require作为“要求,必需”有以下几种用法 举例说明A,要求B,做C这个事 A一般是某个人,某条法律,某个规定等等 B一般是有自主判断能力的行为主体,如个人,企业等 C一般是某个动作或者状态,或者事物 require一共可以有以下三种表达方式 A require B to do C A require of B that C (should) be done A require that B (should) do C 以上是常见的几种主动表达方式,一般不会搞混。但OG-181用了下面一个很特殊的表达方式,请注意,其实是以上的意思被动表达方式。 C is required of B to do A 在这里需要做的事物C做为句子主语,用被动语态的方式表达出来,而A作为事物C的目的,而不再是require的要求了。可以说to do A 是不定式做句子的补语,表示目的。此时就没有require用法的限制了。 OG-181原题为: Because of the enormous research and development expenditures required of firms to survive in the electronics industry, an industry marked by rapid innovation and volatile demand, such firms tend to be very large. 其实就是:C is required of B to do A 即: To have the enormous research and development expenditures is required of firms to survive in the electronics industry. 用其他的方式改写,还可以是: To survive in the electronics industry(A) requires firms (B) to have the enormous research and development expenditures(C)..... 或者 Firms are required to have the enormous research and development expenditures to survive in the electronics industry... 即 B is required that C (should) be done by A B is required to do C by A 以此类推,这句话我可以用多种表达方式,主动或者被动的,明白句子的意思是关键。否则知道规律也是白费。所以做语法题,尽量要弄清楚句子意思,可以确保不会被GMAT用定式和规律绕进去。
建议加精华贴吧,老看到有人问require的用法。 |