以下是引用lshlcc在2008-3-23 22:04:00的发言:取决于学校拉,经济再差,HBS,wharton等学校的学生还是找得到工作 如果学校不是那么好,就要考虑下了。不过前几年经济好的时候,排名不是那么靠前的MBA毕业生还是要回国工作。 on the other hand, no matter how hot the economy is graduates from these top of the tops can still get no jobs and don't overreact to only one merger of course it's a major one and has some chain reaction but it won't crash the world it's only one gazilla the main issue is not about risk and economy it's about why do you need this degree and what capabilities can you obtain "by yourself" the economy won't exploit your job, but yourself will |