
标题: 【揽瓜阁2.0】Day5 2020.06.19【人文科学-影视】【人文科学-书籍】 [打印本页]

作者: 妥妥    时间: 2020-6-18 20:28
标题: 【揽瓜阁2.0】Day5 2020.06.19【人文科学-影视】【人文科学-书籍】
  Day5 2020.06.19

For Hayao Miyazaki, flight is a metaphor for freedom
(477字 精读 必做篇

Hayao Miyazaki has spent his career conjuring up fantastical worlds full of outlandish creatures. “Spirited Away” (2001), which won an Oscar for best animated film, is set in a magical realm ruled by a bejewelled witch and populated by talking frogs, gremlins made of soot and a vaporous creature who emits gold nuggets from his fingertips. Amid today’s pandemic, one feature of Mr Miyazaki’s escapist movies is particularly intoxicating: his obsession with flying.

Flight is in Mr Miyazaki’s blood. He was born in 1941 in Tokyo, where his father ran a firm that manufactured parts for Japanese fighter planes during the second world war. He whiled away boyhood hours inventing his own aircraft; at night he dreamed of gliding above the city. Most imaginations become more earthbound with age, but as an adult Mr Miyazaki thought up a squadron of wondrous flying machines with designs that embody their pilots’ personalities. “Castle in the Sky” (1986) features a rag-tag family of pirates who buzz around in “flaptors”, contraptions with transparent, flapping wings that resemble giant mosquitoes.

He is a connoisseur of the sensory thrill of flight. His characters swoop over mountainous landscapes and arc through cerulean skies full of billowing white cumulus, leaving vapour trails twisting like ribbons in the air. When they dive into the clouds for cover, they make a splash as though sinking into clots of heavy cream.

In these animations, flying is about more than ingenious designs and sumptuous images. It also provides Mr Miyazaki’s deepest metaphors, standing for confidence, independence, the power of the imagination itself. Most of his protagonists are children undergoing rites of passage—the dislocation of moving house or trouble in the family. Take Mei and Satsuki, the young sisters in “My Neighbour Totoro” (1988) who have just relocated with their father to rural Japan. Exploring their new home, they discover a tubby woodland spirit in the roots of a camphor tree. A benevolent presence, Totoro soars above the countryside on a spinning top and takes the girls along for the ride. Gradually, as it emerges that their mother is gravely ill, these adventures seem more than mere flights of fancy. They are a form of solace.

That is what Mr Miyazaki’s enchanting stories offer as the world waits for borders to reopen and planes to take off again. His most resonant film is “Kiki’s Delivery Service” (1989), which follows a charmingly wilful 13-year-old witch who rides around on a broom. Determined to find her way in the world, she sets up a courier company to profit from her ability to fly. But when business slows and she suffers her first bout of boy trouble, she loses heart and her powers of levitation, too. “We fly with our spirit,” she says as she tries to restore her confidence, take to the skies and get her life going again. Sound familiar?

Source: The Economist

Unread Books at Home Still Spark Literacy Habits
(384字 2分45秒 精听 必做篇


We know that reading is good for children and presumably for adults as well. Now a new study suggests that just being around books has its benefits—even if you don’t make a point of reading them a lot. A team of researchers in Australia finds that growing up in a home with a sizable library enhances literacy, number sense and even technological know-how in later life. You can read all about it in the journal Social Science Research.

The researchers were exploring the advantages of scholarly culture. In particular, they were interested in a curious observation that some call the "radiation effect."

“Radiation effect is a situation where children grow up around books, but they don’t read books, but somehow books benefit them even though they don’t read them as much as maybe their parents would like them to.”

Joanna Sikora, a sociologist at the Australian National University. She and her colleagues parsed data collected between 2011 and 2015 by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The survey assessed the literacy, numeracy and technological competency of more than 160,000 adults from 31 different societies, and it included a question about how many books participants had in their homes during adolescence.

“What we were able to demonstrate was that people who grew up around books had better literacy, numeracy and digital problem-solving skills than people who had fewer books growing up but had similar education levels, similar jobs and even similar adult habits in terms of reading or engaging in various numeracy-enhancing activities.”

In fact, teens who only made it through high school but were raised in a bookish environment fared as well in adulthood as college grads who grew up in a house bereft of books.

Now, how might mere exposure lead to intellectual enrichment?

“So if we grow up in a house, in a home where parents enjoy books, where books are given as birthday presents and cherished and valued, this is something that becomes a part of our identity and gives us this lifelong incentive to be literacy oriented, to always kind of steer towards books and read more than we would otherwise.”

So keep those shelves stacked with books. Your kids will not only be grateful, they’ll be more likely to be able to spell grateful correctly as well.

Source: Scientific American




精听:建议每句不要反复纠结听,如果听 5 遍都没听出来,那就跳过,等完成后再回听总结原因,时间宝贵,不要过于执着哦~

作者: 妥妥    时间: 2020-6-18 20:28




作者: Garfieldsu    时间: 2020-6-19 10:15
day 5 打卡

作者: Dovis    时间: 2020-6-19 13:24
揽瓜阁 Day 5
Dovis 2020 6 19
精读 For Hayao Miyazaki, flight is a metaphor for freedom
一 文章大意
二 段落总结
  • 宫崎骏在其动漫生涯中,创造了一个个稀奇古怪的生物和魔法世界,其作品中无不透露出他对飞行的特殊情结。
  • 飞行情结简直是刻在宫崎骏的血液里。这和他的童年经历有关。他父亲经营一家日本战机零件公司,让他从小对飞行就充满了想象。
  • 他是各类飞行体验的鉴赏家。笔下的角色有各种奇妙的飞行体验。
  • 在他的动漫中,飞翔更是自己内心深处的自信/独立/想象力的象征。
  • 宫崎骏作品中“以精神飞翔”,用信心重燃生活的希望,引发了人们的共鸣。
三 生词摘录
enchant 使着迷; 使陶醉; 使中魔法; 对…用魔法(或念咒语)
resonant 嘹亮的; 响亮的; 回响的; 悠扬的; 共振的; 谐振的; 共鸣的; 引起联想的;
Conjure 变魔术; 变戏法; 使…变戏法般地出现(或消失)
outlandish 古怪的; 极不寻常的; 奇特的
animated 兴致勃勃的; 活跃的; 生气勃勃的; 栩栩如生的; 把…制作成动画片
bejewelled 缀(以)珠宝
gremlins (机器停止运转时人们所责怪假想的) 小精灵
vaporous 充满蒸气的; 似蒸气的
nugget 天然金块; (某些食品的) 小圆块; 有价值的小东西
fingertip 指尖
Pandemic 大流行的; 普遍的,全世界的
obsession 痴迷; 着魔; 困扰; 使人痴迷的人
intoxicating 含酒精的; 醉人的; 令人陶醉的; 令人头脑迷糊的
earthbound (只在) 地球上的,陆地的,地面上的; 世俗的; 物质世界的; 缺乏想象力的
squadron (空军或海军的) 中队
wondrous 奇异的; 美好的; 了不起的
rag-tag 混杂的,无组织纪律的
pirate (尤指旧时的) 海盗; 盗版者; 盗印者; 非法播音者(或组织)
contraptions 奇异的机械; 奇特的装置
connoisseur 鉴赏家; 鉴定家; 行家
swoop 向下猛冲,俯冲; 突然袭击; 突击搜查; 突然行动
billow 鼓起; (烟雾) 涌出,汹涌向前; 大量冒出
cerulean 深蓝色的; 蔚蓝色的
cumulus 积云
vapour 蒸气; 潮气; 雾
sumptuous 华贵的; 豪华的; 奢华的
protagonists 主要人物,主人公,主角; (比赛、斗争中的) 主要人物,主要参与者; (政策、运动的) 倡导者,拥护者;
tubby 矮胖的
camphor 樟脑
benevolent 慈善的; 仁慈的; 乐善好施的;
solace 安慰; 慰藉; 给以安慰的人(或事物)
四 句子摘抄
“Castle in the Sky” (1986) features a rag-tag family of pirates who buzz around in “flaptors”, contraptions with transparent, flapping wings that resemble giant mosquitoes.

His characters swoop over mountainous landscapes and arc through cerulean skies full of billowing white cumulus, leaving vapour trails twisting like ribbons in the air. When they dive into the clouds for cover, they make a splash as though sinking into clots of heavy cream.
五 用时记录
通读 3.8min 总结33min 共计42min

作者: Dovis    时间: 2020-6-19 14:53
精听 Unread Books at Home Still Spark Literacy Habits
一 文章大意
二 生词摘录
sizable 相当大的; 颇大的;
parse作语法分析; 作句法分析
bookish 书呆子气的; 学究似的
bereft 完全没有,丧失,失去(某物); 感到失落
三 用时记录
听力 4min 听写28min,共计37min
作者: ANDREWORTH    时间: 2020-6-19 15:40

作者: MJ-MJ    时间: 2020-6-19 16:48
作者: lucin    时间: 2020-6-19 16:59

作者: ppxstar    时间: 2020-6-19 18:29

作者: KLYnn    时间: 2020-6-19 20:18

作者: gamtchong    时间: 2020-6-19 20:41
作者: 项斐    时间: 2020-6-19 21:30

作者: N0ire    时间: 2020-6-19 21:32

作者: SereneG76    时间: 2020-6-19 21:37
精听四十分钟 修改八分钟
So keep those shelves stacked with books. Your kids will not only be grateful, they’ll be more likely to be able to spell grateful correctly as well.
生词:bereft 完全没有 parse剖析
作者: 六元的小心心    时间: 2020-6-19 21:44

作者: 干掉他没商量    时间: 2020-6-19 21:50
Day 5

作者: 啊哒    时间: 2020-6-19 21:51

作者: はな    时间: 2020-6-19 21:51
打卡 DAY5
作者: 龙驾马    时间: 2020-6-19 21:53







第五段:在他的电影 《魔女宅急便》里,就讲述了一个少年女巫,自力更生,独立经营一家快递公司的故事。


Amid today’s pandemic, one feature of Mr Miyazaki’s escapist movies is particularly intoxicating: his obsession with flying.

Gradually, as it emerges that their mother is gravely ill, these adventures seem more than mere flights of fancy.

His characters swoop over mountainous landscapes and arc through cerulean skies full of billowing white cumulus, leaving vapour trails twisting like ribbons in the air.

intoxicating a.令人陶醉的
contraption n.奇妙的装置
sumptuous a.华丽的,奢侈的

metaphors n.隐喻
levitation n.升空
阅读时间 11分钟 总结时间 18分钟 共计 29分钟




1 很多 it 没听出来,也没补充进句子
2 一些生词不熟悉


parse v.剖析
enrichment n.丰富,改进

听写时间18分钟 总结时间20分钟 共计 38分钟

作者: 嬛嬛浅笑梨涡    时间: 2020-6-19 21:55


作者: wanglu1994143    时间: 2020-6-19 21:56
作者: llzzzzzy    时间: 2020-6-19 21:58
llzzzzzy d5 打卡
作者: cgvmc    时间: 2020-6-19 21:58
作者: ling0602    时间: 2020-6-19 22:03
作者: 木辛青    时间: 2020-6-20 00:01
作者: Carlisler    时间: 2020-6-20 00:54
Day 5

作者: 青果_lw    时间: 2020-6-20 12:07
Day5 打卡[attach]250597[/attach]
作者: xxnmm    时间: 2020-6-20 23:20
作者: YLEmily    时间: 2020-6-21 09:54
作者: 龙驾马    时间: 2020-6-22 16:18
作者: Rafe    时间: 2020-8-28 09:49
文章大意: 飞行是宫崎骏电影里必不可缺的元素,是对自由的比喻。他的多部作品里都有飞行的场景。

第四段:宫崎骏影片中的飞行不仅仅是幻想,更代表了他内心深处的 自信,独立,想象力本身的力量。

总时间: 1小时20分

conjuring  魔术,变魔法
outlandish  古怪的,奇异的
creature  生物
realm 领域,范围
bejewelled  饰以珠宝的
witch  巫女
gremlins  小精灵
soot 煤烟
vaporous 蒸汽的,雾状的
emit  发出,放射
nugget  金块
fingertips 指尖
Amid 在。。。气氛中
escapist  逃避现实的
intoxicating 醉人的,令人陶醉的
obsession 痴迷;困扰
gliding 滑行
squadron  空军中队,一群
wondrous  奇妙的
rag-tag 下层社会
pirates  海盗,盗印者
contraptions 奇妙的装置,精巧的设计
flap  拍打,轻拍
mosquitoes 蚊子
connoisseur  鉴赏家,内行
thrill   激动;震颤
swoop over  俯冲
arc  弧,圆弧的
cerulean 天蓝色的
billowing 巨浪的,汹涌的
cumulus 积云,堆积
twisting   曲折的,缠绕的
splash   泼洒;把(水、泥等)泼在……上;(在水中)溅着水花行走;(在显著位置)刊登
sinking  下沉
clot  n. 凝块,黏团(尤指血块);(非正式)笨蛋,傻瓜  
ingenious  独创性的,机灵的
sumptuous   华丽的,豪华的
metaphors 暗语
protagonists  主人公
rites   仪式
rural  农村的,乡下的
tubby  桶装的,矮胖的
camphor  樟脑
benevolent  人次的,亲切的
presence n. 存在;出席;参加;风度;仪态
soars  翱翔,上升
spinning (使)快速旋转;(使)急转身;
Gradually 逐步地
emerges  浮现,拜托,暴露
gravely  严重地,严肃地
mere 仅仅的,只不过的
solace n. 安慰;慰藉;安慰之物
enchanting  adj. 迷人的;妩媚的
resonant  adj. 洪亮的,共振的;共鸣的
charmingly  迷人地,乐观地
wilful  故意的,任性的
broom 扫帚
courier  n. 导游;情报员,通讯员;送快信的人
bout  n. 回合;较量;发作;一阵
levitation 升空,漂浮

That is what Mr Miyazaki’s enchanting stories offer as the world waits for borders to reopen and planes to take off again.

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