
标题: [原创]MBA申请日记(2006-2007)(1、我使这样分析Essays的------) [打印本页]

作者: 远洋船长    时间: 2006-8-24 17:19
标题: [原创]MBA申请日记(2006-2007)(1、我使这样分析Essays的------)


Oct. 11: Columbia
Oct. 12: Penn / Wharton
Oct. 18: Chicago
Oct. 20: Northwestern / Kellogg
Nov. 1: Duke / Fuqua
Nov. 1: Michigan / Ross


Ross Essay Questions

Respond to the three required essay questions, typed on separate sheets. Please limit yourself to the number of words noted, using a minimum of 11 point font with 1.5 line spacing.

Required Questions

You must answer all parts of the three questions below.

1. We believe one of the keys to effective leadership is the ability to transform ideas into action. Describe a time within the last three years in which you exercised such leadership. What did you learn about your leadership strengths and development needs?

2. What are your career goals? How will a Ross MBA help you achieve your goals? How might the action-based learning aspects of the Ross curriculum make a difference?

3. Describe the initiatives you have taken over the past two years to develop professionally and personally. What motivated you to take those initiatives?

Optional Question
Is there anything else you think the Admissions Committee should know about you to evaluate your candidacy? (500-word maximum)

作者: 远洋船长    时间: 2006-8-24 22:08

先从Ross MBA No.2 Essay开始.

What are your career goals? How will a Ross MBA help you achieve your goals? How might the action-based learning aspects of the Ross curriculum make a difference? (500-word maximum)


1)What are your career goals? == What do you want to do after your MBA

why need an MBA? Why now? And where the MBA will lead you into the future?

2)How will a Ross MBA help you achieve your goals?
(Why MBA? Why Ross?)

以上中,特别注意:why MBA is clear? Your future goals are clear??? 毕竟admission officers是专家哦,他们一眼就能看出你是否真的需要一个MBA?你的事业计划是否清晰!

3)How might the action-based learning aspects of the Ross curriculum make a difference?

Do homework about Ross. What do you want to take advantage of the action-based learning aspects of the Ross curriculum?

4) 与去年相比,这次Ross去掉了最后一问:How will you enhance the experience of other members of the Ross community? 但是字数还是限制在500字。

难点:500字,需要写出一个unique story including career goals, why MBA, Why Now, why Ross, how to take advantage of the action-based learning aspects???

以下引用一专家观点:about career goal essay, the school will be looking for clearly and fully defined long- and short-term career goals, your reasons for pursuing an MBA and for opting to do so at this point in time, and your specific interest in School X and your plans to contribute to the campus community, if admitted.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-24 22:14:52编辑过]

作者: zx_nju    时间: 2006-8-24 22:26


作者: 远洋船长    时间: 2006-8-24 22:50

分享一个Chicago Current MBA (i_will_make_it )博客文章,部分节选:

So "Why B-school?" Everyone needs to discover this for oneself, because our answers will probably be different. For myself, I believe the following:

  1. Academics: To learn finance and accounting - to be able to speak the language of business. To gain an understanding of the "big picture" through operations, HR, marketing, org behavior, etc.
  2. Career: To add more value to my company through marketing. To step beyond my engineering mind and utilize my creativity with the challenge of product/brand management.
  3. People: To increase my network with my classmates and alumni. To build lifelong friendships and partnerships.
  4. New Opportunities: To open more doors with recruiters for greater job opportunities and growth. To explore new areas that may bring out other interests or lead me down another job path - who knows?
  5. Self Confidence: To train myself how to interact with a diverse pool of individuals and how to interview (and market myself) effectively under pressure.
  6. Giving Back: To continue my social responsibility of giving back to my community - through student clubs, as an alumni, etc.
  7. Respect: To gain respect through the higher reputation and status that having an MBA brings. Just being honest here. :-) At a conference in 2002, a Marshall alum began his speech humorously:

    "The reason I went to business school was because I thought it would be really cool to have my name read 'Jerry Lin*, M.B.A.' on my business card. It wasn't until after I graduated that I found out we don't put 'M.B.A.' after our names, like the J.D.'s and M.D.'s do. I felt gyped!"

作者: vanessav    时间: 2006-8-24 22:58

搂主可不可以分享一下分析 columbia的essay的?

作者: zx_nju    时间: 2006-8-24 23:00



要体现Leadership方面事例中:initiate your ideas , put in practice , how to do(face problems, how analysis/realize ), how about the result , what do you learn from this process


why mba? your clear career goal, path, personal dream , why this school, its specific aspects(activity, club, class) in program, and  you contribute what  to school

在提到specific aspects,要强调action-based learning aspects of the Ross curriculum的作用.





[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-24 23:03:31编辑过]

作者: zx_nju    时间: 2006-8-24 23:09


1. What are your short-term and long-term post-MBA goals? How will Columbia   Business
School help you achieve these goals? (recommended 1000 word limit)

 2. Leading in the global economy requires enabling high performance from a diverse set of employees, colleagues and partners. Tell us about a manager you’ve observed who enabled or inspired others to do their best work and analyze how this manager did it. (Recommended 500 word limit)*

2. What personal value means the most to you and why? (Recommended 300 word limit)

3. In discussing
Columbia   Business
School, Dean R. Glenn Hubbard remarked, "We have established the mind-set that entrepreneurship is about everything you do." Please discuss a time in your own life when you have identified and captured an opportunity. (recommended 500 word limit)

4. Please select and answer one of the following essay questions. (250)
a. Please tell us what you feel most passionate about in life.
b. If you were given a free day and could spend it anywhere, in any way you choose, what would you do?

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-24 23:10:00编辑过]

作者: 远洋船长    时间: 2006-8-24 23:10

分享一个Ross Current MBA (Arwen - The Elven Princess )博客文章,部分节选:

Grab Bag of Tips for Applicants

Here's something I put together for someone who is applying to B School this year. Hopefully, it will be useful to a few others as well.

Preliminary Research
Understand what an MBA can mean in terms of the input (commitment) and output (possibilities). Evaluate post MBA career options and determine if they meet your interests and long term plans. It is not about just getting into the right school - it is about getting into the right school to get on the right career track.

Pluck the low lying fruit
Get done with that GMAT test - it really is the easiest part of the application. Pick up GMAT books and brush up your math skills, you will soon find yourself scoring in a consistent band of +/- 20 points. You can increase the score by atleast 50 points if you can analyze your scores, identify your weak areas and put in some hard hard work. It is good to be visiting GMAT related forums at this point.

Detailed Research
Look through the various rankings. Think of schools to lie in the following categories - Super Elite, Elite, 15 to 25 bracket or the Tier II and 25 to 50 bracket or the Tier III.
- Pick a career path and then pick schools. If you are interested in a career in A, I think it is risky to do it in a school known the world over for careers in B. The company you are interested in may not recruit at the school. You may not find enough folks to help you with the networking.
- Make a list of all things that is important for you. For instance, the demographics of the location is important to me. I come from a country with a billion people and living in a town with just 10,000 folks would be traumatic !! I place a premium on the school's website and tech-savy nature. For me, that is a sign of how the school can connect me with the world. A collaborative environment is also important for me.
- The first thing that you should look for when evaluating schools is the employment statistics. You should know what % of class is employed at graduation, what % is employed through school activities, what % is placed in the industry/function of your choice, what companies recruit for the industry/function of your choice. It is important that the entire class is placed well - that is how you build a network. Next, look at the academics and the faculty. For me, more practical the training the better. Thirdly, look at the strength of the community feeling. Mail current students and counselors and see the response. Remember to look at the tuition and loan options.

It is good to start visiting the various B School forums at this point.

Put down your Story
First, make a two-page resume. Delete all the industry jargon and ensure the points are more action-result based. Next, put down one page responses to the following questions
- What are your career goals for 5 years from now and 20 years from now ?
- Why MBA? Why now ?
- Two career related accomplishments
- One instance of failure and what you learnt from that failure
- One non career related accomplishment
- An ethical dilemma.

Understand the application process
Your GMAT scores, acads, work experience and how you present yourself in your essays and interviews will determine if you get selected. There are rules to how a short coming in one aspect can be overcome in another aspect of your application. You could get away with slightly below average acads if you have exemplary work experience but the reverse is unlikely to be true. You could get away with a slightly below average GMAT score if you have some truly unique stories to tell - again the reverse may not be true.

Understand your strengths and weakness. Understand the pool in which you are applying. There will be more then one applicant with the same or higher GMAT score, work experience and acads, the only differentiating factor is your story. Nothing can compensate for weak essays.

Essay Writing
Shortlist the schools and estimate your chances at each of the schools. Applying to more then 4 schools is tough on you and the people who will write your recommendation letters. Look through resources available at sites such as ClearAdmit for tips on essay writing. Always remember that the adcom does not want to hear any one story - they want to hear a different story. Build on the stories you put down earlier - mould them to answer the question asked.

Planning and Applying
I would recommend starting your preparations atleast a year before you plan to apply. Spread your applications over round1 and round2. This gives you time to apply to your backup colleges - in case your college of first choice gave you the ding or puts you on the waitlist.

And hey, this is just my perspective. Good luck with the applications.

作者: sinocheetah    时间: 2006-8-24 23:11
作者: 远洋船长    时间: 2006-8-24 23:19
以下是引用vanessav在2006-8-24 22:58:00的发言:

搂主可不可以分享一下分析 columbia的essay的?


作者: 远洋船长    时间: 2006-8-24 23:22
以下是引用sinocheetah在2006-8-24 23:11:00的发言:

To sinocheetah:谢谢提醒,我第一轮申请3个学校:Ross,Duke,另外再找一所。

作者: zx_nju    时间: 2006-8-24 23:25


第一题, 自己的分析

why mba,how mba to assistant your goal and how to help your career , why this school ,specific benefits full of specific details about classes and clubs and activities 

2  旧第二题 

    说实话,对这题没感觉, 请大家帮忙分析下.

2  新第二题

    Value,什么对你个人最重要. 其实是让你和学校match的过程, 你的value正好也是学校的value.一次"fit in"机会.


3 第三题


   用例子来说明:开始有一个新想法和新点子, 你是如何使之可行,如何为它要创造有利条件,不管结果怎样,要描述你的思考和决策过程.


 4  第四题

 A  关键词是激情.


 B 一个假设性题目,可以超越现实的障碍,你真正想干什么,预期要产生什么后果, 这里能够体现出你的interest,value,还有其它软技巧 .学校想知道的就是你的interest和value,如果能够"stand out"留下深刻印象,



作者: zx_nju    时间: 2006-8-24 23:28


1. Why is an MBA a critical next step toward your short- and long-term career goals? Why is Tuck the best MBA program for you? (If you are applying for a joint or dual degree, please explain how the additional degree will contribute to those goals.)

 2. Tuck defines leadership as "inspiring others to strive and enabling them to accomplish great things." Describe a time when you exercised such leadership. Discuss the challenges you faced and the results you achieved. What characteristics helped you to be effective, and what areas do you feel you need to develop in order to be a better leader?

3. Discuss the most difficult constructive criticism or feedback you have received. How did you address it? What have you learned from it?

4. Tuck seeks candidates of various backgrounds who can bring new perspectives to our community. How will your unique personal history, values, and/or life experiences contribute to the culture at Tuck?

 5. (Optional) Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere that may be helpful in reviewing your application (e.g., unusual choice of evaluators, weaknesses in academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes, etc.). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application.

 6. (To be completed by all reapplicants) How have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how you have grown personally and professionally.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-24 23:37:49编辑过]

作者: zx_nju    时间: 2006-8-24 23:37


1        第一题

    why MBA, your career goal, why Tuck, specific benefit of the program, eg,activity,club,class

2        第二题


   你对leadership的认识, 题目提示了如何激励人,有效,其它方面就留给你来扩展


   如何做到有效?   这个问题我把握不住,请大家来一起分析.



   从失败或挫折中成长的经历. 事例,遇到什么困境,如何去面对和思考,怎么作的,学到了什么,结果怎样(当然跨越啦).



       contribute to culture,主要从你的成长经历,形成的价值观,生活体验,兴趣爱好来选择能对schooldiverse有促进的一面.

作者: zx_nju    时间: 2006-8-24 23:41


Essay 1: Complete all parts below. (1500 word maximum)
Explain the path that has led you to pursue an MBA as the next step in your professional and personal development. Describe your short and long term post-MBA career goals. What or who influenced your choice of schools, and how specifically will Chicago GSB help you succeed?

Essay 2: Choose one of the following questions. (500 word maximum)
-If the admissions committee were to interview one of your closest colleagues, what aspect of your personal development would this person say is especially important for the admissions committee to know?

-You have been asked to write an editorial about the most pressing issue facing humanity. Please identify the issue and justify why you have selected it.

Essay 3: Complete each of the following questions. (100 word maximum for each)
-What is the one thing that most people do not know about you?

-What book, play, or movie would you recommend to the admissions committee? Why? 

-It is your first day of business school and people are selecting study groups. How would you describe the value you will bring to a study group?

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-24 23:48:21编辑过]

作者: zx_nju    时间: 2006-8-24 23:48


1 第一题
why mba ?  your career path, your utmost goal , why this school, specific help


    A 个人发展方面最大的进步,


    B 要体现你的价值观,什么对你很重要



3  第三题

   A 你最想让人了解你的一面。还是别人不知道你的一面。



   B 一本书,一部电影跟你的相关性,兴趣,个性, 经历,体验,价值观



diverse 的贡献


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-24 23:49:21编辑过]

作者: zx_nju    时间: 2006-8-24 23:52


Short Essays - Answer both short essay questions.

1) Please discuss your career path, your short and long-term goals.

2) Why are you interested in The Duke MBA program and how will it help you achieve your goals? If you are interested in the Health Sector Management concentration or a joint degree program, please address in this essay.

 Long Essays - Answer essay question 1, and for essay question 2 please answer only one of the three essay options provided.

1) How has your personal history and family background influenced your intellectual and personal development? What unique personal qualities or life experiences might distinguish you from other applicants? How will your background, values and non-work related activities enhance the experience of other Duke MBA students and add to the diverse culture we strive for at Fuqua? Note: The goal of this essay is to get a sense of who you are, rather than what you have achieved professionally.

 Long Essays - Answer essay question 1, and for essay question 2 please answer only one of the three essay options provided.

1) How has your personal history and family background influenced your intellectual and personal development? What unique personal qualities or life experiences might distinguish you from other applicants? How will your background, values and non-work related activities enhance the experience of other Duke MBA students and add to the diverse culture we strive for at Fuqua? Note: The goal of this essay is to get a sense of who you are, rather than what you have achieved professionally.

2) Please respond fully and concisely to one of the following essay questions, identifying clearly which question you have selected.

A. To be a good team player, one needs to be an effective individual leader and vice-versa. Describe an example of where you were challenged to become a leader in a team-oriented context. What was the challenge you faced, how did you address it, and what did you take away from the experience for your future development as a leader?

 B. Describe a situation in which your ability to perform ethically was challenged. What was the issue, how did you handle it, and what did you learn from it?

 C. Describe a significant leadership failure in your life. What did you learn from this failure? How has it impacted who you are today and the kind of leader you would like to be?

Reapplicant Essay
In addition to the Applicant Essays listed above, please answer the following question. There is no restriction on the length of your response. Reapplicants typically use between 500 and 750 words for this essay.

作者: zx_nju    时间: 2006-8-24 23:59




   Why MBA, Career path, short , long  career goal


Why this school? Specific help  to you club, activity, program, field trip
            ,      health sector management (what is HSM  , what does it relate to your career )




 个人成长经历,价值观的形成,个性,你的最不同于别人的特质; contribution,你的价值观,课外活动经历,生活理念diverse的作用


  A    team中的leader, 事例,面临的问题,如何解决的,获得什么经验。

        主题:team + leader

 B    ethical:  问题,
如何思考的,如何解决的,  学到什么

如何思考的,如何解决的,  学到什么



这类问题,对于选什么样的例子把握不住. 大家一定要给点建议.


  C   失败的leadership例子,从中学到什么

    自己的failture吗,身边的例子可以吗 ?



作者: zx_nju    时间: 2006-8-25 00:01


1. List one of your most significant professional or organizational accomplishments. Describe your precise role in this event and how it has helped to shape your management skills. Please limit your response to two, double-spaced, typed pages.


2. Please complete/address two of the following statements. Full-time candidates (Two-year and One-year programs) must compete/address choice F as one of the two options. Pleaselimit each response to one, double-spaced, typed page.

A. I have always wanted to...

B. My most memorable cross-cultural experience...

C. My family background is unique because...

D. The person who has had the greatest influence on my leadership style is... because... 


E. The greatest lesson I have ever learned...

F. Of Goizueta’s core values (courage, integrity, accountability, rigor, diversity, team,
community), which value resonates most with you and why?

3. What do you expect to accomplish in the Goizueta Business School MBA program? How will your participation in the MBA program fit in with your experiences and responsibilities as well as your short and long-term career goals? Please limit your response to two, double- spaced, typed pages.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-25 0:02:08编辑过]

作者: zx_nju    时间: 2006-8-25 00:05


1 第一题

                Past experience , future goals, designing path , why this school?, program specific help for my dream, and how to take up in the program, you can do what to contribute.







3 第三题

AB把握不住,大家来分析下 ?



E: lesson,可以写失败的经历,如何面对,重新崛起。
可以反映(leadership, team,人文,价值观等多方面),如何取舍看其它问题的注重点,考虑整体形象,突出学校的最焦点的注重点吧。

你的价值观同学校价值观的认同,match,fit in的机会。要用事例。

作者: zx_nju    时间: 2006-8-25 00:07




作者: 远洋船长    时间: 2006-8-25 10:29
以下是引用zx_nju在2006-8-25 0:07:00的发言:




To zx_nju:谢谢你积极参与,+ U!

作者: zx_nju    时间: 2006-8-25 11:00



作者: 远洋船长    时间: 2006-8-25 11:02

Ross Essay 3. Describe the initiatives you have taken over the past two years to develop professionally and personally. What motivated you to take those initiatives?


与去年的相比,今年增加了最后一句:What motivated you to take those initiatives? 而且去年说的是professionally,今年改为develop professionally and personally


            Describe the initiatives


因为每个商学院都强调leadership,所以构思时,要考虑这一点。同时别忘了写你take those initiativespersonal or professional growth.)的动机。



题目的重点是强调one's progress over time
作者: zx_nju    时间: 2006-8-25 11:36


作者: vanessav    时间: 2006-8-29 05:02
以下是引用远洋船长在2006-8-24 23:19:00的发言:


Good.. Thanks in advance.

Anyway..I am just a bit confused about the "What has been the greatest challenge to your value system that you’ve faced and how did you handle it?"

This is different from what you posted..

作者: 远洋船长    时间: 2006-8-29 21:41
以下是引用vanessav在2006-8-29 5:02:00的发言:

Good.. Thanks in advance.

Anyway..I am just a bit confused about the "What has been the greatest challenge to your value system that you’ve faced and how did you handle it?"

This is different from what you posted..

Columbia Essays for 2006-2007:

1. What are your short-term and long-term post-MBA goals? How will Columbia Business School help you achieve these goals? (recommended 750 word limit)

2. Leading in the global economy requires enabling high performance from a diverse set of employees, colleagues and partners. Tell us about a manager you’ve observed who enabled or inspired others to do their best work and analyze how this manager did it. (Recommended 500 word limit)

3. In discussing Columbia Business School, Dean R. Glenn Hubbard remarked, "We have established the mind-set that entrepreneurship is about everything you do." Please discuss a time in your own life when you have identified and captured an opportunity. (recommended 500 word limit)

4. Please select and answer one of the following essay questions.
a. Please tell us what you feel most passionate about in life.
b. If you were given a free day and could spend it anywhere, in any way you choose, what would you do?

"What has been the greatest challenge to your value system that you’ve faced and how did you handle it?"是去年的,今年不用了,用No 2代替,但是他们解释说,如果你已经写了旧的,那么交那篇旧的也行。

作者: vanessav    时间: 2006-8-30 02:24

# 2 不容易写呢。不过很具体,要写某个人。





Leading in the global economy requires enabling high performance from a diverse set of employees, colleagues and partners. Tell us about a manager you’ve observed who enabled or inspired others to do their best work and analyze how this manager did it.

作者: vanessav    时间: 2006-8-30 03:18

Columbia 第四题,我想选第二个来写,


正在写题材,究竟admission officer想从中得到怎样的信息?关于人的品格,还是抱负,还是兴趣?


作者: zx_nju    时间: 2006-8-30 10:11

平衡package,如果前面的essay没有提到你的personal life或interest,就写写这方面。

作者: shouyang12    时间: 2006-9-11 01:13


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