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发表于 2004-11-6 17:24:00 | 只看该作者


As Kellogg first year Chinese students, we would like to help you
understand more about our program, our culture, and our people. We
would also try to answer any questions you may have about the

发表于 2004-11-6 19:21:00 | 只看该作者

How many grads will go back to China or Asia? How many students are from Mainland China? What's the largest distinction Kellogg is holding from other top B-Schools? I found at Tuck, Chinese students rarely got involved in the class discussions or often got intercepted by fast-mouth American students. How about Chinese at Kellogg?

Thanks in advance.

 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-7 05:42:00 | 只看该作者
Every year, there are a couple of Chinese students going back to work in mainland
or HongKong. The number of entering students holding PRC passport
ranges from 10 to 30 from year to year, there are also many Chinese
Americans in the class.

Most Chinese students here are very
active in class discussions as well as extracurricular activities. We
participate and lead in various Kellogg clubs. There is a good balance
of study and party here.

One thing that sets Kellogg apart from
the peer schools is our focus on developing students' soft skills. I am
not saying technical training is not important, but it's clear that more
and more enterprises are looking for people who can work in a team, who
can communicate well.It's not surprised to know that almost all Kellogg students who wanted to
do investment banking got an offer. This is not all because of the
supply-demand here, most importantly, bankers love people who can
communicate well,that's the key of their business.

Other than
the strong marketing program, Kellog is especially good at general
management and finance. Almost 10% of class 2004 went to McKinsey.

I strongly encourage all of you to apply for Kellogg, the best place for your MBA education. We are all here to support you
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-7 6:12:52编辑过]
发表于 2004-11-7 05:59:00 | 只看该作者

wowowo, 强贴啊


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-7 6:00:09编辑过]
发表于 2004-11-7 06:01:00 | 只看该作者

Dear KelloggChinese:

Thanks for your insightful info. I've submitted my application in the first round and am waiting for feedback. I wish to pursue a Wall Street career as an analyst or fund manager. How about Kellogg's strength in finance area? I found Business Week likes Kellogg so much and keeps rating it on the top. I paid a direct visit to Kellogg in April and talked with a second-year Hong Kong girl. She told me that about half of Chinese will go back to the greater China area and half work in North America. I found UChicago has the same ratio for international students. Have you guys faced practical training card application problem or something?

Thanks for your help and precious time.

Best Regards,

 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-7 06:34:00 | 只看该作者
To Pumpkin: It really depends. Quality is definitely more important than
quantity. This year, working experience of Chinese students rangesfrom
4 to 8 years. Averge is probably 5 to 6.

To vagabond: When I
first came to Kellogg, people told me the biggest secret of Kellogg is
its finance program. It's probably the best top B-school to find a
I-banking job. All major banks come to recruit at Kellogg every year. As
I said, almost all who want to do I-banking can get an offer. There is a
banking trip to Wall Street during the winter break, many students who
want to do I-banking will go to meet the WallSt. bankers.

visa sponsorships are all routine works, people do it every year,so
there really isn't anything new or special. Although it's always tough
for international students to find jobs in US, you have a better chance
by attending a more recognized school.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-7 6:37:01编辑过]
发表于 2004-11-7 06:56:00 | 只看该作者

To Pumpkin: It really depends. Quality is definitely more important than
quantity. This year, working experience of Chinese students rangesfrom
4 to 8 years. Averge is probably 5 to 6.

我嘛, 因为个人家庭原因, 毕业了4年,工作时间不到3年。 现在还在失业中:)F2陪读。

是有朋友和我说过让我申请K。 我申请TUCK那个DIVERSITY PROGRAM已经收到邀请了。 他帮我分析说, 如果我被邀请, 说明我工作的背景大致已经被认可了。 我真的不知道:(

发表于 2004-11-7 10:25:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2004-11-7 12:46:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用kelloggchinese在2004-11-7 6:34:00的发言:
To Pumpkin: It really depends. Quality is definitely more important than
quantity. This year, working experience of Chinese students rangesfrom
4 to 8 years. Averge is probably 5 to 6.

I've worked for 11 years, do you have any Chinese classmates have longer working experience than mine? Is my long working experience against me?

发表于 2004-11-7 15:43:00 | 只看该作者
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