
标题: gwd 3-15 [打印本页]

作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-6-20 11:59
标题: gwd 3-15

  In its 1903 decision in the case

       of Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, the United

       States Supreme Court rejected the

Line       efforts of three Native American tribes

  (5)       to prevent the opening of tribal lands

to non-Indian settlement without tribal

consent.  In his study of the Lone

Wolf case, Blue Clark properly

emphasizes the Court’s assertion

(10)      of a virtually unlimited unilateral power

of Congress (the House of Represen-

tatives and the Senate) over Native

American affairs.  But he fails to note

the decision’s more far-reaching

(15)     impact:  shortly after Lone Wolf, the

federal government totally abandoned

negotiation and execution of formal

written agreements with Indian tribes

as a prerequisite for the implemen-

(20)      tation of federal Indian policy.  Many

commentators believe that this change

had already occurred in 1871 when—

following a dispute between the

       House and the Senate over which

(25)       chamber should enjoy primacy in

Indian affairs—Congress abolished

the making of treaties with Native

American tribes.  But in reality the

federal government continued to nego-

(30)      tiate formal tribal agreements past

the turn of the century, treating these

documents not as treaties with sover-

       eign nations requiring ratification by the

Senate but simply as legislation to be

(35)       passed by both houses of Congress.

       The Lone Wolf decision ended this

era of formal negotiation and finally

did away with what had increasingly

become the empty formality of obtain-

ing tribal consent.


According to the passage, which of the following resulted from the Lone Wolf decision?

  • The Supreme Court took on a greater role in Native American affairs.

  • Native American tribes lost their legal standing as sovereign nations in their dealings with the federal government, but their ownership of tribal lands was confirmed.

  • The federal government no longer needed to conclude a formal agreement with a Native American tribe in order to carry out policy decisions that affected the tribe.

  • The federal government began to appropriate tribal lands for distribution to non-Indian settlers.

  • Native American tribes were no longer able to challenge congressional actions by appealing to the Supreme Court.

  • The key is E, I choose C.

    作者: weiyu    时间: 2004-6-20 14:42

    I make the same mistake as you do at my first reading.

    Because the abolishment of agreement occured in 1871, it is unnecessary for congress to sign agreement with minority at that time.


    commentators believe that this change

    had already occurred in 1871 when—

    following a dispute between the

           House and the Senate over which

    (25)       chamber should enjoy primacy in

    Indian affairs—Congress abolished

    the making of treaties with Native

    American tribes.  But in reality the

    federal government continued to nego-

    (30)      tiate formal tribal agreements past

    the turn of the century, treating these(formal agreements)

    documents not as treaties with sover-

           eign nations requiring ratification by the

    Senate but simply as legislation to be

    (35)       passed by both houses of Congress.

    To be discussed...

    作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-6-20 20:59

    C is correct because treaties are not agreements. From 1871 to the lone wolf decision, government still signed agreements,not treaties, with tribes.

    E is wrong because "a virtually unlimited unilateral power of Congress over Native American affairs." doesn't necessarily mean "Native American tribes were no longer able to challenge congressional actions by appealing to the Supreme Court."

    作者: opeman    时间: 2004-6-21 14:28

    I agree with you.

    Choose E is 超越文章前提

    I think C is correct instead

    作者: coolgirl    时间: 2004-6-23 05:43
    But in reality the

    federal government continued to nego-

    (30)      tiate formal tribal agreements past

    the turn of the century, treating these

    documents not as treaties with sover-

           eign nations requiring ratification by the

    Senate but simply as legislation to be

    (35)       passed by both houses of Congress.


    作者: robertchu    时间: 2004-6-23 06:31
    I'm with tianwan and will choose C.
    C "The federal government no longer needed to conclude a formalagreement with a Native American tribe in order to carry out policydecisions that affected the tribe." is almost a repeat of this passae sentence
    "shortly after Lone Wolf, the federal government totally abandonednegotiation and execution of formal written agreements with Indiantribes as a prerequisite for the implementation of federal Indianpolicy. "
    There is no mentioning of Native American's ability to challenge Congress in the Supreme Court  in the passage.

    作者: Ivy2004    时间: 2004-6-25 15:21



    我知道Congress包括the House和the Senate.

    但是,还有几个机构之间的关系和他们的关系又如何呢?   chamber, the federal government, the Super Court.


    作者: Ivy2004    时间: 2004-6-25 15:23


    As an element in the argument presented by the author of the passage, the reference to Blue Clark’s study of the Lone Wolf case serves primarily to                     

    1. point out that this episode in Native American history has received inadequate attention from scholars
    2. support the contention of the author of the passage that the Lone Wolf decision had a greater long-term impact than did the congressional action of 1871
    3. challenge the validity of the Supreme Court’s decision confirming the unlimited unilateral power of Congress in Native American affairs
    4. refute the argument of commentators who regard the congressional action of 1871 as the end of the era of formal negotiation between the federal government and Native American tribes

    E. introduce a view about the Lone Wolf decision that the author will expand upon


    作者: robertchu    时间: 2004-6-26 01:39
    The author does not make any claim that this episode has not receivedany adequate attention.  If you choose A, you have to askyourself, has the author claimed so?

    作者: rhod    时间: 2004-7-1 14:10

    Q15 I choose C.


    作者: 青鸟    时间: 2004-7-6 19:39

    同意选 c。对应原文在这里:

    shortly after Lone Wolf, the

    federal government totally abandoned

    negotiation and execution of formal

    written agreements with Indian tribes

    as a prerequisite for the implemen-

    (20)      tation of federal Indian policy.

    [此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-6 19:48:55编辑过]

    作者: fair_sword    时间: 2004-7-8 17:33

    15. The correct answer should be C, I want points out that the focus of the question is ' resulted from the Lone Wolf decision". There are two places mention the results of “the LW decision”. In line 14, the author points out that “Blue Clark” fails to note the decision’s more far-reaching=result from the decision, then the author asserts that the direct result is shortly after Lone Wolf, the federal government totally abandoned negotiation and execution of formal written agreements with Indian tribes as a prerequisite for the implementation of federal Indian policy”, choice C express this result clearly by another structure of the sentence.

    Furthermore, in the line 35, the author mentions the result of ”the LW decision’ again, he points out that that “The Lone Wolf decision ended this era of formal negotiation and finally did away with what had increasingly become the empty formality of obtaining tribal consent.”the author never mention any things about whether Native American tribes challenge congressional actions by appealing to the Supreme Court. Thus, choice E is out.
    作者: 小鱼儿    时间: 2004-8-18 23:21
    作者: horsefish    时间: 2004-8-28 22:09

    呵呵, 我也选C.

    作者: miaoyin_tx    时间: 2004-9-14 13:04
    作者: jojocarter    时间: 2004-9-15 11:58
    以下是引用Ivy2004在2004-6-25 15:23:00的发言:


    As an element in the argument presented by the author of the passage, the reference to Blue Clark’s study of the Lone Wolf case serves primarily to                     

    1. point out that this episode in Native American history has received inadequate attention from scholars

    2. support the contention of the author of the passage that the Lone Wolf decision had a greater long-term impact than did the congressional action of 1871

    3. challenge the validity of the Supreme Court’s decision confirming the unlimited unilateral power of Congress in Native American affairs

    4. refute the argument of commentators who regard the congressional action of 1871 as the end of the era of formal negotiation between the federal government and Native American tribes

    E. introduce a view about the Lone Wolf decision that the author will expand upon


    Blue Clark properly

    emphasizes the Court’s assertion

    (10)      of a virtually unlimited unilateral power

    of Congress (the House of Represen-

    tatives and the Senate) over Native

    American affairs.  But he fails to note

    the decision’s more far-reaching

    (15)      impact:  shortly after Lone Wolf, the


    作者: shifeng    时间: 2004-9-21 03:21

    看来你该读一下美国宪法了,不长,字字千金,读起来很感人,我曾经读哭过(如果你对着案例读的话)。我不是学法律的,可能解释的不太好。美国三权分立,行政权归政府the federal gov.首脑是总统。主要处理日常事务,如内政外交军事建设等;立法权归议会chamber or congress including the House and the Senate.议会管立法,通过法律来调教国家关系,两院分工不同,大部分议案需要两院都通过。由于两院的选举方式不同,平衡了大州和小州的关系。当然总统可以否决法案,但是议会以更高票数再次通过时,总统不得否决;司法权归法院,由法院独立于行政体系执法,美国司法体系是判例法,最高法院super court有一个非常重要的权利就是解释宪法,可以以违宪为由否决法律,通过解释宪法使得不变的美国宪法用了200多年仍然保持青春,只通过了20多条修正案来完善宪法。

    作者: cranberry    时间: 2004-10-4 13:45
    作者: Penggary    时间: 2004-10-5 00:18


    作者: Maggieyin    时间: 2004-10-7 11:06
    以下是引用fair_sword在2004-7-8 17:33:00的发言:

    15. The correct answer should be C, I want points out that the focus of the question is ' resulted from the Lone Wolf decision". There are two places mention the results of “the LW decision”. In line 14, the author points out that “Blue Clark” fails to note the decision’s more far-reaching=result from the decision, then the author asserts that the direct result is shortly after Lone Wolf, the federal government totally abandoned negotiation and execution of formal written agreements with Indian tribes as a prerequisite for the implementation of federal Indian policy”, choice C express this result clearly by another structure of the sentence.

    Furthermore, in the line 35, the author mentions the result of ”the LW decision’ again, he points out that that “The Lone Wolf decision ended this era of formal negotiation and finally did away with what had increasingly become the empty formality of obtaining tribal consent.”the author never mention any things about whether Native American tribes challenge congressional actions by appealing to the Supreme Court. Thus, choice E is out.

    好想明白了,这句话能否请put into chinese?实在不好意思,我想的头痛!

    the federal government totally abandoned negotiation and execution of formal written agreements with Indian tribes as a prerequisite for the implementation of federal Indian policy”,

    联邦政府只有放弃谈判和执行的权力,才可以来实施联邦政策,是这样理解吗?那么,execution 和implementation有什么区别呢?如十七兄弟解释的那样,“the federal gov.首脑是总统。主要处理日常事务,如内政外交军事建设等;”政府放弃了,哪个部门来执行呢?

    The Lone Wolf decision ended this era of formal negotiation and finally did away with what had increasingly become the empty formality of obtaining tribal consent.


    作者: victorliao    时间: 2004-10-13 20:59
    XDJM,give me a hand please!

    [此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-13 21:09:00编辑过]

    作者: victorliao    时间: 2004-10-13 21:12

    I failed to edit above message. Please disregard my post at 21th floor.

    Sorry for inconvenience occured!

    作者: almarabbit01    时间: 2004-10-18 11:20

    Q15 我也选C

    作者: vicshiu    时间: 2004-10-22 15:35

    the federal government totally abandoned negotiation and execution of formal written agreements with Indian tribes as a prerequisite for the implementation of federal Indian policy”,

    這句話的意思應該是: 聯邦政府原本在執行與印地安部落相關的政策時都必須跟印地安部落溝通, 但在Lone wolf case之後, 聯邦政府就不在這麼做了.(不溝通, 也不訂合約)


    [此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-22 15:37:03编辑过]

    作者: sendme    时间: 2004-10-24 17:09
    标题: GWD 3-15 again

    In its 1903 decision in the case

           of Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, the United

           States Supreme Court rejected the

    Line       efforts of three Native American tribes

      (5)      to prevent the opening of tribal lands

    to non-Indian settlement without tribal

    consent.  In his study of the Lone

    Wolf case, Blue Clark properly

    emphasizes the Court’s assertion

    (10)      of a virtually unlimited unilateral power

    of Congress (the House of Represen-

    tatives and the Senate) over Native

    American affairs.  But he fails to note

    the decision’s more far-reaching

    (15)      impact:  shortly after Lone Wolf, the

    federal government totally abandoned

    negotiation and execution of formal

    written agreements with Indian tribes

    as a prerequisite for the implemen-

    (20)      tation of federal Indian policy.  Many

    commentators believe that this change

    had already occurred in 1871 when—

    following a dispute between the

           House and the Senate over which

    (25)      chamber should enjoy primacy in

    Indian affairs—Congress abolished

    the making of treaties with Native

    American tribes.  But in reality the

    federal government continued to nego-

    (30)      tiate formal tribal agreements past

    the turn of the century, treating these

    documents not as treaties with sover

    eign nations requiring ratification by the

    Senate but simply as legislation to be

    (35)      passed by both houses of Congress.

           The Lone Wolf decision ended this

    era of formal negotiation and finally

    did away with what had increasingly

    become the empty formality of obtain-

    ing tribal consent.

    15 According to the passage, which of the following resulted from the Lone Wolf decision?

  • The Supreme Court took on a greater role in Native American affairs.

  • Native American tribes lost their legal standing as sovereign nations in their dealings with the federal government, but their ownership of tribal lands was confirmed.

  • The federal government no longer needed to conclude a formal agreement with a Native American tribe in order to carry out policy decisions that affected the tribe.

  • The federal government began to appropriate tribal lands for distribution to non-Indian settlers.

  • Native American tribes were no longer able to challenge congressional actions by appealing to the Supreme Court.

  • i think C is incorrect, since the text doesn't mention whether the goverment or Congress continue concluding(make) a formal agreement with Natives ,but only refers to "abandoned negotiation and execution of formal written agreements with Indian tribes-line 16"  and "ended this era of formal negotiation and finally did away with what had increasingly become the empty formality of obtain-ing tribal consent.line -35".i believe  their meaning are definitely different.

    and E is correct since, afeter, the case of Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, the Native can't negotiate with goverment or appeal through Supreme court in case they were hurt by the actions of Goverment and Congree.

    just my oppinion. pls leave some ideas.

    作者: bobomomo    时间: 2004-10-28 07:14
    LAWYER 一说话就动了我选C 的决心了呢 。。。
    作者: rings    时间: 2004-11-22 12:47
    以下是引用bobomomo在2004-10-28 7:14:00的发言:
    LAWYER 一说话就动了我选C 的决心了呢 。。。


    作者: rings    时间: 2004-11-22 12:54



    作者: rings    时间: 2004-11-23 09:46
    作者: lawyer_1    时间: 2004-11-24 00:15

    文章意思:在1903年的L. vs. H 案件中,美国高等法院判L败诉。L企图阻止没有部落同意的对非土著人的土地转让。在研究该案例时,BC合适的强调了高院对国会(包括众议院和参议院)对土著事务的绝对的单方面的权利的维护。但是他没有注意到该判决的深远意义:该判决后联邦政府完全放弃作为执行土著事务前提条件的和土著人的正式书面协议的谈判和执行。很多评论家相信这种改变早在1871年就出现,众议院和参议院的权力之争导致国会不再和土著人签条约。但在过去的世纪之交,联邦政府实际上仍然和土著人签协议,并且没有将这些协议当作需要参议院批准的与主权国家的条约,而是简单当作两院通过的立法。该判例结束了正式谈判的时代,最后废除了越来越流于形式的部落同意。



    E 其实完全来源于原文的properly  emphasizes the Court’s assertion of a virtually unlimited unilateral power of Congress。而且作者作了评价properly。高院在该案件中判决国会在土著事务中有绝对单方面的权利,这成了先例,而且高院是最高的,土著人不能再通过高院challenge国会的决定。故E

    C.从是否必要来讲(注意C是说no longer need),早在1874年两院权力之争就导致了联邦政府不再需要签条约,从实际上讲政府还在签,只是政府不将它当条约,而是当作普通立法。判决只是导致了这种实际做法的结束而不是导致必要性的结束。故C不是答案。

    [此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-24 3:51:40编辑过]

    作者: rings    时间: 2004-11-24 01:08


    作者: hpp920    时间: 2004-11-26 09:01

    大家讨论的好仔细呀, 汗.............

    lawyer, 对E我有个疑问: the Court’s assertion of a virtually unlimited unilateral power of Congress over Native American affairs. 不知你注意这个virtually了没?我觉着这件案子土著人败诉, 实质上是高院认为国会在土著事务中有绝对的单方面的权利. 但高院并没有这样的裁定, 高院裁定的是个案的胜诉, 只能以事论事, 应该不能就此裁定国会在所有的土著事务中都有绝对的单方面的权利. 所以我想土著人有别的事,还是应该可以再上告到高院, 再chanllage国会, 虽然必败, 但我们不能说土著人no longer able to do this.


    [此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-26 9:03:45编辑过]

    作者: youpiao    时间: 2004-11-29 19:12

    看了这么多发言,本来我已经被lawyer的帖子说服了的,但后来又觉得E中的were no longer able to challenge 是不是太绝对了?跟楼上的DD一样,我想问一下:土著人怎么就不能起诉了呢?又没有法律规定不让native American challenge.   

    而且我觉得C中的no longer needed to “没有必要”可能不是什么问题吧?原文

    Congress abolished

    the making of treaties with Native

    American tribes.  But in reality the

    federal government continued to nego-

    (30)      tiate formal tribal agreements past

    the turn of the century,

    说明虽然国会废除了making of treaties with Native

    American tribes. 但政府continued,说明政府认为还是有必要要negotiate formal tribal agreements ,不然政府干嘛要继续呢?政府之所以继续肯定有它认为必要的道理。


    作者: tempture    时间: 2004-12-6 07:26


    作者: irene2023    时间: 2004-12-8 12:07
    以下是引用jojocarter在2004-9-15 11:58:00的发言:

    Blue Clark properly

    emphasizes the Court’s assertion

    (10)      of a virtually unlimited unilateral power

    of Congress (the House of Represen-

    tatives and the Senate) over Native

    American affairs.  But he fails to note

    the decision’s more far-reaching

    (15)      impact:  shortly after Lone Wolf, the


    那为何(D)不行呢?作者引用BC的研究不就是要说明formal agreement止于Lone Wolf,不是止于the congressional action of 1871,是要推翻commentators的观点没错啊?

    作者: leeon    时间: 2004-12-8 17:02



    According to the passage, which of the following was true of relations between the federal government and Native American tribes?


    1. Some Native American tribes approved of the congressional action of 1871 because it simplified their dealings with the federal government.
    2. Some Native American tribes were more eager to negotiate treaties with the United States after the Lone Wolf decision.
    3. Prior to the Lone Wolf decision, the Supreme Court was reluctant to hear cases involving agreements negotiated between Congress and Native American tribes.
    4. Prior to 1871, the federal government sometimes negotiated treaties with Native American tribes.
    5. Following 1871, the House exercised more power than did the Senate in the government’s dealings with Native American tribes.


    作者: davidcopper    时间: 2004-12-9 20:27
    楼上说的是13题吧, 答案是D
    作者: leeon    时间: 2004-12-10 09:37
    作者: shuijingwawa    时间: 2004-12-10 11:57
    definately C. In reality the function of the Supreme Court is to check the action of the other branches of the American political system which was the intent of the Founding Fathers, i.e. seperation of powers. If E was correct, both the power of indian tribes and that of the Court would be denuded.
    作者: msfox    时间: 2004-12-12 17:04


    "Many commentators believe that this change had already occurred in 1871 when", 1871年已经发生了。因此C不对。

    作者: billgong    时间: 2005-1-3 08:15


    treaty 和 agreement 在文中是两个不同的概念。

    1871年,"Congress abolished the making of treaties with Native American tribes" (congress 放弃了treaty).

    但是,"But in reality the federal government continued to negotiate formal tribal agreements past the turn of the century, treating these documents not as treaties with sovereign nations requiring ratification by the Senate but simply as legislation to be passed by both houses of Congress." (把agreement作为legislation来negociate).

    而在Long Wolf后,"shortly after Lone Wolf, the federal government totally abandoned negotiation and execution of formal written agreements with Indian tribes" (agreement 被放弃)


    作者: smartdummy    时间: 2005-1-17 18:39

    I encountered this passage in my first time took GMAT. I chose E (trust GWD's answer), although I believe in C, then I felt my next question was easier.

    Now I will definitely choose C next time (if there would be a "next time").

    作者: jerryyang    时间: 2005-1-28 21:05

    I encountered this passage in my first time took GMAT. I chose E (trust GWD's answer), although I believe in C, then I felt my next question was easier.

    Now I will definitely choose C next time (if there would be a "next time").


    作者: ponny    时间: 2005-3-8 11:34


    the turn of the century应该是指1903以前.

    文章的大概顺序是:1903,因为lone wolf出台,

    The federal government totally abandoned

    negotiation and execution of formal

    written agreements with Indian tribes

    as a prerequisite for the implemen-

    (20)            tation of federal Indian policy




    federal government continued to nego-

    (30)        tiate formal tribal agreements

    最后结论:lone wolf 结束了这个negotiation

    的时代.也就是说lone wolf后,agreements


    选 C

    作者: tqbiao    时间: 2005-3-17 20:14


    这题怎么做呢? 看样子只能希望考试的时候别遇到了!

    作者: tqbiao    时间: 2005-3-17 20:34

    c中的policy decisicons 如果指的是line31的 treating these documents not as treaties的话,那么c就不对了,因为在1871年就没了。

    然后line34的but 后面说道这段时间仍然作为legislation to be  passed by both houses of Congress,这就符合了e的 no longer able to challenge congressional actions ,我的问题是需要appealing to Supreme Court吗?

    又是legislation,又是treaties, 又是policy之间的关系实在感觉是稀里糊涂的!

    作者: yuliyang    时间: 2005-3-30 20:27
    作者: autumn_leaves    时间: 2005-4-6 23:41




    作者: littlewoman    时间: 2005-4-20 15:59



    虽然文中有提到many commentator的观点,但是别忘了作者对这些人的观点是持负评价的,可以从后面的but看出来,其实作者不这么认为的(即从1871年就开始放弃了)。所以,作者的观点还是从L事件开始,联邦政府才真正不用和土著人签合约。



    作者: rivergirl    时间: 2005-4-25 16:32
    以下是引用jojocarter在2004-9-15 11:58:00的发言:

    Blue Clark properly

    emphasizes the Court’s assertion

    (10)      of a virtually unlimited unilateral power

    of Congress (the House of Represen-

    tatives and the Senate) over Native

    American affairs.  But he fails to note

    the decision’s more far-reaching

    (15)      impact:  shortly after Lone Wolf, the



    作者: Maggiewjy    时间: 2005-4-28 13:48
    But he fails to note

    the decision’s more far-reaching

    (15)     impact: shortly after Lone Wolf, the

    federal government totally abandoned

    negotiation and execution of formal

    written agreements with Indian tribes

    as a prerequisite for the implemen-

    (20)      tation of federal Indian policy 。Many

    commentators believe that this change

    had already occurred in 1871  由此可见选E为妙。B的观点是驳斥Many commentators 的。

    作者: Maggiewjy    时间: 2005-4-28 13:56
    同意laywer...properly表明BC对于congress power的正态度。因此是支持的
    作者: annw    时间: 2005-5-31 08:47

    C选项与“ shortly after Lone Wolf, the federal government totally abandoned negotiation and execution of formal written agreements with Indian tribes as a prerequisite for the implemen-”这句话完全对应啊

    [此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-31 8:49:44编辑过]

    作者: xinfaxian    时间: 2005-5-31 12:26


    According to the passage, which of the following resulted from the Lone Wolf decision?

    1. The Supreme Court took on a greater role in Native American affairs.

    2. Native American tribes lost their legal standing as sovereign nations in their dealings with the federal government, but their ownership of tribal lands was confirmed.

    3. The federal government no longer needed to conclude a formal agreement with a Native American tribe in order to carry out policy decisions that affected the tribe.

    4. The federal government began to appropriate tribal lands for distribution to non-Indian settlers.

    5. Native American tribes were no longer able to challenge congressional actions by appealing to the Supreme Court.


    偶这题做的时候在C,E之间犹豫了很久,选的是C.总结的时候看了这么多大家的讨论,虽然lawyer gg分析得很有道理,但是我还是觉得C对。

    理由1,E太绝对了吧?前面有几位mm提到的,那是不是说所有的有关native americans的事务都不能向高院去appeal啦?应该不会吧?

    理由2,再来看看C, " longer needed to conclude a formal agreement...",说明federal government非正式地还是在听取native americans 的意见的呀,只不过federal government 不需要formal agreement 罢了。  (美国政府double standard的例子应该不止这一个吧?呵呵。)

    [此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-31 12:27:52编辑过]

    作者: fchn951    时间: 2005-6-16 12:15
    作者: windlake    时间: 2005-7-2 08:02
    以前很迷信lawyer的,但是想了半天他的话,我还是觉得最终的结果是结束了正式谈判,那也就是“no longer need”了。还是选c
    作者: 御风行    时间: 2005-7-4 18:06
    以下是引用rivergirl在2005-4-25 16:32:00的发言:



    作者: ring_cheng    时间: 2005-7-11 14:54


    Q15: According to the passage, which of the following resulted from the Lone Wolf decision?

    C。The federal government no longer needed to conclude a formal agreement with a Native American tribe in order to carry out policy decisions that affected the tribe.

    But he fails to note

    the decision’s more far-reaching

    (15)     impact:  shortly after Lone Wolf, the

    federal government totally abandoned

    negotiation and execution of formal

    written agreements with Indian tribes

    as a prerequisite for the implemen-

    (20)      tation of federal Indian policy.  

    针对lawyer所说no longer 修饰needed的语义错误,我认为原文中(如上)说明了该法案后,政府已经把曾经prerequisite (=选项中的needed)的agreement彻度抛弃,即:从那时起,原本的必需已经不再必须了。


    作者: swlfx    时间: 2005-7-25 13:56
    以下是引用hpp920在2004-11-26 9:01:00的发言:

    大家讨论的好仔细呀, 汗.............

    lawyer, 对E我有个疑问: the Court’s assertion of a virtually unlimited unilateral power of Congress over Native American affairs. 不知你注意这个virtually了没?我觉着这件案子土著人败诉, 实质上是高院认为国会在土著事务中有绝对的单方面的权利. 但高院并没有这样的裁定, 高院裁定的是个案的胜诉, 只能以事论事, 应该不能就此裁定国会在所有的土著事务中都有绝对的单方面的权利. 所以我想土著人有别的事,还是应该可以再上告到高院, 再chanllage国会, 虽然必败, 但我们不能说土著人no longer able to do this.



    作者: swlfx    时间: 2005-7-25 14:05
    以下是引用shuijingwawa在2004-12-10 11:57:00的发言:
    definately C. In reality the function of the Supreme Court is to check the action of the other branches of the American political system which was the intent of the Founding Fathers, i.e. seperation of powers. If E was correct, both the power of indian tribes and that of the Court would be denuded.


    作者: CHEEROICA    时间: 2005-8-4 22:54
    标题: [讨论]GWD3-15


    而且我认为此题已经用到了不少法律知识 ets出这么一道题挺bt的



    虽然原文说shortly after LW, 联邦政府完全摒弃将正式agreement作为执行政策的先决条件,但是紧接着又说Many commentators believe that this change had already occurred in 1871(这种变化早在1871年已经发生) 『when— following a dispute between the House and the Senate over which chamber should enjoy primacy in Indian affairs—(这种变化曾follow一个争论over……)』Congress abolished the making of treaties with Native American tribes.  

    换句话说1871年的变化——Congress abolished the making of treaties with Native American tribes.  的结果才是C答案
    C的错误是由shortly after的时间先后就推出因果关系

    E选项为什么对  像hpp920的疑问我想不少人有 就是看着no longer不顺眼 原文没有说不能再challenge
    但是美国是判例法体系 所谓判例法就是说法院以前的判例对后来法官的判决有约束 遵循先例原则在判例法国家里一个案件判决“不用订立agreement”,相当于在成文法国的法典规定“不用订立”。lw案作为一个判例的直接后果就是土著人no longer able to challenge    E选项 文章直推可得

    一个判例使之成为法律,从此土著人只能服从法律,所以no longer able to challenge

    虽然ets宣称头脑空白原则 但是我觉得如果了解美国的法律就可以很轻易地选出E,反之会很快排除E

    [此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-4 22:56:26编辑过]

    作者: oldest    时间: 2005-8-26 00:35
    作者: vacationer    时间: 2005-8-31 10:19

    According to the passage, which of the following resulted from the Lone Wolf decision?

    E. Native American tribes were no longer able to challenge congressional actions by appealing to the Supreme Court.

    我觉得E太绝对了, 而且这里的congressional actions不仅仅指文中的action吧.


    作者: armstrong    时间: 2005-8-31 11:02
    标题: 回复:(tianwan)gwd 3-15



    E,Native American tribes were no longer able to challenge congressional actions by appealing to the Supreme Court.

    似乎是说native american什么事情(而不仅仅限于是文章讨论的内容)都不能向最高法院告国会,过分扩大了该判决的影响,而且不合情理。

    作者: wennier    时间: 2005-8-31 11:23


    作者: 水蓝27    时间: 2005-9-15 17:35


    The Lone Wolf decision ended this era of formal negotiation and finally did away with what had increasingly become the empty formality of obtaining tribal consent.

    C选项:The federal government no longer needed to conclude a formal agreement with a Native American tribe in order to carry out policy decisions that affected the tribe.

    这样看来还是C好一些,而且文中自始至终都在从government的角度谈Lone Wolf的影响,E是从tribe的角度来说的,文中没有提到


    作者: illgetthere    时间: 2005-9-16 11:11


    作者: sammaijgd    时间: 2005-9-18 12:16
    作者: jackdua_cn    时间: 2005-9-20 11:58

    [QUO.从是否必要来讲(注意C是说no longer need),早在1874年两院权力之争就导致了联邦政府不再需要签条约,从实际上讲政府还在签,只是政府不将它当条约,而是当作普通立法。判决只是导致了这种实际做法的结束而不是导致必要性的结束。故C不是答案。

    strongly support

    作者: advantage    时间: 2005-10-12 13:18
    作者: z520m    时间: 2005-10-18 12:23
    gmat题目一个鲜明的特点就是所有信息要从文中获得,要从the Court’s assertion of a virtually unlimited unilateral power of Congress (the House of Representatives and the Senate) over Native American affairs推出E还是需要附加信息的。难道最高法院赋予congress权利就可以推出native American不能挑战congress的权利了吗?这个推导不能根据文中信息推得,所以E超越了文中的讨论范围。但是,C也有点问题。这个needed to有问题,因为在1987年federal就不需要agreement with tribes了,只是federal还是继续这么做而已。讨论太久,希望能出个结果。
    作者: 透明萝卜    时间: 2005-11-16 19:48


    作者: junguo21c    时间: 2005-11-29 03:35
    support c
    作者: wingkim    时间: 2006-1-23 09:52
    以下是引用vacationer在2005-8-31 10:19:00的发言:

    According to the passage, which of the following resulted from the Lone Wolf decision?

    E. Native American tribes were no longer able to challenge congressional actions by appealing to the Supreme Court.

    我觉得E太绝对了, 而且这里的congressional actions不仅仅指文中的action吧.



    作者: vironica_ee    时间: 2006-4-14 07:08

    it's possible to appeal again. but they(tribes) will fail according to the case. so, it's C

    作者: merci2006    时间: 2006-5-31 00:43

    sorry, buddies I choose E, although at first glance I done with C.

    the last sentence of the article is:

    The Lone Wolf decision ended this

    era of formal negotiation and finally

    did away with what had increasingly

    become the empty formality of obtain-

    ing tribal consent.

    pay more attention to finally, empty formality...

    作者: vanessav    时间: 2006-6-9 02:43

    "did away had become increasingly empty formality... "

    意味着 that there is no need to obtain the tribal consent, 但是15题的问题是"according to the passage.".

    根据OG 对此类问题的explanation, this "according" to the passage,指的一定是文中explictly指出的。而不是inference。



    The Lone Wolf decision ended this

    era of formal negotiation ……



    都是best answer。




    In its 1903 decision in the case

           of Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, the United

           States Supreme Court rejected the

    Line       efforts of three Native American tribes

      (5)      to prevent the opening of tribal lands

    to non-Indian settlement without tribal


    鉴于美国最高法院有着至高无上的权力,唯一能对美宪法进行解释,最高法院在“lone wolf”

    中否决了indian tribes的请求,这样说来,他们也是没有办法了。

    说明这个 Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock case 其实就是印第安tribes 上诉的case,结果被rejected了。所以,他们也就没有机会再上诉了。

    [此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-9 3:11:23编辑过]

    作者: shouyang12    时间: 2006-7-7 11:01


    C. The federal government no longer needed to conclude a formal agreement with a Native American tribe in order to carry out policy decisions that affected the tribe.

    “in order to carry out policy decisions that affected the tribe. ”原文没有提及

    作者: kathy8446    时间: 2006-8-15 17:21


    受3楼tianwanNN帖子的启发,发现E几乎是原文L8-13的同义改写(unlimited unilateral power对应不能challenge)。

    E.Native American tribes were no longer able to challenge congressional actions by appealing to the Supreme Court.

    原文L8-13: Blue Clark properly emphasizes the Court’s assertion of a virtually unlimited unilateral power of Congress (the House of Representatives and the Senate) over Native American affairs. 


    题干 resulted from the Lone Wolf decision

    而原文L8-13说 Blue Clark properly emphasizes the Court’s assertion of   


    况且原文只是说power over Native American Affairs. NA还是可以就其他问题进行challenge的吧。

    [此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-15 17:28:53编辑过]

    作者: ecochem    时间: 2006-9-22 02:06

    题干写是according to the passage,那C可以直接从原文定位给出



    作者: lewton    时间: 2007-5-10 21:03


    作者: zxzhyzcy    时间: 2007-6-7 22:40



    作者: vivian_huang    时间: 2007-8-3 21:57
    作者: songyeonpp    时间: 2007-8-27 07:54

    The federal government of the United States is the United States
    governmental body that carries out the roles assigned to the federation of individual states established by the Constitution.

    The federal government has three branches: the executive, legislative, and judicial.

    Legislative branch: The United States Congress, comprising the House of Representatives and the Senate.

    Executive branch: The President and his delegates.

    Judicial branch:  United States federal courts . The highest court is the Supreme Court.

    作者: vivian_huang    时间: 2007-9-21 15:15
    标题: 大家都觉得13题不用讨论吗?


    According to the passage, which of the following was true of relations between the federal government and Native American tribes?


    1. Some Native American tribes approved of the congressional action of 1871 because it simplified their dealings with the federal government.
    2. Some Native American tribes were more eager to negotiate treaties with the United States after the Lone Wolf decision.
    3. Prior to the Lone Wolf decision, the Supreme Court was reluctant to hear cases involving agreements negotiated between Congress and Native American tribes.
    4. Prior to 1871, the federal government sometimes negotiated treaties with Native American tribes.
    5. Following 1871, the House exercised more power than did the Senate in the government’s dealings with Native American tribes.???

    13题的答案是D,可是我在D和E间犹豫,后来还是选了E。 我觉得D似乎没有错,但是,它有个“some times”原文好像没有提到这个频率的问题。

    但是,E的话,和原文比,应该是对的阿,说从1871年以后,本应该两院一起审核的东西仅仅作为立法性质的文件,由house直接审核了,所以在native americans的问题上,house获得了比Senate更高的权利阿? 大家怎么看?

    作者: 行缘    时间: 2007-10-13 14:46
    以下是引用vivian_huang在2007-9-21 15:15:00的发言:


    According to the passage, which of the following was true of relations between the federal government and Native American tribes?


    1. Some Native American tribes approved of the congressional action of 1871 because it simplified their dealings with the federal government.
    2. Some Native American tribes were more eager to negotiate treaties with the United States after the Lone Wolf decision.
    3. Prior to the Lone Wolf decision, the Supreme Court was reluctant to hear cases involving agreements negotiated between Congress and Native American tribes.
    4. Prior to 1871, the federal government sometimes negotiated treaties with Native American tribes.
    5. Following 1871, the House exercised more power than did the Senate in the government’s dealings with Native American tribes.???

    13题的答案是D,可是我在D和E间犹豫,后来还是选了E。 我觉得D似乎没有错,但是,它有个“some times”原文好像没有提到这个频率的问题。

    但是,E的话,和原文比,应该是对的阿,说从1871年以后,本应该两院一起审核的东西仅仅作为立法性质的文件,由house直接审核了,所以在native americans的问题上,house获得了比Senate更高的权利阿? 大家怎么看?

    D,的sometime确实有些不爽,不过从逻辑上讲是对的,就算事实是goverment总是negotiate, sometime是子集,逻辑不因该错,但却是不好。

    E。原来是Senate, 后来是both houses. 选项中的比较是 House 在 1871后 和 Senate 1871前,还是house 小吧 。

    作者: 足球幽灵    时间: 2008-6-7 10:54
    以下是引用lewton在2007-5-10 21:03:00的发言:



    作者: ssyy23    时间: 2011-9-6 15:50
    The number of formal agreements negotiated between the federal government and Native American tribes decreased.

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