以下是引用benl在2008-5-1 22:53:00的发言:我本科211, 专业海洋工程, 有在知名教育机构两年半的兼职教师经历 why? why from ocean engineering jumped into education? why ocean engineering and why teaching? why part-time? 以下是引用benl在2008-5-1 22:53:00的发言:后对财会金融萌生兴趣 why? need the specific logic and motivation 以下是引用benl在2008-5-1 22:53:00的发言:申请英国lancaster, 未果, 决定明年走北美,因为英国院校有些不要全职工作经历, 转到北美发现好学校要求有牛B工作经历。 why you don't have full time experience? and why MBA? need to find out several things what exactly do you want to do for your career? what's the relevance and irreplaceability for this career direction? what the relationship among your 3 career drivers: passion, personality, and professional? and where is your leadership? that's the soul of MBA but only after you can prove your own one then the school will grant you theirs |