013-9-16 06:19
HEY~thank you Jay!!
TIME2 2'14
history of ship Mayflower
- at the first begining, M took routes to lots of ports, with being used to undertake cargoes back.
- the only recorded trip: accompanying with S, taking P to northern V, US.
- after owner of M died, M was appraised as "in ruins" at last.
TIME3 2'33
how was M voyage going?
- after serveral times' leaking of S, M decided to go on the trip alone.
- without any serious problems except sea-sickness at the first begining, M met up with strong storms on the sea.
- for sake of storms, H, people on the board, intended to land on north of V, which is not their orginal destination after 66-day voyage.

Warm up 0'59
TIME4 2'32
- household condition and access between various places in Mayflower Ship.
TIME5 2'03
- concerns are raised about whether women can put up with the rigor in M voyage to US.
- some husband of P kept different opinion that there are highly impossbile for husband who live without wives for such a long time.
- lots of husbands chose to be accompanied with wives, causing in total 18 women got on board of M ship.
TIME6 2'26
- lots of women got died during the voyage of Mayflower trip in the first winter, most of which we get no knowledge about records of their death.
- explore the causes of women. It seemed that death of women was influenced by lots of factors, most related to men.
- only few women lived through the trip.
作者: cherry6891    时间: 2013-9-16 07:14
Obstacle 4:53
Introduce why the England take the mayflower voyage and they went to New world because the wrong locate the wrong latitude.After they came there they made a compact and learned how to make a living in new world.
TIME2  2:25
MC bought the mayflower and traveled to many countries like Norway to do business.Unfortunately the ship had to thrown away all goods brought back from Norway.Later the ship went to France,Germany and other countries.In 1962.the ship was ruin and sold 128 pounds.
The mayflower hired in 1960 in London together with the other ship Speed well.However, the speedwell leak again again after patching up then good was transferred to mayflower and it sailed alone.Overcoming the sea-sickness and storm ,they finally arrive husdon river with a missing of several degrees
TIME4  2:31
The cargo held guns,space for sleep,food and dinks
TIME5 1:59
They had different opinion of weather should bring women on the voyage
object: women are too weak to withstand the rigorous voyage and the construction if a colony
Approve:it is not right to leave the wifes alone
TIME6 2:22
High mortality on the voyage because they were confined to a crowded quarters where disease would easily spread
TIME8 3:00
A letter to his aunt from a guy during the trip to the New World
TIME9 1:54
A letter from the same guy after he arrived the new world.And he told us why his family choose to leave his hometown and the fear of losing parents and not certain about future

作者: sherlock1992    时间: 2013-9-16 07:21

Because of the unacceptable to the British's religion, the separatists decided to leave for Holland, but considering of the influence of easygoing environment there towards their descendant, which may violate their offsprings' religious orientation, these separatists decided to go for America. Then, after authorization of British government as well as any other preparation, these saints choose two mechant ships---Speedwell and Mayflower. Due to the continuous leak of Speedwell, finally, they choose Mayflower alone to America. After two months or so journey, they successfully arrived the land of American, but the place they landed was different with what British government authorized, in order to be a legitimate colony, they signed together the Mayflower Compact. Later, they started the life in the New World. They undergone a lot during the cold winter and gradually, they learned the skills to hunt, then begin to adapt the life there. In the final part, author introduced their excellent contributions to their descendant living in this land.
作者: 小鱼上树    时间: 2013-9-16 08:14
1 6min04
Polite way to say no: I’d rather you didn’t, if you don’tmind.
2 351 1min33
History of Mayflower-fought through a storm-some more safetrips between ports-travelled to northern Virginia took 66 days-came back toEngland-several more-captain died
3 457 2min20
4 387 1min37
5 345 1min42
6 410 2min
7 788 4min25
The Pilgrims decided to leave England because the differencesof religious. They travelled to Holland but found life was harder. They wentback, organized and got an order from the King to travel across Atlantic. Theyhad two boats, one of which started leaking as soon as they pulled out. TheMayflower survived from the storm season. After 2 months of miserable lifeonboard, they reached land. But it turned out they got to the wrong place. Theysigned the Mayflower compact and got help from the local American to getthrough the first winter. That’s how the Thanksgiving began.

作者: 鱼以类聚    时间: 2013-9-16 08:38

1.2'11'' A brief introduction of Mayflower vovage history
2.2'16'' In consideration of Speedwell's serious leaky problem, Mayflower had to go to America alone.
         Mayflower spent 66 days on the sea, with the first half going smoothly and the latter encountering storms. At last, the ship arrived at the almost right destination, missing the scheduled destination just by a few degrees.
3.1'56'' An introduction of some rooms on Mayflower
4.1'41'' Citing previous vovages, the author pointed out that relatively few women had yet made the voyage and taken up residence in the colony since their weak bodies couldn't withstand the rigors of vovage and construction of colony.
         After a heated discussion, many men took their wives on board to move to America together.
5.2'08'' Life after arrival proved extremely difficult since many women died one after another caused by terrible living environment on board.
         Only 5 women survived the first winter and remaining ones maybe remarried.

4'56''  At first, the Separatists moved to Holland hoping to get rid of the Church in England, but they didn't get their ideal life. Therefore, they went back to England and prepared for a new vovage.
       Speedwell and Mayflower departed from England together, but Mayflower was delayed due to the leaky Speedwell. As a result, passangers experienced an unpleansant journey on the sea at the height of storm season.
       After they arrived in America, they set up some laws and principles called The Mayflower Compact, laying the groundwork of democracy.
       Since Separatists got help from locals on survival, they gradually learned to live on the new land. Thanksgiving day is derived from their celebration of their first successful harvest.

作者: billylau    时间: 2013-9-16 08:40
2 2"22
the passage talk about the history of the ship, which carry out several risky voyage, from the very begining to the final day of the ship when it was sold off as scrap.

3 3"09
the passage show the process of the exploration. but the destination they arrived was not the supposed one, which missed just a few degrees.

4 2"18
the structure of the ship is showed in the passage,especially demonstrating the gun desk where the 102 Mayflower passengers lived primarily.

5 2"38
show some events about women on board.

6 2"27
even though no women died in the voyage, but after that the lift became too difficult for the women to carry on. the result is that a huge part of the women died because of seveal different reasons.

7 5"10
作者: tkl    时间: 2013-9-16 08:44
2’07 (351)
The life of a boat—mayflower
It was bought by Jone in 1962--------it has an accident in his first sailing ---- it freighted safely since then----it has been many places-----Jone died and it was broken and sold

Speedwell and Mayflower were hired to transport cargo from England to America
Mayflower waited for Speedwell at the rendezvous---speedwell leak twice during voyage and finally was abandoned ---mayflower carrying all goods met bad weather ----mayflower missed their destination by just a few degree

2’28 (387)
The introduction of gun deck
The description of gun deck (there are 2 reasons it has guns ,though it is a merchandise vessel: protect itself and prepare for conscription)—the usage of gun deck ( people live here and the space is small)

2’02 (345)
Weather sailor should carry their wives together in their voyage?
Women’s body were weaker and can not adapt to voyage—P left behind his wife while there were 18 sailor carried their wives –when they arrived ,all women and some girls left.

2’35 (410)
Women died when arrival
When get the definition ,all women were alive---life became difficult for women and it was difficult for women to survival , especially during the first winter.(may because the left on ship and the disease spread while men went out for entertainment or built on shores)----only 4 women left finally

作者: sissiyu    时间: 2013-9-16 09:17

Time 2   2’15
-        About ship Mayflower:
Its first documented voyage of record was to Norway: to do buying and selling
The first recorded trans-Atlantic voyage for it was in May 1620
After many trading runs, it was referred as being “in ruins” because of the death of Christopher Jones

Time 3   2’39
-        Details about the first recorded trans-Atlantic voyage of ship Mayflower and Speedwell

The rest   0’51
-        Made the decision to explore Cape Cod (today’s Provincetown Harbor)
Warm up   
-        The overall arrangement of the ship Mayflower: the forecastle, poop House, Cabin, Steerage Room, Gun Room, Gun Deck, Capstan and Windlass

Time 4   1’20
-        Details of some of the placement’s function

Time 5   2’18
-        Women’s problem of the trans-Atlantic voyage and the construction of a colony
-        5 people decided to left behind their wife and pick up them later, but most husbands (18 in total) decided their wives should come with them

Time 6   2’37
-        Most of the women on board died during the voyage, only 4 women survived finally

Time 7   4’56
-        Pilgrims before the Mayflower: although religious freedom in Holland, the life was more difficult to navigate
-        The Mayflower: Saints gathered to find a place to establish a settlement
-        The Mayflower Compact: in order to establish themselves as a legitimate colony, they drafted and signed a document called the May flower Compact
-        Plymouth Colony and the First Thanksgiving: only a small part of the group survived during the journy

作者: xyinghe    时间: 2013-9-16 10:30
7. (4:41)
Separatists move to Holland, hoping that they can be free to worship → Have religious freedom not easy to anticipate → look for the “New World” → went back to London to get organized and sponsored →took off during the storm season → landed in Plymouth rather than Cape Cod → Found native American → taught by native American how to grow food → harvest and celebrate the first Thxgiving

2. (1:26)
Mayflowers took several voyages and made trades between London, France, and other ports.

3. (1:59)
Mayflower and Speedwell supposed to sail together. However, several leaking problems that happened to Speedwell let to the Mayflower sail by itself.

4. (0:60)
During the voyage, the passengers liver on the gun deck of the Mayflower.

5. (1:27)
There were only 18 adult women on the Mayflower’s trip to cross Atlantic. Most of men decided to left their wives at home and picked them up later when houses were built.

6. (1:34)
Most of women who went on board dies, while women who stayed at home survived.

作者: angel0428    时间: 2013-9-16 10:37
作者: Soniaaaa    时间: 2013-9-16 11:04
First time for the practice. Don't really know how to do this. Still glad to join as I am not always a persistent person. Day ONE here!

Speed: 3'06,3'00,2'50,2'25,2'09
Some Separatists? were limited by the British government about their own religion. So they went to Holland, but the regulations there forced them to do low-paid job and so they decided to move again. They went back to England and got the king's authority and to organize more people. At first there were two ships, but with one kept leaking , they had to went back, and Mayflower began sailing alone. It was duiring the storm season, so it was not a pleasent voyage. When they reached by land, it was actually not the place they intended to go, so some of them signed a compact to build knew homeland there and it was still under charge of the king.
The first winter was tough,many died, others survived only because of the help from local people. They  celebrated their first harvest and that was the first thanksgiving.
作者: irvan    时间: 2013-9-16 11:13

Main idea : History of Mayflower
Attitude : Objective
Structure :
                 1) How did the Mayflower come.
                 2) When did it departure.
                 3) What did it find surprisingly.
                 4) What happened after the building of a colony.
作者: ttlovej    时间: 2013-9-16 11:36
= =作业明天继续补

TIME 1  1'53
It's take Master Christopher Jones 66 days to finish a voyage for trading by taking the ship Maryflowers.
TIME 2'03
A ship called Speedwell were bought to sail to England to meet the Maryflowers.
The people in two ship conquered a lot of difficulties including storms and sea-sickness and finally finished their voyage.
TIME 55'
Introduction of the function of each part of the ship.

作者: 铁板二米    时间: 2013-9-16 11:39
新的一周,新的一个系列咯~ 辛苦Jay啦!

Open-plan offices vs. private offices. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages.
Feifei and Neil discuss about the AC in an open-plan office, then they asked business Betty for advices.
The skills to ask for permission with polite English terms.

Time2 2'08"
Mayflower and its master CJ have travelled to a couple of ports/countries in 1860s.
Time3 2'23"
Mayflower and Speedwell planned to have their trip together to Americas. But finally Mayflower took 66days to finished the trip with Speedwell's cargos alone because of Speedwell's unfixable problems.
The rest 41"
Finally Mayflower landed as planed.
Warm up 44"
Introduction of the inner structure of Mayflower.
Time4 1'49"
On Mayflower, passengers lived in the gun deck that couldn't offer too much space and privacy to those passengers in 66days!
Time5 1'48"
Some of the crews on Mayflower left their wives behind because of weaker women bodies and some of them took their wives with them onboard.
Time6 2'08"
The wives who joined the voyage with their husbands on Mayflower could not survive for long time, but the wives who were left behind not die for much longer.

Obstacle 4'36"
Main idea: clonists from England to America through Mayflower voyage.
Author's attitude: Neutral
Article structure:
-- The oleft Church of England because of relagion for America.
-- Saints' plan for the voyage: got on-board on Mayflower and travelled cros-atlantic.
-- Clonists settled down in America: taught the local people how to hunt animals and plant food.
-- The colonists servived and became a strong group of Christian.

Time8 2'36"
Time9 1'49"

作者: IrisZZZ    时间: 2013-9-16 12:06

Time2 – 2’31’
Introduction about Mayflower and its master Christopher Jones
Time3 -3’11’
The speedwell intended to accompany Mayflower on its trip to Northern Virginia, but failed
The trip went smoothly at first but then they went into sea storms
Time4 – 2’02’
The actual living space on the ship is quiet limited
Time5 – 2’07’
The pilgrim husband run into dilemma that whether their wives could handle long-distant voyage and the construction of a colony
Time6 – 2’43’
While women survived the 2-month voyage, most of them didn’t survive first winter.

作者: pgjason    时间: 2013-9-16 13:02


A group of Protestants moved from England to Holand, seeking for religious freedom.
The life of new Protestants was still difficult in Holand.
Therefore, they decided to move again and organised a trip to America by taking the Mayflower.
It is not easy to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Some died during the voyage.
Eventually, they arrived the new continent. Their success would be a good start for the following journey.

Thank you~

作者: 疏离无罪    时间: 2013-9-16 13:40
The first document of Mayflower was in 1602.Mayflower suffer a storm on its way back from Norway to England.After this accident,the captain decided to run a safer routine.In 1620,Mayflower was hired to  take the Pilgrims to Northern Virginia.
In 1624,the ship was ruined and sold off as a scrap.

Mayflower and Spedweell met at Southampton to prepare for the sail.The Pilgrims hired Speedwell to take them to Southampton  from Netherland.Speedwell leaked for several times,making Pilgrims give up this ship.
Mayflower took 66 days to arrive the destination.

Introduce the Cargo Hold and Gun Deck.
Most of the Pilgrims lived on the gun deck and they had just a little space.

The Pilgrims were worried about whether women can withstand the trans-Atlantic voyage and the construction of colony.
Most of the Pilgrims decided to leave their wife behind.And still there was 18 adult women on-board.

Most women died in the the first year winter.Because they lived on the ship for another four month,making them much easier to catch diseases.
There were only five women survived the first winter.

The story of the Pilgrim.

作者: haiyanrosa    时间: 2013-9-16 14:09
作者: lyrsilvia    时间: 2013-9-16 14:28
open-plan office: communicate, cooperation, hot, consider other people, polite
privacy office: noise
would you mind...; it is OK if I...; Please, thank you, sorry

Time 2: 1'42
history of Mayflower, when did its owner buy it,where the ship went and the importance of the ship in the business between different countries and continent
supposed to accompany S, but finally ship itself
Time 3: 2'30
S and F planned to go US together, but S always leaked during the trip. Finally, F decided to go US on its own. first half voyage was smooth, the last half was hard. arrived HR but not NV
[REST]: 39'
why M finally decided to arrive in CC but not HR, bad weather, storm, rough sea.
After settling down, they began construction first building
[Warm up]: 1'17
the introduction about the structure and use of different part of the ship
Time 4: 2'10
the reasons for ship to have gun deck, defend itself, turn into military use if necessary
many passengers were living in the small gun deck. the situation inside the gun deck. and the passengers still in the gun deck before they settled down in new place
Time 5: 1'48
weak should be taken with their man?
an example for disappear colonist to illustrate the unsafe situation
many husbands decided to let their wives back and take their wives after the houses were built
but still some let their wives go with them
Time 6: 2'09
women had high death rates because the bad living after arrivals
the reason may be the bad situation inside Mayflower, the ship
many of them died in hard winter
only 4 of those 17 women survived
Obstacle 5'02
fist voyage: not satisfied to Holland, even religious free, but bad living situation
Second voyage: allowed by UK king, bad sailing weather, many sailors died, but finally reach one land, however it is not the planned destiny, sailed back to England, but many were died because of malnutrition; someone helped those people learn to catch local animals and harvest some food.
The sailors descendants, the colonists believe they are chosen by the God to do this.
作者: zxppx    时间: 2013-9-16 15:04
The Mayflower was made in 1607 and then started its first voyage in 1609, from England to Nowrway. However, when the ship returned from Nowrway, it confronted with so heavy storms that the master had to give up some goods that were brought from other countries to reduce the weight of the ship in order to keep safe. In addition, the ship experienced a lot of trips, even the first trans-Atlantic voyage. At last, Mayflower was too old to work and was disposed to scrap.  
There was another ship, called S, to go with Mayflower together to reach America. Nevertheless, even though S was repaired so many times, it still leaked so often that Mayflower had to quit the partner and go to America alone. Some passangers went back, while others joined the Mayflower that was already full of people. In the end, Mayflower was successful to arrive at America.
When they reached Cape Cod, they wanted to go south. Surprisingly, the treacherous conditions such as strong storms prevented them trying to explore farther. So they decided to stay in Cape Cod to find out whether they can find in the area. As a result, they got to P and began to make the first building.
The length and width of Mayflower has been introduced, and the main structures such as the cabin, the windlass, the gun room, as well as the condition that when there was a war, the king or the queen could order a merchant ship to a military ship are shown to us.
How hard for a woman to live during the voyage! It was safer for women to come to America after their husbands set up the colony. Therefore, husbands decided to keep their wives behind, even though they had to live without their wives for a long time. But 18 women came to the ship and started their hard voyage.
Even though none of the women died during the voyage, a large number of them died after arriving America. Husbands went out to build new houses, while wives were left in the ship. Unfortunately, many women died because of the terrible and closed environment in the ship. For example, they couldn't drink fresh water just as their husbands did in the open area. Besides, it was the women who took care of patients, thus making women more likely to get diseases. On the other hand, those women who are left behind by their husbands were alive and came to America after the new colony was built.

作者: pengze00    时间: 2013-9-16 15:20
Thanks Jay,,, well,,, I am back to xfd..

TIME2: 2min06
Describe the origins of the ship, Mayflow and the reasons why Mayflower took the trans-Altantic voyage alone.
TIME3: 2min24
TIME5: 1min45
TIME6: 2min24
Prior to the Mayflower voyaye, the colonist on boards had to make decisions whether they should take their wives together. As the Mayflower left for America, there were 18 adult women on-board.
TIME7: 3min1
While there were no women died during the voyaye, life after arrival proved extremely difficult.
TIME8: 6min29sec
One of the young crew wrote to his aunt to describe the harsh voyaye journy. Although the hardship almost made the crews helpless, they eventually chose to continue.
TIME9: 2min29sec
Lizzy was full of fear in her letter written to her Aunt.
作者: 0412501    时间: 2013-9-16 17:00
The separatists decided to move to new world because their lives in Holland were so hard. Two ships were sailed but one was leaked, leading to a delay of sailing into storm season. Mayflowers struggled to new world known as American today. Crews suffered from diseases, but they adapted to new environment under the help of the local tribes. They celebrated the first harvest for three days, known as Thanksgiving today.

Time 2: 2”39
Time 3: 2”32
The rest: 0”49
Warm up: 1”14
Time 4: 2”23
Time 5: 2”10
Time 6: 2”29
Time 8: 2”54
Time 9: 2”07

作者: kimwang53    时间: 2013-9-16 17:11


作者: marjoriema    时间: 2013-9-16 17:58
2‘12 2’22 2'19
1'42 the women condition on the ship: most of men leave their wifes behind considering the tough conditions there
while 18 women were accompied with their husbands, no single women but a few teenage girls reaching marriage age
2‘ most of the women died during the voyage because of cold weather and disease on board
while most of women left behind survived.

作者: jay871750293    时间: 2013-9-16 18:36
sherryv 发表于 2013-9-16 01:51

作者: 本乡夫人    时间: 2013-9-16 20:19
obstacle 5'3'6
The saints headed to Holland at first to find a place where they can worship their god freely, but the secular circumstance in Holland disapointed them. The have to sail to new world to fullfill their goals. This saints started their journey from England and finally arrived after overcoming all obstacles. At there, they learned from the natives and celebrated the first Thanksgiving in that year.
this paragragh describes the first sail of the Mayflower and several trips followed. But the first tan-Atalantic ocean of this ship is the journey to New virginia with saints and crew in on the ship. At last, the Mayflower was sold because the ship's condition is not so well.
In their original plan, Mayflower and Speedwell are supposed to leave England at the some time, but Speedwell leaked many times and are impossible to repair. So the Mayflower took the trip by itselfs. Finally, the Mayflower arrived the New world right on target.
saints stayed at North and started their plantation.
作者: 云游    时间: 2013-9-16 20:22
Time 2: 2’00’’ Mayflower, a ship used to execute the assignment of shipping commodities between England and several other European countries, took off its first trans-Atlantic voyage, also the first recorded trans-Atlantic voyage in human history, in May 1620. After successfully arrived at Northern Virginia 66 days later, the ship headed back to England. The captain died a couple of years later, leaving the ship referred as ruins with very little economic value.  

Time 3: 2’38’’ Mayflower used to carry voyage mission between London and Southampton and was hired then with Speedwell to commit voyage mission carrying some pilgrims to America. Unfortunately, since the Speedwell failed to patch up its leak problem, it had to sail back, leaving Mayflower heading to America alone. Finally, despite encountering several storms, the Mayflower carried this fairly smoothly, arriving at the targeted destination.

Time 4: 1’44’’ Introduce the place where pilgrims live in.

Time 5: 1’45’’ Discuss whether it is proper to carry women or not. Considering women’s bodies are relatively weak, some male pilgrims choose to leave women at home but most of the pilgrims take their wives along.

Time 6: 1’58’’ Most of the wives sailed with their husbands died after landing America while the other stayed in England were living and come to America in 1623.

Obstacle: 3’58’’ Pilgrims who can’t stand the corrupting English Church and secular atmosphere in Holland sail to America. The ship finally anchored in Plymouth and the pilgrims survives with the help of local Indian people.

作者: f0070515    时间: 2013-9-16 20:50

time1  1:40
time2  2:23
rest     0:50
time3  1:10
time4  1:58
time5  1:46
time6 0:57
obstacle  5:26
extension 4:58

作者: BCR    时间: 2013-9-16 21:00
Really love this. American dream
作者: vaeteng    时间: 2013-9-16 21:53
标题: 补完作业才可以安心地去碎觉!!!明天继续加油!!!!

Obstacle: 4'39"
Main idea: The history of Pilgrims and Mayflower Voayge.
1.Why Pilgrims want to leave England.
  1)they cannou choose what they like
  2)the failure in Holland
2.bad start of voyage
  1)Speedwell leaky
  2)storm season, many saints cannot survive
    eg.Stranger was drowned.
3.the Mayflower contract
  reason: in order to avoid divergents such as wrong places
4.happy ending
  1)arrived in the New World and survived with the helo of natives
  2)thanksgiving day
  3)choice of God
Time 2: 1'45"
1.the origins of Mayflower
  stuck with safer routes because of a serious storm and huge loss
2.the voayge served for Pilgrims
  1)first time to trans-Atlantic
  2)voyage alone
  3)capital's death
Time 3: 1'55"
1.The Mayflower had to sail alone because the other ship called Speedwell leaked so frequently that become sea-worthy.
2.The voyage is smooth at first except sickness; the rest is horrible because of unexpected storms.
Time 4: 1'25"
The structure of Mayflower ship.
Time 5: 1'20"
whether women should be included in this voyage
Time 6: 1'41"
1.most women died in the voyage due to closed environment  
2.only 5 women survived in the hasrsh winter
3.women left behind survived,too

作者: Changpoyu    时间: 2013-9-16 22:13

作者: 君君爱TS    时间: 2013-9-16 22:17
obstacle00:02:18.64        00:10:23.36
5        00:02:01.55        00:08:04.71
4        00:01:44.07        00:06:03.16
3       00:02:13.26        00:04:19.08
time2        00:02:05.82        00:02:05.82
the story of Mayflower.
The start of the journey.
The hardship those pilgrams went through.
The relationshi formed with the locals were cruitial to the their suvival in that harsh environment.
The significance of the voyage: thanksgiving.
作者: gyb192483    时间: 2013-9-16 22:17

TIME2:01'39'' The first trip of mayflower is from England to Norway.  They purchased goods from Norway, but they had to abondan them because of the huge storm. After then Mayflower had several satefy routes and alwasy travelled among the Europe countries. It also have been to South Asia. Mayflower is the first ship to reach Northern Virginia. One spanish ship was supposed to accompany with it. But because of the leakage of that ship, Mayflower had the trip alone. Mayflower was sold cheaply after the owner died
TIME3: 02'03'' The mayflower start from England and stay at Southampton to wait for Speedwell. The speedwell came from Nertherland. When it reached Southampton, it leaked. As a result, it should be patched up. After the reparing work, they started the sailing. But the Speedwell broke again. After the second reparing work, they resuem. But unforturnely, Speedwell broke again. Therefore, People on mayflower were tired and they deciided to take the trip alone.  The firs half trip to America is smooth but the second half was disturbed by the storm. As a result, the pilgram missed their destination
TIME4: 01'54'' The gun deck is place where the cannon loacted. The pilgrims managed to climb on it especially in the good weather. The reason why mayflower had the gun deck is according to UK king 's order. If necessary, all mechandized ship can be converted into army ship. The pilgrms had to live in the gun deck for the whole voyage although the space is not big. With this living experience, many of them built the small room in the winter of America
TIME5: 01'41'' People expressed their concern about the weak boday of woman and discussed whether they should carry the women. While Some agreed to take womne with them, others did not agree. As last, 18 women went with these men. But all of them were married and three of them were pregnancy
TIME6: 02''00 The mortality of woman was high. Beasue men went outside of the ship, breathed the fresh air, and drunk the freshwater, they survive. Women always stayed in the ship, the ship was crowed and the environment was terrible. The virus was more easily to spred in the ship. At last, only four women survived.

OBSTACLE: 04'10''
Main idea: the reason for seperatists to go to new England and the surviving status of them over there
Attitude: neutral
==> seperators went to holland to search for the new environment in which they can worship what they liked
==> they endured a low social status in Holland
==> they left Holland for New England to search for a better life
==> the place they reached is not the right place and they had to sign the compact with the local civilians.
==> the weather and the environment were tough for the first winter. But the local civilians taught them how to survive in the tough winter.
==> They decided spent three days to celebrate that they overcome the terrible winter and this festival was called thanks giving afterwards.

作者: angel880319    时间: 2013-9-16 22:34
Thank you, Jay!

Time2. 2'25
The first part of the article gives a intruction of the master CJ and his ship Mayflower. Mayflower sailed to England, Germany and many other countries. And it was the first time for CJ and mayflower went to Atlanta.
Time3. 3'28"
Mayflower and Speedwell meet each other at England and they started to headed for America. But after departure, Speedwell leaked for several times. Then Mayflower had to leave it behind and sailed alone. It took more than 60 days. The first part of the sail was smooth and luck. The only problem was seasickness. But later they encountered horrible storms. They original destination was Hutson River, as the north as New York. But they missed it finally.
Time4. 3'12"
Depiction of gun deck. It stores the weapons to protect mayflower from pirates and other countries which was hostile to Engand. And it also the accommodation of the passengers. The space was too small.
Time5. 2'20"
Ps were worried about women. They were weak and none of them had voyage before. So could they overpass and stand for more than two months voyage? Some of them thought that men should leave their wives behind and after they built buildings and colonies, their wives came. But most disagreed and 18 in total took their wives on board.
Time6 2"35
Only one woman died in Dec. Most of them died in Feb and Mar. Only four survived the first winter. The high mortality rate was because they were confined to the ship. No fresh water. No fresh air. And the diseases spread fast.
Time7 5'11"
Separatists wanted a freedom of religion and decided to set up a colonies which got the agreement of England. They took the ship to head for America. At first they arrived at a wrong, so they had to get the approval from England. They made a alliance with locals. They teaches them how to haut local animals. The next summer they had their first harvest and held three days festival to celebrate it. That was the Thanksgiving Days.
Time8 2'50"
Time9 2'19"

Good night!
作者: guoxinyuan520    时间: 2013-9-16 22:38
1'42  The Mayflower was a ship which was used for transported goods. It had come to many places before the
journey of going to the new land. In May 1620e, Mayflower began the trip and it came back a year later.

2'09  The speedwell leaked many times so that they left the ship and came to the Southamption by Flowermay. After 66 days, the ship almost arrived the right place.

1'59  The boat owns the gun deck, it is used for defence and used for living at the same time, but the  room for the people to live is so small.

1'37  It is a hard decision that whether bring the women on the boat. More people agree to bring them. At last, there are 18 adult women on the board.

1.51  Most of the women died, the reason is that they just stay on the ship where is more likely to get desease. Finally, just 4 women left.

1'58  A letter form a child on the boat, the situation is so bad

1'30  The people already arrived the new land ,but they still have to live on the boat since the constrction of the
boat have not been finished. Many people have died and the food is not enough.

作者: leglars    时间: 2013-9-16 22:51
作者: xddxd    时间: 2013-9-16 22:52

01:57 01:57
The Mayflower was supposed to go to America with the Speedwell. But the later was found leaking for several times.
At last, Mayflower proceeded along.
03:41 05:38
This passsage describes the voyage of the Mayflower and the internal construction of the Mayflower.
01:42 07:20
Cargo Hold was to hold staffs. The Gun Desk was important to the survivors of the Mayflower.
01:43 09:04
The Pilgrims did not think that women can manage the cross-Atlantic voyage. Yet the majority of them finally succeed.
02:29 11:34
Life after the arrival for women was extremely difficult. Most of them died during the first winter. This astoushing mortality rate might partly be attributed to the fact that men were out while women were confined to a small area which encouraged contagious deseases.
04:29 16:04
Some pilgrims who did not want to obey the rules of the England church found freedom in Holand but failed to get accustomed to the secular life in Holand. They decided to sail to America. Due to the delay caused by the leaks of the Speedwell, these pilgrims finally crossed Atlantic at bad weather months. Then they arrived at the wroing place but set the Mayflower Compact and guaranteed their colony. This passiage also mentioned the origin of the Thanksgivings.
01:33 17:38
A young boy wished he had not sailed out to America. The voyage was tough especially during the bad days.
01:32 19:11
The yound boy with other pilgrims arrived at the wrong time and suffered a lot during the first winter.

作者: lytymay    时间: 2013-9-16 22:56
1. 2:25
mayflower's captain and crew
a failure voyage
the main voyage and the function for shipping
across the atlantic
after the captain died, the ship ....

2. 2:36
the process of the trip to america
originally there were two ship,but the other one was left behind because of the mayflower went along.
the half trip is smooth, only problem is sea-sickness
than storm

3. 2:19
the gun deck
canon for defending

4. 1:38
women on the ship is safe or not

5. 2:29
the death of the women on the ship


作者: leglars    时间: 2013-9-17 00:43
time2  3.14
briefly introduce the voyage history of mayflower and its master.

3  3.24
the zigzag experience of mayflower first sailed to america.

4  warm up  1.26
    article   3.01

5  3.12
6  3.10
illustrate a different stories between colonies wives who followed husbands got on mayflower and who stayed on shore waiting.


作者: Doris800    时间: 2013-9-17 01:01
2 02:16 History of Mayflower before its voyage to the America.
3 01:46 The bad luck of S made Mayflower went on the voyage to the America alone. Some problems that Mayflower faced on the voyage.
4 01:43 Introduce of cargo hold of Mayflower and a describe of people's living environment on Mayflower.
5 01:43 Women on Mayflower
6 01:34 Most of women died during the first winter. It is partly because they had to live on the boat for another 4 months while men built houses after they arriving.

obstacle 03:36

Thank you and I returned!

作者: qingya    时间: 2013-9-17 01:58
[TIME2] 00:02:44.50
[TIME3] 00:04:21.59
[TIME4] 00:01:18.35
[TIME5] 00:02:30.52
[TIME6] 00:02:07.39
[paraphase7] 00:05:43.08
Pilgrims before the Mayflower
The Mayflower
The Mayflower Compact
Plymouth Colony and the First Thanksgiving

作者: 张茹ava    时间: 2013-9-17 06:37
08.59 The passage tells us the development of the Mayflower, certainly the origin—the reason why people went to America, the voyage---how and why the Mayflower went alone, the compact and also the results—how the people survived and how they were helped by the local people.

作者: maskerbai    时间: 2013-9-17 07:48
Time 2 2’19
Mayflower started its first trip to Norway, but it run into a storm during its comeback. The captain of Mayflower, Jones, chose to stay a safer route and began a round trip between England and France. In 1620, Mayflower and Jones decided to go across Atlantic Ocean. It starts with another ship, but arrived by itself. Finally, Mayflower arrived its destination and returned safely. The last paragraph gives an ending about Mayflower and Jones.

Time 3 2’44
The first paragraph talked about the plan that Mayflower and Speedwell is going to set a sail together. Then during the first days of trip, Speedwell had leaked for several times. Then, Mayflower decided to went by itself. At last Mayflower got the destination, though it went through lots of difficulties.

Time 4 2’31
Mainly talked about the “gun deck” of Mayflower. The first paragraph gives examples of the main function and why there is a “gun deck” of a merchant ship. The second paragraph introduces the living condition of people that stayed in this deck.

Time 5+6 4’19
Women in the Voyage
The first part talks the sailors’ decision whether to bring their wives with them during the voyage. Then 18 women are brought to Mayflower and only 4 women survived from this voyage. The main reason is that women are always in the ship and make virus spread quickly.  

Sacn Obstacle 2'57
作者: pennyz    时间: 2013-9-17 08:50
the saints were  going to travel across the atlantic ocean for the religious freedom,and because the speedwell leak at the
beginning of the trip.all the people squeeze to the mayflower and this delay made their voyage quiet miserable.after they
land on the new continent,they found far more challenges,with the help of the aboriginals,half of them manage to survive and
at the first winter,they celebrate the thanksgiving days.

作者: change17251    时间: 2013-9-17 09:07
回归队伍,开始补作业~~~ 谢谢JAY!!


obstacle: 6,20
pilgrim: 清教徒   congregation:集会   disgruntled:不满的,不高兴的 idolatrous:盲目崇拜的  secular:世俗的,长期的,现世的,不朽的 exclude:排除,排斥  relegate:把降低到,贬低,归入,提交 menial: 仆人,卑微的 seductive:有魅力的,性感的,引人注意的  extravagance:奢侈,浪费,过度  devout:衷心的,虔诚的  plantation:栽植,殖民,大农场;适用于种植园或热带、亚热带国家的  dubious:可疑的,无把握的,暧昧的

introducing the why and how the Mayflower arrived the new world,  what happened after they arrived the settlement and how they achived their first success.
1. the reason about the Separatists want to leave to find the "new world"---they want freedom to worship what they liked,the Holland excluded migrants and Holland’s easygoing, cosmopolitan atmosphere is seductive to children.
2. the Separatists got the permission  and organized a team. then they set sail. the leaky Speedwell  made the journey of Mayflower terrible.
3. the Mayflower compact --- the Separatists found themselves come to the wrong place, for become legistimate colony,  they signed the Mayflower compact
4. the colonists survived from the tough circumstance by getting help from local people, and they celebrated their first successful harvest with a three-day festival of thanksgiving

2,11  introducing the Mayflower
2,50  the repeated leaky problem made the journey of Mayflower to America alone, and in the journey, the Mayflower suffered a lot
2,32 introducing the usage of some parts of the Mayflowers and how people lived in the Mayflower during the voyage
2,07 wheather women can withstand the cross-sea voyage and what decision should the husbands made--let their wife come later or come with them togther.
2,40 the fact is most of the women died during the voyage.

作者: Cri倩    时间: 2013-9-17 09:44
51" the brief history of mayflower
1'27" detailed history about why speedwell didn't sail with mayflower
1'18" the cargo hold of mayflower and how the passengers lived on it
1'38" discusses about whether women will survive on trans-ocean voyage, the husband's choices and the basic infor of women on board
1'27" women didn't die during the voyage but they die for cold winter and detailed records of their deaths
4'10" why some people decided to sail across ocean to live in america
        what made mayflower sail alone to america
        how the passengers started their new life
        the following story of their colonisation
作者: korn7777    时间: 2013-9-17 11:39
2’46  The Histroy of the ship Mayflower.
2'10   Mayflower orginally planned to sail for America with Speedwell, but due to Speedwell's leaking problem, Mayflower had to sail alone. During the trip Mayflower also enconter several problems, such as thunderstroms.
0'50   Introduction of the different positions of the elements of Mayflower.
1'52   The Mayflower has gun deck which can defend itself and also be prepered for transformed into military vessel. And majority of pessagers live in the gun deck.
2'10   Women were thought to be too weak to sail from Europe to New England. And it also take time for them to bulid colony after the arrive. Nonetheless, several pessagers bring along their wives on the sail. It was unclear whether to bring along the wives with them was a good decision or not.
2'03   Most of the women died after the arrival because unlike man, who live and work in the open air, the women lived on the ship, where diease are likely to spread and lack of fresh air and clean water, for about 6 month.
作者: 饼干小熊    时间: 2013-9-17 11:41
T1 1'55
T2 2'23
T3 1'59
T4 2'09
T5 3'29
T6 4'14
作者: 铁板神猴    时间: 2013-9-17 12:30

作者: jokerking    时间: 2013-9-17 13:10
obstacle : 4.56
speed:1: 1.39   2: 2.04   3: 1.24   4: 1.49   时间好像记混了。。。
         5: 1.51   6:2.02
extension:1 : 2.33    2: 1.44
作者: 旧未来    时间: 2013-9-17 13:16
1 A 02:41
2 02:17
3 02:23
4 02:05
5 02:34
Owing to the religious corruption and desire to freedome, the pilgrims left their home for the holland and only to find the life was difficult there. Then with the permission of the England and support of some businessman, the pilgrims and other people who willing to join in set sail for the "New world". On the voyage, encoutering the illdgality colony, they make the compact about eastablish their own land. Although,some people died process, there were others survived and made thier owing living with nuremous problems.
作者: sherryv    时间: 2013-9-17 15:28
jay871750293 发表于 2013-9-16 18:36

作者: winnie加油!    时间: 2013-9-17 15:45
788 words 7:00
The long Mayflower journey of separatists to find the new land across the Atlantic Ocean. With the help of the native people, these Pilgrims survived the first winter and had their first successful harvest next summer, which is the begining of the festival of Thanksgiving.
Words: 507  3:45
Words: 381  2:39
words: 351  2:42
words: 457  3:14
words: 130  0:47
words: 205  1:14
words: 387  2:23
words: 345  2:20
words: 410  2:43
作者: tsun9920    时间: 2013-9-17 19:14
占座 占座 感觉突然出了好多篇 我明明只有1天没有做啊??
作者: 竹迹    时间: 2013-9-17 20:25
Time 7      5:45.05
The saints wanted to go to New world which has no gorvernment because they have no free of religion in England and Hollyland. They and some people called strangers had the permission of the king to go somewhere else. And then for the delay of departure, they went to other place where they have no rights to go. They create the compact and with the help of native Indians they survive at last, which is how the Thanksgiving came. They regard this experience as the gift of God.
Time 2      2:44.64
Talk about something about Mayflower such as its first trip and some other trips. Then briefly talk about the trip to the New World and the end of the Mayflower.
Time 3 and the Rest      3:22.02
Some problems and preparation before the sail to America. And the problem during the journey.
Finally arrived in America, they found they wnet wrong but at last they decided not to risk and stay.
Warm up and Time 4      1:50.27
The structures of the Mayflower and the function of each part.
Time 5      1:57,71
The concern about the "weak bodies of women" and the hard decision that whether it is right to take women together.
Time 6      2:24.56
Many people especially women died in the first year they arrived. Give the possilble explanation of the deaths. And the decision that leaving the women behind seem wise.
Time 8      2:48.88
The letter maily tells about the hard life on board and a few good memories.
Time 9      2:13.59
This letter tells about the even harder life when they arrived America.
作者: chibomen    时间: 2013-9-17 20:44
The conversation is about how to politely make request,when working together in a shared space.
Initially The Mayflower's business was shiping cargo to Norway, Franch. In 1620, the prigrims hired this ship to voyage to New Virginia for the crews had been there before.
Article 2
At first , Pilgrim planed to hired two ships , but one of them , SpeedWeel, kept leaking. So they quited this ship. This article also described the process of voyaging to Newland. In the beginning, they went very smoothly , except seasickness ,but later, they met a lot of storms at Atlantic.
Part 3
Discriptions of cargo hold and gun deck.
The govorner and other people were worried that women can't withstand the rigorous life.
Many women died on the ship , due to bad air ,contaminated water,and deseases.
Part 1
The background of heading to search a free land to worship God. When Pilgrams landed on America, they met a lot of challenges,such as malnutrients, deseases , etc
Part 4
The letter writer described how aweful the life was on the ship, such as seasickness, rats, dark light, and not allowed to go to deck.
Article 7
Lizzy wished they had never left England, as the life of New Land was very hard. When they arrived, they were not allowed to get to the shore for fighting with indians. It was in winter, they didn't have enough food and they had little forture to hunt. Many had died, among them, Mary's father and Mother. But She still had faith on God。
从听,看,写,查找生词,整个过程还真需要1个小时的时间。 今天没时间看今天的了,明天再补了。。。

作者: CheerTTTT    时间: 2013-9-17 23:26
作者: sophie17    时间: 2013-9-17 23:49
T2        2’5Master and other partners purchased the ship mayflower for trade.
                The ship encountered several storms on it voyages.
                The master and the crews of the ship wanted to find some new safer route.
T3        2’45Mayflower was supposed to sail to America with another ship named speedwell, but speedwell was too leaky to voyage.
The rest        0’50Finally, mayflower arrived the Cape Cod.
warm up        1’9The introduction of the function of the different part of the ship.
T4        1’3
T5        2’34
T6        2’13
T7        4’56
T8        3’13
T9        2’10

作者: 谢秉霖    时间: 2013-9-18 00:03
2;21 The two ships finally set sail to america .But one ship began to leak..The mayflower would go to america only and transit carego on the Speedwell.
The ship headed south .They encountered some very rough seas .
so they turned back north.
1;33 girls on the Mayflower.Most husband decided their wives should come with them.
2;07 The mortality rate among women is extremely high.The wives who had ben left behind were still living.
king gave them permission to leave the church of england
the compact promised to creat a civil body politick.It also swore allegiance to the english king.
the fist thanksgiving
作者: 二丫丫    时间: 2013-9-18 08:46
This article mainly talks about the ship Mayflower. First, the author points out the origin of the ship; then introduces all the rooms of the ship; Finally, the author discusses the question that wether women should be remained in home or be taken with their husband in the ship. The matarity of women is very high and the reason is poor living condition, In the end, when the ship finally reached the land, there are only four women alive.
Some separators began the mayflower journey in hope that they could be free in the Holland. A company promised to give them money to buttress the journey. But when they reached the Holland, they were very disappointed to find that things did not go as they wished,so they began to move again.Then they arrived a new island where they selected their official and began to live there.
作者: 我来自北京周口    时间: 2013-9-18 11:36
before the mayership,some people who can not withstand the new

church decided to escape to new place.they found freedom but

no good circumstances to live they determined to

leave for america.

because of the leaf of spellwell,the mayership encountered

atalantic storm season on the ocean.lots of people died.

when they landed,they found that they got the wrong place

where was apart from their destination.the saints(they call

themselves saints) suffered the cold wehther and kinds of

disease there.many people died this time.however,with the

local people;s help,some of the saints got through the tough

time and finally got to establish their new life there.they are extremly happy that after all the hardships they gained the precious freedom and new life.
作者: gaofayxiaojuan    时间: 2013-9-18 17:42
the origin of mayflower and the primal voyages.
the voyage to America
the construction and function of gun deck
women on the mayflower
mortality rate among women

The pilgrims decided to leave England because of different religious belief and the corrupt of church.They went to Holland first but the life there was even harder due to the discrimination. They went back and decided to go across the Atlantic Ocean with the permission of King.
They got two boats, one of which was too leaky to take the voyage. The mayflower survived from the storm season. But they got to a wrong place. They signed the mayflower compact with the native people and with the help of local people, they made a living. To celebrate the harvest, the first Thanksgiving was created.

作者: 啦啦噜啦啦    时间: 2013-9-18 20:59
Protestants hope to be free from the church of England, therefore, they want to find a new world.
A merchant agreed to support them and the king gives them document to get there. At first, they have two ships. However, one of them called speedwell leek immediately after start, so it has to be back. Then, crew on the Speedwell comes to Mayflower to go on the trip. Because of the dely, they meet theheight of storm season. Many passengers are seasick. At the end, 53 passengers and half the crew survived. When they get there, they find that they are in the wrong place. In order to hide the fact, they sign a Mayflower compact. After that, they face even more challenging. The fisrt winter, they suffer from disease. They cannot survive without the help from the local people. At the first harvest day, they have a three day to celebrate it. They names it as thanksgiving.Meanwhile, they never forget to promote their belief.
The mayflower was used for cargo from the England to many other countries. Untill one day, it was assigned to go to the new world. It was the frist record for the master of the ship and Mayflower to go on the new world. Although some crews on the ship have been there before. It accompany with another ship called Speed well at frist, but Speedwell was too leaky to voyage. Then it goes alone which takes it 63 days to cover the distance.
The mayflower waited for Speedwell came to England to sail together, however the Speedweel leaked on the half way. On Augest 5, they finally sail again, but speedwell leaked again.Then it has to be back. After reparation, they start out again. But Speedwell leaked the third time. They are forced to be back. Then, some passengers of the Speedwell are back to home while others crowed to Mayflower,then it start out again.
At the frist part of the trip, the only problem is seesick. However, later on they meet the strong storm. Finally, they misse the target destination about just a few degrees.
It is a problem whether to bring wives with them. Women are treated as weaker to build the colonies. However, some of them bring their wives even young babies with them
No women died on the broad, but the life on the broad is extremely hard. Many women died at the frist winter. Only four survived.
作者: 淡淡罗    时间: 2013-9-18 22:56
Thank you Jay for stimulating story!!
2:351 2‘28
     Initially,Mayflower were bought for commercial trade with some uniform conturies though it also had been to other places excluded the routine trade.
3: 457 2'37
     S went along with the M at the begining of the voyage,nevertheless,it was abandoned due to problematic issues.The M sailed alone and encountred horrible weather conditions which directly lead to the miss of destination.
4: 387 2'15
   Detailed description of the each part inside the M.
5: 345  2'23
   Problem with women whom considered to be too weak to endure the life on abroad.
6: 410 2'25
   Women were more likely to die in the first when compared to men.Only 3 were left with additional children.
7: 788 4'50
  The process of starting a new life in an Indian village.
8: 507 2'25
   A boy depicted his life with his parent on a tiny strench.The  faith was seriously challenged.
9: 381 1'49
    Life after landing on New land.Both living issues and secure problems enabled the boy to worry about their future .
作者: 750750    时间: 2013-9-19 10:01

作者: m1a2i3l    时间: 2013-9-19 13:34
我来打卡了 从今天起看 每天和小分队搞
作者: 铁板吗啡    时间: 2013-9-19 14:50
听力:how to communicate in offices politely? -Ing forms
         Q: open or private offices : e.g 1)open, communication 2) private noisy 3) open  cooperate well but different opinions on issues such as the air conditioning.
作者: m1a2i3l    时间: 2013-9-19 14:59
2. 2''28'32
4. 0''38'72
Obstacle 5''13'56
8. 2''37
9. 1''52'79
作者: Arielindo    时间: 2013-9-19 15:51
ime 1
The dialog talked about using the polite vocabulary for asking permission at office. Fist it compared what kind of working place they prefer. And then, the pors and corns about open plant office and close plant office. Finally, it emphasized on how to deal with co-workers in the open plant office. It is important always use polite request for asking permission or helping. For example: would you mind,,,,

Time 2 - 351w ; 4:11”
This part describe about the history of English ship, Mayflower and it owner. Af first it was a ship for shipping goods form England to the other european country. Few years later, Mayflower got a mission for travel to America in 17 century . It took 66 days for one way. The captan died after several years that  he went back to England, the ship was sold in less price.

Article 2
Time 3- 457w; 5:02”

This part taked about Mayflower became a shipping boat in the major harbor in England. Another boat wanted to sail to America with Mayflower, these two boat sailed to America together, however due to the leaking oil problem the other bout was not able to sail. Mayflower traveled alone to America with extra cargo and person form the other boat. During the half of the journey, the voyage was peaceful only some people suffered sea sick, the  rest part of the journey, it suffered several storms. After 66 days, Mayflower almost arrive the destination, New York where the people intended to go.      

The rest- 130w; 1:50”

While the Mayflower approached to New York, the south of the hudson river, it suffer the problem of sailing. Pilgrims decided to go Cape cod and explored there.  After few yeas they built the fist building there.

Article 3
Time 4- 387w; 4:06”
This part described about the construction of the Mayflower ship. Even it is a merchandise ship, it equipped with weapon in order to defense itself form the pirates.   It also may become a military ship, if queen or king asks to. The living place was extremely small for 102 people for 66 days. Some of the families used the wood stuffs to make their private place.   

Time 5-345w; 4:06”
This part talked about whether let women to go with their husband to construct the colony and whether the husbands can live without the wives for sever years or vice versa. The majority husband decided to let their their wives come later.

Time 6- 410w; 5:53”
Although no of the women died during the long voyage, they died one after another after in the  fist winter. Women usually more easy died than men and children because of narrow living space on the ship might cause the disease. Finally, there were only 4 women with 55 men left.

Time7-   788w 8:50”
-what kind of people decided to go to the new world.
For example, the people who had immigrated to Holland, they found that it was not easy to make a living there due to the salary was low.
-Living in the new world, the fist thanks giving.
More than half immigrants died after fist winter in Winter, because they not accustomed to new environments. It is hard to survival without helping to aboriginal. One of the English-speaking aboriginal aided these people in catching animals and fishing. Next year, the new immigrants celebrated for great harvest for 3 days in the winter.   
作者: TaoRs92    时间: 2013-9-19 21:19

The brief introduction of Mayflower.
1 The background and what led to Mayflower
Some people looked for religion freedom but didn't find their hope.So they decided to travel to New England to a place without government interference.
2 The Mayflower
The voyage.People on aboard,traveled to New England.On storm season,unpleasant travel and some people died and suffered from the trip.
3 The Mayflower Compact
People found that they did not have the right to dwell in New England.So they wrote the Mayflower Compact to estabilish their own colony which was attached to England.
4 P Colony and the first harvest
People finally learned how to live in the new environment and estabilished the P colony.
The history of Mayflower.
Used as voyage to ship cargos from other countries.
Suffered from the big storm,safer routes were decided.
Used to travel to the new land.
Ended in ruins,with little value.
The process of the first voyage to America.
Mayflower should have traveled to America with Speedwell.But Speedwell leaked several times so at last,Mayflower left alone.
Mayflower arrvied at America,just a few degress away from its first destination.
The process of people to find a ideal place to construct their buildings and explore C Cod.
The structure and facilities and rooms of Mayflower.
The useage of different pars of Mayflower.
The situation of women in Mayflower.
Before,women seldon went to voyage.
In this travel,some men decided to leave their wives behind,others decided to take their wives with them.
At last,in Mayflower,there were 18 adult women(all married and some were pregnent)and some teenage girls.
The situation of survive of those women travel to New Land by Mayflower.
Many women died in the first winter.Explaination:they lived in the narrow Mayflower,diseases were easy to spread.Five survived during the first winter.
At last,four survived and raised their children and took care of others in the new land.
A discription of life in Mayflower during the travel by a child(?)
A discription of life after people arrvied at Amercia.Tough.Cold winter.Many people have already died..
作者: silkagelx    时间: 2013-9-20 09:28
the author describe a story of the Mayflower.First, he tell us when and for what reason people are admitted to organize the mayflower. Then,he describe the constituent of the mayflower members.And a new company of speedwell cause the dalay thus making the mayflower suffer a miserable strom. Finally,they reached their primary destination but with some problem.In the primary months, they lived a hard life.Fortunately, they got the help of the local people,and the next year,they celebrate the harvest.
the author tells the history of the mayflower, which was first to ship goods between other countries and England. And it waw appointed to transmit P to the newland.After this voage,it was almost in ruin, and was sold in a very low price.
the S and M planed to set sail for america together, but the leaking of S was too serious to start its journey,M dicided to start itself.The problem they met with during the voage was seasick and the storm.Fortunately, they finally was almost right on target.
this paragraph describe the cargo hold of the mayflower, and the space for the shipmembers to sleep was very very small.
because of the weake body of women,some of the husbands decided to leave their wives behind, while most husbands diceided their wives should come with them.
Most of the women was died because of the poor condition on mayflower,while the women who had been left behind were still living.

作者: CatherineH    时间: 2013-9-20 17:04
Speaker: Whether people like open working places or private places. Use polite words in the open working spaces.
1 2min44
Mayflower is a ship to transport cargo from England to other places.
First it went to Norway, and later to some other places.
After the master was dead, the ship was sold as scrap.

2 2min18s
Mayflower departed from England to America with another ship Speedwell.
But leaking happened to Speed well and Mayflower had to sail to America alone carrying lots of goods and customers.
Mayflower encountered some storms but finally arrived.

3 1min33
The function of major parts in Mayflower.

4 2min20
The original function of gun deck is a living place for master. and also a place for stored cargo.
Gun deck is also for Mayflower to protect itself from possible pariets.
But in the journey to America, passengers live in gun deck. it's very crowded.

5 1min46
The long journey across Atlantic is tough for women. But establishing colony need long time and men cannot live without wives.
Some masters left their wives behind while others take wives and childrem with them.

6 2min09
The mortality of women on Mayflower is higher than men and children.
Because they have to stay on ship for additional months,took care of the sick and were more likely to expose to disease.
The women left behind were alive. Later they come to build their home in America.

7 6min45
Some separatists move to Holland from England to find new church but disapointed.
They went to America by Mayflower to find new land.
When they got there, they met many problems.
They erected compacts and got help from local people and they survived.
作者: geyh163    时间: 2013-9-21 00:57
introduction of Mf's suffer on storm and the trans-Atlantic voyage it took. (Jones's experience with Mf)
the details of the tans-Atanlic voyage of MF.
couclude that the MF is almost on its original target.
the specific introduction of the cargo hold.
wether to take wifes with houseband or leave them behind and then came latter.(problem of women body)
women who came toghther were almost died while women who left behind were still living.
Main idea:
    the introduction of P's process to find a colony by voyage.
Attitude:  netural
    reason for this voyage--the voyage details--resluts,problems

作者: chasedream1122    时间: 2013-9-21 06:46

作者: olivia瓜瓜    时间: 2013-9-21 08:07


Time1: 1m51s
     The mayflower voyage for goods in europea rutines origingally ,and firsttime take pilgrim  and to american.
Time2: 2m16s
     At first the speedwell together with mayflower settle to amercian, butthe speedwell leak again and again , finally give up it’s voyage.
     Mayflower utimately reach the american,and whole voyage last 66 days.
     Pilgrams intended to south, finnaly due to the hard conditions theychoose to stay at north.
Warmup : 1m04s
The structureof the mayflower and each of their functions .
Time 4:1m50s
   & The structure of the gun decks, and why it contrct this style,andall crews spent 66days and more staying in this small place.
& They hadto choose to take their wives or not.
& few womentake the voyage to new coloney.
& largeparts of women died in the first winter for the weak body and deseas of confineplace, and only 4 women left to care for the man and children.
Time8:  2m27s
A letter todescribe the voyage life including food ,play , breathing air, and the weather.
Time9: 1m34s
    Whenwe arrive at new world, instad of standing in new place I have to still stay inthe ship and wait the man build the town, and suffer a few food.

Obstacle: 4m42s  
Main topic:  The journey to mayflower.
Structure: &The saints first go to a place, where is easygoiing and make young people more indulge .   &Then they plan to move to a other place and get the permission to a another land.
          & They enterd the mayflower land and draft the mayflower compact ,although they  didn’t get the permission .
          &They teach local people hunting and fishing ,and in turn local people help them survived.
this was the last straw 最后一根稻草
Act as a beacon for 作为。。的指明灯

作者: ELLENGONG2012    时间: 2013-9-21 10:17
OBSTACLE   6`38        788
Main idea-why the mayflower began ,how is the voyage ,the life after arrival of America.
Attitude-introduction of Mayflower voyage .
Construction-the reason why people began the voyage. The difficulties of the voyage.
The way how people suit to the life on the newland.
T2 2`31   351w
Before the voyage, how the ship gotten and its experience of other voyages.
The mastP conduct this boat to America with spellship and back to England.
When C died?
T3  2`40  457W
Introduce the progress of Mayflower and Speedwell汇合. And there are many difficulties during the voyage. Such as, the direction of the voyage, the motion of the 船员 and …
T4  2`04`  387
The using of cargo. 船头和船尾的用处。
And use the gun deck to live customs. It is a little crowded.
T5   2`32  345
Is it correct to get their wives on the ship.
Introduce how many women or girls on the boat.

T6 2`43  410
MANY women died during the voyage .Introduce the reason why women died. Moreover, there are still women died.
作者: nancyren    时间: 2013-9-21 16:59
TIME 2  2`24
TIME3   2`56
TIME4   2`34
TIME5   2`15
TIME6  3`04
TIME7   5`30

作者: sasa花音    时间: 2013-9-22 11:40
Obstacle:没计上时= =
Time2: 1’30
The ship Mayflower was use for trade purposes in Europe before its voyage to America, The ship was intended to be accompanied by Speedwell.
The ship returned to England and had a few trading runs before the owner of the ship died. The ship was appraised and in ruins.
Time3: 2’28
The Mayflower was supposed to accompany Speedwell, but it went to America alone because of the two leakages that Speedwell encountered.
The first half of the voyage was smooth with only sea-sickness problem, but the second was ruined by storms.
The Mayflower was almost right on target.
The rest: 43’
The Pilgrims quitted heading north to Hudson River; instead, they chose to explore Cape Cod and finally decided upon Plymouth.
This part introduced the structure and function of gun deck, where Pilgrims lived and weapons were placed.
The living space in gun deck is extremely limited.
Time5: 1’57
There was a difference among the crew of whether they leaved their wives behind, and in fact most didn’t.
Time6: 2’17
Nearly all of the women who came with their husband for the Mayflower voyage died; however, none of the women left behind died.

作者: 鸢尾yuanwei    时间: 2013-9-23 15:22
Thanks Jay~~~

2. 2'10
3. 2'44
4. 1'30
5. 1'32
6. 1'57
作者: ufoufo1102    时间: 2013-9-24 08:13
The history about Christopher’s Mayflower: the voyages with Master Christopher in Europe for cargo trading prior to US. Why he chose more safer route than before -> the detailed date and people it took for its first trans-Atlantic travel to North Virginia. → Its ends: Master died and ship sold as scrap.


Ship S took all the pilgrims from Netherland to England to meet Mayflower. but the repeatedly leaking by S caused delays and been abandoned at last.
The obstacles met on the sea by its single journey to US.
The orginal target to US compared with its actual destination.


introduce the purpose of different parts in Mayflower.

gun deck: where 102 passages lived, its previous purpose for defending itself by 4 cannons ( brief the reason why in history)
how passages lived in gun deck, especially to build small private room on deck for 66 days.

the background for husband to decide whether take wives with them or not. Colony disappeared etc that they need establish a new colony by themselves.
The actual situation of women had been brought in Mayflower.
18 women all married except teenagers not reached marriage age.

the death pecertage of women death was higher than men and children. how they died did not compeletely record. Only 4 women lived.


The things happened before the pilgrims left England as “separatist”.
The compact the new colonists made when they arrived at US.

How they survived in Plymouth with the help of local residents and how “Thanksgiving day” came.

作者: jay871750293    时间: 2013-9-24 09:37
鸢尾yuanwei 发表于 2013-9-23 15:22
Thanks Jay~~~

2. 2'10

不客气哈~ 鸢尾~

作者: yikang    时间: 2013-9-25 17:34
t2 2:06
t3 2:26
t4 2:11
t5 2:07
t6 2:37
t8 2:44
t9 2:14
o 4:50
作者: 鸢尾yuanwei    时间: 2013-9-25 18:41
jay871750293 发表于 2013-9-24 09:37
不客气哈~ 鸢尾~
另外,我弱弱地问一句哈:为什么没有从最新的练习开始呢?感觉好像有好几次你都是在老帖 ...

作者: 454362537    时间: 2013-9-28 10:59
Main point:the process of The Mayflower to ‘New World’
(1)Pilgrims Before the Mayflower(to Holland to decide to go to the New World)
(2)the journey of the Mayflower on the sea
(3)The Mayflower Compact
(4)Plymouth Colony and the First Thanksgiving
The first voyage of Mayflower and the following voyage of it.
The voyage of it to now America and what it would be after that.
The voyage of Mayflower towards America.
Two boat,one left in England,and they all took ‘the Mayflower’.
The leak of Speedwell
The introduction of the rooms in the Mayflower.
The different idea about whether they should take the women or leave the women behind.
Lots of women died in the first winter.  Why they died.   Only few of them lived through that trip.

作者: QueenG    时间: 2013-9-29 07:43
1'56'56  CJ brought the mayflower and a brife intro of his exprience and the ship's history.
2'37'14  the mayflower started its first trip to America with Speedwell but Speedwell quitted because of leaking. Finally mayflower took the trip alone and arrived New York.
42'22    Mayflower landed North, the Provincetown Harbour. and the pilgrim finally decided to building the plantation in Plymous.
3'24'49  Intro of the Gun deck: primarily living area, very crowded for 66-day trip.
2'19'19  the problem with women in the voyage: few women can stand the tough trip, but most pilgrim think their wives should come with them because they cannot withstand staying years without wives.
2'27'04  the mortality of women: many were died during or after the trip, may cause by disease; only five survived in the first winter. However, the families stay in England are all safe.
5'05'11  some England Protestants was unpleased with the corrupted England church and went to Holland, but they also suffer other problems there, eg low paid, and therefore they decided to go accross the Antactic to the new land.
             They gathered in London and got merchant's financial support for the trip as well as the permission of leaving England from the King. About forty saint joined the trip with two ships: Mayflower and Speedwell. However, the leeking of Speedwell affected the whole trip and thereby they encourntered storm when they arrived.
              About half colonists died in the first winter. The rest of them started to get involved with local people by teaching them language and learning hunting from them. finally them get involved with Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony.
作者: 344531519    时间: 2013-9-29 14:21
1'47 [197WPM] present the bg of the mayflower, and its voyage to America as the first cargo ship. also introduced the


2'17 [200WPM] Due to the serious leak of the Speedwell,Mayflower have to vayage alone for America. Finally, the

Mayflower did it.

0'45 [173WPM] The Mayflower anchored in Cap Cod, rather than Hudson river. But the crew decided to explore the Cap Cod

and construct building there.

1'06 [182WPM] Introduce the name and function of different parts on the ship.

2'03 [189WPM] Describe the harsh living condition of the crew member on the deck. Also the weapons on the ship enable it

to defend against pirates and to be called as warship during war time.

1'53 [184WPM] Very few women participate the cross atlantic voyage. And those crews also as husbands are often making

hard dicision upon whether leave their wives behind or not. However, some crews took their wives with them on the

Mayflower, there are also some young girls near marriage age on the borad.

2'41 [153WPM] The women's mortality rate was extremly high in the new world. Some reasons were stated.

4'37 [171WPM]
Main ideaife after arrival
Author's Attitude:Neutral
Structrue: The explorer get the permission to colonize the certain area of the new world, but when they reach the

America, they suffer from serious starving. They survived after forming alliance with the native people and set up the

作者: jay871750293    时间: 2013-9-29 18:19
鸢尾yuanwei 发表于 2013-9-25 18:41
习惯了呢。。因为每次都是从神猴那个汇总贴进去,然后就从一个系列的第一个开始顺序往下做~~~~~呵呵呵~~~ ...

作者: fnlucky    时间: 2013-9-30 10:38
Time2 1min47 the ship Mayflowr encountered a storm and then turned to safer trading routine, following with the detail development. After Jones died ,the ship was appraised for probate purposed.
Time3 3min the pilgrims hired the ship “speed well” ,Maflower ship and speed well ship set sail for Amrica, then the Mayflower arrived at America while the pilgrims encountered the storms ,leaked and returned .pilgrims stayed in local to research another place to plantation.

Time4 1min introduce the organization and facilities in the ship such as forecastle, pop house and so on
Time5 1min30 cargo hold is the place that pilgrims stored food ,drink .
       Gun desk is the place for passengers’living , and cabin is the place for small families’living.
Time6  1min 50 though no woman died during the Mayflower’ voyage, in the following many women died and the extremely possibility reason for women high morality was that they stayed in the ship longer than men, increasing exposure to colds. At last, there was only five women living to take care of men and children.
Time7 4min54 how did the pilgrims to establish the conoly across the ocean.pilgrims liked religious free and no government intervene, with the help of a good mechant, they prepared two ships--speedswell and Mayerflower , to sail from England, as a result, only Mayerflower achieve the new land,  not cape cold, but a wrong place, they faced the largest challenges, many woman died there in the first winter, finally, they created a new conoly who then joined the local conoly and surivive with the help of local conoly. They began to celebrate the first thanksgiving day.
Time8 1min 57 the author told us that pilgrims’life in the ship. They lived in tiny cabin and there are many sickness, they prey in the moring with dishes of fish and beer, they put their faith in god and hope they can achieve soon.
Time9 2min they were greatful arriving at the new world, but suriving in the land was a challenge.many people died for disease, for the living people, they had to face the difficulty of hunting and remaining a little food.

作者: jennychiu    时间: 2013-10-2 09:56
02'37 the first document records of shipping goods to another place.
02'40 speedwell and mayflower went to amercia together. However, since leak of S, they have to give up the ship.
        during the trip, they also meet a lot of troubles, which make passengers so tierd that some of them
        give up.finnally, mayflower choose a cape cod to explore and build their first plantation.
04'15 introduce the functions of each part and stage of the ship and how mayflower passengers live together for
        66 days.
02'6 it's doubt that whether women should come to amercia together or not. for the trip, there only few woman
        came to amercia. Most of them are married.
02'58 most of women dead during the first winter since they stay in a crowed space of mayfolwer where had bad
        enviroment and air. Finally, there only five people left.
05'30 some pilgrims immigrated from england to holland for a better life. However, they got a worse job. Finnaly,
        these saint joined in mayfolwer to go to the new world. Even though they arrived a wrong place, they also
        decided to establish a new politick called mayflower compat. native poeple teached them how to survive and
        they had their first thanksgiving day.
03'29 a letter to aunt about his/ her life in the ship before arrived the new world.
03'21 a letter to aunt about the life after the ship arrived the new world. the enviroment to survive is so
        difficult. weather was so cold. some people had dead and food was limited.

作者: muxiadai    时间: 2013-10-2 14:42
作者: airsty1020    时间: 2013-10-2 16:03
1. Before the mayflower:
   decide to leave for religious freedom
2. Mayflower
   get permission and leave to america
   Speedwell leak
3. mayflower compact after landing on a wrong place
4. Thanksgiving
作者: 晓野的野    时间: 2013-10-7 01:12
我的名字 叫做补作业君
我会补上的 明天早上 哦 不 今天早上就补上
掌管 5 00:02:19.38 00:11:38.54
掌管 4 00:02:07.30 00:09:19.16
掌管 3 00:02:16.07 00:07:11.86
掌管 2 00:02:41.97 00:04:55.79
掌管 1 00:02:13.81 00:02:13.81

作者: jay871750293    时间: 2013-10-8 10:05
晓野的野 发表于 2013-10-7 01:12
我的名字 叫做补作业君
我会补上的 明天早上 哦 不 今天早上就补上

作者: 晓野的野    时间: 2013-10-8 10:31
jay871750293 发表于 2013-10-8 10:05

哈哈 补作业君已经把作业补上啦 啦啦啦啦
作者: jay871750293    时间: 2013-10-8 19:02
晓野的野 发表于 2013-10-8 10:31
哈哈 补作业君已经把作业补上啦 啦啦啦啦


作者: AresMa    时间: 2013-10-9 18:08
Time 1 2'20" The first documented sail of Mayflower, which was bought by CJ.
                     After several trade sails, Mayflower firstly needed to sail to Northern Verginia carring lots of pilgrims.
                     Mayflower was very shabby after CJ's death.

Time 2 2'32" Mayflower was supposed to sail with Speedwell to America, but after 2 times leaking accident of Speedwell, they decided to leave it behind.
                    During the journey, the first half of it was quite smooth but then Mayflower met several great storms, which made them have to let Mayflower drift.
                    However, they made it to Netherlands(only a few degrees away from their intended destination.)

Time 3 2'19" The description of the use of gun deck,where most of passengers lived.
                    The changes on the gun deck because passengers wanted some privacy, so they explore extra little rooms.

Time 4 2'12" The choice to decide whether or not women should be in Mayflower.
                    Some of the passengers decided take their wives after houses were built, while some of them were willing to take their wives.
                    At last, there were 18 adult women on board and each one of them got married in America.

Time 5 2'29" Almost every women in Mayflower died in America.
                    Worrying about their ablity to work, males decided to let them stay in Mayflower, which, however, provided unhygenic condition for them and made them get sick.
                    In contrast, women who had benn left behind were successfully survived after heading to America.

Obstacle: 4'45" Main idea: The whole process of the first migration from Europe to America: a description about Mayflower's adventure.
                Attitude: none(descriptive article)

                (1)The organization of the team: Some separatists moved to Holland to avoid English corrupted church, but they still found it was an unclean place to raise children.
                     They decided to move to America by taking two ships: Mayflower and Speedwell, which were funded by a prominant English merchant.
                (2)The journey: At first, Speedwell was often repaired due to leaking, and this made the team cannot avoid the storm season.
                                         The journey was extreamly dangerous: some of sailors were even swept away by big waves.

                (3)Establishing colonist: After making to the destination, they found they were away from the target destination, where they had to make a compact.
                                                    The condition in North America were harsh, causing lots of death in the first winter. But they still got through it and had a harvest in the next                    year, this is the origin of Thanksgiving day.
作者: SuperVicky    时间: 2013-10-10 09:53

Obstacle 6′37″ To find religious freedom, a congregation of “Separatists” first left England and moved to Holland. However, the secular life in Holland made these “Separatists” change their mind to have another voyage named The Mayflower, a history event happened in 1920s. The “Separatists” finally reached a new world and signed a document called the Mayflower Compact. Nearly one year later, the survived colonists celebrated the harvest of Thanksgiving and the celebration lasted until today.
Time2 2′05″ Master Christopher Jones purchased the ship Mayflower in 1607, using it trade with Norway, France and Bordeaux. In 1620, the Mayflower was hired to take the Pilgrims to America and then arrived back to England on 6 May 1621. Finally, the Mayflower was almost broken up and sold off as scrap in 1624.
Time3 2′59″ Introduced several problems the Mayflower faced on its voyage to America, such as sea-sickness and sea storms.
Time4 2′18″
Time5 2’33’’ Because of the “weak women body”, there are few women could endure the long voyage and settled with male colonists in America.
Time6 2’36’’ Most of women who survived in the voyage died during the first winter when they arrived in America.
Time8 3’19’’
Time9 2’27’’

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