
标题: 急问og154 [打印本页]

作者: ellewoods    时间: 2004-9-13 08:08
标题: 急问og154

154. In 1791 Robert Carter III, one of the wealthiest plantation owners in Virginia, stunned his family, friends, and
neighbors by filing a deed of emancipation, setting free the more than 500 slaves who were legally
considered his property.
(A) setting free the more than 500 slaves who were legally considered
(B) setting free more than the 500 slaves legally considered as
(C) and set free more than 500 slaves, who were legally considered as
(D) and set free more than the 500 slaves who were legally considered
(E) and he set free the more than 500 slaves who were legally considered as

Answer to Question 154
This sentence requires that the participial phrase setting free... connect to the gerund construction by filing a
deed...; it was the filing of a deed that made possible the setting free .... Choices A and B establish this
connection, but only A, the best choice, completes the participial phrase appropriately. In choices B and D the
misconstructed phrases set[ting] free more than the 500 slaves ... mistakenly suggest that Carter set free
slaves that were not his own. Choices C and D distort meaning by paralleling stunned and set free, as though
these were two separate and independent actions. E begins a second independent clause, which--though
grammatically acceptable--again distorts the meaning. In choices B, C, and E, considered as is unidiomatic.



3。请教consider 用法


作者: horsefish    时间: 2004-9-13 09:27
以下是引用ellewoods在2004-9-13 8:08:00的发言:

154. In 1791 Robert Carter III, one of the wealthiest plantation owners in Virginia, stunned his family, friends, and
neighbors by filing a deed of emancipation, setting free the more than 500 slaves who were legally
considered his property.
(A) setting free the more than 500 slaves who were legally considered
(B) setting free more than the 500 slaves legally considered as
(C) and set free more than 500 slaves, who were legally considered as
(D) and set free more than the 500 slaves who were legally considered
(E) and he set free the more than 500 slaves who were legally considered as

Answer to Question 154
This sentence requires that the participial phrase setting free... connect to the gerund construction by filing a
deed...; it was the filing of a deed that made possible the setting free .... Choices A and B establish this
connection, but only A, the best choice, completes the participial phrase appropriately. In choices B and D the
misconstructed phrases set[ting] free more than the 500 slaves ... mistakenly suggest that Carter set free
slaves that were not his own. Choices C and D distort meaning by paralleling stunned and set free, as though
these were two separate and independent actions. E begins a second independent clause, which--though
grammatically acceptable--again distorts the meaning. In choices B, C, and E, considered as is unidiomatic.



3。请教consider 用法


1. the 在A中表示全部

2,3 consider A B


作者: vivian_huang    时间: 2007-8-4 21:53


- 划线部分出现consider,那么多半要考consider sth sth 结构,错误选项一般有consider+as或其它介词成分,直接排出;

- ETS喜欢将平行结构反考,给出一个语法上正确的平行结构选项,而实际逻辑错误;

- 定冠词和强烈语气词,其位置的变化将引起语义变化,需要谨慎对待,从逻辑入手判别;



我也是不太明白A 中的  the more than 500 slaves more than the 500 slaves   的含义区别是什么?


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-4 21:55:32编辑过]

作者: sch    时间: 2007-8-10 10:24




A. the more than 500 slaves

    这里 more than 500slaves是一个整体,the 修饰这个整体,表示"500多个奴隶" (500多个奴隶是个集合)

B,D more than the 500 slaves

    这里 the 500 slaves当作一个整体,more than修饰这个整体,表示"多于这500奴隶"或者"比这500个还多的奴隶" (500是一个集合,现在谈及这个集合以外的奴隶了)

**********简单的来说,比如中文里 "500多条汉子" 和"多于500条汉子"的区别把 -__-///

    如果说"这500个奴隶"对应的是前面说得"被解放的",那么 多于这500个奴隶以外的奴隶,就不知道属于谁的了,所以OG说,他放跑了不属于他的奴隶(500个可能属于他,more than的可能就不属于他了)

C, more than 500 slaves, 这个相对简单点把,就是"多于500个奴隶", 但是这个奴隶是谁的,没有被限定,可能是隔壁老王家的,也可能是村长家的(当然后面who从句补充了)



主要还是用别的来排除.当然这踢很阴险,我上来就把A给插了, 找 and setting free--->没有--->选AND SET ,set he stunned平行

其实setting free作为整个句子的伴随.事后想想也是, setting free 的同时,肯定就是stunned他邻居了啊.

没道理先 stuuned一下,然后再set free一下.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-10 10:27:55编辑过]

作者: GRASPDREAM    时间: 2007-8-11 21:35


作者: GRASPDREAM    时间: 2007-8-11 21:39

前两个都明白啦,只有C选象仍不清...后面不是有WHO修饰MORE THAN 500么??..

作者: clairetong    时间: 2007-8-11 22:45

我的理解是这样的,用who修饰more than 500 salves和用the定冠一下是一个效果

C错在1、将set free和stunned平行了

     2、consider sth.是错的


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