albert We should choose a business school that suits our interest and career goal best. wyxgeorge When I tried to choose a business school, I not only cared about its reputaion,ranking and location, but also investigated its focus and learning style. I wanted to make sure I would get what I want in an effective way. I have a science background and have been working in hi-tech industry for years, and I hope to continue to work in this area so I chose Queen's. Additionally, I thought the supportive learning team would be very helpful in improving my language skills and learning about other culture. While York, Ivey, Rotman, and Queen's are all top business schools in Canada, they are so different that you might make a wrong decision if you don't really know about these schools. You will know which one is best for you only if you visit those schools and talk to students. stradale 有的时候承担一点风险也是必要的,哪怕回来之后要蛰伏几年我也认了, 毕竟这是一个世界级水平的课程,一生有几次机会能站到这样的高度啊. 无论如何都要抓住这个机会证明一下自己的能力,至于就业是以后的事情 zealousw 其实每个program都有自己的特点,最好多参见一些information session.对于学校的了解会更加深刻的体会,学校的特点,你现在的特长,你的目标,这些因素综合起来才能够找到你理想的学校。 hohoo 地点重要还是排名重要。一般地点是首选,但是学校非常不错,就当别论,因为学校的声誉已经可以弥补地理位置的缺陷。 babyface 读MBA值不值得本来就是因人而异的。你的心目中期望MBA能给你个方面带来得腾飞是多少?如果Darden能达到你期望的目标,你是否愿意投资这些钱去达到你的目标呢?所以,结论只能你自己下。读MBA的人,多少是为了一个梦想而去的。如果真正地变得现实了,或许就不会去读了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-7 5:49:55编辑过] |