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[求助]OG38-关于of/ from; OG66-reduction

发表于 2004-5-28 23:00:00 | 只看该作者

[求助]OG38-关于of/ from; OG66-reduction

OG38-关于of/ from; OG66-reduction

38.   Scientists have observed large concentrations of heavy-metal deposits in the upper twenty centimeters of Baltic Sea sediments, which are consistent with the growth of industrial activity there.

(A) Baltic Sea sediments, which are consistent with the growth of industrial activity there

(B) Baltic Sea sediments, where the growth of industrial activity is consistent with these findings

(C) Baltic Sea sediments, findings consistent with its growth of industrial activity

(D) sediments from the Baltic Sea, findings consistent with the growth of industrial activity in the areaD

(E) sediments from the Baltic Sea, consistent with the growth of industrial activity there

All of the choices but D contain ambiguities. In A and B the words which and where appear to refer to sediments, and in E it is not clear what consistent describes. In A, C, and E, there is no logical place to which there or its could refer. In D, the best choice, the phrase sediments from the Baltic Sea tells where the sediments originate, findings provides a noun for consistent to modify, and in the area clearly identifies where the industrial activity is growing. from可以清晰的表现sediments的来源

24.   A common disability in test pilots is hearing impairment, a consequence of sitting too close to large jet engines for long periods of time.

(A) a consequence of sitting too close to large jet engines for long periods of time

(B) a consequence from sitting for long periods of time too near to large jet engines

(C) a consequence which resulted from sitting too close to large jet engines for long periods of time

(D) damaged from sitting too near to large jet engines for long periods of timeA

(E) damaged because they sat too close to large jet engines for long periods of time

Choice A is correct.

Choice B is faulty because a consequence from is unidiomatic and because the modifying phrases for long periods of time too near to large jet engines are

问题:A consequence from是不是有重复之嫌疑?consequencefrom重复?

18.   Aging is a property of all animals that reach a fixed size at maturity, and the variations in life spans among different species are far greater as that among individuals from the same species: a fruit fly is ancient at 40 days, a mouse at 3 years, a horse at 30, a man at 100, and some tortoises at 150.

(A) among different species are far greater as that among individuals from

(B) among different species are far greater than that among individuals from

(C) among different species are far greater than those among individuals of

(D) between different species are far more than that between individuals ofC

(E) between different species are greater by far than is that between individuals from

Choice A is incorrect on several grounds: greater as should be greater than, that should be those to agree in number with its referent, variations, and from should be of. Choice B amends only the first error. Choice C is the best answer. In D, between is faulty because many more than two species are being considered, more illogically refers to the quantity rather than the size of variations in life span, and that does not agree with variations. Besides including between, that, and from, choice E is needlessly wordy and lacks agreement in verb number. This question is moderately easy.

为什么这里不用from the same species,清楚表现来源??


66.   The Federal Reserve Board’s reduction of interest rates on loans to financial institutions is both an acknowledgement of past economic trends and an effort to influence their future direction.

(A) reduction of interest rates on loans to financial institutions is both an acknowledgement of past economic trends and an effort

(B) reduction of interest rates on loans to financial institutions is an acknowledgement both of past economic trends as well as an effort

(C) reduction of interest rates on loans to financial institutions both acknowledge past economic trends and attempt

(D) reducing interest rates on loans to financial institutions is an acknowledgement both of past economic trends and an effortA

(E) reducing interest rates on loans to financial institutions both acknowledge past economic trends as well as attempt

Choice A is best. In B, both must come before acknowledgment if it is to link acknowledgment and effort; as misplaced here, it creates the unfulfilled expectation that the reduction of interest rates will be an acknowledgment of two different things. Moreover, both... as well as... is redundant: the correct idiom is both x and y. In C, the plural verbs acknowledge and attempt do not agree with their singular subject, reduction; also, it is imprecise to characterize a reduction as performing actions such as acknowledging or attempting. In both D and E, the use of the participle reducing rather than the noun reduction is awkward. Like B, D misplaces both, while E repeats both the redundancy of B and the agreement error of C.

看来reduction不能是action, 那么只能是状态

107. Downzoning, zoning that typically results in the reduction (状态)of housing density, allows for more open space in areas where little water or services exist.

(A) little water or services exist

(B) little water or services exists

(C) few services and little water exists

(D) there is little water or services availableE

(E) there are few services and little available water

The adjective little modifies “mass nouns” (e.g., water), which refer to some undifferentiated quantity; the adjective few modifies “count nouns” (e.g., services), which refer to groups made up of distinct members that can be considered individually. Hence, choices A, B, and D are incorrect because little cannot properly modify services. Also, since water and services are being discussed as a pair, they should logically be treated as a compound subject requiring a plural verb; thus, the singular verbs exists (in B and C) and is (in D) are wrong. Choice E is best: the plural verb are is used, and few correctly modifies services.


reduced costs, confidentiality, and a resolution to disputes.

Reduction of costs, confidentiality, and a resolution to disputes.


发表于 2004-5-28 23:48:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-5-29 02:35:00 | 只看该作者


o这里表示一种个体对群体的归属关系.individuals of the same species 强调individual是整个species的一部分. (of也可表示一个物体的属性,这个属性必须是这个物体自身具有的.)

from: 强调来源.当一个东东脱离了它的群体, 我们用from指明这个东东是从哪里来的. 例如sediments from the Baltic Sea, 暗指该sediments已经从Baltic Sea分离出来了.

也不知说对没有. 仅供参考, 也请NN指正.

 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-29 02:55:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用liu_9000在2004-5-29 2:35:00的发言:


from: 强调来源.当一个东东脱离了它的群体, 我们用from指明这个东东是从哪里来的. 例如sediments from the Baltic Sea, 暗指该sediments已经从Baltic Sea分离出来了.

谢谢liu_9000的帮助,这里分离看不出来。OG的解释是:the phrase sediments from the Baltic Sea tells where the sediments originate 是说明sediments的起源。

也不知说对没有. 仅供参考, 也请NN指正.

发表于 2004-5-29 03:30:00 | 只看该作者


Baltic Sea sediments 是不清晰的说法,正如我们可以推测的, 它可能是两种意思: sediments of Baltic Sea 和sediments from Baltic Sea . D选项澄清了这种模糊. 所以在sediments of Baltic Sea 和sediments from Baltic Sea 两种表达中我们选择后者

相反, 如果我们要在sediments of Baltic Sea 和sediments from Baltic Sea中选择, 那么我们就不得不理解题目的逻辑意思: 强调的是一种起源(如果没有分离, 则不会有指明起源的必要), 还是整体中的一部分.


发表于 2004-5-29 11:52:00 | 只看该作者

关于of/from, 同意liu-9000GG的解释, of表明是某个整体的一部分, 而from倾向于强调来源

关于动词演化而来的名词,我自己的做题经验是和动词比,这种名词表动作的感觉差一些,有些意思还有微小差别,ets一般能用动词就少用名词, GG举的这个例子又属于少数派,reduce和acknowledge都用了名词形式,但从做题角度也好理解,一方面C虽然用动词,但subject verb agreement不对,另一方面A中noun is noun的结构也还差强人意. (关于动作性名词纯粹个人想法,gg可千万别当公理,免得我误人子弟,呵呵)

发表于 2004-11-23 22:18:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-10-3 17:46:00 | 只看该作者

24. A common disability in test pilots is hearing impairment, a consequence of sitting too close to large jet engines for long periods of time.

(A) a consequence of sitting too close to large jet engines for long periods of time

(B) a consequence from sitting for long periods of time too near to large jet engines

(C) a consequence which resulted from sitting too close to large jet engines for long periods of time

(D) damaged from sitting too near to large jet engines for long periods of timeA

(E) damaged because they sat too close to large jet engines for long periods of time

Choice A is correct. 


B for long periods of time too near to large jet engines 一个讲位置一个将时间,放在一起修饰engine不如A前后位置好 

C a consequence which resulted which做限制性定语从句引导词,错

D hearing impairment,damaged from逻辑主语不对


对这一题我不太明白,上面的解释是一个G友说的,但是我还是对这一题很糊涂,同时为什么B用  a consequence from就是错的呢??????谢谢。

18. Aging is a property of all animals that reach a fixed size at maturity, and the variations in life spans among different species are far greater as that among individuals from the same species: a fruit fly is ancient at 40 days, a mouse at 3 years, a horse at 30, a man at 100, and some tortoises at 150.

(A) among different species are far greater as that among individuals from

(B) among different species are far greater than that among individuals from

(C) among different species are far greater than those among individuals of

(D) between different species are far more than that between individuals ofC

(E) between different species are greater by far than is that between individuals from

Choice A is incorrect on several grounds: greater as should be greater than, that should be those to agree in number with its referent, variations,
            and from should be of. Choice B amends only the first error. Choice C is the best answer. In D, between is faulty because many more than two species are being considered, more illogically refers to the quantity rather than the size of variations in life span, and that does not agree with variations. Besides including between, that, and from, choice E is needlessly wordy and lacks agreement in verb number. This question is moderately easy.

为什么这里不用from the same species,清楚表现来源??


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-3 18:17:31编辑过]
发表于 2007-12-1 23:20:00 | 只看该作者


findings consistent with...到底是同位语,还是独立主格结构???

我个人偏向于认为是同位语,相当于findings (that are) consistent with...

OG Verbal Review上说findings refers back to
   the scientists' observations. 貌似也是在暗示这是同位语从句.现在的关键就是搞清楚同位语是否能指代一句话,之前看到的例子都是有明显指代物的. 

例:OG11-72,110,114    VerbalReview-16,77


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-1 23:37:49编辑过]
发表于 2008-2-7 14:36:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用liu_9000在2004-5-29 3:30:00的发言:


Baltic Sea sediments 是不清晰的说法,正如我们可以推测的, 它可能是两种意思: sediments of Baltic Sea 和sediments from Baltic Sea . D选项澄清了这种模糊. 所以在sediments of Baltic Sea 和sediments from Baltic Sea 两种表达中我们选择后者

相反, 如果我们要在sediments of Baltic Sea 和sediments from Baltic Sea中选择, 那么我们就不得不理解题目的逻辑意思: 强调的是一种起源(如果没有分离, 则不会有指明起源的必要), 还是整体中的一部分.


强烈支持, 就如薄冰语法讲的一样. 同一个形容词,用作定语时,在不同的上下文中可能有不同的意义,也就是说会引起岐义.


  1   a mad doctor    精神病医生有精神病的医生

  2  a criminal lawyer  刑事律师犯罪的律师.

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