
标题: og263/265/267 [打印本页]

作者: shinefloat    时间: 2004-7-13 22:51
标题: og263/265/267

263. In A.D. 391, resulting from the destruction of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandria, later generations lost all but the lliad and Odyssey among Greek epics, most of the poetry of Pindar and Sappho, and dozens of plays by Aeschylus and Euripides.

  1. resulting from the destruction of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandria,

  2. the destroying of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandria resulted and

  3. because of the result of the destruction of the library at Alexandria, the largest of the ancient world,

  4. as a result of the destruction of the library at Alexandria, the largest of the ancient world,

  5. Alexandria's largest library of the ancient world was destroyed, and the result was

In A, the phrase that begins resulting from cannot properly modify later generations. The word order of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandria generates ambiguity: one possible reading is that the ancient world was located at Alexandria.

在这里的A中为什么resulting from不合适呢?

265. Thomas Eakins' powerful style and his choices of subject--the advances in modern surgery, the discipline of sport, the strains of individuals in tension with society or even with themselves--was as disturbing to his own time as it is compelling for ours.

  1. was as disturbing to his own time as it is

  2. were as disturbing to his own time as they are

  3. has been as disturbing in his own time as they are

  4. had been as disturbing in his own time as it was

  5. have been as disturbing in his own time as

B中的they are compelling for ours 是什么意思呢?

267. Like Rousseau, Tolstoi rebelled against the unnatural complexity of human relations in modern society.

  1. Like Rousseau, Tolstoi rebelled

  2. Like Rousseau, Tolstoi's rebellion was

  3. As Rousseau, Tolstoi rebelle

  4. As did Rousseau, Tolstoi's rebellion was

  5. Tolstoi's rebellion, as Rousseau's, was

    As 和Like有什么不同尤其是在平行结构,用于比较时。

作者: rt316    时间: 2004-7-14 07:38


263-resulting from的主语一般应该是一个事件或某个结果,比如:交通事故大都是由于(result from)酒后驾车。但将主语改成人句子将很难理解,比如:后人由于那场大火而丢失了宝贵的资料。而as a result of作为一个副词结构修饰整个句子就可以避免上述问题。

265-they are compelling for ours 他们令我们这个时代的人敬佩;

作者: shinefloat    时间: 2004-7-14 21:06
作者: hippo_xu    时间: 2004-12-28 02:09

看了stone的解释我还是不理解result from和as result of,请那位NN给解释一下

作者: jade_lee    时间: 2005-1-11 11:41
以下是引用hippo_xu在2004-12-28 2:09:00的发言:

看了stone的解释我还是不理解result from和as result of,请那位NN给解释一下

263. storeren 解释中resulting ..的逻辑主语是later generations, 所以不通。如改为as a result of  介词短语修饰全句,不存在逻辑主语的问题,也就避免了逻辑主语的错误。
作者: hippo_xu    时间: 2005-1-13 07:00
作者: misswmp    时间: 2005-2-3 01:16

263. In A.D. 391, resulting from the destruction of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandria, later generations lost all but the lliad and Odyssey among Greek epics, most of the poetry of Pindar and Sappho, and dozens of plays by Aeschylus and Euripides.

  1. resulting from the destruction of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandria,

  2. the destroying of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandria resulted and

  3. because of the result of the destruction of the library at Alexandria, the largest of the ancient world,

  4. as a result of the destruction of the library at Alexandria, the largest of the ancient world,

  5. Alexandria's largest library of the ancient world was destroyed, and the result was

The best choice is D.

但我怎么看D中the largest of the ancient world修饰有歧异呢?题目中意思是largest library of the ancient world ,我感觉这里the largest of the ancient world 有指the destruction 的嫌疑?


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-3 1:20:16编辑过]

作者: tudou    时间: 2005-5-2 20:44
同样的疑惑,the largest of the ancient world指代不清,前面三个名词都能成为指代的对象,请教
作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-5-3 08:18
这里是同位语结构, 而非代词. 同位语主要靠逻辑意思判断, 一般不会有指代不清的嫌疑.
作者: welkin    时间: 2005-5-19 22:52


as a result of the destruction of the library at Alexandria, the largest of the ancient world 中,我第一反映是the largest of the ancient world 指的是Alexandria, 因为这样的表达我感觉并未指明是largest的什么,可以是largest destruction, largest library, 或者largest city~Alexandria ,当然做题目是要选最优的,而且尽量不要改变愿意(A中的意思),所以可以知道意思应该是largest library。



[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-19 23:03:16编辑过]

作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-5-19 22:55
同位语可以跳越修饰, 就像这题一样.
作者: welkin    时间: 2005-5-20 08:59


作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-5-21 04:58

作者: jackychew    时间: 2005-5-21 20:14

256. The nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius in two letters to the historian Tacitus.

(A)  The nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius in two letters to the historian Tacitus.

(B)   To the historian Tacitus, the nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote two letters, being the only eyewitness accounts of the great eruption of Vesuvius.

(C)  The only eyewitness account is in two letters by the nephew of Pliny the Elder writing to the historian Tacitus an account of the great eruption of Vesuvius.

(D)  Writing the only eyewitness account, Pliny the Elder's nephew accounted for the great eruption of Vesuvius in two letters to the historian Tacitus.

(E)   In two letters to the historian Tacitus, the nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius.


比如256中的A项因为 the great eruption of Vesuvius in two letters 有歧义而不正确。可是从一般思维判断好像总会

下意识认为火山爆发是wrote的内容,即in two letters是修饰wrote;要理解成“写了有关......两封信中的火山爆

发......给the historian Tacitus”从意思上讲并不容易,毕竟wrote和in two letters比较连贯,而于火山爆发一起就比


作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-5-22 00:37

我们要判断的是选项的表达是否准确清晰, 即是否存在歧义, 而不是替选项自圆其说. 一种表达, 我们认为能理解, 并不necessarily证明它就对. "理解"是你的主观判断, 而"对"是客观事实.

256中A the great eruption of Vesuvius in two letters 里面的in two letters 是介词作状语, 就近修饰前面的名词. 所以ETS说它有歧义.

我曾经总结过介词放置的问题, 你可以搜索一下. 请批判着看.

作者: sensornet    时间: 2005-5-23 05:21

作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-6-4 11:01
作者: wingkim    时间: 2005-11-7 22:58
作者: almarabbit01    时间: 2005-12-17 23:38
以下是引用薰衣紫草在2005-5-22 0:37:00的发言:

我们要判断的是选项的表达是否准确清晰, 即是否存在歧义, 而不是替选项自圆其说. 一种表达, 我们认为能理解, 并不necessarily证明它就对. "理解"是你的主观判断, 而"对"是客观事实.

256中A the great eruption of Vesuvius in two letters 里面的in two letters 是介词作状语, 就近修饰前面的名词. 所以ETS说它有歧义.

我曾经总结过介词放置的问题, 你可以搜索一下. 请批判着看.

我曾经总结过介词放置的问题, 你可以搜索一下.


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-17 23:38:26编辑过]

作者: icare1    时间: 2005-12-22 22:12

在带有as … as结构的句子中,通常是主句主语和as分句的主语不同,而比较项目相同。如:John behaves as politely as Bod does. 但带有as…as的句子也可能主语相同,而比较项目不同。如: The girl was as brilliant as she was beautiful. (这姑娘即漂亮又聪明)。又如:Thomas Eakin’s powerful style and his choices of subject -- … -- were as disturbing to his own time as they are compelling to ours. (OG265)

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