4.Each generation's culture achievements--such as those in music, art ,or literature--represent iiprovements on the cultural achievements of previous generations. Agree. No art come from air and they all have a solid historic foundation SIR ISAAC NEWTON:If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.然后推广到文化领域。某些作家或艺术家很有创意,创造出了前人没有的东西。HOWEVER,这些作家或艺术家的创意不是凭空想出来的,他们有多年文化知识(前人的成果)上的积累,只是根据社会现实与时俱进而已。 1. 继承发展是艺术发展的方式:很多大师是在学习前人艺术基础上发展的,比如在Louvre, Vincent van Gogh Museum 看到许多学生在临摹,crystal pyramids in front of Museum Louvre by L.M.Pei , get the inspiration from the Pyramids in Egypt; the pantheons in Rome was developed from the pantheon in ancient Athens; 2. 通过继承,艺术能够更连续更快更广的传播和发展: Literature: The various deities and fairy story of Rome developed from the Greek Mythologies. For example, Venus is from Aphrodite. ; the god of love Cubid is derived from Eros in the Greek mythology 3. 艺术上大的发展还要在临摹继承基础上进行创新突破 如Neoclassicism in architecture repel the style represented by the Baroque and Rococo and form its own style In painting, Claude Monet change the way people paint by using a new way –the Impressionists’ way impressionism Impressionist art is different from traditional art. Traditional painters were interested in the form of objects. The impressionists were interested in light and color. The impressionist painters wanted to paint natural light that was lively and bright. They tried to express the feeling of pure sunshine in their paintings.