Furnished Bedroom in Avon, 3 Km from INSEAD available since Jan 2009. For single student only. Preferring longer term of rent: 2009 Jan-June or 2009 Whole Ideal for 1 student. 25 Sq.m. Furnished bedroom in landlord accormodation on 1 level on second floor. Located in Avon besides the forest park of Fontainebleau Palace. 3 Km from INSEAD which is ~15 minutes’ bike ride. Layout: Bedroom and a shared bath room with neighbored room (normally rented by another INSEAD student) The entrance hall, the dining room, the 2 WC and the kitchen for the house are in principle shared with other INSEAS students and the owner. But the house is laid out in such a manner that students rarely meet the landlady. Other Facilities: Access to cellar and garden Landlord Comments: Quite and sunny toom in a house where another room will be rented by another INSEAD student. 5 Mn walk to local supermarket (Champion Supermaket) and 10 Mn walk to the train station. Location: 8 Pasteur, Avon, 77210 http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=zh-CN&geocode=&q=8+Pasteur,+Avon,+77210&sll=39.908173,116.397947&sspn=0.486674,0.891266&g=8+Pasteur,+Avon,+77210&ie=UTF8&ll=48.412881,2.719631&spn=0.01316,0.027852&z=15&iwloc=addr
Rent : 380 EURO/month for single student. Please note that this room will not be rented for couples. Deposit : 380 EURO
Contact: Tel: Home + 33 1 64 22 89 50 Mobile: + 33 6 86 41 04 13 and + 33 6 81 48 00 85 Email: mm325@cornell.edu Equipment: Fridge and freezer, hot plates, oven, Microwave oven, Washing machine, Iron, Ironing table, Vacuum cleaner, Fuel central heating Utilities: Water is included in the 380EURO monthly rent. Electricity will be shared by students and paid separately. Some Photos: The whole house and the garden: http://picasaweb.google.com/zhanfu.yu/20080920_HouseGarden?authkey=PCWmTrdN194# The mentioned room for renting: The last 12 photos in this album http://picasaweb.google.com/zhanfu.yu/20080822_Fontainebleau?authkey=-J-WzQTwcS8# Fontainebleau Town + Forest park near the house + rented room |