AA FJ 白金80题第一题: 我有一个哥们儿; 娶了一个媳妇儿; 照了一张照片儿; 今儿个我看了看; 分不出来谁是我的哥们儿, 谁是他的媳妇儿。。。。 所以俺找媳妇儿,最损从相片儿里也要能分出来她是她,俺是俺 In the argument at issue, the baseline is that the author is claiming that he will marry a bride whom should be readily distinguished from himself on any given photos.... Generally, the suggested possibility of this issue can be discussed on three perspectives. First and foremost, the basic criteria of judging whether the bride can be readily distinguished is not stated in sufficient details by the writer. Hence, the standard he is adopting to make this judgement is open for doubt. For example, two persons who have different taste of judging the definition of male and female might draw totally different conclusion according to their own understanding which might serve to their own interests.A case in point is that some people intend to comment on sexual difference by clothing, while some people use physical appearance to judge the female features of a person. Therefore, no confirmed conclusion can be drawn to qualify the writer's argument that he will only marry a girl who can be told to be a girl. Second, the writer gives an example of his friend who married a girl of not female-like. Based on this example, the recommendation was drawn that the writer will not marry a girl of not female like. I would comment that this reasoning lacks of a convincing logical connection. In the argument, the writer does not clearly specify the connection between the two events. Instead, he uses an event that happened first to generalize to recommendation based on it. There is no obvious causal relationship between the former event and the latter conclusion. To make this argument hold, the writer at least should explain in more factual details the consequential relationship between the fact and his claim. Third, in his argument, the writer uses a particuliar example to draw a general conclusion. However, it is not a convincing reasoning. A speical example is apparently not strong enough to represent a common condition as a whole. Furthermore, the writer failed to address the issues such as when did the event in this example happened, who were involved, how many people wittnessed the occurrence of this event, and how common is this event. Without these more concrete information, the reliability of this example is easy to be weakened, and therefore the accountability of the argument itself will be called into question. In conclusion, this argument is vague and fraught with fallacies as I addressed. Without explaining the above problems in a clear and logical way, the writer leaves his argument in a very weak and position. 大家复习挺辛苦的,调剂一下 ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em07.gif) |