
标题: OG-12-102题,这答案真是太牵强了!求人指点! [打印本页]

作者: luciole    时间: 2010-4-14 22:18
标题: OG-12-102题,这答案真是太牵强了!求人指点!
102. Theater critic: The play La Finestrina, now at the Central Theater, was written in Italy in the 18th century.The director claims that this production is as similar to the original production as is possible in a modern theater.Although the actor who plays Harlequin the clown gives a performance very reminiscent of the 20th century American comedian Groucho Marx, Marx's comic style was very much within the comic acting tradition that had begun in 16th century Italy.
The considerations given best serve as part of an argument that

A.modern audiences would find it hard to tolerate certain characteristics of a historically accurate performance of an 18th century play

B.Groucho Marx once performed the part of the character Harlequin in La Finestrina the United States the training of actors in the 20th century is based on principles that do not differ radically from those that underlay the training of actors in 18th century Italy

D. the performance of the actor who plays Harle quin in La Finestrna does not serve as evidence against the director's claim

E.the director of La Finestrina must have advised the actor who plays Harlequin to model his performance on comic peoformance of Groucho Marx

作者: iceberg07    时间: 2010-4-14 23:03
102. Theater critic: The play La Finestrina, now at the Central Theater, was written in Italy in the 18th century.The director claims that this production is as similar to the original production as is possible in a modern theater.Although the actor who plays Harlequin the clown gives a performance very reminiscent of the 20th century American comedian Groucho Marx, Marx's comic style was very much within the comic acting tradition that had begun in 16th century Italy.
The considerations given best serve as part of an argument that

D. the performance of the actor who plays Harle quin in La Finestrna does not serve as evidence against the director's claim

-- by 会员 luciole (2010/4/14 22:18:08)

作者: luciole    时间: 2010-4-14 23:20
作者: luciole    时间: 2010-4-15 11:09
作者: sunluning0    时间: 2010-4-15 14:03
楼主漏掉了非常关键的一个词就是Although, 让步了以后,意思就转折了。正确的理解是:说明这个演员并没有照搬18世纪的原著,这个演员的表演风格是另一个被20世纪观众追忆,但是具有从意大利16世纪开始出现的表演传统的演员有相同的风格。
作者: iamyaoyao    时间: 2010-4-15 17:14
我也觉得答案解释的很牵强,我自己的理解是导演说这个play最大程度上忠实了18世纪原著。虽然演H的演员的表演会让人想起GM,一个20世纪的喜剧演员(这里是一个evidence against the director's claim,因为20世纪说明不similar to the original production),但是最后又转折了,说M的喜剧风格实际上16世纪就出现了(也就是说确实是similar to the original production,所以这个表演并不能作为反驳导演的证据)
作者: gingerbread    时间: 2010-4-16 04:34
作者: sunluning0    时间: 2010-4-16 09:48
我也觉得答案解释的很牵强,我自己的理解是导演说这个play最大程度上忠实了18世纪原著。虽然演H的演员的表演会让人想起GM,一个20世纪的喜剧演员(这里是一个evidence against the director's claim,因为20世纪说明不similar to the original production),但是最后又转折了,说M的喜剧风格实际上16世纪就出现了(也就是说确实是similar to the original production,所以这个表演并不能作为反驳导演的证据)
-- by 会员 iamyaoyao (2010/4/15 17:14:12)

作者: luciole    时间: 2010-4-16 11:19
作者: sure1301    时间: 2010-4-16 23:56
作者: holyh    时间: 2010-4-17 01:46
个人觉得上面这段话是围绕着actor's performance讲的
对比的也是actor's performance和max's style

作者: helenlife    时间: 2010-4-17 12:00
-- by 会员 sure1301 (2010/4/16 23:56:24)


结果是,演员的演出方式虽然让人联想到20世纪的喜剧演员,但是他的演出风格却是16世纪的。 也即,他的风格比18世纪更加传统。

作者: kaipiggy    时间: 2010-6-12 16:07
作者: 阿尔法柔笼    时间: 2010-6-12 18:39
楼上的我觉得说的问题就是这道题的关键点,我个人觉得题目中假设的应该是18世纪风格和16世纪风格肯定是有区别的。你想啊 ,一个风格传承下来肯定也有改进和变化。

作者: taolixianshi    时间: 2010-6-16 11:43
作者: taolixianshi    时间: 2010-6-16 11:44
作者: 三零年代    时间: 2010-8-21 17:37


答案: 演员的表演方法削弱了导演的claim。

作者: fiona1988325    时间: 2010-9-13 22:21
作者: Sonehri    时间: 2011-2-28 16:15

作者: helio5    时间: 2011-5-23 23:49
The considerations given best serve as part of an argument that....

D 剧中演员的表演不能成为反驳导演的说法的证据
作者: summer8    时间: 2011-5-24 09:24
作者: joyceblue520    时间: 2011-7-21 11:54
作者: joyceblue520    时间: 2011-7-21 11:59


A:  the director claims that this production is as similar to the original production as is possible in a modern theather
B: the actor giives a performance very reminiscent of the 20th American comedian GM
C: GM's coic style was very much within the comic acting tradition


那使A能够顺利推出B的considerations 是答案D

THE performance of the actor who plays Harlequin in La Finestrina does not serve as evidence against the director's claim


作者: cynthia628    时间: 2011-7-27 11:26
102. Theater critic: The play La Finestrina, now at the Central Theater, was written in Italy in the 18th century.The director claims that this production is as similar to the original production as is possible in a modern theater.Although the actor who plays Harlequin the clown gives a performance very reminiscent of the 20th century American comedian Groucho Marx, Marx's comic style was very much within the comic acting tradition that had begun in 16th century Italy.
The considerations given best serve as part of an argument that

D. the performance of the actor who plays Harle quin in La Finestrna does not serve as evidence against the director's claim

-- by 会员 luciole (2010/4/14 22:18:08)

-- by 会员 iceberg07 (2010/4/14 23:03:19)

错了啊,注意是considerations given,用了复数,说明是问以下这些considerations种哪个可以作为原文argument(即
that this production is as similar to the original production as is possible in a modern theater.)的一部分。

作者: 燎瞳    时间: 2012-7-26 20:45
作者: silviahelena    时间: 2012-7-28 19:00

作者: gracechin26    时间: 2012-12-14 09:43
102. Theater critic: The play La Finestrina, now at the Central Theater, was written in Italy in the 18th century.The director claims that this production is as similar to the original production as is possible in a modern theater.Although the actor who plays Harlequin the clown gives a performance very reminiscent of the 20th century American comedian Groucho Marx, Marx's comic style was very much within the comic acting tradition that had begun in 16th century Italy.
The considerations given best serve as part of an argument that

D. the performance of the actor who plays Harle quin in La Finestrna does not serve as evidence against the director's claim

-- by 会员 luciole (2010/4/14 22:18:08)

-- by 会员 iceberg07 (2010/4/14 23:03:19)

错了啊,注意是considerations given,用了复数,说明是问以下这些considerations种哪个可以作为原文argument(即
that this production is as similar to the original production as is possible in a modern theater.)的一部分。

-- by 会员 cynthia628 (2011/7/27 11:26:21)

我同意你的说法,这个题目的问题问的并不是结论,结论是文中提到的“The director claims......”,  这个题目问的是以下哪个是支持文中结论的?Support!
可以从OG的解释中看出来,"there is nothing here that supports that" (OG解释中的最后一句),所以说这里我们需要找一个SUPPORT
作者: cdbgin009    时间: 2013-10-30 07:53
cynthia628 发表于 2011-7-27 11:26
题目的意思是说题目中的consideration可以作为以下哪个argument的一部分。既然题目中的都是相关性了,所 ...

作者: sandrababy    时间: 2016-3-19 12:11
Step one of the Kaplan method tells us to read the question stem, and then to determine the kind of question that it is. The question stem:

“The considerations given best serve as part of an argument that”

Okay, so there are considerations given (by the author) leading up to an argument. The “considerations given” is evidence, and the question wants us to determine the author’s main point, or conclusion. We call this type of question a “main point” question.

Step two is to analyze the stimulus: Normally, we identify a conclusion by looking for words like “thus, therefore, hence, etc.” .... BUT, in a main point question, we actually don’t want to be attracted by those kind of words-they are put there by the test-maker because they know you will naturally be attracted to them in a main point question.

Instead, in a main point question, the author’s main point will often be signalled by a contrast keyword such as “but,” “however,” “while,” or, “although.”

In the passage of this question, we learn of the director’s claim in the second sentence. The director’s claim is that their reproduction of the play is a lot like the original play. The next sentence starts with the word “although.” Here, the function of “although” is to dismiss potential counter-evidence against the director’s claim: the fact that the actor is like 20th century Groucho Marx could be used against the director’s claim (that the reproduction is a faithful representation of the original 16th century version.)

So from the word “although,” and using some critical reasoning, we can determine that the author’s intent in arguing is to defend the director’s claim against evidence that could go against it (against the director’s claim).

Step three of the method is to make a prediction of the right answer. Say to yourself: “The author is defending the director. The author’s main point is that the director’s claim is correct.”

Step four is to aggressively scan for a match to the prediction. Because we spent so much time generating the prediction, and because we don’t care about wrong answers and why they are wrong, we scan for a choice that matches our insight.

作者: helloken    时间: 2016-4-23 01:46
sandrababy 发表于 2016-3-19 12:11
Step one of the Kaplan method tells us to read the question stem, and then to determine the kind of  ...

Step four...
作者: Ryanner    时间: 2016-8-8 20:50
kaipiggy 发表于 2010-6-12 16:07

作者: 影子喵    时间: 2016-10-13 12:49
Question stem: The considerations given best serve as part of an argument that
选项是that引导的从句,修饰part of an argument,说明选项是argument的一部分,换句话说选项应该是文段能直接推导的must be true的内容。ABCE都含有明显的额外信息,相比较而言D选项的内容是最忠于原文的。

作者: elfximworl94    时间: 2016-10-16 21:30
这道题真的是反复错,每次都错选C这个无关选项;感觉就是对问的什么不清楚,是问的support还是weaken吖;正确答案给我感觉是把statement重新嚼了一遍,木有什么further support。。
作者: zhangjl1992    时间: 2016-10-25 21:21
影子喵 发表于 2016-10-13 12:49
Question stem: The considerations given best serve as part of an argument that
选项是that引导的从句 ...


作者: 乌克丽丽1995    时间: 2016-12-6 16:47
作者: 苦哭追寻    时间: 2017-1-22 23:52
此题只关于director的claim和although后面的consideration之间的关系 即有了although后面的blablabla但是derector的claim也是成立的 即现在的play是最像original production的 我们只需要考虑这些就行了 不要根据楼上误人子弟的人的想法扯进去什么观众的概念 那是选项里面出现的 绝对不要把选项里面的带到题目中去!!!!
作者: 御寒    时间: 2017-1-26 16:32
helenlife 发表于 2010-4-17 12:00
个人觉得是这样的:1.导演说:尽量按传统版本演了2.评论家说:演员虽然是按照20世纪的一个演员的方式去 ...

作者: earn_it    时间: 2017-3-23 15:16
sandrababy 发表于 2016-3-19 12:11
Step one of the Kaplan method tells us to read the question stem, and then to determine the kind of  ...

作者: Raycyn    时间: 2017-5-15 12:05
影子喵 发表于 2016-10-13 12:49
Question stem: The considerations given best serve as part of an argument that
选项是that引导的从句 ...

作者: 闭眼看书    时间: 2017-7-18 19:32
这道题director说我们的play是最可能遵从原著的(1),里面小丑演员的表演风格使人联想到20世纪的Marx, Marx的喜剧表演风格是16世纪流传下来的。(2)
也就是(1)和(2)是没什么关系的,Harlequin actor表演风格是16世纪传下来的,和this play wether or not is similar to the original version是没有联系的,既不支持,也不反对
所以C:不作为against director claim 的evidence.
open to discussion

作者: 闭眼看书    时间: 2017-7-18 19:36
A: modern audiences的reaction,原文中没提,无法推出
B: the actor who plays Harlequin in the clown gives a performance very reminiscent of the ...只是说能从这个actor身上看到Marx风格的影子,无法推出
E: 可以是actor自己决定的
作者: altree    时间: 2017-7-23 21:10
作者: 振兴东莞者    时间: 2017-7-30 22:26
sure1301 发表于 2010-4-16 23:56
个人觉得是这样的:1.导演说:尽量按传统版本演了2.评论家说:演员虽然是按照20世纪的一个演员的方式去演的 ...

作者: 没被注册    时间: 2017-9-19 22:52
意思gm的表演并不能使人觉得这部剧接近原著,然后又要best serve也就是一个寻找一个正向的答案,d是最合理的,相当于更清晰的转述了原文想表达的含义。
a.audience 无关他因

作者: RichardVeritas    时间: 2017-9-21 01:43

The considerations given best serve as part of an argument that
The considerations given指的是什么呢?

前半句说h的表演会让人想起20世纪GM这个人的表演风格, 是against the director's claim"这部剧很接近18世纪原著"的。之后转折词很重要,转折后说但是GM这个人的表演风格符合从16世纪开始的表演风格, acting tradition that had begun in 16th century Italy 说的是一个传统从16世纪开始,并没有结束,那18世纪的表演当然包括在内。所以转折后是否定了前半句的方面意思,也就是h的表演没有问题,没有和导演说这部剧很接近原著冲突。D答案正是这个意思。
D. the performance of the actor who plays Harle quin in La Finestrna does not serve as evidence against the director's claim

当然直接读题目时没有看出这么多细节,但读到答案D时就看清楚了。大家仔细看下,其它任何答案都没有关于The considerations given的联系。所以如果紧扣这个问题,答案还是不难选的。

做逻辑题最主要是思维严密,注意到细节上的指代,和作者论述/argue中的漏洞。Veritas Prep关于阅读提到的一个重点值得参考:阅读和逻辑里,读时要注意内容的逻辑意义(言下之意). The focus is Not WHAT it is saying, but WHY it is saying this. 这里黑体部分就是一个例子。

Richard 770 逻辑答题讨论

作者: Ellen1996    时间: 2017-11-11 12:51
作者: StacyTwon    时间: 2017-11-25 21:13
RichardVeritas 发表于 2017-9-21 01:43


作者: suk1yan    时间: 2017-12-7 10:02
The considerations given best serve [ as part of an argument that .....]  
文中提及的considerations (从Although开始到最后的部分),以怎样的观点(as part of an argument that.....), 在文中发挥什么作用(give best serve)?




所以,consideration 【2】是作为一个立论的支持,在文中发挥作用的。

作者: Quincykkk    时间: 2018-8-14 17:56
suk1yan 发表于 2017-12-7 10:02
The considerations given best serve [ as part of an argument that .....]  
这道题应该是要求分析reaso ...

thanks a lot!
作者: 小猫Mandy    时间: 2018-9-24 15:22
RichardVeritas 发表于 2017-9-21 01:43


您说的这点我很受启发,只有当注意到why it is saying 的时候才能真正的开始思考逻辑推理。以前都是泛泛的阅读,感受不到深入的逻辑链!
作者: Jess526    时间: 2020-5-16 22:22
Step one of the Kaplan method tells us to read the question stem, and then to determine the kind of question that it is. The question stem:

“The considerations given best serve as part of an argument that”
Okay, so there are considerations given (by the author) leading up to an argument. The “considerations given” is evidence, and the question wants us to determine the author’s main point, or conclusion. We call this type of question a “main point” question.
Step two is to analyze the stimulus: Normally, we identify a conclusion by looking for words like “thus, therefore, hence, etc.” .... BUT, in a main point question, we actually don’t want to be attracted by those kind of words-they are put there by the test-maker because they know you will naturally be attracted to them in a main point question.
Instead, in a main point question, the author’s main point will often be signalled by a contrast keyword such as “but,” “however,” “while,” or, “although.”

In the passage of this question, we learn of the director’s claim in the second sentence. The director’s claim is that their reproduction of the play is a lot like the original play. The next sentence starts with the word “although.” Here, the function of “although” is to dismiss potential counter-evidence against the director’s claim: the fact that the actor is like 20th century Groucho Marx could be used against the director’s claim (that the reproduction is a faithful representation of the original 16th century version.)

So from the word “although,” and using some critical reasoning, we can determine that the author’s intent in arguing is to defend the director’s claim against evidence that could go against it (against the director’s claim).
Step three of the method is to make a prediction of the right answer. Say to yourself: “The author is defending the director. The author’s main point is that the director’s claim is correct.”

Step four is to aggressively scan for a match to the prediction. Because we spent so much time generating the prediction, and because we don’t care about wrong answers and why they are wrong, we scan for a choice that matches our insight.

Then, choice D is correct.

作者: sherry1208    时间: 2020-7-10 15:14
其实这道题的重点不是16世纪的风格和18世纪的不一样,而是old和modern的差别,所以只要演员的风格是old school的话,就不影响导演的claim
作者: ST5    时间: 2020-7-24 09:44
这道CR题难在读懂Question,时间紧凑的时候没有问号误以为这是一个找assumption题目。其实是inference推断题,根据题目提供的considerations能够server给的五个option中的哪一个。有的书介绍这种为main point题目。LS也提到了,解法是找题目中有关键逻辑转折的部分包括although, but等等。

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