
标题: [求助]gwd-5-26 [打印本页]

作者: girdle    时间: 2004-9-17 23:07
标题: [求助]gwd-5-26


Healthy lungs produce a natural antibiotic that protects them from infection by routinely killing harmful bacteria on airway surfaces.  eople with cystic fibrosis, however, are unable to fight off such bacteria, even though their lungs produce normal amounts of the antibiotic.  The fluid on a0.irway surfaces in the lungs of people with cystic fibrosis has an abnormally high salt concentration; accordingly, scientists hypothesize that the high salt concentration is what makes the antibiotic ineffective.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the scientists’ hypothesis?

  1. When the salt concentration of the fluid on the airway surfaces of healthy people is raised artificially, the salt concentration soon returns to normal.

  2. A sample of the antibiotic was capable of killing bacteria in an environment with an unusually low concentration of salt.

  3. When lung tissue from people with cystic fibrosis is maintained in a solution with a normal salt concentration, the tissue can resist bacteria.

  4. Many lung infections can be treated by applying synthetic antibiotics to the airway surfaces.  

  5. High salt concentrations have an antibiotic effect in many circumstances.

answer : c

why b is incorrect?

作者: robertchu    时间: 2004-9-18 13:49

The hypothesis is about the effects of high salt concentration vs. normal salt concentration.  B talks about "an unusually low concentration of salt", and therefore is irrelevant.

作者: girdle    时间: 2004-9-18 15:20

thank you. 没有看仔细,唉

作者: horsefish    时间: 2004-9-18 23:46
以下是引用girdle在2004-9-17 23:07:00的发言:


Healthy lungs produce a natural antibiotic that protects them from infection by routinely killing harmful bacteria on airway surfaces.  eople with cystic fibrosis, however, are unable to fight off such bacteria, even though their lungs produce normal amounts of the antibiotic.  The fluid on a0.irway surfaces in the lungs of people with cystic fibrosis has an abnormally high salt concentration; accordingly, scientists hypothesize that the high salt concentration is what makes the antibiotic ineffective.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the scientists’ hypothesis?

  1. When the salt concentration of the fluid on the airway surfaces of healthy people is raised artificially, the salt concentration soon returns to normal.

  2. A sample of the antibiotic was capable of killing bacteria in an environment with an unusually low concentration of salt.如果把an unusually low concentration改为normal concentration of salt,是B好还是C好?

  3. When lung tissue from people with cystic fibrosis is maintained in a solution with a normal salt concentration, the tissue can resist bacteria.

  4. Many lung infections can be treated by applying synthetic antibiotics to the airway surfaces.  

  5. High salt concentrations have an antibiotic effect in many circumstances.

answer : c

why b is incorrect?

作者: girdle    时间: 2004-9-19 00:47

我认为还是c 好,我今天也有想过a sample 是否有代表性,是否有可能是偶然


作者: lawyer_1    时间: 2004-9-19 01:09


作者: robertchu    时间: 2004-9-19 02:16
以下是引用horsefish在2004-9-18 23:46:00的发言:

IMO, unlike in GMAT Grammar, generally it's probably not a good way of practicing to try "what-if" changes on answer choices in GMAT CR.  It unnecessarily complicate sometimes already complicated questions, and may even cause more confusion at times.

作者: horsefish    时间: 2004-9-19 06:41
以下是引用robertchu在2004-9-19 2:16:00的发言:

IMO, unlike in GMAT Grammar, generally it's probably not a good way of practicing to try "what-if" changes on answer choices in GMAT CR.  It unnecessarily complicate sometimes already complicated questions, and may even cause more confusion at times.


很多时候我竟然分不出来我是做阅读还是做逻辑, 它们实在态象了, 读某句话时我又情不自禁地看有没有语法错误.

作者: brie    时间: 2004-10-17 14:39

Why is A not correct?

作者: bobomomo    时间: 2004-11-8 17:51

觉得A 是在胡说一气 没任何意义 ----- A 就在说什么 把健康的人的盐的浓度人工的提高,然后浓度又自己降到了正常水平 -------  说的东西多文章结论没任何作用 还用那么复杂的语言 让人读好半天 真是讨厌

作者: ethyl    时间: 2005-5-18 04:54


B:错误比较。文中没有提到低浓度的情况;而且a sample没有代表性


D:Many lung infections can be treated,无关


作者: bigbill    时间: 2005-5-22 09:02
確實  C比B好的多多~~
作者: carmenleaf    时间: 2005-9-5 17:04
以下是引用girdle在2004-9-17 23:07:00的发言:


Healthy lungs produce a natural antibiotic that protects them from infection by routinely killing harmful bacteria on airway surfaces.  eople with cystic fibrosis, however, are unable to fight off such bacteria, even though their lungs produce normal amounts of the antibiotic.  The fluid on a0.irway surfaces in the lungs of people with cystic fibrosis has an abnormally high salt concentration; accordingly, scientists hypothesize that the high salt concentration is what makes the antibiotic ineffective.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the scientists’ hypothesis?

  1. When the salt concentration of the fluid on the airway surfaces of healthy people is raised artificially, the salt concentration soon returns to normal.

  2. A sample of the antibiotic was capable of killing bacteria in an environment with an unusually low concentration of salt.

  3. When lung tissue from people with cystic fibrosis is maintained in a solution with a normal salt concentration, the tissue can resist bacteria.

  4. Many lung infections can be treated by applying synthetic antibiotics to the airway surfaces.  

  5. High salt concentrations have an antibiotic effect in many circumstances.

answer : c

why b is incorrect?


结论:scientists hypothesize that the high salt concentration is what makes the antibiotic ineffective.

即:high salt concentration ——〉antibiotic ineffective.

那么与之等价的逆否命题则是:antibiotic effective.——〉normal salt concentration

而c选项a normal salt concentration——〉tissue can resist bacteria则是原命题的命题,与原命题不等价的呀,所以我坐看右看觉得都不对,不晓得是哪个地方分析错了。


作者: ayang1017    时间: 2005-9-25 16:15


作者: tobytao    时间: 2005-11-14 17:40




[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-14 17:41:44编辑过]

作者: 乌龙茶    时间: 2005-12-19 11:53


通过antibiotic ineffective 反映出 high salt concentration


作者: cdsteven517    时间: 2006-3-29 18:09
B 是武官选项嘛,CPA 很有用的。。。
作者: eaststar    时间: 2006-5-19 22:45


作者: yhlin    时间: 2006-7-23 16:01


A选项说"salt concentration of the fluid on the airway surfaces of healthy people"提高后,会被回到正常的准位,代表healthy people需要正常盐浓度,支持了题目的结论。



作者: ecochem    时间: 2006-9-24 02:30
以下是引用carmenleaf在2005-9-5 17:04:00的发言:


结论:scientists hypothesize that the high salt concentration is what makes the antibiotic ineffective.

即:high salt concentration ——〉antibiotic ineffective.

那么与之等价的逆否命题则是:antibiotic effective.——〉normal salt concentration

而c选项a normal salt concentration——〉tissue can resist bacteria则是原命题的命题,与原命题不等价的呀,所以我坐看右看觉得都不对,不晓得是哪个地方分析错了。


我觉得本题不是must be true题型,正确答案往往就是原论证结论的逆否命题




作者: cattsky    时间: 2006-10-3 15:47


且不谈B里的unusally low salt 是不是相关.



另外,normal saltVS high salt,而非low salt VS high salt的论断实在太经典了

作者: tokyolove    时间: 2006-10-19 20:37


因为在normal的情况,可以退出,肺组织可以起作用 ---------不一定会支持 ,在higher的情况,肺组织不能起作用。 因为,另一种可能是在higer的情况下 ,肺组织也是起作用的!

而B,则说明在浓度极低的情况,肺组织才会起作用。用这种较为极端的比较 则可能会说明 在higher的情况下,肺组织是不起作用的!

作者: 紫丁香花    时间: 2006-10-30 22:20

B: a sample of the antibiotic .../fails to indicate that is it the same "natural antibiotic" mentioned in the artical

C: ..lung tissue(produce normal amounts of the antibiotic)....,the tissue can resist bacteria. /means that the antibiotic produced by the lung tissue can work effectively in a normal salt solution

So,I think C is better.

little opinion, to be disscussed 

作者: best_vivien    时间: 2007-7-11 15:55
以下是引用cattsky在2006-10-3 15:47:00的发言:


且不谈B里的unusally low salt 是不是相关.



另外,normal saltVS high salt,而非low salt VS high salt的论断实在太经典了




作者: нандин    时间: 2007-8-14 21:40
an unusually low concentration of salt就决定了b的错误.
作者: andylouis    时间: 2007-9-17 19:39
作者: rpch2004    时间: 2008-5-29 09:30
以下是引用ecochem在2006-9-24 2:30:00的发言:

我觉得本题不是must be true题型,正确答案往往就是原论证结论的逆否命题




严重同意以上观点:逆否命题多半出现在Must be sure\conclusion题里头,即原文:A->B,正确答案:非B->非A



作者: happycg    时间: 2008-5-30 09:05
作者: Zspirit    时间: 2008-8-3 22:15

文章涉及的变量有lung, antibiotic, cystic fibrosis和salt concentration。根据变量唯一原则,要改变salt concentration, 其他因素就必须不变,所以只有C选项其他三项都存在(虽然没有直接说有antibiotic,但是有lung就有antibiotic)

作者: flowerfish    时间: 2008-8-29 22:32
作者: rhine521    时间: 2008-9-6 20:52
和 看到logo 会多给tips的题目属于同一类型
作者: ryanyong    时间: 2009-7-10 09:31

A. When the salt concentration of the fluid on the airway surfaces of healthy people is raised artificially, the salt concentration soon
returns to normal.


B.A sample of the antibiotic was capable of killing bacteria in an environment with an unusually low concentration of salt. 


C.When lung tissue from people with cystic fibrosis is maintained in a solution with a normal salt concentration, the tissue can resist bacteria.


我晕死,我怎么在做题的时候就没有注意到那个“with cystic fibrosis”呢………………

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-10 9:34:07编辑过]

作者: adai    时间: 2009-10-10 02:03

我选的是A。A的问题是只说了液体的salt concentration变化,没有说变化与抗体killing harmful bacteria 之间的关系,所以A不如C好;但A的优势在于明确指出了是事发地点是airway

当然C也有道理,但C答案多少也有些问题了 。

尽管题干很明确的说airway是lung的一部分了,即The fluid on airway surfaces in the lungs“

但是题干又说的是"killing harmful bacteria on airway surfaces",事发地点是在lung上的airway

C答案说的是“lung tissue can resist bacteria”

这个tissue一定是airway上取的吗,因为液体的salt concentration对airway 上的抗体的工作有影响,对lung的其他部分则不知道了。



作者: cheungwenhao    时间: 2013-8-21 18:46
carmenleaf 发表于 2005-9-5 17:04
以下是引用girdle在2004-9-17 23:07:00的发言:Q26:Healthy lungs produce a natural antibiotic that prot ...

这个是 陈向东里面最讨厌的一点,就是说你B,A模式和A,B模式的顺序搞错了,所以会造成你那个B,A之间的错误,以下解释:

scientists hypothesize that the high salt concentration is what makes the antibiotic ineffective
这个是典型的B,A型; 盐高A是抗体没有用B的一个必要条件,逻辑图表示:B——〉A(这里很多人都错!)

作者: zzloveyibo    时间: 2014-3-13 12:45

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