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发表于 2007-5-16 00:32:00 | 只看该作者



* 为了环保没有另开新??话言?吹囊桓鑫赐瓿傻挠锓ㄗ芙崽??谋晏夂湍谌菅赜昧恕?lt;/p>


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-28 22:42:55编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-4 18:19:00 | 只看该作者

1.   The Wallerstein study indicates that even after a decade young men and women still experience some of the effects of a divorce occurring when a child.

(A)    occurring when a child

(B)    occurring when children

(C)   that occurred when a child

(D)   that occurred when they were children

(E)    that has occurred as each was a child

1.        That引导的定语从句修饰和ing格式分词修饰名词的区别(为什么that occurred正确而occurring就不对呢)




现在分词做定语,有三个作用,其一,相当于进行时态表示的正在进行的动作,这个好理解;其二,相当于一般时态所表示的任何时候都能发生的动作,eg:A man living in town rarely sees cows.要注意:做定语的现在分词和谓语动作必须表示相同的时间,否则只能用定语从句,不能用现在分词。eg:I muse find out the child who broke my door.(not breaking my door)如果是最后这一句所示的规则。那么该句使用that occured修饰divorce是非常合理的。(张道真语法的解释)

1  - 白勇语法里此问题的例句及一段解释

In Egypt in the late Palaeolithic period, the climate changed, pastures became deserts, and the inhabitants were forced to withdraw to the land bordering the Nile from their hunting grounds. .

A. inhabitants were forced to withdraw to the land bordering the Nile from their hunting grounds. .

B. inhabitants had been forced to withdraw from their hunting grounds to the land that bordered the Nile

C. inhabitants were forced to withdraw from their hunting grounds to the land bordering the Nile.

D. inhabitants having been forced to, withdraw from their hunting grounds to the land that bordered the Nile

E. inhabitants withdraw, because they are forced to, from their hunting grounds to the land bordering the Nile.

C为正确选项,the land bordering the Nile 合理的逻辑关系应为:后者作为前者的动作具有客观性,多次性和重复性,无明确时间概念,应使用ing形式做定语强调这一逻辑关系,定语从句做定语强调动作的一次性和具体时间下的具体行为。

2  OG10-80

Salt deposits and moisture threaten to destroy the Mohenjo-Daro excavation in Pakistan, the site of an ancient civilization that flourished at the same time as the civilizations in the Nile delta and the river valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates.

A. that flourished at the same time as the civilizations

B. that had flourished at the same time as had the civilizations

C. that flourished at the same time those had

D. flourishing at the same time as those did

E. flourishing at the same time as those were

OG解释flourishing ongoing 的嫌疑。对于过去发生的某个动作,ETS喜欢用that did



A. 限定性修饰, 起限制约束作用:

1.that 引导的定语从句, (that只引导限定性定语从句, 前面不会有逗号)

2.由前面没有逗号的一wh开头的词(who, which...)引导的定语从句,


构成的修饰就是限定性的修饰, 起限制的作用. 就象OG1里的that定语从句. 什么样的divorce? 是发生在when they were children时候的divorce, 而不是所有的divorce. 即限定

B. 非限制性修饰:

1. 由前面有逗号的一wh开头的词(who, which...)引导的定语从句

2.. 由分词短语

构成的修饰就是非限制性修饰, 起解释, 说明的作用. 就象OG1里的divorce, 如果用分词修饰就变成 divorce 的定义(definition) occuring when a child, 即解释, 说明.


1He asks the girls who is in red clothes to form a team.

2He asks the girls with red clothes to form a team.

3He asks the girls, who is in red to form a team.

4He asks the girls, dressing in red clothes to form a team.



不加逗号的定语从句是限定的,加逗号的定语从句是非限定的。 With限定,-ing-ed分词不限定 

2.    用代词they were清楚指代先行词,什么时候该有代词they.,什么时候该省略?



The complete form of choice A is "occurring when (divorce was) a child" . Note:The clause is 'A divorce occured when (it was)a child', the logic subject (which is the subject of the clause) and link verb are omitted. So if you want to restore the omitted part, you have to use the subject of the sentence plus be. It is a rule, so memorize it. Of cource the meaning of this clause is absurd, so A is wrong. Pls refer to 《新编英语语法,章振邦》P1153chapter36,无动词分句。



Choice A incorrectly introduces the when... phrase with occurring, thus illogically making divorce the grammatical referent of when a child;

Divorce occurred when (divorce) a child.

4.   单复数一致, a child,children, 另外Each 指代单数,译为每一个,各自的,与文中的复数不一致)

5.为什么有men and women ,effects children, they 等复数 divorce 却用单数呢.


6.   时态错误.--为什么这里现在完成时错误?什么时候用过去时什么时候用现在完成时?



3)现在完成时可表示持续到现在的动作或状态,动词一般是延续性的,如live, teach, learn, work, study, know. 过去时常用的非持续性动词有come, go, leave, start, die, finish, become, get married等。

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-6 0:34:31编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-4 18:43:00 | 只看该作者

7。When为什么不能取代as, when什么时候可以取代as? When as的区别是什么?when可不可以引到短语?

as 可能强调"随着", 表示伴随动作, 好像还是一个进行中的过程,

.从句动作在主句动作前发生,只用 when
.当主句、从句动作同时进行,从句动作的时间概念淡化,而主要表示主句动作发生的背景或条件时,只能用 as。这时,as常表示随着……”一边……,一边……”之意。

had hardly(=scarcely done sthwhen...=Hardly Scarcely had sbdone sthwhen

只能用when 的句型:


从句是短暂动作:When I got up, I heard the bell ring. 当我起床的时候,我听见铃响了。


1. 表示对立予盾的对比,这时while相当于butI am poor while you are rich.我很穷,你却很富有。 

2. 表示趁着还来得及的时候,赶快.... 趁热打铁.Strike while it is hot. 


属下列情形时,只用as, 而不用whenwhile

A) 用于表示同一个人的两种动作交替进行,"一边……,一边……"。如:

He looked behind from time to time as he went forward.


As children get older, they become more and more interested in the things around them. 


Just as the flying worm hit her face, she gave a loud cry.

D) 后接名词表示某一年龄段时,as。如:

As a young man, he was active in sports. 

as like的区别

1. 表示象...一样时, as接从句, like 接短语
Do everything as I do. 象我一样做。
He is/looks like his mother.

2. as当介词接短语时,表示作为...不是象...一样的意思.like 当动词时,是喜欢的意思,不要搞混为象...
As a League Member,I should take everything in the lead.

While the discussion was still going on, George came in.

There're plenty of rain in the southeast, while there's little in the northeast.
While I admit his good points, I can see his shortcomings.

We can surely overcome these difficulties while we are closely united.
While in
London, he studied music and painting.
作名词用时,主要用于短语中: after a while “过了一会儿”; all the while “一直,始终”; a short / little while ago “刚才”; once in a while “偶尔,间或”; wait / rest(for) a while “ / 休息一会儿.


一、 as作连词的用法:

1. "……的时候",引导时间状语从句。注意与when while的用法区别。(同上)

2. as=since, "既然""由于",引导原因状语从句,常用来表示已为人们所知或显而易见的原因或理由。如:

As / Since you're not feeling well, you may stay at home.

3. as=in the way that, """按照……的方式",引导方式状语从句。如:

He speaks English as Americans do.

4. 用于 so/,前一个as是副词,后一个as是连词,引导比较状语从句。如:

I don't speak English so/ as well as he does. 

5. "虽然""尽管",引导让步状语从句。常用倒装语序,adj. /adv. / n.+ as +主语+谓语+主句。如:

Child as he is, he knows a lot. (child前不用冠词)

二、 as作关系代词,引导定语从句,"正如""这一点"解。如:

He is very careful, as his work shows.

另外,当先行词被the same, such等词修饰时,常用as来引导定语从句。如:

Such a clever boy as he can learn anything quickly. 

三、 as作介词的用法:


As a League member, I'll take the lead in everything. (状语)

She works as a doctor.  (状语)

They have me as one of their own children.(引起宾语补足语)


When still a boy of six, Bob was sent away from home. (章振邦 p1155)




9A of B 结构的修饰问题

--- A of B+that定语,其修饰的主体是B

--- A of B+分词,分词有可能是修饰A ,也有可能是修饰 B


不能把修饰方向作为判断答案标准,可能从其他语法点着手.. A of B结构,除非有主谓一致的提示,不然只能逻辑判断。

*one of Ns thatthat后面的动词用复数

the only one of Ns that that后面的动词用单数

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-4 23:08:20编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-4 22:55:00 | 只看该作者

2. Since 1981, when the farm depression began, the number of acres overseen by professional farm-management companies have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area that is about Colorado's size.

A. have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area that is about Colorado's size

B. have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, about the size of Colorado

C. has grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area about the size of Colorado

D. has grown from 48 million up to nearly 59 million, an area about the size of Colorado's

E. has grown from 48 million up to nearly 59 million, about Colorado's size

1. 主谓一致the number of + 复数名词做主语,后面的动词用单数。Since + 时间,是现在完成时的标志。

2. 简洁:定语从句的省略

a.that做定从中主语,不可省。there is a girl that(who) has green hair..

b that做定从中宾语,可省,也可不省。there is a book (that) you have not read.

c that be/which be引导的定从,能省就省。there is a book (that was) borrowed by mary yesterday.

名词+thatbe+分词/介词等一般没有分词+名词或者名词+介词等的形式简洁;不过还是需要逻辑判断的,如果是名词+that +情态动词+be+分词/介词大多数不要使用上面大额原则,否则意思改变;

* 定语从句的that: 省略 & 宾语从句的that: 不省





from x to y ; 改成 from x up to y 错!

5. 所有格错:

a..双重所有格必错,The A of B’s

b. A 's主要用于表示有生命的东西,另外表示时间(today 's papers)、人组成的集体(government 's policy)、国家城市(Beijing 's parks)、某些机构(hotel 's entrance) 的名词也可用

c. A of B , B 通常为物.但是这一点在 GMAT中不要作为第一位

朗文英语语法(名词-所有格):一般不使 'S与无生命的东西连用。但与地理、机构有关的,可以用 'S / S' of 结构,例如 Amercia's policy, the European Economic Community's exports

下列情况一般用 'S / S':地名+最高级,教会和教堂,和时间有关的,值多少钱,固定说法。例如 New York's tallest skyscraper, St Paul's Church, a day's work, an hour's delay, a month's salary, two days' journey, twenty dollars' worth of gasoline, 固定说法at arm's length, the earth's surface

关于's 这个问题,ETS考的非常灵活, 很多没有生命的都加了, 建议不要把除了双重所有格以外的和's相关的东西作为排除点.

6.        Nearly

nearl否定形式通常用hardly / scarcely / barely 来代替。例如:
I almost / nearly didn't get up in time.

I hardly / scarcely / barely got up in time.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-4 23:43:41编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-6 00:20:00 | 只看该作者

3. Some bat caves, like honeybee hives, have residents that take on different duties such as defending the entrance, acting as sentinels and to sound a warning at the approach of danger, and scouting outside the cave for new food and roosting sites.

A. acting as sentinels and to sound

B. acting as sentinels and sounding

C. to act as sentinels and sound

D. to act as sentinels and to sound

E. to act as a sentinel sounding

1 平行结构:


A.平行结构的形式对称 ==现在分词和不定式不对称。

B.  平行结构可以有多个层次,此处就是  such as A, B1 and B2, and C1.  其中 A,B,C大平行, B1 and B2;  是小平行。

2  单复数一致

Residents that … acting as + 复数名词对应,表示同一内涵的对象单复数一致。

3 保持原句意思


4 Such as / Like 用法:

A like B.      A B是同类的事物进行比较。

Asuch as B , C          B 和C是对A所包含事物的列举。

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-6 0:27:34编辑过]
发表于 2007-8-6 15:29:00 | 只看该作者

楼主MM辛苦了 顶一下

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-6 17:03:00 | 只看该作者

4. The only way for growers to salvage frozen citrus is to process them quickly into juice concentrate before they rot when warmer weather returns.

A. to process them quickly into juice concentrate before they rot when warmer weather returns

B. if they are quickly processed into juice concen­trate before warmer weather returns to rot them

C. for them to be processed quickly into juice concentrate before the fruit rots when warmer weather returns

D. if the fruit is quickly processed into juice concen­trate before they rot when warmer weather returns

E. to have it quickly processed into juice concentrate before warmer weather returns and rots the fruit

1. 平行结构:平行结构的形式对称  the only way to … is to …

2 单复数一致:代词要和他指代的名词的数一致。 Them/it 的选择

Citrus 单复数都可以,这里用单数,因为指一类

it is better to use the singular in referring to an anatomical feature common to an entire species;这是etsog167

3 代词正确答案的标志:当前面有多个名词可以指代的时候,通常补出概括性的名词来去掉代词,防止歧义。

4.句子逻辑意思: when 引导的时间状语从句只强调动作发生的时间上的同步,没有强调因果的意思。表示因果/目的,可以用不定式。A and B A/B 是两个连续的动作的时候,可以存在强调因果的意思在。   

5   习惯用法Before / after …. When 连用不符合语言习惯

6Rot 的用法 既可以是及物动词又可以是不及物动词

6Rot 的用法 既可以是及物动词又可以是不及物动词

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-6 17:05:49编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-6 17:03:00 | 只看该作者

5. Carbon-14 dating reveals that the megalithic monu­ments in Brittany are nearly 2,000 years as old as any of their supposed Mediterranean predecessors.

A. as old as any of their supposed

B. older than any of their supposed

C. as old as their supposed

D. older than any of their supposedly

E. as old as their supposedly


A more than B or  A as + adj+ as B. as.. as 结构的平行问题)A as + adj+ as B 的形式中, A/B 要是同类而且对称的。逻辑意思决定选择比较结构:2000 years Mediterranean predecessors. 不对等,不能用 as old

nearly predecessor 都暗示此处要选择 more .. than结构

如果要表示对等,应该是A is nearly 2000 years old, as old as any of ….

这道题用比较级的关键在于划线部分前面是2,000 years ,如果不是比较级,前面不能放 2.000 years

2 修饰:形容词修饰名词性短语, 副词修饰动词/形容词, Mediterranean predecessors. 是名词性短语,用形容词修饰

3. 保持原句意思平行结构改成分词修饰结构会改变原句的意思。

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-6 18:23:28编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-7 19:15:00 | 只看该作者

6. In virtually all types of tissue in every animal species, dioxin induces the production of enzymes that are the organism's trying to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical that is irritating it.

A. trying to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical that is irritating it

B. trying that it metabolize, or render harmless, the . chemical irritant

C. attempt to try to metabolize, or render harmless, such a chemical irritant

D. attempt to try and metabolize, or render harm­less, the chemical irritating it

E. attempt to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritant

1.       抽象名词优于动名词做名词性结构----所有格的宾语。

Attempt 好于 trying 做所有格的宾语。动名词强调动作本身,抽象名词强调对应动作的结果。

2.  并列结构:

A  is  B 结构中, A/B 要平行。enzymes that are the organism's trying结构中 enzymes 要和 are 后面的成分对等,即名词 are 名词此时宾语不能用动名词)

3. 特殊结构:

OG 解释The phrase the chemical irritant is also the most concise and precise conclusion for the sentence because it clearly refers to the dioxin mentioned earlier.

In virtually all types of tissue in every animal species, dioxin induces the production of enzymes that are the organism's attemptattempt to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritant

render harmless, the chemical irritant   ==render the chemical irritant harmless 宾语放在后面。render为"使得"的意思(后接受词+受词补语 )

chemical irritant->dioxin(受词, O.)


4. virtually modifies all 而不是修饰 all types of  tissue

5.   简洁: attempt to try 不简洁

5.   简洁: attempt to try 不简洁

6  词法 try + that … 结构错误, try to do sth.

7.  主语和宾语的数的一致:宾语为具体名词时,通常要求主语和宾语数的一致。宾语为抽象名词时,主语和宾语的数可以不一致。enzymes that are the organism's attempt    Attempt 此处表示抽象的动作,可以用单数。

7.  主语和宾语的数的一致:宾语为具体名词时,通常要求主语和宾语数的一致。宾语为抽象名词时,主语和宾语的数可以不一致。enzymes that are the organism's attempt    Attempt 此处表示抽象的动作,可以用单数。


注意主考点就好了,OGSC每一题都有明显的主要的考点,根据这些考点很快就可以把题做出来。ETS绝对不会单考某一个小小的单复数的考点,并且将这个考点作为主要解题依据的。偶们是为了拿分而复习的,这些小细节放过吧。P.S.我总结下来,考单复数的题无非两种考法:1 主谓搭配 2 指代。本题两者皆不是,不要太在意。所以本答案原句为: attempt to metabolize, or render the chemical irritant harmless

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-7 19:21:39编辑过]
发表于 2007-8-7 19:20:00 | 只看该作者

Elina 辛苦了!


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